9 minute read

Welcome to the Healthier Sheringham directory

Sheringham is a town blessed with 300+ organisations providing an incredible level of support, helping to improve our quality of life, health and wellbeing. Many in our community are unaware of what is available within Sheringham, so Healthier Sheringham was developed to bring these organisations closer together to build a more resilient and healthier community.

This community directory is a Healthier Sheringham Partnership project, which collates this information and mirrors the community connectors page and interactive map on the NNDC website (this should always have the latest information as it can be amended via the community connectors page at NNDC).


The directory is split into 2 sections:

• Practical support that can help prevent a crisis by keeping well and independent

• Information about activities and societies to keep everyone connected and active in Sheringham, both as a participant or as a (always welcome) volunteer

Entries marked with a V need volunteers to run. Please contact the organisation if you can help If funding is obtained, this directory will be updated annually

Need help in a Crisis?

Aylsham Rest Hub - Norfolk and Waveney MIND - Red Lion Street Aylsham NR11 6ER Day Time Hub is open to everyone aged 18+ who require wellbeing support either be via walk-in, professional referral or by calling 111 Mental Health Option. At the Hub, we provide 1-2-1 & group support sessions to help individuals through their recovery journey. Evening Sanctuary - Opening Times – 6:30pm – 12am (Monday, Wednesday & Friday) The Evening Sanctuary provides crisis support at those periods of time when most people could be going through difficulties alone. We offer referral and appointment only sessions between 6:30pm – 12am. The sessions are provided by trained Intensive Crisis Workers that will listen and provide relevant support with a follow up appointment from the Day Time Hub. Ensuring every individual can access quick, effective, holistic and non-clinical support.

Early intervention team - Housing/homelessness - 01263 513811 - NNDC Holt road Cromer NR27 6EN

Parish Nurse - Sheringham Medial Practice Team member based at Salvation Army - 10am-4pm (unstaffed) nia.heycocks@salvationarmy.org

Report an adult safeguarding concern - 0344 800 8020 - In an emergency dial 999 - January - March 11am-1pm

April - December 11am-4pm - www.norfolk.gov.uk/care-support-and-health/protecting-someone-from-harm

Report a child safeguarding concern - 0344 800 8020 - In an emergency dial 999 www.norfolk.gov.uk/children-and-families/keeping-children-safe

Sheringham Community Support - Good Neighbour Network - 07423 677 192 - cssheringham@gmail.com

Social Care Emergency Team - 0344 800 8020 www.norfolk.gov.uk/what-we-do-and-how-we-work/have-your-say/contact-norfolk-county-council

Social Prescribing Team - self referral - 01263 516353 - NNDC Holt Road, Cromer NR27 6EN www.north-norfolk.gov.uk (search ‘Help Hub’)

Swift - 24 hour emergency falls service - 0344 800 8020 and select option 1 - www.norfolk.gov.uk

Cromer Hospital Minor Injuries Unit - walk in service for non-critical or life-threatening injuries - 01263 513571

Mill Road, Cromer NR27 0BQ

Sheringham Medical Practice - out of hours - 01263 820505

Domestic Abuse information

If you are in danger, or you think someone else is, dial 999

If you can’t speak safely dial +55 when prompted

Norfolk Integrated Domestic Abuse Service NIDAS - 03005 610 555 - www.nidasnorfolk.co.uk

Pandora Project - emotional and practical support to women affected by domestic abuse in Norfolk www.pandoraproject.org.uk

Boots and Lloyd Chemist - Walk in and ask for Ani - you will be taken to a safe space.

Sheringham Community Support - SCS cssheringham@gmail.com 07905 292 897

National domestic Abuse Helpline - 08082 000 247 www.nationaldahelpline.org

Women’s Aid - www.womensaid.org.uk

Respect Men’s Advice Line - 0808 8010327 - www.menssadviceline.org.uk

Please don’t turn a blind eye if you think someone needs help!

Dementia Support

V Sheringham Dementia Friendly Community - Tel: Liz on 07905 292 897 for advice and support - Dementia Friends sessions - Business/Community Groups - Dementia awareness sessions and building audits - secretarysdfc@gmail.com

FBSheringham Dementia Friendly community

V Age Concern North Norfolk -Day Care Centre - 01263 821188 - 9.30-3.00 - Lunch Club 12noon-2pm - Meals on Heels- hot meal delivery - Bathing Service Tuesday to Friday Cremer Street - www.ageconcernnorthnorfolk.co.uk enquiries@ageconcernnorthnorfolk.co.uk

V Monday Cuppa - 10-12pm Monday - St. Peters Church, Church Street

V Do Drop in Café - 10am-4pm Tuesday - includes light lunch and activities - St. Andrew’s Methodist Church Cromer Road - admin@sheringhammethodist.org.uk

V St. Andrews Lunch Club - 11am-1pm Wednesdays - St. Andrew’s Methodist Church Cromer Road admin@sheringhammethodist.org.uk

V Open door coffee and support - 01263 826059 - 10am-12noon Monday - sheringham@salvationarmy.org.uk

V Carer Support Group – Salvation Army - 01263 826059 - sheringham@salvationarmy.org.uk

V Playing For Cake - Interactive music sessions - 1.30-3pm Wednesday - Sheringham Community Centre

Holt and District Dementia Support

V General enquiries - 07760 462 693 - admin@holtdementiasupport.org.uk - www.holtdementiasupport.org.uk

V Poppy Café – Drop in Café - 10.30am-12.30pm Monday and Tuesday - St. Andrews Church Hall Holt

V Poppy Lunch - 12.15pm - First Thursday of the month - Holt Parish Hall NR25 6BB - lee.poppyc@gmail.com

V Poppy Friends Carer Support Group - 01263 711870 /07471 903 023 - 1pm - Last Friday of the month

Treehouse Café Charles Road Holt NR25 6DA helenbanham@gmail.com

Norfolk and Waveney Dementia Support

Dementia Support Service Norfolk and Waveney - 01603 763556 - 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday (answerphone outside these times) - one-to-one dementia support with an experienced Dementia Advisor - norfolk@alzheimers.org.uk

Day to Day support & advice

Adult support

Adult Learning - Lip reading - 01263 822213 - 10am-12noon Thursday - (Room 6) - Sheringham Community Centre, Holway Rd - sheringhamtowncouncil.gov.uk

Age UK Advice - 01603 774777 - 10am-12noon - third Thursday of the month - Sheringham Library New Road lib.events@norfolk.gov.uk

Age Concern North Norfolk - Meals on Heels (Home Food Delivery) - 01263 821188 - Cremer St enquiries@ageconcernnorthnorfolk.co.uk - www.ageconcernnorthnorfolk.co.uk

V Age Concern North Norfolk Day Care Centre - 01263 821188 - 9:30am-3pm or 10am-4pm

Cremer St - enquiries@ageconcernnorthnorfolk.co.uk - www.ageconcernnorthnorfolk.co.uk

Autism friendly afternoon - 01603 774777- 4pm-6pm forth Friday of the month - Sheringham Library lib.events@norfolk.gov.uk

Befrienders Support Group - 01263 825516 - 12noon-3pm Monday - YESU, Sheringham, High St mail@yesu.co.uk - www.yesu.co.uk

Bereavement Care Support Group - 01263 826059 - 10am Friday - The Salvation Army, Cremer Street sheringham@salvationarmy.org.uk - www.salvationarmy.org.uk/sheringham

Breathe Easy - 01263 710585 - second Friday of the month 1.30pm - 2.30pm - Sheringham Community Centre Holway Rd - clair.proffit@nchc.nhs.uk

Change, grow, Live - Alcohol and drugs advice - 01603 514096 - appointments available at Sheringham Community Centre, Holway Rd - www.changegrowlive.org

Community Connector - 01263 516811 - jenna.bedwell@north-norfolk@gov.uk - social.prescribing@north-norfolk.gov.uk

Dementia Support - see p2

V Do-Drop in Community Cafe - 01263 822 485 - 11am-1pm Tuesday (with Light lunch 12noon -1pm) Sunday Lunch once a month - St Andrews Methodist Church, Cromer Road - admin@sheringhammethodist.org.uk sheringhammethodist.org.uk

Equal Lives - Disability rights organisation - 01263 825516 - YESU, Sheringham, 15 High St - 12noon-3pm mail@yesu.co.uk

V Family Food Fridays - 07788 232 468 - 5pm-7pm every other Friday (please check website for dates) familyfood@lighthousesheringham.org- Lighthouse, Cromer Rd - lighthousesheringham.org

Grassroots Ante Natal and post natal support - 07917 774 277 - cazsayles@cazsayles.co.uk - St. Peters Church Hall www.cazsayles.co.uk

Help Hub - NNDC - 01263 516353 - 10am-5pm - NNDC Holt road Cromer - www.north-norfolk.gov.uk

NNDC Holt road Cromer - www.north-norfolk.gov.uk/tasks/your-community/community-connectors

Hearing aid Repairs - Hear for Norfolk - 01606 404440 - NDA@Hearfor Norfolk.org.uk - www.norfolkdeaf.org.uk

V Meet and Eat - 01263 825155 -12:15pm Thursday (prior book by 1pm the previous day) - Lighthouse Cromer Rd office@lighthousesheringham.org - www.lighthousesheringham.org

North Norfolk community transport - 01692 500840 - info@nnct.org.uk - www.nnct.org.uk

V Open Door - 01263 826059 - sheringham@salvationarmy.org.uk - 10am Thursday - The Salvation Army, Cremer St www.salvationarmy.org.uk/sheringham

Parish Nurse - Sheringham Medial Practice Team member based at Salvation Army - 10am-4pm (unstaffed) nia.heycocks@salvationarmy.org

The Royal British Legion Sheringham & District branch - 01263 588840 - 7:30pm first Monday of the month (2nd Monday if this falls on a bank holiday) - The Tyneside Club, 95 Station Road - info@sheringhamrbl.co.uk

V Salvation Army Community food Club - 01263 826059 - 12noon-3pm - The Salvation Army, Cremer Street www.salvationarmy.org.uk/sheringham

V Salvation Army Foodbank - 01263 826059 - 10am-12noon (appointment often required - please enquire)

The Salvation Army, Cremer Street - www.salvationarmy.org.uk/sheringham - sheringham@salvationarmy.org.uk

V Sheringham Community Support - Good Neighbour Network - 07423 677 192 - cssheringham@gmail.com

Sheringham Dementia Friendly Community (SDFC) - 07905 292 897 - secretarysdfc@gmail.com

Lighthouse, Cromer Rd - sheringhamtowncouncil.gov.uk/sheringham-dementia-friendly-community-sdfc

V Sheringham Little Theatre Hub - 01263 822347 - 10am-3pm Monday Saturday (also open 1 hour before each performance) - Sheringham Little Theatre, 2 Station Road - sheringhamlittletheatre.com

Day to Day support & advice continued

Adult support

Sheringham Medical Practice - 01263 822066 - 8am - 6.30pm (closed 1pm-2pm Wed) Cromer Rd

V Sheringham Shed workshop- CAP Life Skills - 01263 820050 - 12.30pm Tuesday - Wyndham St office@sheringhamshed.org - sheringhamshed.org

Sheringham Stroke Support Group - 01263 822485 - 2:15pm-4pm fortnightly Wednesdays

St Andrews Methodist Church, Sheringham - sheringhammethodist.org.uk - admin@sheringhammethodist.org.uk

Solo Link - 01263 826896 - 10am every other Saturday - The Salvation Army, Cremer Street sheringham@salvationarmy.org.uk - www.salvationarmy.org.uk/sheringham

Sustainable Saturday - 01263 823222 - Cremer Street Sheringham - clerksnandwam@gmail.com www.norfolkandwaveneyquakers.org/sheringham-meeting

V ThreadBear Children’s charity Shop - Pre-loved stuff for kids - 01263 825155 - 10.30am-2.30pm Tuesday-Friday Lighthouse, Cromer Rd - office@lighthousesheringham.org- lighthousesheringham.org

V The Trussell Trust Food bank - 07826 376 343 - 1:30pm-3:30pm - Roman Catholic Church Hall, 58 Cromer Road info@northnorfolk.foodbank.org.uk- northnorfolk.foodbank.org.uk

V North Norfolk District Foodbank (Trussell Trust) - 07826 376 343 - office 9am until 3pm warehouse 9am - noon (mon-fri) - Cromer Methodist Church Hall, West St, Cromer NR27 9DT - info@northnorfolk.foodbank.org.uk northnorfolk.foodbank.org

V Yesu Community Café - 01263 825516 - 10.30am - 3.30pm Tues - Fri (school holidays only) - YESU, 15 High St www.yesu.co.uk - mail@yesu.co.uk

V Yesu Community Fridge - 07752 275 086 - 10.30am-3.30pm Tuesday-Friday - YESU, 15 High St - sadie@yesu.co.uk www.yesu.co.uk

Support for children & young people

Breastfeeding cafe - 01263 825516 - breastfeeding support advisors on hand - 1pm-2:30pm (term time) - YESU, 15 High St - mail@yesu.co.uk

Cook Stars NN - 01443 704267 - 3:30pm-5:30pm Thursdays - Sheringham Community Centre, Holway Rd enquiries@cookstars.co.uk - www.cookstars.co.uk/north-norfolk

V Family Food Fridays - 07788 232 468 - 5pm-7pm every other Friday (check website for dates) familyfood@lighthousesheringham.org - Lighthouse, Cromer Rd - lighthousesheringham.org

Grassroots Ante Natal and post natal support - 07917 774 277 - 1pm-3pm Thursdays - St. Peters Church Hall cazsayles@cazsayles.co.uk - - www.cazsayles.co.uk

Sling Library - loan of slings and carriers - advice and information on babywearing - 01603 774777 9:45am every forth Tuesday & third Sunday of the month - Sheringham Library, New Road - lib.events@norfolk.gov.uk

V ThreadBear Children’s charity Shop - Pre-loved stuff for kids - 01263 825155 - 10.30am-2.30pm Tuesday-Friday Lighthouse, Cromer Rd - office@lighthousesheringham.org- lighthousesheringham.org

Financial Support - money Support Services in Norfolk

Apply for Housing benefit or council Tax Support - 01263 516349 - NNDC Holt Road benefits@north-norfolk.gov.uk

Apply for Universal Credit - 01263 516349 - NNDC Holt Road - benefits@north-norfolk.gov.uk

Charity of Lillian Armitage - helping ‘needy and infirm’ older women - 01603 626024 - 8am-6pm info@lilianarmitage.org - www.lilianarmitage.org

Money Support Services - 01603 223392 - www.morfolk.gov.uk (search ‘Money Support Service’)

NNDC Financial support information - Cost of living help - NNDC Holt Road Cromer - north-norfolk.gov.uk

Norfolk Assistance Scheme - helping people in financial hardship – 03448 008020 - Norfolk County Council, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich - www.norfolk.gov.uk

Phone or Internet bills - Help & advice at Sheringham Library - Pop in for help & advice - Sheringham Library, New Rd libraries.iconnect@norfolk.gov.uk - www.ofcom.org.uk (search social tariffs)

Poors and Ploughlet Charitable Trust - helping local families and individuals in need - info@sheringhampoors.org.uk www.sheringhampoors.org.ukfriendlies

Step Change Debt Charity - 0800 138 1111 - www.stepchange.org

Warm homes Grant - 01603 430 103 - norfolkwarmhomes.org.uk

Council Services

Sheringham Town Council (STC)

Representing the local community; delivering services to meet local needs - 01263 822213 - Community Centre Holway Road - info@sheringham town council.gov.uk - sheringhamtowncouncil.gov.uk

North Norfolk District Council (NNDC)

Fly tipping - 01263 516085 Holt Road Cromer - https://www.north-norfolk.gov.uk - ep@north-norfolk.gov.uk

Assisted Bin Delivery - 01263 516189 - Holt Road, Cromer - cleansing@north-norfolk.gov.uk www.north-norfolk.gov.uk

Missed bins - 03301 099 220 - Holt Road, Cromer - norfolkwaste@serco.com - www.north-norfolk.gov.uk

Order a new bin - 03301 099 220 - Holt Road, Cromer - Holt Road, Cromer - norfolkwaste@serco.com www.north-norfolk.gov.uk

Norfolk County Council (NCC)

Highways emergency out-of-hours – 03448 008 009 - Text relay: 18001 0344 800 8020 - Norfolk County Council, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich - highways@norfolk.gov.uk

Highways report a problem - 03448 008 009 - Text relay: 18001 0344 800 8020 - Norfolk County Council, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich - highways@norfolk.gov.uk

Planned roadworks - 03448 008 020 - Norfolk County Council, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich www.norfolk.gov.uk - www.one.network

Community Organisations

V Beeston Common Management Group - 01263 822213 - Phone in an emergency - hon.warden@btinternet.com www.beestoncommon.org.uk

Experience Sheringham - everything you need to know about Sheringham - experiencesheringham.com Library - Sheringham Library - opening hours vary; normally 8am-7pm (staffed 10am-7pm) but please check Sheringham Library, New Road - towncouncil.gov.uk/Sheringham -library

V Patient Participation Group Sheringham Medical Practice - 01263 820505 - Sheringham Medical Practice Cromer Road sheringhammedical.nhs.uk

V RNLI Sheringham Lifeboat station - 01263 823212 - The Promenade, Sheringham - brianjfarrow@gmail.com rnli.org/find-my-nearest/lifeboat-stations

V The Salvation Army - 01263 826059 - Cremer Street - www.salvationarmy.org.uk/sheringham

V The Royal British Legion Sheringham & District branch - 01263 588840 - 7:30pm first Monday of the month (2nd Monday if this falls on a bank holiday) - The Tyneside Club, 95 Station Road - info@sheringhamrbl.co.uk

V Sheringham Carnival - Volunteers committed to keeping Sheringham vibrant all year round secretary@sheringhamcarnival.com

V Sheringham Coastguard - area7@mcga.gov.uk - Sheringham Coast - sheringhamtowncouncil.gov.uk/coastguards

V Sheringham Coast Watch - 01263 821200 - Sheringham Golf Club, Sweetbriar Lane enquiries@sheringhamcoastwatch.org.uk - sheringhamcoastwatch.org.uk

Sheringham Dementia Friendly Community (SDFC) - 07905 292 897 - secretarysdfc@gmail.com

Lighthouse, Cromer Rd - sheringhamtowncouncil.gov.uk/sheringham-dementia-friendly-community-sdfc

Sheringham and Cromer Round Table (men’s club) - Sabn541@gmail.com - rt149.co.uk

Sheringham Shed - men’s peer support group - 07824 366 631 - Wyndham Street

Town Twinning Assocation Muzilac - Sheringham - smta.general@gmail.com - www.Sheringham-muzillac.co.uk

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