October 2017 Issue - Vista View

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Award Winning Newsletter

l E xc e l e n c

i cat i on




October 2017 Newsletter

n C o mm

Welcome, RVUCOM-CO Class of 2021

Page 4

Inside: Cleaning Up at Service Day

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Creating Your Future: Welcome, MSBS Class of 2018

RVUCOM-SU Celebrates Opening with Ribbon Cutting

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Students in the Rural and Wilderness Medicine Track celebrate at the end of disaster training in Baggs, Wyoming

Table of Contents Welcome, RVUCOM-CO Class of 2021!


Get to Know the RVU Staff: Jessica Mess


Welcome, MSBS Class of 2018!


Campus Tidbits


Honoring the Work and Innovation of Faculty and Staff


Achieving New Heights


RVUCOM Establishes New Chapter of Gold Humanism Honor Society


AMA House of Delegates Update


Welcome to Our New Faculty and Staff



Rural and Wilderness Track Returns to Baggs, WY


RVU, Sky Ridge Medical Center, and South Metro Fire Rescue Team Up for Disaster Drill


Sky Ridge Internal Medicine Residents Graduate


Promotions and Appointments


Special Insert: RVUCOM-SU Celebrates Opening with Ribbon Cutting


Letter from RVU Alumni Association President


Achievements and Milestones of RVU's Alumni


Rocky Vista University Strategic Plan Overview


Getting to Know RVU at Orientation


RVUCOM-SU Hosts Community Open House

Want to see even more photos from each RVU event? Visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/RockyVistaUniversity!


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The A.T. Still Memorial Lecture by Clinton E. Adams, DO, FACHE, President and CEO

The osteopathic profession truly humbled me by offering the opportunity to address the annual meeting of the House of Delegates. This honor is usually reserved for past presidents of the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) but, apparently, even an old Navy sailor is asked his opinion. I reviewed a bit of osteopathic history including A.T. Still’s military service, proprietary medical schools in the last century, and, most importantly, the evolution of the Single Accreditation System’s (SAS) progress toward embracing osteopathic residencies and philosophy. My theme centered around how some things change yet remain the same (think Harry Chapin’s song, "Cats in the Cradle"...). I wanted to remind the profession that, at every juncture when osteopathic practice was challenged, the profession responded by emerging stronger and better. Consequently, I provided the following challenges that face the profession and require us to not only respond but to emerge stronger and better. • Assure the transition of our remaining residencies into the SAS—we are behind but not too late.

• Assure the continuing trend of both osteopathic and allopathic residencies within the SAS to gain osteopathic recognition (particularly with our primary care residencies) and to remain committed to our principles and philosophy. Remember: the first degree given by the American School of Osteopathy was to William Smith, MD, who taught anatomy and extended Still’s vision of the osteopathic possibility. We have a great opportunity here and it is ours to lose. • Challenge the Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA) on its new accreditation standards to substantially improve the rigor and accountability of the third-year core rotations and give meaning to the fourth year, if our students are to remain competitive and continue to match to their first-choice residency. • Eliminate pettiness and insecurity: a member of our osteopathic academic family has proposed, via their congressmen in this 115th Congress of the United States, HR 2373, to amend Title 18 of the Social Security Act to require a Continued on page 21

"This is the Place"

by Thomas N. Told, DO, FACOFP, dist., Dean and CAO One hundred seventy years to the day after Brigham Young, weakened from spotted fever, propped himself up in his wagon atop a small rise at the mouth of the canyon overlooking the valley of the Great Salt Lake, and uttered the now famous words, "This is the place," RVU officially began coursework at the new campus location in Ivins, Utah. After exploring several other possible options, RVU leadership stopped at the foot of the Big Red Mountain with the stunning vistas of Snow Canyon and also agreed: this is the place. The surrounding area truly had the potential to inspire young, talented medical students to achieve greatness. The faculty and staff of the RVUCOM-SU campus, like the early pioneers who came to the Santa Clara bench before them, planned to make Ivins their home and continue to develop our programs into an outstanding health sciences university recognized throughout the entire state. Though the settling of the Salt Lake Valley and the establishment of RVUCOM-SU are separated by hundreds of miles and a hundred seventy years of history, I see many parallels in these two pioneering efforts. The early Utah pioneers were part of an important religious movement seeking freedom, tolerance, and understanding for their views.

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They were immediately met with hostility, discrimination, and resistance at every turn before finally being accepted years after their establishment. RVU is associated with a revolutionary medical movement known as osteopathic medicine that also received considerable resistance, assaults, and discrimination before finally gaining full acceptance by organized medicine just within the last few years. Both organizations attempted to settle in other locations before they found the right place to finally call home. Since becoming a DO, I have been associated with four separate attempts to develop osteopathic colleges in the state of Utah. However, it was not until we received the assistance from Southern Utah University and Leavitt Group that our efforts gained interest and momentum. Finally, it was the support of local leadership, the public, and physicians in Iron County and Utah’s Dixie that put our efforts over the top. Continued on page 21


Welcome, RVUCOM-CO Class of 2021 RVU welcomed its ninth class of medical students to the College of Osteopathic Medicine's Colorado campus (RVUCOMCO). The students officially matriculated into the school at the annual White Coat Ceremony, held at the Wilderness Experience in Parker. The White Coat Ceremony is a traditional way to welcome new students to their medical careers.

Upon being coated (the act of officially receiving their white medical school coats) by physician faculty members, the students were led by fellow classmates in reciting the vision statement (see page 6) that they, as a class, had written to express their goals and values for the next four years at RVUCOM. Eight of the students who matriculated had previously received a Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences degree from RVU, a nine-month graduate program to increase a student’s understanding of the health sciences, as part of the program’s Inaugural Class of 2017. The keynote speaker was David Markenson, MD, Vice President of Graduate Medical Education for the Continental, Mountain, and Mid-America Divisions of Hospital Corporation of America Physician Services Group. Additional speakers included Jibran Khan, OMS II, President of RVU’s Student Government Association; Clinton E. Adams, DO, FACHE, President and CEO of RVU; and Joel Dickerman, DO, Associate Dean of Clinical Affairs.


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Class of 2021 Vision Statement We, the Rocky Vista University Class of 2021, devote ourselves to serving our local and global communities through camaraderie, compassion, and commitment to advancing medical knowledge. We vow to be lifelong learners, and advocate for health equality. We recognize medicine is not a solitary pursuit, and that positive outcomes arise from collaborations with patients, colleagues, mentors, friends and family. This community forms the foundation for our future careers, and to each of you we pledge the following: To our future patients, we pledge our advocacy and partnership in your healthcare. We commit ourselves to empowering your medical decisions through mutual communication, and to foster a professional relationship that is considerate of your unique culture, experiences, and beliefs. We will work together to achieve your mental, physical, and spiritual wellness. To our colleagues and mentors, we pledge to be dedicated and curious, and to magnify your efforts and educate our communities. We pledge to pursue collective success, to be honest about our shortcomings, and to strive to create a united team to optimize patient care. To our friends and family, we pledge our continued gratitude for your support, and for the sacrifices you make. To ourselves, we pledge resilience and perseverance in times of adversity. We understand that maintaining our personal well-being provides the foundation for holistic patient care. As physicians, we will seek to advance the medical community through commitment to lifelong learning with special consideration for the rapidly developing medical advances in technology, practice and treatment. We vow to maintain integrity by staying true to these promises, and to optimize our care to patients, service to community, and advancement of the osteopathic profession.


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Teamwork and Camaraderie at Orientation The Class of 2021 kicked off their school year with Orientation Week. The week's activities included a service project, a social gathering, discussion groups, icebreaker activities, and a scavenger hunt, all of which were organized by the Department of Student Affairs. Starting on Wednesday of Orientation Week, students met their Peer Mentors (pictured below) and quickly got to know one another through an icebreaker activity. Students were asked to wear blindfolds, stand in a circle, and work together to place a bucket filled with balls and tied with ropes into the center of a hula hoop. This required them to communicate and rely on each other, building trust and cementing friendships in the process. Throughout the week, students participated in discussion groups about their new school and community: Managing Family Life and Relationships, Learning to Learn, Non-Traditional Students, Student Organizations and Clubs, Careers in Medicine, and Volunteerism. Later, students went on a scavenger hunt, leading them to various departments around the building, where they met faculty and staff and discovered the many resources available to them.


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Cleaning up at Service Day

For many students, Service Day is their first introduction to, and experience of working with, their fellow students. While medical schools have traditionally been very competitive in nature, RVU seeks to build instead a sense of camaraderie and community among its students. With that intention in mind, students are required, before anything else, to work together for the good of their environment on a service project. This year, students worked with representatives from the City of Parker to pull noxious weeds in an open space near campus, filling fifteen garbage bags before lunchtime. This project gave the new students the opportunity to also meet faculty, staff, class mentors, and each other while fulfilling one of RVU's core values: Service. "I was very excited about having the service project as our first class experience," said Colleen Maher, OMS I. "This provided an informal way for us to meet our classmates and, as a Colorado gal, I am always up for outdoor activities. It was a great day as a whole. I particularly enjoyed when we first gathered in the school to sign in. You could feel the excitement in the air and most people were meeting one another for the first time."

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Twenty-six students were inducted into the Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences (MSBS) program on August 2nd. For Orientation, the students participated in icebreaker activities, learned about the various resources available to them at RVU, and even discussed clinical cases. For the induction ceremony that followed, Brian Schwartz, PhD, MLIS, Director of Library Services, opened with the Invocation. Students were then welcomed to the University by Thomas N. Told, DO, FACOFP-dist., Vice-President of Academic Affairs for RVU and Dean of RVUCOM, and Jibran Khan, OMS II, SGA President. Brittany Stansbury, OMS I, a graduate of last year's MSBS program, discussed her experiences and offered advice. Dwight J. Hertz, MD, Professor of Pathology, gave a brief presentation titled, "Creating Your Future," which is theme for this year's MSBS students. Francina Towne, PhD, Program Director for MSBS, explained the significance of the white coat, then presented the students with their own white coats. The closing of the ceremony was followed by a reception for the newly-coated students and


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Honoring the Work and Innovation of Faculty and Staff RVU recently added a new core value to the existing six: Innovation. In the spirit of this value, the leadership team initiated four annual awards for faculty and staff who exhibit innovation (as well as the other core values) in their work.

Administrative Support Personnel Award for Excellence: Deidre McGee Deidre McGee, Coordinator for the Military Track and Surgical Simulation, was the recipient of the Administrative Support Personnel Award for Excellence. In her position, she helps with planning meetings, preparing materials, and organizing special events such as the Military Appreciation Ceremony and the commissioning ceremony at Commencement. For the newly accredited Institute of Medical and Surgical Simulation (for which she was crucial in obtaining that accreditation!), she is often up to her elbows in fake blood and organs, preparing for simulated surgeries and disaster drills. Deidre's skills with simulation preparation and execution and her work with the cut suits are one of the many reasons people equate RVU with "innovation." "Deidre has demonstrated the ability to face challenges with dignity and professionalism," said Anthony LaPorta, MD, FACS, Course Director for the Military Track. "She is actively involved in integrating the community with RVU events. She is always willing to help students but strives to demonstrate fairness and compassion. As a leader, she understands the importance of integrity as she brings cultural awareness and creativity into education." Over the years, she has assisted in training first responders and health care providers outside of RVU, as well. Most recently, she participated in training EMTs and medical students in Baggs, Wyoming (see page 14), as well as police officers and surgical residents at a disaster scenario in Centennial, Colorado (see page 16). "Receiving this award means acknowledgement of my contributions and commitment to the mission and values of RVU," said Deidre. "The recognition is very much appreciated."

Faculty Innovation Award: Dr. Jennifer Montemayor The Faculty Innovation Award was established to honor RVU faculty for their outstanding achievements in academic excellence. Each year, the award will be given to a professor who is recognized by peers for their academic discipline, is highly regarded by the students, has achieved excellence in service and academic scholarship, and who exemplifies RVU’s core values. Jennifer Montemayor, PhD, Phase Director for Year 2 Curriculum and Associate Professor of Physiology, was awarded the Faculty Innovation Award at the RVUCOM-CO Class of 2021 White Coat Ceremony in July. "I feel incredibly honored and grateful to have my work recognized with this award," said Dr. Montemayor. "It is especially meaningful considering how many truly innovative faculty there are here at RVU." Since coming to RVU in 2010, Dr. Montemayor has developed an increased interest in educational scholarship and has been involved in a diverse range of innovative medical education projects. Most recently, she developed the “flipped classroom� model of curriculum delivery which engages students in a higher-level, more active educational setting. Over the years, she has participated in committees that emphasized the importance of research among students and faculty, as well as the pursuit of further developing faculty education. "Dr. Montemayor has excelled in solidifying these many ideas and initiatives into our core curriculum," said Dr. Adams. "She has taken the lead in innovative thinking about how to challenge our students to be critical thinkers and self-motivated lifelong learners. Her leadership is moving us out of the historic hall of the large auditorium to the small breakout sessions."


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Presidential Award of Excellence: Dr. Joseph Stasio The Presidential Award of Excellence was established to honor and recognize the faculty members who consistently demonstrate excellence in the scholarly activity of teaching, service, and research. While the award is bestowed by the University President, the recipient is chosen by his or her fellow faculty members. Joseph Stasio, DO, FACOFP, was awarded the Presidential Award of Excellence at the Class of 2017 Commencement Ceremony in May. As the first recipient of this award, Dr. Stasio has set the bar high for others to follow. He is the Chair of the Primary Care Medicine Department at RVU, as well as Professor of Family Medicine. He is involved with multiple committees and has also been integral to the University accreditation process. He was named Family Physician of the Year by American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians in 2016. "It was truly an honor to receive the inaugural Presidential Award of Excellence," said Dr. Stasio. "This award came out of a vote from my fellow colleagues which made it even more meaningful. I am truly blessed to work with such great people in a great place. Thank you to the community that allows me to do my life's work." "Dr. Stasio has a long and distinguished history of service to both the osteopathic profession and to RVU,” said Clinton E. Adams, DO, FACHE, President and CEO. "First as a physician assistant, then as a doctor of osteopathic medicine, he has shown consistent dedication to the health and wellbeing of others. We are honored and privileged to have faculty of Dr. Stasio’s caliber to mentor and educate the physicians of the 21st century."

Staff Innovator Award: Tina Underwood Tina Underwood, Director of Clinical Assessment and Simulation, received the Staff Innovator Award at the first annual RVU Employee Awards on August 23rd. This award was established to recognize and honor a staff member that reflects the core values of RVU, specifically innovation. Tina leads the Standardized Patient program, ensuring students' early clinical experiences are valuable and informative. She also oversees the clinical setting for secondyear students as they participate in one-on-one sessions with real patients, monitoring their performances on a series of monitors inside her "Bat Cave." "Tina exemplifies all of RVU’s core values, but innovation is the one value I see strongly and consistently," said Jill Pitcher, DO, Associate Professor of Family Medicine. "[She] has taken the Standardized Patient program several levels above where it was just two short years ago...by changing the entire environment that existed between PCM and the Simulation Department. [Since] I have been working with her, there has never been one exercise that she hasn't viewed with fresh creativity and, using what we learned from prior visits, adjusted each subsequent visit to let the students learn a little more." "One of the great things about RVU is our collaboration and respect for new ideas," said Tina on receiving the award. "It is a great honor to win the Staff Innovator Award and to be recognized for the ideas and work [that goes] into making great learning experiences for students."

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Rural and Wilderness Medicine Track Returns to Baggs, WY Over the weekend of June 2nd, students from the Rural and Wilderness Medicine Track at RVUCOM traveled to Baggs, a small town in Wyoming, to participate in an intense, realistic training exercise. In addition to the medical students, several EMTs from Little Snake River EMS also took advantage of the training exercises to learn or improve upon skills. The training exercise consisted of several “scenarios�. During the first scenario, students were told that an explosion had taken place at an oil and gas facility. Upon arriving in an ambulance, they found victims with realistic wounds and injuries: burns, carbon monoxide poisoning, broken arms, disorientation, and more. Students learned to triage and prioritize patients, determine the mode of transport (ambulance or Air Medical Search and Rescue Helicopter), and to work on a medical team, all while factoring in environmental hazards, working in tight or potentially dangerous spaces, dealing with distractions, and more. "We were quickly thrown into our first scenario where I found myself dragging two bodies out of a smoky electrical shed that had partially exploded," said Brady Hansen, OMS II. "There were bodies all around, bystanders screaming in my ear to help their loved ones, and my stress level was shooting through the roof. As I sat at the debrief following our first encounter, I replayed the scene over and over in my mind and how I could have changed one thing versus another. It struck me what a special opportunity this was and that I was going to embrace every second of it."


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The second scenario (a bus and four-wheeler accident) and the third scenario (a rodeo disaster) involved a culmination of heart attacks, childbirths, bike accidents, and rampaging bulls at the rodeo (utilizing real bulls and bullriders). During the final scenario, the cut suit (a high-tech wearable body suit that reproduces the look, feel, and even smell of surgery) was utilized to allow students the ability for more invasive medical treatments. During the final scenario, Tanner Bond, OMS II, worked with one victim who was wearing the cut suit: "[The victim] had an apparent pneumothorax and a tibial compound fracture that had severed an artery. I was surprised how realistic it was, especially with the arterial bleed. It was gushing out pretty good so our team had to apply a tourniquet and the wound actually stopped bleeding when it was on there! This was my first experience with a cut suit on a person and I don't think the situation would have been the same without it." When not participating in the scenarios, the students learned and practiced clinical skills, receiving valuable lessons about emergency medicine. These scenarios were a complex coordinated effort between Little Snake River EMS, LINN Energy, LLC, and RVUCOM. The entire weekend (from scenarios to clinical skill lessons) was designed to immerse the students and EMTs, providing them with hands-on experience and training that cannot be obtained from classroom learning alone. "The learning curve was steep but the students bonded together and grew as a unit," said SD Hansen. "I could not have been more proud to be their colleague and a student at RVU. I learned more in those few days than I would have in months of reading in a textbook."

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RVU, Sky Ridge Medical Center, and South Metro Fire Rescue Team Up for Disaster Drill RVU participated in a simulation exercise alongside local police departments, fire stations, and other emergency responders. The simulation, set up to resemble a series of detonated car bombs, was planned by South Metro Fire Rescue (SMFR) to assist in training in every part of a disaster: from the initial police officers on the scene, to the paramedics, and finally to the hospital’s emergency room. "The fire department trains a lot; the cops train a lot; the emergency room docs train a lot; the surgeons train a lot—and they’re all very good at what they do," said Jason Camper, Training and Safety Lieutenant for SMFR. "But rarely do we train with all of them and run all the way through [a disaster]." The mass casualty incident took place over three days in an office building parking lot. Several cars (which had previously been detonated in a controlled environment) were placed around the parking lot along with smoke machines. Victims— some of whom were second-year medical students at RVU—with simulated injuries and wounds lay about, screaming and crying for help. Deidre McGee, Coordinator for Surgical Simulation and the Military Track, led the moulage team that created the injuries. Many victims also wore cut suits, human-worn simulators that allow surgery and other procedures to be performed in a realistic way. After being loaded into ambulances, victims were taken to Sky Ridge Medical Center (SRMC). They were then brought into the emergency room to continue the training scenario with a complete surgery. The surgeries were performed by residents of the joint RVU/SRMC Surgery Residency Program. Additional agencies involved included Douglas County Sheriff, Jefferson County Sheriff, Arapahoe County Sheriff, Action Care Ambulance, Cunningham Fire Rescue, Franktown Fire District, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.


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Military Students Experience Altitude Chamber The biggest benefit to joining an enrichment track at RVU is the additional experiences not found in a student's daily courses. One such experience that Military Medicine Track students had the opportunity to try was the High Altitude Chamber at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs. This chamber is used during aerospace training and simulates the effects of high altitude, which includes the reduction of oxygen. The exercise involved an all-day training session with information about gas physiology, hypoxia and its symptoms, decompression sickness, and more. For the altitude chamber, students experienced the effects of being at 25,000 feet in order to understand the process their bodies go through as it is deprived slowly of oxygen. Then, students again observed the effects of being at 18,000 feet to see the effect of lower oxygen on their color vision. This exercise is meant to help them quickly identify the warning signs of hypoxia in the future, lest they should find themselves in a dangerous situation while serving in the armed forces.

Institute of Medical and Surgical Simulation Receives Accreditation RVU is pleased to announce that its top-of-the-line simulation center has received reaccreditation as a Comprehensive Education Institute. The center, named the Institute of Medical and Surgical Simulation, was subject to a site visit, application review, and performance report by the Accreditation Review Committee of the American College of Surgeons (ACS). While RVU previously received accreditation for the Surgical Simulation Center by ACS, this designation as a Comprehensive Education Institute is considered an "upgrade" by the accrediting organization. This designation allows RVU to deliver all manner of accredited simulation programs in the future. To date, RVU is the only osteopathic college to receive this accreditation by ACS. Additionally, it is the only medical school in the Mountain West region to hold this accreditation. As part of the Institute of Medical and Surgical Simulation, RVU students and surgical residents are able to perform surgery using the cut suit. They can also practice techniques such as suturing, ultrasound, intubation, crichothyrotomies, and other important procedures and skills. "This is truly a great honor," said Thomas N. Told, DO, FACOFP dist., Vice-President of Academic Affairs for RVU and Dean of RVUCOM. "Congratulations to all who made this possible. It is a tribute to the entire RVU team."

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Employees Test Their Knowledge at Summer Party Faculty and staff of RVU were treated to a special lunch, trivia event, and prizes at this year's summer party. Held at Brick House Restaurant, employees enjoyed the company of one another in a relaxing, fun atmosphere. After the food was cleared away, though, it was time to face off against each other in a Geeks Who Drink trivia event. In between rounds, names were randomly drawn for raffle prizes: Dr. Fernando Gomez, Professor of Pathology, won gardening supplies; Gina Marzulla, Marketing Coordinator, won yard games; and Dr. David Ross, Course Director for the Rural and Wilderness Medicine Track won camping and grilling goodies. Winners of the trivia game—staff from the Student Financial Services department and the Finance Department—received special prizes to celebrate the warm season.

Rock and Roll into Residency

Stressed about your final exams as a third-year student? Don't worry: the Student Affairs team has your back! They hosted the Rock and Roll Into Residency ice cream social for weary students leaving the auditorium following exams. The ice cream bar was complete with toppings, soda for making root beer floats, and other treats. Guests that dressed in their best rock-and-roll gear had the chance to win a grand prize—a funky, painted styrofoam head with a candy mohawk—which Jenifer Fisher, MLIS, Reference Librarian, cleanly swept away from all other competition.


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Mentors and Tutors Honored at Appreciation Luncheon For the medical student who is struggling, help often appears in the form of a classmate. Through the Student Affairs Department, students sign up for and are selected as Mentors to guide their classmates with health and wellness resources, ensuring a successful transition as a first-year student, as Tutors to help them with their academic struggles, and as Careers in Medicine (CIM) Coaches to help first-year students reflect on their medical journey, creating goals and identifying values. These students were honored with an Appreciation Luncheon in May to thank them for their service to others. • • • •

Tutor, Mentor, and CIM Coach: Amanda Ammentorp • Neal Ferrin Danyelle Beltz • Shelby Mestnik Erika Anderson • Sydney Featherstone Hayley Hellstern • Tate Correll

• • • • • • • • •

Tutor and Mentor: • Melanie White Chelsea Moody • McKenzie Mattheis Christina Velasco • Nisa Fraaser Emily LaCount • Samuel Hart Erin Donovan • Shane McGuire Erin Voelschow • Spencer Hill Gennarina Riso • Valerie Cacciatore Jacob Pearson • Vinny Giron Jordan Heser McKenna Abercrombie

Tutor and CIM Coach: • Renato Rapada • Taylor Reiser

• • • •

Mentor and CIM Coach: Aidan Reid • Katie Teixeira Alisa Kim • Michelle Levine Brett Friedler • Rudy Indich Hamid Hadi

• • • • •

Mentor: Ashley Ostler Toussaint • Eugene Master • Gavin Cardwell • Jeff Walbridge • Johnson Wong •

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Lisa Moore Martha Gonzalez Shane Farley Tanner Coleman Trenton Argyle

Tutor: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Alisha Cluff Allison Brasche Andrea Thomas Annie Ickes Ben Ehrlich Binh Pham Bransen Guild Brian Birks Carson Ence Chelsie Riches Christina Draganich Clementine Daniel-Stowe Coleen Waterhouse Daniel Ernest Dennis Turnball Devyn Holmstead Eliza Genilo Emil Patel Emily Pickenbrock Gurpreet Kaur Heros Amerkhanian Hillary Minich Hunter Aronson Jacob Lammers Jaime Winter Jared McLaughlin Jay Thompson Kaia Jystad Katie Rose-Borcherding

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Kelsey Smithart Lauren Dorsey-Spitz Laurie Bezjian Lexi Scoles Liz Lees Maeveen Riordan Mallory Krueger Mary Imig Megan Lieb Monnica Morales Nicholas Nguyen Nick Sloan Paige Bicoll Patrick Wallace Penny Herder Phillip Miller Rebecca Mahoney Riley Fehr Robert Hunter Robert Prior Ryan King Sarah Housman Shreyash Pradhan Sidney Duncan Steven Potter Tim Chilton Veeral Katheria Zeke Clemmens

CIM Coach: • Alexa Tyler


Sky Ridge Internal Medicine Residents Graduate In June, the second class of residents of the RVU/Sky Ridge Medical Center Internal Medicine Residency Program graduated. The intimate ceremony was held at the Highlands Ranch Mansion, an historical, spacious building with a breathtaking facade. Following dinner with their loved ones, the graduates went onstage to receive their diplomas though, as Greg Hicks, MD, Director of the Residency Program, said, "You still have to come to work for the next 29 days!" The last official day of their residency was on June 30th. They handed out several awards (as voted by the residents and, occasionally, the faculty) including: Teaching Faculty of the Year for Dr. David Mohlman; Sub-Specialist of the Year for Dr. Ryan Maybrook; and Intern of the Year for Dr. Weston Harkness. The Chief Residents for the next year were also announced: Dr. Nick Taylor and Dr. Scott Harshbarger. RVU alum Julianne Imseis-Losh, DO '14, received the award for Resident of the Year: "I have poured my heart and soul into the program over the past three years," she said. "When my class started, there was only one class ahead of us and we had the opportunity to help shape the program. I had the honor of being co-chief resident with William Hoskinson (fellow RVU alum) last year and had a wonderful time. We worked on growing our Friday didactics to include more lectures and more directed learning. All of the residents are wonderful to work with and they each bring something unique to the program." Over dessert, the graduates watched a heartfelt (and often hilarious) slideshow which recapped their past three years together. "Your residency colleagues become your extended family," said Dr. Imseis-Losh. "You go through some of the hardest times of your life with them...you cry and laugh with them. The experiences you have during residency are so unique that not many people understand other than your residency family. I will be forever grateful for [them]."


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President's Message, continued second accrediting body for osteopathic residency training programs in order to be recognized under Medicare. We don’t need to reinvent the wheel—the strong survived through the era of the Flexner report and we as a profession have committed ourselves to the SAS. We will bring value to the house of medicine; we don’t need a second-tier accreditation system to hide residencies and osteopathic medical students who are not competitive. There are enough residencies for allopathic and osteopathic graduates. In 2016, the combined National Resident Matching Program and the osteopathic National Matching Services offered over 29,000 first-year positions for the 23,000 allopathic and osteopathic graduates (current and prior)—it is only a question of our colleges ensuring excellence and strong support services for their seniors’ transition to residency. Indeed, we must provide more faculty and administrative support for this process in all of our osteopathic colleges. • Finally, continue to flaunt our DO pride. Recall Peter Drucker’s admonition to obsolete focal areas of your business and, consequently, bring innovation and strength to your primary business—in our case, as a membership organization serving a predominately primary care-focused membership. We must continue to influence health policy at the highest levels. The AOA's Strategy and Strategic Plan must continue to evolve the business model for the 21st century. We can no longer rely on board certification. Maintain your membership and help our new generation of DOs understand that no better initials follow a name. That means we must register this pride by membership—not because our board certifications rest on it, but because our profession and professional identity rest upon it—or, not unlike the DDS and DMD degree, we will become undifferentiated. Indeed, recall Harry Chapin’s verse: "The cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon / Little boy blue and the man in the moon / When you coming home, dad..." If A.T. Still is our metaphoric dad—who, like a CAT wanted to create disturbances, can we say, "We're going be like you, dad / You know we’re going to be like you..." Be change agents and embrace our role and responsibility in helping to change the house of medicine now—from the inside, rather than the outside.

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Dean's Message, continued We began this vital mission when we established our first campus in Parker, Colorado a decade ago; our new campus in Ivins will allow us to further extend that mission throughout the Mountain West. Rather than expanding the class size by 130 students on the RVUCOM-CO campus, we chose a plan for training those extra students on another campus in a neighboring state with an immediate need for new physicians. We have found that smaller class sizes provide a much richer educational experience and allow us to maintain an 8:1 student to instructor ratio which is vital for mentoring. Our curriculum has produced outstanding graduates who consistently rank among the top academic and clinical performers in the osteopathic profession. As I previously mentioned, we have been establishing clinical networks in the Mountain West, utilizing mainly community hospitals in Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota, and Idaho that will provide quality clinical experiences for students. RVUCOM-SU also seeks to collaborate with the colleges and universities in the area to help develop robust medical education networks for interprofessional education with health care fields other than physician education. The early pioneers overcame impossible odds by developing methods of agriculture, mining, and construction to tame the rugged landscape and make the arid land productive. In turn, RVU pioneered a new business model for medical education—once considered impossible—that has allowed us to thrive in a difficult educational funding environment. By proving that model, our own pioneering work is now benefitting everyone through the development of more physician educations programs in other states with workforce needs. There is little doubt that Utah is the vibrant place it is today because of the rich heritage that has been passed on through the years. Those pioneers came to the territory willing to contribute the best of their talents and skills to the betterment of everyone who lived there. One hundred seventy years later, RVUCOM’s Southern Utah campus seeks to have the same effect for good throughout the state and region. For most of my career (now spanning over four decades), I have known that Utah was the right place for an osteopathic medical school. However, it would take time plus the added talents, vision, and resources of the right group of people possessing that true pioneer spirit to make this great campus in Southwestern Utah a reality.


History of Medicine Class Tours the Old West In May, Jenifer Fisher, MLIS, Instructor of Medical Humanities, and students of the History of Medicine class took a field trip to LoDo, one of Denver’s oldest business districts, to experience Colorado history through a guided walking tour. Metropolitan State University of Denver history professor, Kevin Rucker, joined the RVU class, regaling the party with tales of LoDo’s ghosts, early movers and shakers, conmen, and scoundrels. Students travelled to many infamous places in Colorado’s old west. One such place was the Blake Street Vault which holds one of the few standing entrances to the underground tunnels that connected Denver’s red light districts during its madcap Wild West days. They also visited the Oxford Hotel, Denver’s oldest standing hotel and one with a salacious past involving gunslinging shootouts and Colorado’s first speakeasy. The tour was a conclusion to the spring semester and a fun chance to allow RVU’s students to experience history first-hand, bringing the past to life. The History of Medicine class is one of several new elective classes at RVU and will be taught twice a year with the topics varying each semester.

OPP Fellows on the Move

Fellows from both campuses traveled to conferences over the summer, extolling and demonstrating the benefits of osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT). OPP Fellows from the RVUCOM-SU—Heather Eschbach, OMS-IV, Amanda Wolf, OMS III, and Aaron Yearsley, OMS III—traveled to Salt Lake City to lend a treating hand at the Utah Osteopathic Medical Association’s Annual Continuing Medical Education Conference. They discussed the principles and practices of OMT with physicians in attendance and learned a few things in the process. "It was great to see so many physicians passionate about incorporating OMT into their practice," said SD Yearsley. Meanwhile, OPP Fellows from the RVUCOM-CO campus—Katie Rose-Borcherding, OMS IV, Ryan Masterson, OMS IV, Jacob Pearson, OMS III, and Melanie White, OMS III—traveled to Beaver Creek, Colorado to present at the Colorado Society of Osteopathic Medicine and Regional Osteopathic Medical Education Conference in August. In their lecture, "BLT of the Cervical Spine," they discussed concepts and principles of Balanced Ligamentous Tension (BLT). They assisted physicians with the palpatory experience of treating the entire cervical spine with BLT.


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Award Winning Newsletter

l E xc e l e n c

i cat i on




October 2017 Newsletter

n C o mm

RVUCOM-SU Celebrates Opening with Ribbon Cutting Inside: Getting to Know RVU at Orientation

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Students Entertain Veterans at Service Day

RVUCOM-SU Hosts Community Open House

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Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine Southern Utah

RVUCOM-SU Celebrates Opening with Ribbon Cutting After 16 months of construction, RVU has officially opened its new campus in Ivins, Utah: Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine – Southern Utah (RVUCOM-SU). As the first osteopathic medical school in Utah, this is a significant achievement and will bring more physicians to the area in the future. On July 14th, a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony was held to celebrate the completion of the RVUCOM-SU building, attended by RVU’s Board of Trustees, the Executive Advisory Council, faculty and staff from both campuses, contractors, and key officials who have been instrumental to the success of this project. Among the speakers at the event were: Larry W. Anderson, DO, Immediate Past President of the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians; a video message by Governor Gary Herbert; Eduardo Illanes, AIA, of OZ Architecture; David Park, DO, FAAFP, FACOFP, Campus Dean of RVUCOMSU; Maha Sallam, PhD, Chair of the RVU Board of Trustees; and, Scott L. Wyatt, President of Southern Utah University. "The success of our Ribbon Cutting Ceremony," said Dr. Park, "is a testament to the amazing teamwork in achieving a common goal which is the hallmark of our talented RVU faculty and staff." Building an osteopathic medical school in Utah has been a long-time goal of Thomas N. Told, DO, FACOFP, dist., Dean of RVUCOM: "I’m a native Utahan and spent much of my life exploring the Capitol Reef country in Wayne County. As a young boy, I promised myself I’d become a country doctor and return one day to help the small towns of Utah find and keep their doctors, since so many students must leave the state to become physicians." Despite being among the fastest growing states in the country, Utah is facing a large shortage of physicians with 58.4 primary care physicians per 100,000 people; the national average is 79.4 physicians per 100,000 people. "With the completion of RVUCOM-SU, many of Utah’s brightest will now be able to remain in their home state for their medical education—and eventually practice medicine here, as well," said Dr. Told. This new campus is a state-of-the-art, 104,000 square foot building, designed to complement the surrounding Red Rock Mountains. The building features two 200-seat auditoriums, 36 small group study rooms, a clinical skills lab, a full dissection anatomy lab, a simulation center, standardized patient rooms, and a 9,000 square foot library.


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Getting to Know RVU at Orientation The first days of medical school are often overwhelming and nerve-racking for students. To allay their worries, familiarize them with the campus, and set them on the best path to success from the very beginning, faculty and staff at RVUCOM-SU held a comprehensive Orientation for the new first-year students. Starting with a welcoming introduction from David J. Park, DO, FACOFP, FAAFP, Campus Dean of RVUCOM-SU, students switched between informational sessions in the auditorium and fun exercises to help them explore the building and get to know their classmates. From "Been There, Done That" to "Succeeding at RVU" to "Life Skills," students received advice and guidance on best practices to excel academically while maintaining a healthy school/life balance. "We are happy with how Orientation went in Utah, especially given that everyone was new to the building," said David Roos, EdD, MBA, Associate Director of Student Affairs. (Many employees had moved into the building only days prior to Orientation.) "We were all learning together about the new building and the students were very patient as various bugs were worked out." After a long day of processing information indoors, the students went to Veyo Resort, an outdoor adventure park. Finally able to relax and have fun, they started up a revolving volleyball game and climbed a rock wall, before settling down to a delicious dinner.


Vista View

Students Entertain Veterans at Service Day While their eastern friends at RVUCOM-CO were pulling weeds, the first-year students of RVUCOM-SU had a different experience on Service Day: performing for veterans at the Southern Utah Veterans Home. The idea of this service project came out of necessity: July in Southern Utah can mean temperatures of nearly 120 degrees! For the health and safety of the students, RVU's traditional Service Day took on a different look. "The Veterans Home was the perfect option," said Vie Van Noy, MS, Assistant Director of Student Affairs and Housing Operations. "Having worked in the recreation department of the Veterans Home, I knew how curious and interested they were in the progress of RVU. They had watched it grow from dust to finished structure." The veterans have been hugely supportive of RVU and the new campus, so it was important for employees and students to repay the favor and to meet their new neighbors. A talent show was chosen as the project because "the elderly residents crave intergenerational opportunities...many don’t have frequently visiting family or friends. It is very easy for residents to isolate and become depressed because of their situations," said Vie. "Having an event of interest [encourages] the residents to leave their rooms and [to engage] with the students." Some of the acts by the first-year students included Ben Robbins unicycling while juggling, Bradley McCann performing magic tricks, and piano pieces played by Sarah Goaslind, Emily Jensen, and Taylor Sirrine. Also, Ryan Knight played the guitar and Sterling Stolle and his wife performed a dance. Since Service Day, several of the veterans have asked if students could come back on a regular basis so they could follow the students throughout their medical school experience.

Vista View


RVUCOM-SU Hosts Community Open House In August, RVUCOM-SU hosted its first public event: a Community Open House to welcome its new Ivins neighbors. Outside, vendors lined the parking lot in booths and food trucks. Two local radio stations, Star 98.1 and Kickin' Country 107.3, blasted a variety of music, while under canopies RVU students painted faces. At the end of the row, fire trucks from local stations were parked, offering demonstrations to excited children. There was also a photo booth provided by Funny Face Photography, as well as an inflatable obstacle course. Inside the building, guests were offered faculty-led demonstrations of osteopathic manipulative medicine and ultrasound. Students took blood pressure readings and offered campus tours. "There was little doubt that a second medical school in Utah would be popular and well-supported," said Thomas N. Told, DO, FACOFP-dist., Dean of RVUCOM. "But the community support at our open house on the Southern Utah campus was overwhelming. All of the attendees I spoke to were very grateful that we had chosen to settle in Ivins."


Vista View

Michael K. Young Appointed to Beating the Southern Utah Heat Executive Advisory Council Lots of water. Avoid caffeine. Watch for Current President of Texas A&M, Michael K. Young, was appointed to RVUCOM-SU’s Executive Advisory Council (EAC). Mr. Young, a graduate of Harvard Law School, has served at Texas A&M since 2015. His distinguished career includes previous positions as President and Professor of Law at both University of Washington and University of Utah. "As someone who grew up, lived, and worked in Utah, I look forward to serving with the EAC of the new and uniquely situated [RVUCOM-SU] in a rapidly growing and important part of the state," said Mr. Young. The EAC was established in January to provide guidance and advice regarding community relations and other pertinent matters to the leadership and faculty at the new Southern Utah campus.

extreme heat alerts. This is some of the life-saving advice Judy Caldwell, DO, Assistant Professor of OPP and Family Medicine, gave to community members, as well as the staff and residents of the Southern Utah Veteran’s Home. During her lecture titled, "Beat the Heat" in May, Dr. Caldwell offered three suggestions on how to avoid heat exhaustion and heat stroke: stay cool, stay hydrated, and stay informed. To stay cool, find air-conditioned shelter, wear lightweight and light-colored clothing, and take cool showers or baths. To stay hydrated, drink water before you feel thirsty—one cup of water every 15 minutes while working or exercising— and avoid alcohol and liquids that contain high amounts of sugar, caffeine, or carbonation. To stay informed, watch the local weather forecast, check news outlets for extreme heat alerts, and plan outside activities with caution.

Dr. Park goes to china Dr. David Park recently led a delegation of three primary care educators to the prestigious Capital Medical University in Beijing, China. This opportunity was made possible through his leadership involvement with the International Primary Care Educational Alliance, whose mission is to help other nations develop a primary care physician workforce through a "train-the-trainers" program. A cohort of forty general practitioners of the medical school were specially selected to be trained as future primary care faculty for the University’s large health system.

It's Not All Fun and Games...Or Is It?

Vista View


Get to Know the RVU Staff Jessica Mess Job Title: Staff Accountant As the keeper of the paychecks, Jess holds a lot of power in the eyes of RVU employees. Yet she is endlessly patient and always has a smile on her face. • Jessica has been with RVU since 2012. • Prior to RVU, she worked in Accounts Payable for 12 years in industries ranging from food and beverage to manufacturing and new home construction. • She has been married for 15 years and has one child, an 8-year-old daughter named Abigail. • She also has two cats (Mouse and Ozzie) and one dog (Cowboy). • She enjoys music and even plays the clarinet in the Mile High Community Concert Band. She also enjoys the great outdoors and likes to hike and camp. For a bit of quiet time, she likes reading, mostly science fiction and historical fiction. Who inspires you? My best friend of 25+ years, Beth. She has endured many hardships in life but she hasn't let those experiences dim her light. She is the funniest, strongest, most caring person I know.

What are Jess' FAQs? When do we get paid? Every other Friday. The payroll calendar is on the Shared Drive in the RVU Forms folder. Do I need to submit a Check Request form to have a payment issued? If you have an invoice, then no. Just have the appropriate "approver" sign the invoice and submit it to Accounts Payable. If there is no invoice, then yes, use the Check Request form. Make sure it is approved by the appropriate person/s. If this is the first time we have worked with the vendor, please also have them provide a W-9 form for tax reporting purposes. How do I log in to iSolved for payroll? Always use this URL to access iSolved: https:// amcheck.myisolved.com. Your user name is your RVU email address. I can't see your password but there is a "Forgot Password" link on the login screen. Google Chrome is the recommended web browser.


What's the greatest bit of advice you have been given? "You can do hard things." Life may throw obstacles in your way but they are not insurmountable. There is a world of difference between difficult and impossible. If you could have any super power, what would it be? Time travel, no contest. I would use my power for good (promise!), but I would also use it for experiences like concerts (U2 at Red Rocks in 1983, Led Zeppelin, and The Beatles), plays, and historical events. What's the last book you read? The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell. What a great book! It has everything: space travel, music, religion, linguistics, great characters. It's a story about discovering intelligent life on another planet (they have music!) and the Jesuits' decision to quietly send a group of priests and scientists on a mission to meet God's other children. I'm currently reading the sequel, Children of God. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? The list is long! I'd love to see more of our country. I've always wanted to spend time in the south of France (probably because of a teen romance novel I read when I was 13). Italy, Spain, Ireland, pretty much all of Europe. Australia. Brazil. Japan. Etc., etc., etc...

Vista View

Campus Tidbits Project Cure and Sigma Sigma Phi Team Up Members of RVU's Sigma Sigma Phi (SSP) chapter recently attended a Project C.U.R.E. community service event. The SSP members have volunteered over 1,500 man hours collectively this academic year. Other events they have participated in this year include community outreach at the Parker Task Force Food Bank and at the Denver Rescue Mission. SSP is an Honorary Osteopathic Service Fraternity dedicated to community outreach and scholastic achievement.

Back row: Steven Potter, Bryce Ingram, Joey LaPorta, Elizabeth Stoll, Elizabeth Petesch, Brian Birks; Front Row: Monica Mills, Heather Eschbach, Gennarina Riso, Katie Loob, Erin Voelschow, Simrat Kaur, Yenly Nguyen.

Patrick Wallace, Aaron Brooks, Katie Loob

The RVU/Sky Ridge Medical Center Internal Medicine Residency Program recently received their accreditation from the Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). The Residency Review Committee reviewed the procedures and practices of the program, writing that they "commended the program for its demonstrated substantial compliance with ACGME's Institutional and/or Program Requirements without citations." Once programs receive initial accreditation, they are then inspected again in two years, receiving continued accreditation at that time.

Sarah Curtis Lopez, DO, Assistant Professor of Osteopathic Principles and Practice, gave birth to a baby girl on April 13th. Rosalia Eva Lopez was welcomed into the world by her mother and father, Dr. Daniel Lopez, as well as her proud older sister, Viviana. Baby Rosalia weighed 6 pounds 13 ounces and was 18.75" long and following a quick labor—she was born just 35 minutes after arriving at the hospital!

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Congressman Chris Stewart visited the RVUCOM-SU campus to learn more about the first osteopathic medical school in Utah. He was interested in the demographics of the school—and pleased that 55% of the students are native Utahans. "He is a champion for increased health care access in rural areas of Utah, especially primary care," said Dr. David Park. "He believes we are a great asset to the state and will support our mission any way he can."


Campus Tidbits Jacquelyn Waller, PharmD, Assistant Professor of Pharmacology, gave birth to a baby boy on June 5th. Nelson James Waller was born at 8:09 pm, weighing 8 pounds 13 ounces and 20.5 inches long. Congratulations to Dr. Waller and her husband, Jimmy!

In June, David R. Crimin, DO, Assistant Professor of Primary Care, along with his son and daughter, swam 1.5 miles from Alcatraz Island to San Francisco Aquatic Park in the annual "Escape from Alcatraz Sharkfest" swim. It was a frenzy of kicking and stroking among 900 other "escapees" in the 59-degree water, as well as battling the waves and current of the shark-infested waters of San Francisco Bay. Dr. Crimin was awarded third place in the non-wetsuit category for his age bracket. Sarah Nordgran, Executive Assistant to the RVUCOMSU Campus Dean, and her husband, Casey, welcomed a baby girl on July 28th. Emerson Faye Nordgran arrived at 9:08am, was 20 inches long, and weighed 7 pounds 10 ounces. Sarah said they are happy, healthy, and thankful of everyone for their endless support!


The RVU Wellness Committee hosted the annual Biometric Screening in conjunction with Cigna. Employees are encouraged to check up on and continue monitoring their biometrics each year. This includes blood pressure, level of triglycerides, weight, body mass index, glucose levels, cholesterol, and more. For participating employees, there was a raffle with great prizes such as a Ninja blender, movie tickets, running shoes, Fit Bit Blazes, a massage package, and more!

Vista View

Campus Tidbits During their gastrointestinal (GI) rotation with Dr. Michelle Kem Hor in Colorado Springs, Aaron Brooks, OMS IV, Janice Chan, OMS IV, Aishah Najam, OMS IV, Chantal Yousif, OMS III, practiced rubber band ligation of hemorrhoids, taking time to pose for a photo.

Bike to Work Day

RVU sponsored Parker's Bike to Work Day on June 28th. As cyclists traveled to work, they stopped at stations along the way for breakfast treats, branded swag, and self-care items. Representatives from RVU handed out the official t-shirts of Bike to Work Day. For their rotation, the students are learning GI through emergency procedures and inpatient hospitalizations, taking biopsies, operating the colonoscopy and EGD scopes, differentiating between acute and chronic conditions, and writing patient notes that will be presentable for other physicians. "Dr. Hor is very hands-on and allows us to practice internal hemorrhoid banding in her office with models and extra tools," said SD Yousif.

Whitney L. Johnson, MA, Admissions Counselor, and her husband, Chase, welcomed a baby girl on August 18th. Sunny Montrose Johnson arrived at 8:07am, was 19 inches long, and weighed 7 pounds 3 ounces.

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Clinton E. Adams, DO, FACHE, President and CEO, gave the keynote speech at Western University of Health Science's Class of 2017 Commencement. He discussed the Single Accreditation System, using technology in one's medical practice, and the importance of being a healthy, competent physician while in residency. "The privilege of being a Dean (or shall I say a former Dean), is a humbling experience as you witness the phenomenal talent, commitment and future generational leadership cross the stage at a commencement. The most touching moment was when Paula and I had the privilege and joy to hood our daughter Joia, now an internal medicine resident at Arrowhead, the San Bernardino County Medical Center."


Achieving New Heights Highlighting the Accomplishments of Our Faculty, Staff and Physicians in Training

Amanda Ammentorp, OMS III, and Michael Bork, OMS II, won the Poster Award at the 2017 Special Operations Medical Association Scientific Assembly, for the research, "Physiologic Stress and Performance Evaluation: Simulating Damage Control Surgery in an Austere Environment." The poster's coauthors include RVU Alum Charles Hutchinson, DO '15, and Dr. Anthony LaPorta. The research attempted to objectively evaluate the physiologic stress of surgeons performing a simulated damage control procedure in a weightless environment. Anthony LaPorta, MD, FACS, Course Director of the Military Medicine Track, was appointed to the Defense Health Board Trauma and Injury Subcommittee by the Department of Defense. Members of this subcommittee will provide advice on matters pertaining to DOD trauma and injury, including methods for prevention, recognition, clinical management, and treatment. They will then report their recommendations to the Defense Health Board for deliberation and discussion. "It was humbling to once again realize that I have the opportunity to help those who are literally putting their lives on the line for us," said Dr. LaPorta. This is a four-year appointment. Jennifer R. Montemayor, PhD, Phase Director for Year Two Curriculum, presented several posters at the International Association of Medical Science Educators in June: "Comparison of Year 1 vs. Year 2 Medical Student Perception and Utilization of a Pre-recorded Basic Science Correlation Clinical Application Session;" "Utilization of Social Media as a Tool to Enhance Class Collaboration for Medical Physiology Concepts;" and, "A Prematriculation Experience to Promote Growth Mindset Formation." All of the research was conducted at RVU.


Sohayla Rostami, OMS IV, was elected to the position of Region 1 Vice Chair to the American Medical Association Medical Student Section (MSS). The region's board provides the medical students a basis for communication, collaboration, and guidance in the policy efforts presented by the MSS. SD Rostami's role will be to support the executive board and students in bringing forth health policies pertinent to the region and the nation, and to coordinate all region efforts during the annual Medical Student Advocacy and Region Conference. Hayden Schuette, OMS III, published research in the Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. His research, titled, "Matrix-Assisted Autologous Chondrocyte Transplantation in the Knee: A Systematic Review of Mid- to Long-Term Clinical Outcomes," investigates the outcomes of MACT in the patellofemoral and tibiofemoral joints through evaluations of patients undergoing MACT in the knee joint. Brian Schwartz, PhD, MLIS, Director of the Library, graduated from Emporia State University in Emporia, Kansas, receiving his Doctor of Philosophy degree in Information Management following the acceptance of his dissertation, "More Than a Look-Up Skill: Teaching Information Literacy in Osteopathic Medical Schools." Christopher Unrein, DO, FACOI, FACP, CMD, Chief Academic Officer for Rocky Mountain Osteopathic Postdoctoral Training Institute (RMOPTI), was featured in the April issue of Medical Economics. The feature, "88th Annual Physician Report," interviewed several physicians around the country about such topics as stressors and staying enthusiastic about practicing.

Vista View

Achieving New Heights Highlighting the Accomplishments of Our Faculty, Staff and Physicians in Training

Lon Van Winkle, PhD, Professor of Medical Humanities, published a paper titled, "When is team exam performance a better measure of learning than individual performance?" It was published in Frontiers in Education and raised the question "Is it better to reward students’ application of their apparently limited individual knowledge to achieve superior team work (as exemplified by a team discussed in the paper), or simply to measure students’ apparently limited individual knowledge (as is often done in higher education courses)?" Ann Wyborny, OMS IV, published a review article titled, "Varicella Zoster virus vasculopathy: The expanding clinical spectrum and pathogenesis." It was published in the Journal of Neuroimmunology and describes the current clinical spectrum and pathological mechanisms of Varicella zoster virus infection of the vascular system.

- Jeffrey Wake, OMS IV, presented, "Cross Sectional Area of the Achilles Tendon in a Prospective Cohort of an Elite Military Population," at the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society Annual Meeting in July in Washington.

- Andrew Wojtanowski, OMS II, presented, "Development and Testing of a Long Bone Segment Regenerating Scaffold for Patients," at the Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference in June in Arizona.

The Research and Scholarly Activity Committee has awarded travel grants to the following students, allowing them to present their research at various conferences.

- J. Preston Van Buren, OMS IV, presented, "Exaggerated Pre-Operative Patient Reported Visual Analog Pain Scale, A Retrospective Review of 201 Consecutive Foot and Ankle Patients," at the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society Annual Meeting in July in Washington.

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- Laurie Bezjian, OMS IV, and Patrick Wallace, OMS IV, presented, "Short and Long Term Efficacy of Ultrasound Guided Sacroiliac Joint Injections when Combined with Physical Examination and Point of Maximal Tenderness" at the Spine Intervention Society Annual Scientific Meeting in July in California.


Achieving New Heights Highlighting the Accomplishments of Our Faculty, Staff and Physicians in Training

Several RVU students—Tim Chilton, OMS II, Zeke Clemmens, OMS II, Alisha Cluff, OMS II, and Mia Nevala, OMS II—collected data on graduates of family medicine residencies in Colorado (as previously mentioned in the February 2017 issue of Vista View). Recently, that data was used by Colorado Association of Family Medicine Residencies (CAFMR) in a briefing to Colorado legislators on where physicians practice upon graduating from residency. "The funding we receive from the state helps fund family medicine residency education and the legislators appreciated seeing some data that shows that these training programs are leading to family physicians practicing throughout Colorado," said Amelia Challender, MA, Education Specialist for CAFMR. David Ross, DO, Course Director for the Rural and Wilderness Medicine Track, added, "Our students should be commended for their efforts in this important mission and the data they generated."

Jenifer Fisher, MLIS, Research Librarian and Instructor of Medical Informatics, joined Nikki York, a hospital social worker, in presenting a panel, "Feeling Super: The Misrepresentation of Mental Health in Pop Culture," at Denver Comic Con in July. The event is sponsored by the Comic Book Classroom and has an ongoing mission to raise both literacy and social awareness to a multitude of complex societal issues. They held an intricate, moderated talk about the inaccuracies seen in media when it comes to issues such as psychopathy, suicidal idealization that can be found in teen fiction, and the criminalization of mental health. They initiated a roundtable discussion which allowed the audience members to participate and lead the conversation. "We were floored by the passionate reaction and personal interest the public has in seeing accurate portrayals of mental health in both fiction and the media," said Jenifer. "This event made it clear that these are conversations that...need to take place and we were beyond thrilled to give the public a platform to voice their interests and concerns."

Sky Ridge Residents Attend the ACOI Trainers Congress Co-chief residents of the RVU/Sky Ridge Medical Center Internal Medicine Residency Program, Nick Taylor, DO, and Scott Harshbarger, DO, attended the American College of Osteopathic Internists Trainers Congress in San Diego in May, along with Dr. Lindsay Longfellow and Dr. Erik Schultz, residents of Parkview Medical Center Internal Medicine Residency Program in Pueblo, Colorado.


Vista View

Achieving New Heights Highlighting the Accomplishments of Our Faculty, Staff and Physicians in Training

RVUCOM Establishes New Chapter of

Gold Humanism Honor Society

by Nicole Michels, PhD, Chair of Medical Humanities, and Lon Van Winkle, PhD, Professor of Medical Humanities All members of the RVU community adhere to its core values in order to provide relationship-centered teaching and care. In these ways, we promote the mission of the Gold Foundation to sustain the commitment of healthcare professionals to provide compassionate, collaborative and scientifically excellent patient care. Thus began the successful application to establish a new chapter of the Gold Humanism Honor Society at RVUCOM! The Gold Humanism Honor Society recognizes students and residents who exemplify the characteristics of compassion, excellence in medicine, and leadership. Chapters are tasked with modeling compassionate patient-centered care throughout their training and practice. Through a peer nomination process, RVU is very pleased to welcome the inaugural class of the Gold Humanism Honor Society from the Class of 2018. We thank everyone in the Class of 2018 for nominating their peers and please join us in congratulating the top 15% of those nominations for induction into the honor society. Class of 2018 GHHS Inductees: Marshal Ash Laurie Bezjian Sindi Diko Sarah Edgerton Heather Eschbach Danika Evans Kashyap Kaul Cole Kircher Joseph LaPorta Manuel Lewis Phillip Mann Edward McDonald Matthew Moynihan Robert Nieland Adam Olson Cynthia Omega Katie Rose-Borcherding Sohayla Rostami Patrick Wallace Abigail Zinn

Vista View

Colorado Medicine, a local health care-focused publication created by the Colorado Medical Society, features a section in each issue for medical students to share their unique perspectives on the industry and various associated topics. Until recently, those medical students were selected exclusively from University of Colorado. However, through the championing of Christopher Unrein, DO, FACOI, FACP, CMD, Chief Academic Officer for Rocky Mountain Osteopathic Postdoctoral Training Institute (RMOPTI), there is now a new regular feature: "Introspections." This will be a place for osteopathic medical students (RVU students, in particular) to submit written pieces and share their thoughts, as well. The reflections will be published bi-monthly. For the first "Introspections" piece, appearing in the April/May issue, Natalie Poliektov, OMS II, wrote an article, "Learning about the doctor-patient relationship," which poignantly describes her experience with delivering bad news to a patient who had previously battled cancer and the decision of the physician to not press treatment. In the June/July issue, Benjamin Horn, OMS II, wrote an article, "Sharing in Suffering." This piece describes the impersonal bedside manner of a resident he personally faced in a moment of fear and disbelief, as well as the resulting connection with a caring physician.

If you would like to submit an essay, contact Alexis Horst in the Writing Center at ahorst@rvu.edu for assistance with editing and submission guidelines.


Achieving New Heights Highlighting the Accomplishments of Our Faculty, Staff and Physicians in Training

AMA House of Delegates Update by Kiara Blough, OMS II

With the generous support of the Colorado Medical Society, the Medical Student Section (MSS) from RVU was able to send four medical students to the American Medical Association’s Annual House of Delegates (HOD) meeting in Chicago, Illinois. During this meeting, physicians and medical students from across the country gathered to address health policy. Working intimately alongside our colleagues from the University of Colorado School of Medicine, the Colorado MSS played an active role in both the MSS and main HOD meetings, including authoring and reviewing resolutions, serving as delegates and alternate delegates to the House, and giving testimony on the floor. Kiara Blough, OMS II, and Rachel Landin, OMS II, served as delegate and alternate delegate, respectively, to the MSS. SD Blough also served as alternate delegate to the main HOD. Sohayla Rostami, OMS IV, worked diligently in prior weeks to co-author a resolution, "Recognizing Poverty-level Wages as a Social Determinant of Health," which was adopted as MSS Policy. We are especially proud of SD Rostami for being elected Vice-Chair to the executive board of Region 1, which leads and organizes 15 states from across the country. While the conference itself was a valuable learning experience for all, RVU and CU medical students invested countless hours during late-night meetings and conference calls reviewing resolutions. These meetings allowed us to discuss our stance early, propose amendments, anticipate opposition, and strategize and prepare for debate in the house. Thanks to the leadership of CMS advisor, Brandi Ring, MD, the Colorado MSS was well prepared and poised to create and pass important and timely resolutions. RVU students left with a shared sense of inspiration. When asked about their experience, here’s what our classmates said: Sohayla Rostami, OMS IV: "It was and continues to be absolutely inspirational to see all students, from myriad backgrounds, various geographic locations, and different years of medical


training, come together and find a single, strong voice on difficult issues. We see in real time representatives and delegates set aside their personal beliefs and advocate for their patients and the medical field. Especially with the AMA Annual this year, more than my observations from previous meetings, there was a clear resounding stance on major issues plaguing our politics and one that the students decided to take ownership of as they will be the future of medicine. The students were initiating proactive measures in an otherwise very reactive political landscape. The compassion and care of the students transcend the classroom and clinic walls and reach a level where thousands of lives across the nation can be (positively) affected." Rachel Landin, OMS II: "I left the AMA-MSS Annual Meeting feeling incredibly inspired by the brilliance of our fellow medical students. The event had such an enormous impact on my view of medicine and policy, and I am so thrilled to know that the next generation of practitioners are so passionate to push the current boundaries of medical policy in order to advocate for their patients in the strongest way possible. The three greatest accomplishments the AMA-MSS achieved included the following: passing support for the future development of single payer healthcare with the allowance of intermediate steps such as a public option; supporting the creation of supervised injection facilities, which not only passed through the MSS house but through the main HOD as well; and requiring religiously-affiliated medical institutions to fully disclose all reproductive health service options. I cannot emphasize enough the excitement I have for the future of medicine and medical policy, and I look forward to seeing more policy that will benefit the diverse range of our patients." Krista Allen, OMS II: "I attended the Women Physician Section breakout mentoring session. As medical students, we heard advice from multiple different female physicians on leadership, contract negotiation, patient advocacy, landing that residency, and how to not only survive, but also thrive, in often male-dominant areas of medicine. I can truly say that I will keep with me the personal stories and advice shared during this session for the remainder of my career in medicine." When speaking about the interim meeting in November, Krista says, "I'm inspired and ready to work with my Colorado peers and students across the nation. We already have resolution ideas in mind and I've applied to the Bioethics and Humanities standing committee of the MSS governing council!" (Reprinted from and photo courtesy of Colorado Medicine)

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Welcome to our New Faculty and Staff! Maye Aquino-Turkington Administrative Assistant, Department of Student Affairs; RVUCOM-SU Campus Maye is originally from San Francisco, California. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Education. She has worked for 18 years in Project Administration and Business Disciplines. For years, her family had been taking vacations to St. George, Utah to play golf and to "get away from the hustle and bustle of city life," she said. When, she and her husband had the opportunity to "retire" from their professions in business, project management, and administration from an international engineering and procurement power delivery company, they decided to build their dream home in St. George. "RVU has provided me with the opportunity to pursue a different path in my career at a different stage in my life. [It] provides an exciting and gratifying environment. [I am] proud that I have a part in investing in the future and helping those who want to be in a profession that can truly make a difference in the world." Maye has three beautiful children and two grandchildren who live in Kansas. She loves to golf and has an appreciation for the culinary arts (wine, in particular!). Interestingly, Maye and her husband placed second in their flight in the Northern California Golf Tournament in Napa, California in 2016. Welcome, Maye! Jenny Callahan, MA Admissions Coordinator, Department of Admissions; RVUCOM-SU Campus Jenny has lived in St. George, Utah since high school and considers that to be her hometown; however, she grew up in a small town on the shores of Bear Lake, near the Utah/ Idaho border. She earned her Bachelor of Arts degree from Brigham Young University and her Master of Arts degree in English from Weber State University. Her entire career has been spent in the field of higher education. She has served at Dixie State University, first in transcript evaluation and then as International Student Office

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Coordinator. She went on to work as International Admissions Advisor at Weber State University and as Admissions Counselor at Georgia Perimeter College. She also served as International Programs Coordinator for the Robinson College of Business at Georgia State University, where she created international exchange agreements, working with faculty and international partners to articulate courses and to market to students ("I loved every minute of it!"). Most recently, she worked as Program Manager for the Steele Center for Translational Medicine at University of Utah, where she conducted research to cure Age-Related Macular Degeneration which causes blindness. In coming to RVU, Jenny finds it "intriguing to be part of a new endeavor and to have the opportunity to learn more about osteopathic medicine." Jenny is married with children. She enjoys outdoor activities such as hiking, riding dirt bikes, spending time at the lake, and visiting national parks. A fun fact about Jenny is that while attending her son's club basketball games in Atlanta, she had the opportunity to watch Dr. J (Julius Erving) coaching his grandson's team. Welcome, Jenny! John Coulter Technician, Department of Facilities and Grounds; RVUCOM-SU Campus John is originally from Salt Lake City, Utah, but moved to Ivins in 2015 to "escape the big city and to take advantage of the vast recreational opportunities available in Washington County." He studied Environmental Studies at University of Utah. Most recently, John worked at the Facilities Department of Satterfield Helm, a real estate developer. Prior to that, he served as Operations Manager for a non-profit organization and as Associate Director for Salt Lake County Animal Services. He has also worked in project management for residential construction for seven years. He said he is thrilled to be part of an organization that's invested in enhancing the community and one that places a high value on health and wellness. In his spare time, John enjoys cycling, mountain biking, camping, fly fishing, and backcountry skiing ("I might need to pay you a visit in Colorado—not much snow down here!"). His favorite past-time is running and exploring new


Welcome to our New Faculty and Staff! trails with his partner-in-crime, a nine-year-old pit bull named Bee. "Some of our favorite winter trails are only a couple miles from RVU in the Santa Clara Reserve." Interestingly, John has climbed and skied at the summit of Denali in Alaska! Welcome, John! Alva "Al" Davis Security Officer, Department of Public Safety and Security; RVUCOM-SU Campus Alva is originally from West Valley City, Utah. He studied at Salt Lake Community College and at Red Rocks Community College. He has specialized training from Occupational Safety and Health Administration, California Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement, Utah Peace Officer Standards and Training, and the U.S. Department of Justice. Al previously worked as a West Valley City Police Detective where he served for 21 years. He was assigned to various task forces including the narcotics division (specializing in Clandestine Labs/Hazmat) and Special Victim’s Unit (specializing in domestic violence crimes). Throughout his career, he has received several awards including Police Star, Detective of the Year, Distinguished Service twice, Meritorious Service, Safe Driving Award, Life Saving Award, and numerous commendations from West Valley City, Drug Enforcement Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigations, U.S. Marshal's Office, Salt Lake County District Attorney, Utah's 3rd District Court, and Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas program. After retiring from the police department in 2014, he and his wife, Jacqueline, moved to St. George to get out of the snow, traffic, and smog of the Salt Lake City area. They have been married for 30 years and have two adult children and six grandchildren. In his free time, Al is a car collector and road enthusiast. His favorite car is his LS3 Powered Jeep Rubicon. A little-known fact about Al is that he still owns his first car, a 1976 Chevrolet Camaro RS named Camaro. Welcome, Al!


Laura Dement, MA Ed Title IX Coordinator and Compliance Specialist, Department of Institutional Effectiveness; RVUCOM-CO Campus Laura is originally from Missouri, though she has lived in Colorado for 35 years. She attended Southeast Missouri State University, receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in K-12 Education, then University of Phoenix where she received her Master of Arts degree in Education Administration. Laura began her teaching career in the country of Saudi Arabia, teaching English language learners for almost five years in the 1980s. She returned to Denver, taught elementary school for 15 years, then transitioned into elementary/middle school administration as a Principal for the last 15 years. She is very excited to help make a difference at RVU. She has always wanted to work in higher education. She has strong experience in school accreditation, federal compliance, and various aspects of office administration. Laura is married to George Biel and has two grown children, Tanya and David. She loves to golf and claims to play a decent game! When she has a chance, she "rockhounds"— searching for gems and minerals across Colorado and other western states. If you ask, she may bring some samples of what she has collected over the last several years! Welcome, Laura! Connie Dixon Clinical Rotations Coordinator, Department of Clinical Affairs; RVUCOM-SU Campus Connie grew up in Orem, Utah, but is most recently from Brighton, Colorado. She has lived all over the U.S. and even lived in the Netherlands for two years. She attended Southern Utah State College (now Southern Utah University) and Utah Technical College. She is a certified professional coder. She has worked as Practice Administrator for Denver-Vail Orthopedics and as Practice Manager for Utah Nephrology. Most recently, she served as Chief Executive Officer at the Center for Spine in Orthopedics, where she worked for over five years before coming to RVU. After sponsoring RVU stu-

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Welcome to our New Faculty and Staff! dents at her previous company and enjoying the interaction with them and the staff, she decided to join the RVU team. "The idea of going to a brand new campus and helping to establish a program from the ground up is very exciting to me and I look forward to the challenge," she said.

She and her husband, Ashley, have four kids from ages 6 to 17. She loves hiking, camping, and anything outdoors. She also loves to cook and bake.

Connie is married to her husband, Riches. She has four children of her own and five step-children who are all grown and married. In their free time, Connie and Riches enjoy sports, traveling, playing board and card games, and spending time with family, especially their 15 grandchildren! She likes to bake and cook, garden, hand-stitch Christmas stockings and play word games like Scrabble and Words with Friends, which her husband refuses to play with her.

Jing Gao, MD, FAIUM Assistant Professor of Ultrasound, Department of Structural Medicine; RVUCOM-SU Campus

A little-known fact about Connie is that she played the part of the Wicked Witch of the West in The Wizard of Oz for summer theater. She later posted a photo of herself as the Wicked Witch on a dating profile and that's what enticed her now-husband to contact her! Welcome, Connie! Chasity Edwards Program Coordinator, Department of Clinical Assessment and Simulation; RVUCOM-SU Campus Chasity grew up all over Southern Utah: born in Kanab and raised in Orderville—a town with a population of 500. "I have always loved helping people and was even voted 'Most Likely to be a Kindergarten Teacher' by my graduating class," she said. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in Clinical Psychology (with an emphasis in Counseling) from Argosy University. She then became licensed as a Substance Use Disorder Counselor. "While I loved helping clients overcome their struggles with addiction, I found my true passion was teaching those who work with the clients every day. I fell in love with developing staff and programming that would make the organization better." This led her to pursue a Master degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from Capella University, toward which she is currently working. Prior to RVU, she worked at Therapia Addiction Healing Center as the Program Director. She is excited for her new venture with RVU and can't wait to bring her passion, knowledge, and experience here, helping future doctors to grow.

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Welcome, Chasity!

Originally from China, Dr. Gao studied medicine at Dalian Medical College and at Changchun College of Chinese Medicine, learning both western medicine and Chinese traditional medicine. She completed her postdoctoral training at Changchun 208 Hospital and a fellowship at China Medical University. She worked at Weill Cornell Medical College and New York Presbyterian Hospital for more than 25 years and has extensive expertise in clinical ultrasound, teaching in radiology residency programs, and researching. In 2016, she was awarded a grant from National Institute of Health (NIH) to conduct research on quantitative ultrasound imaging in the assessment of chronic kidney disease. She also holds a patent in ultrasound strain imaging in Parkinson's Disease. She is involved with global medical education and services. Dr. Gao is looking forward to contributing her experience of ultrasound in education and research at RVU. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, hiking, and cooking. Welcome, Dr. Gao! Dawnett Hann Administrative Assistant, Department of Osteopathic Principles and Practice; RVUCOM-SU Campus Originally from Chelmsford, Massachusetts, Dawnett lived in her home state until her husband was stationed in Missouri. She began pursuing a degree at George Washing University but decided to "get my degree in motherhood instead!" She worked at Harvard Pilgrim Health Care for 27 years in various administrative roles. While there, she served as Assistant to the Vice President of Strategic Planning and to the Senior Vice President of Marketing; as Executive Assistant to the Chief Operating Officer and the Chief Executive Officer; and as Office Manager.

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Welcome to our New Faculty and Staff! She is excited to be in Southern Utah as she is closer to family, but also because she won't have to deal with snow or frizzy hair! Of RVU, she said, "The philosophy and core values really speak to me and I can't wait to begin this new adventure!" She has been married for over 38 years to her "ruggedly handsome, high school sweetheart, Ricky" (see photo below for proof). Together, they have three awesome children and Dawnett is "Gammie" to twelve adorable grandchildren. She is into carb and retail therapy and enjoys long walks on the beach and spending time with her family and friends. A funny story about Dawnett is that the day after she watched Jaws in the movie theater, she went to Martha's Vineyard (where the movie was filmed) and swam in the ocean! Welcome, Dawnett! Rick Hann Security Officer, Department of Public Safety and Security; RVUCOM-SU Campus Rick is a native of Billerica, Massachusetts. He received an Associate of Science degree in Mortuary Science from Mount Ida College and a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice from Northeastern University. Rick served in the U.S. Air Force (Active Duty) as a Security Specialist and in the Army Reserves as a Criminal Investigator. Later, he received a political appointment to the Missouri State Highway Patrol as a State Trooper. For the last 27 years, though, he was employed by United Parcel Service (UPS) as a Criminal Investigator. Along with his wife of over 38 years, Dawnett, Rick moved to Southern Utah from New Hampshire to be closer to family—though the lack of snow, the warmer weather, and all the sunshine doesn't hurt! "As part of the RVU family," he said, "I am excited to provide my services in keeping our campus a safe haven for faculty, staff, and students." Together, they have three wonderful children and twelve "very active" grandchildren, ranging in ages from 9 months old to 14 years old. His hobbies include camping, hiking, UTVing, dirt biking, golfing, collecting firearms, fishing, and hunting. A little-known fact about Rick is that he is a National Board Certified embalmer and has performed over 300 embalmings. Welcome, Rick!


Sherry Harward, MSL Educational and Academic Support Counselor, Department of Student Affairs; RVUCOM-SU Campus Sherry has lived in Salt Lake City and Utah County her entire life, though she will soon begin building a new home in St. George. She received her Master of Science degree in Leadership from Grand Canyon University and her Bachelor of Science degree in Communication and Business Leadership from Utah Valley University in Orem. She has worked at Utah Valley University for over twenty years in several departments and positions. She worked as an Academic Advisor, Assistant Director for Career and Technical Education, Creator/Director of Women in Technology, Adjunct Instructor, Creator/Director of the Career Passport Program, and President of the Employee Association. She also served as Administrative Assistant several times, assisting the Director of Human Resources and two different Associate Vice Presidents. She is excited to join the RVU team as she appreciates the mission, the students, staff, and administration: "I'm grateful for the opportunity to contribute and be a part of it all!" Sherry is married to her best friend, Scott. Together, they have four adult children and ten grandchildren (nine girls and one boy!). She enjoys movies, theater, jewelry-making, and spending time with her family. She loves the entrepreneurial process and is interested in leadership, image management, fashion, women's topics, spiritual growth, teaching, music, and performing. Interestingly, Sherry has owned several businesses in the entertainment industry, including a family entertainment troupe, a children's performing arts studio, and a mobile DJ service. She and Scott are also professional vocal entertainers for weddings, holidays, and corporate events. Welcome, Sherry! Kristine Jenkins Director of Campus Operations, Department of Finance and Administration; RVUCOM-SU Campus Kristine hails from Colorado, though she moved to Southern Utah two years ago. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Adminis-

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Welcome to our New Faculty and Staff! tration and is currently working on a Master of Public Administration degree from University of Colorado Denver. Previously, she worked at University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus as a Core Manager. She worked with faculty members in the Basic Sciences Department and in the Clinical Department in Research Administration. Prior to CU, she worked as Chief Operating Officer for a sales agency, where she worked on construction projects across six western states. She decided to work for RVU because she "loves the energy and intellect at a medical campus." She also likes that it is a small campus with the ability to actually interact with students, faculty, and staff on a more personal level. She has been married for 32 years to "an awesome guy" and has three children and six grandchildren (all under six years old so "when they visit, it's crazy!"). Her favorite job title in her life is Grandma: "Best job ever!" In her spare time, she enjoys watching football and would rather watch it than a chick flick any day! Welcome, Kristine! Tim Johnson, MS, PA-C Director of Clinical Education and Assistant Professor; Physician Assistant Program; RVUCOM-CO Campus Tim is a Colorado native, born down the road in Colorado Springs. He grew up in upstate New York but moved back to Colorado after high school in pursuit of higher education. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and Information Systems from University of Colorado Boulder. He then earned his Master of Science degree in Medicine from the CU's Child Health Associate/Physician Assistant program in 2006. He has since worked in a variety of specialties including Orthopedics/Hand Surgery, Total Joints, Urgent Care, and Family Practice. Tim is excited to assist with the development of the Physician Assistant program at RVU. He is looking forward to helping students build their knowledge and supplement with clinical experience. He "enthusiastically looks forward to seeing the PA students as they serve patients within their communities in a manner that is compassionate, collaborative and continues to advance the PA profession." Tim is father of two outdoor enthusiasts—one an aspiring

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physician or PA—and husband to a lovely wife, who owns a consulting business. He enjoys road- and mountain-biking, skiing, working out, mountain hikes, and four-wheeling. He believes in providing excellent patient care to members of his community, particularly those struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. This led him to co-found the first medical house-call practice in Denver, which focuses on family and primary care. Interestingly, in 2011, he also coordinated a medical mission trip to Haiti in the wake of the earthquake. Welcome Tim! Linsey Kasper, MBA Program Coordinator for Sky Ridge Medical Center General Surgery Residency Program, Department of Graduate Medical Education Linsey was born in Topeka, Kansas but moved with her family to Colorado when she was four years old. "I've never lived anywhere else but did take ample time to study abroad in London and Mexico while in high school and during my undergrad," she said. She received her Bachelor of Science degree from University of Colorado Boulder in Business Finance with emphases in International Business and Real Estate. She received her Master of Business Administration degree (with a concentration in Health Care Administration) from University of Phoenix. Prior to coming to RVU, she worked as a Program Coordinator for the Thoracic Surgery Residency in the CU's Department of Surgery Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery. She was also Chair of the Program Coordinator's Council Social Committee and worked to bring coordinators together for networking and mentoring sessions. She has also worked in residential real estate, retail banking, and mortgage banking. She came to RVU to work with the new surgery program: "I am excited to help grow this program and get some processes in place so that we can create an awesome resident education program." Linsey is married with four children: one in sixth grade, twins in second grade, and her youngest in kindergarten. "Finally got them all in school...mommy win!" She added, "I'd love to do more 'non-kid' things so if anyone is craving brunch on the weekend, a dinner party, or a happy hour after work. I really enjoy getting to know people and making new friends." They love to travel but don't get to do it enough ("Does anyone really?"). They're planning to spend


Welcome to our New Faculty and Staff! Christmas on a beach in Mexico for a warm change, though. She is an avid cook and loves trying new recipes ("thus, torturing my kids with some adventurous spice combos"). Also, she was the reigning cooking competition champ at her last company. "Anyone want to potluck?" Welcome, Linsey! Christopher M. LaFontano, DO Assistant Professor, Department of Osteopathic Principles and Practice; RVUCOM-CO Campus While Dr. LaFontano is originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, he calls Colorado home as he has been here since 1999. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree and a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree from University of New England. He then went to Michigan State University for his NMM/OMM residency program.

ogy from the University of California Los Angeles. Before coming to RVU, he worked as a Postdoctoral Associate at the University of Georgia and Professor of Biology at Eastern New Mexico University. He then served as Professor of Human Physiology at UofU for fifteen years. Most recently, he taught at UofU’s Asia Campus. He has received numerous awards including Favorite Professor of the Beehive Honor Society in 2015, Greek Council Best Professor Award in 2014 at UofU, and Excellence in Education Award from the Latter-day Saints Student Association at UofU in 2012. Dr. Linton is excited to be back in Utah and to join RVU in its focus on student learning and education. He is married with four children and loves to spend time with his family, backpack, run, and camp. A little-known fact about Dr. Linton is that he was impaled by a javelin—it went about an inch into his calf muscle—when he was 16 years old at a high school track meet! Welcome, Dr. Linton!

Following board certification, he worked at a private practice called Denver Osteopathic Center for nearly 20 years. During this time, he also served as a Team Physician for University of Denver. Of coming to RVU, he said, "In residency, my two loves were working with athletes and teaching students. Since being in private practice, I've been able to work with athletes but have been limited in my ability to teach." At RVU, he will be able to teach, passing on the knowledge that his mentors passed on to him. "I am excited to be a part of a University that promotes osteopathic philosophies and promotes wellness—not only on campus, but in the community." Dr. LaFontano is married to Julie, also a DO, and together they have two beautiful daughters: Courtney (15) and Lily (12). He enjoys sports ("Go Pioneers and Spartans!"), traveling, reading, and being with his family. Welcome, Dr. LaFontano! Matthew J. Linton, PhD Professor of Physiology, Department of Biomedical Sciences; Phase Director for Year One Curriculum, Office of the Campus Dean; RVUCOM-SU Campus Originally from Highland, Utah, Dr. Linton obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biology from University of Utah (UofU) and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Biology and Physiol-


Merilynn Lloyd Administrative Assistant to the Assistant Dean of Integrated Curriculum, Department of the Campus Dean; RVUCOM-SU Campus Merilynn originally comes from Salt Lake City, Utah. She worked for 11 years in administrative support and marketing. She worked for University of Utah School of Medicine in the Division of Cardiology as an Administrative Assistant. Later, she worked at Hand and Orthopedic Physical Therapy as Executive Assistant and Marketing Director. While there, she received a $2,500 award by UofU's Internal Medicine department for designing the "Most Patient Friendly Site." Living in Southern Utah had been a dream of Merilynn and her husband. "We had a life change that gave us the opportunity and we took the leap!" Of RVU, she said, "I was ecstatic to learn that a medical school was being built in Ivins as I love academics and I love medicine. What a perfect match!" In their spare time, they like working on projects such as home renovations and landscaping. She enjoys "almost anything that takes me outdoors," particularly water sports. She also loves creative writing. An interesting fact about Merilynn is that she has mastered the art of breadmaking. Welcome, Merilynn!

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Welcome to our New Faculty and Staff! Lauren Martiere, MLIS, MA Reference Librarian, Department of Medical Informatics and Library Services; RVUCOM-SU Campus Lauren originally hails from Greensboro, North Carolina. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree in History from University of North Carolina Greensboro and her Master of Arts degree in History from Clemson University. She also just received her Master of Library and Information Science degree in Academic Libraries from University of Pittsburgh in August of this year. She has worked as an Intern Health Sciences Librarian at Duquesne University and as a Reference Associate at Chatham University. When asked what brought her to RVU, she replied, "First full-time library position after receiving my master's degree!" Lauren and her fiancĂŠ are raising a puppy named Gretchen and are excited to start their life in Southern Utah. She is an avid fan of the Pittsburgh Penguins and of the Clemson Tigers. She loves to read and watch Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, and Star Wars. Interestingly, she collects Jane Austen novels and themed coffee mugs. Welcome and congratulations on your recent achievement, Lauren! Nena L. Mason, PhD Director of Anatomy Laboratory and Assistant Professor, Department of Structural Medicine; Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences; RVUCOM-SU Campus Dr. Mason is originally from Melba, Idaho. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Human Biology and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Physiology and Developmental Biology from Brigham Young University. Prior to her appointment at RVU, Dr. Mason served as Director of the Gross Anatomy Laboratory and an Assistant Professor of Physiology and Anatomy at a new allopathic school called California Northstate University College of Medicine (CNUCOM). While at CNUCOM, Dr. Mason designed the entire gross anatomy curriculum and was also engaged in teaching basic ultrasound. Her current research involves the development of different strategies for training medical students in ultrasound skill.

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She is excited to join RVU where ultrasound is fully integrated into the curriculum and where she can take part in educational outreach programs. In her free time, Dr. Mason and her husband, Tim, love to explore the outdoors, snowboard (she even used to be a snowboard instructor at Grand Targhee Resort in Alta, Wyoming), longboard, hike, camp, and go canyoneering. She is excited to explore all of the national parks in the area and to try snowboarding at Brian Head Resort. Welcome, Dr. Mason! Cheryl McCormick, PhD Chair of the Department and Professor of Physiology, Department of Biomedical Sciences; RVUCOM-CO Campus Dr. McCormick was born in Reidsville, North Carolina. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology, then earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Technology from Medical College of Virginia. Next, she earned her Doctor of Philosophy degree in Pharmacology (with a minor in Physiology) from Wake Forest University School of Medicine. Dr. McCormick is a familiar face on campus already: in 2009, she moved to Colorado to serve as Phase Director for Year One Curriculum and as Associate Professor of Physiology at RVU. During her time here, she went on to serve as Professor of Physiology and as Assistant Dean of Preclinical Affairs. She then left RVU to serve as Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs at Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences in Missouri. She is excited to be back at RVU as "the faculty and staff here are the best team in osteopathic medical education. They work hard to ensure student success and I am happy to work with them and be an integral part of the students' education and future successes." Dr. McCormick is married to a trauma/critical care surgeon who has worked in the Denver area for almost 20 years and is on the editorial board of International Trauma Life Support. Her stepson is attending Colorado State University and is a rising sophomore studying computer security. In her free time, she enjoys SCUBA diving and traveling. She and her husband also foster and rescue Vizslas (a dog breed). She loves spending time at her house on the outer banks of North Carolina. Welcome back, Dr. McCormick!


Welcome to our New Faculty and Staff! Terry Meyer Security Supervisor, Department of Public Safety and Security; RVUCOMSU Campus Originally from Riverside, California, Terry brings 28 years of law enforcement and public safety to RVU. While working for the City of Riverside Police Department, he began working patrol, moved up the ranks to Detective, then to the positon of Police Sergeant. He retired from active law enforcement in 2008.

ponent to be able to show the students all the structures I teach them in lecture. I'm excited to get back in the lab and work on dissections again." In her spare time, she enjoys camping, knitting, traveling, and conducting research. She's looking forward to having access to all the outdoor activities Colorado has to offer: "I love that I can go to Red Rocks or Garden of the Gods on the weekends for a hike. It's also great that Parker is within driving distance to a few national parks—one of my bucket list items is to visit them all!" Welcome, Dr. Moffett!

His most recent position was as the Executive Director of the Department of Campus Safety at Azusa Pacific University where he worked for eight years. He moved to Utah this year to be closer to his daughter, who is currently attending Dixie State University.

Truman Smith Administrative Assistant, Departments of Biomedical Sciences, Structural Medicine, and Medical Humanities; RVUCOM-SU Campus

Throughout his career, Terry has received 27 honors and awards for excellence in public service, including the Los Angeles County Golden Badge Award and the Medal for Police Bravery for Courage Under Fire.

Truman was born and raised in Salt Lake City Utah. After graduating from high school, he attended Snow College in central Utah, then transferred and completed his Bachelor of Science Degree in Marketing from Southern Utah University. After graduating from SUU, he moved to St. George in August of this year and began his employment with RVU.

His hobbies include jazz music, travel, and spending time with his family. A little-known fact about Terry is that he is currently working on his Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice and Management from California Baptist University. Welcome, Terry! Elizabeth Moffett, PhD Assistant Professor, Department of Structural Medicine; RVUCOM-CO Campus Dr. Moffett was born and raised in Slidell, Louisiana. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Anthropology from Louisiana State University. She then earned her Doctor of Philosophy degree in Anatomical Sciences from University of Missouri. Following graduation, she taught gross anatomy at University of Missouri, then undergraduate anatomy and physiology at Stony Brook University. She came to Colorado because of the opportunity to teach gross anatomy at RVU. "I liked teaching undergraduates at Stony Brook, but I definitely missed having a gross lab com-


Before coming to RVU, he worked as in Admissions and Recruitment at SUU for two years before becoming an Administrative Assistant. "I love being in the education environment and I love being around students. I prize seeing the growth in our students, watching them become doctors one step at a time," he said. "Being in an academic setting where continually learning is the center of everything is what really excites me. I love to learn, so being at RVU is the perfect place for me!" Truman enjoys hiking, camping, backpacking, and going on exploration adventures with his wife. "We love reading books, attending the latest Marvel movies, playing games, going to Disneyland, and making new friends," he said. An interesting fact about Truman is that one day in 2012, on a whim, he bought a ukulele and decided to teach himself how to play. He now enjoys learning, playing, and singing songs including classics, pop music, country, rock and roll, Disney, and religious hymns. Welcome Truman!

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Welcome to our New Faculty and Staff! Darcy Solanyk, MS, PA-C Associate Professor of Physician Assistant Studies, Physician Assistant Program; RVUCOM-CO Campus Darcy is a Colorado native, having grown up in Fairplay. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and a Master of Science degree in Anatomy from Colorado State University, as well as a Physician Assistant degree from University of Colorado. Prior to working at RVU, she served as a faculty member in the Child Health Associate/Physician Assistant (CHA/PA) program at CU for five years. Of RVU's PA program, she said, "[We are] developing an educationally innovative program with an exciting approach to creating and assessing a competent, collaborative, compassionate PA student. I'm excited, as well, to be part of an amazing and creative group of educators." Darcy is married with two children—an 8-year-old daughter and almost-5-year-old son. She also has two aging dogs. As a family, they like to camp, fish, and hike. A fun fact about Darcy is that she has been skydiving in Australia. Welcome, Darcy! Susan Strickland, MA Assistant Director, Office of Testing; RVUCOM-SU Campus Susan originally comes from Brighton, Michigan and has lived in the state for most of her life. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Elementary Education from Michigan State University and a Master of Arts degree in Curriculum Development from Eastern Michigan University. She taught elementary students in Livonia, Michigan for 30 years before retiring in 2016. Then, she took a position with the University of Michigan's Ross School of Business as the Accommodation Exam and Core Course Specialist. Susan's husband accepted a position with Dean Foods and began working in Utah in May, then she followed in July. "My husband and I are lifelong Michiganers so we're ready to take on this new adventure!"

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Susan began working at RVU just in time for the Ribbon Cutting of the new campus: "I was so excited to be part of this event! It's an honor and a privilege to be at RVU" Together, she and her husband have five children ranging in ages from 21 to 26 years old and residing in New York, California, Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan! "My son just got married in May, so now we have six children!" In her spare time, Susan enjoys art, music, traveling, and camping. A fun fact about Susan is that she has attended live tapings of Saturday Night Live, The View, David Letterman, The Chew, and Wendy Williams. Welcome, Susan! Bradley Thornock, PhD, MPH Assistant Professor, Department of Medical Humanities; RVUCOM-SU Campus Dr. Thornock hails from Brigham City, Utah. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Biological and Health Psychology from Brigham Young University, a Master of Public Health degree in Public Health Genetics/Health Behavior and Education from University of Michigan, and a PhD in Health Care Ethics from St. Louis University. Dr. Thornock comes to RVU from Saginaw Valley State University where he served as Assistant Professor of Philosophy. He also served as the Pediatric Genomics and Ethics Fellow at Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri. Being at RVU allows him the opportunity to train caring, accessible doctors in southern Utah. He is married to his wife, Tiffany, with whom he has two children. In his spare time, Dr. Thornock likes to play racquetball, tennis, and is looking forwarding to learning pickleball. He also enjoys playing the guitar and ukulele, as well as drawing, painting, and illustrating. He has even illustrated a few children’s books! A little-known fact about Dr. Thornock is that he has been getting into street art, cutting stencils and spray painting on canvas. To date, he has sprayed paintings of his kids, buildings (such as The Church of the Blood in Russia), and even a bust of Aristotle, which you can see hanging up in his office. Welcome, Dr. Thornock!


Welcome to our New Faculty and Staff! Ben Wilde, DO Assistant Professor of Principles of Clinical Medicine, Department of Primary Care, RVUCOM-SU Campus Dr. Wilde is originally from Worland, Wyoming. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Health Sciences from University of Wyoming and his Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree from Midwestern University in Arizona. While in medical school, he was awarded the Osteopathic Predoctoral Teaching Fellowship, as well as a Distinguished Service Award by the Arizona Osteopathic Medical Association. He completed a family medicine residency program at Southern Illinois University.

He left a busy, full-scope rural family medicine practice to join the RVU team. "I am thrilled to be part of the RVU Utah team at its inception, with the opportunity to not only help train skilled future physicians but also to contribute to the success of the university as a whole," he said. "We have an enormous potential, and even responsibility, to positively influence this community and state." His primary interest outside of work is "the strengthening of families, both my own and others'." He and his wife, Bryony, have four children and are Certified Teaching Self-Government Mentors. They have taught several family-building courses in their home and community. In his free time, Dr. Wilde enjoys cycling, music, and travel. Welcome, Dr. Wilde!

Most recently, he was employed with Banner Health, where he graduated from its Advanced Leadership Program for Physicians in 2015.

Promotions and Appointments Duane Brandau, has been appointed Assistant Dean of Clinical Education and Research. In addition to his new role, he will assume a teaching position in the Master of Science of Biomedical Sciences program. Dr. Brandau originally created the Clinical Affairs department eight years ago and has since expanded it across 33 states. He has been with RVU since 2008.

Joseph Richard, MLIS, has been promoted from Library Clerk to Outreach Coordinator in the Frank Ritchel Ames Memorial Library. In his new role, he will serve as liaison between the library and the RVU community, fostering relationships and increasing public awareness of the library and its vision. He has been with RVU since 2016.

Joel Dickerman, has been promoted from Assistant Dean of Clinical Affairs to Associate Dean of Clinical Affairs. In his new role, he will provide oversight and direction for the clinical department chairs, DMEs, faculty, staff, and students in planning, developing, and implementing RVUCOM's clinical and postgraduate curriculum. He has been with RVU since 2010.


Vista View

From the Rocky Vista University Alumni Association



Students, faculty, staff, and fellow alum, Seems like the summer came and went so quickly this year. Last we spoke, RVU had graduated its first MSBS class and its sixth medical class and, of course, we were all excited to start the next journey. Well, that journey has since started! The RVUCOM-CO campus is in full swing with the Class of 2021—congratulations to them! Hopefully, the nerves has calmed down by now and you’re realizing you’ll never have enough time to study before the next test. RVUCOM-CO has also welcomed the second MSBS class through its doors and we’re excited to have you, as well. RVU’s new Utah campus, RVUCOMSU, started its first class. Congratulations are in order for them, as well, for being brave and being the leaders to take on a "new" project. There is no doubt you will succeed! There have also been a few classes of residents from RVU's residency programs that have graduated and moved on to become Fellows or attending physicians which is super exciting…until the lenders start asking for their money…but exciting, nonetheless! Also, at least one of RVU's residency programs—Sky Ridge Medical Center Internal Medicine Residency Program—became accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). I know many other residency programs are also in the process of becoming accredited. Congratulations! The Rocky Vista Health Center saw our friend and colleague, Roy Merrill, retire so big congratulations to him. Then we welcomed a new Director of Practice Management, Jennifer Bandolato. We are excited to have you on board, Jennifer! I would also like to send out a welcome and thank you to all of our faculty and staff, both new faces and experienced veterans of both campuses, for your continued support of RVU's students, endeavors, and triumphs. We would not be as successful or as awesome without you all kicking butt every single day! As we continue full swing into a new school year, I’d like to remind everyone that, while the road is tough and will continue to get tougher at times, remember why you do what you do. Remind yourself why you love your job and think about all the people you have helped and will help. All your effort does not go unseen! We appreciate you and everything you do.

Congratulations to Dr. Ryan on his own recent graduation from the Sky Ridge Internal Medicine Residency Program!

For our medical students, remember why you chose to be a doctor! Remember not to take the easy way out. Always push yourself to be better, to learn more, to ask another question, to understand another concept, pathway, or disease because, at some point, you will be making decisions that impact another human being’s life. Being a doctor is the best job in the world (yeah, I’m a little biased) and it’s easy to lose sight of the drive that pushed you this far. Keep your head up and keep striving to be the best because your effort too does not go unseen.

See You at OMED!

RVU Alumni Reception Monday, October 9th • 5:30 - 7:30 pm Philadelphia Marriott Conf. Room 407, 4th Floor

AJ Ryan, DO '14 Alumni Association President

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From the Rocky Vista University Alumni Association



congratulations to all of our alumni on their achievements! Engagements, Marriages, and Births Jeremy Kenison, DO '13, and his wife, Meghan (below), welcomed baby Tucker into the world on June 5th. Tucker weighed 9 pounds 5 ounces and was 21 inches long. Jeremy and Meghan have one other child, Carter.

Job Acceptances, Fellowships, and Other Accomplishments Julianne Imseis-Losh, DO '14, was given the Resident of the Year Award at the Sky Ridge Medical Center Internal Medicine Residency Program graduation in June. She served as Co-Chief Resident for her final year. After taking a brief break following graduation to spend time with her husband and son ("They are adjusting to having me around and I am adjusting to life without chief-hood"), she will begin working at Timberview Clinic in Parker, Colorado. Heather Katz, DO '12, FACOI, was accepted as a Fellow in the American College of Osteopathic Internists (FACOI) and will be inducted in October at the 2017 Annual Convention and Scientific Sessions of the ACOI).

Kabeer Shah, DO '14, and his wife, Julia, welcomed a baby boy, Bodhi Kabeer Shah (below) into the world on July 8th. Baby Bodhi weighed 5 pounds, 9 ounces at birth and was 18.5" long.


Posters, Presentations, and Publications Charles Hutchinson, DO '15, won the Poster Award at the 2017 Special Operations Medical Association Scientific Assembly, for his research, "Physiologic Stress and Performance Evaluation: Simulating Damage Control Surgery in an Austere Environment." The poster's coauthors include RVUCOM students, Michael A. Bork, OMS II, and Amanda Ammentorp, OMS II, and Dr. Anthony LaPorta. The research attempted to objectively evaluate the physiologic stress of surgeons performing a simulated damage control procedure in a weightless environment.

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From the Rocky Vista University Alumni Association



congratulations to all of our alumni on their achievements! Heather Katz, DO '12, FACOI, was published twice recently. The first, titled, "Triple Synchronous Primary Malignancies: A Rare Occurrence," was published in BMJ Case Reports in June. The second, "A Rare Case of Esophageal Adenocarcinoma with Urinary Bladder Metastasis," was published in Case Reports in Gastrointestinal Medicine.

Albert C. Wertz, DO '13, published a book titled, "Pocket Guide to Psychiatry," which has been incorporated as a teaching tool in his residency program. It is also being used in a psychiatric nurse program. It covers such areas as psychiatric assessments, common diagnoses, treatment formulation, neurotransmitter physiology, psychopharmacology, and more. It can be downloaded at https://www.createspace. com/6741834?ref=1147694&utm_ id=6026.

Buy RVU Swag...Support the Alumni Association! The Alumni Association has begun selling new merchandise to raise funds for the Association, including hoodies, Fighting Prairie Dog t-shirts, scrubs, and more! Funds provided to the Alumni Association are used to support scholarship funds, pay for alumni receptions, and other opportunities for current and future alumni members. Watch for updates on the upcoming online school store and other opportunities to purchase!

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The Vista View is published by the Rocky Vista University Marketing Department.

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