Mejico Maxico
MeJico maxico is a collection of images taken by Photographer Hoyningen-Huene that represent the mexican landscape, archeology and colonial art all three indepesible part of the countrys heritage.
Pyramid of the moon, Teotihuacรกn Culture. Teotihucรกn. State of Mexico
Detail of serpent head, Temple of Quetzalcoatl. Teotihucรกn. State of Mexico
Details of the principal pyramids at the Xochicalco, . State of Morelos
Irapueato, State of Guanajuato was one of the weathiest cities in mexico in colonial times
A bright colored mexican marionet is often a mexican folktale in miniature
Pyramid of the moon, Teotihuacรกn Culture. Teotihucรกn. state of mexico
Beking a bull State of Michoacan
Danza de los voladores, is held each spring in Papantla. State of Veracuz
Danzers perform in honor of la Virgen de los remedios
Maricahis at plaza of the Mariachi in Guadalajara. State of Jalisco.
Ritual music for the voladores. State of Veracruz