DED 2006
i cat i on
November 2015 Newsletter
l E xc e l e n c
n C o mm
RVU Welcomes Clinton Adams, DO, FACHE President and CEO Vista View
President's Message We Are What We Believe We Can Become by Clinton Adams, DO, FACHE, President and CEO Over the past five years, I have had the opportunity to visit with RVU faculty and leadership during Military Appreciation Day and cut suit demonstrations, gaining insight into the curricular model used at RVU. After my most recent visits—which included the interview process, the 2015 Commencement, and a full week at the end of September—it has been evident that RVU is a family of dedicated healthcare professionals, educators, and support staff that is clearly focused on preparing graduates to practice as team members in the uncertain future of rapidly changing medical technology and societal expectations. After serving for thirty years as a physician in the Navy and the past eleven years as a vice president, dean, and faculty member at Western University of Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine, it has become very clear that the adage, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results" has never been more operant. Medical practice is under tremendous scrutiny and pressure to change. In an effort to contain the runaway costs of health care delivery, one must focus on the health of populations and the wise use of technology. The creation of medical homes and team-based practices that embrace the entire spectrum of health care professionals is necessary, because at the end of every healthcare encounter, there is a patient, a family, a community in need of compassionate care from trusted healers who display insight, integrity, and excellence in all they do.
"RVU is the Disruptive Model for Healthcare Education in the 21st Century" I firmly believe that RVU is positioned to be a disruptive model for medical education in the United States. In her recent book, Higher Education at Risk, Sandra Featherman challenges the traditional model of higher education and its reliance on traditional faculty models, higher and higher tuition to support bigger and bigger facilities,
sports teams, and competitive research grants resulting in a secondary focus on curricular relevance and delivery. She points to the increasing relevance and success of the emergence of non-traditional education models in delivering timely, relevant curricular content to students on their terms. Of course, we can’t start an online medical school but we can continue to deliver curricular content in ways to which our “iGeneration” better understand and relate. Our research efforts should include a focus on our disruptive nature, measuring outcomes that will bring educators to our campus in their effort to stop doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different or better outcome. RVU has embraced the teachings of Peter Senge. He describes learning organizations in his book, The Fifth Discipline. He speaks of a shift of mind, a place where people discover how they create their reality and how they can change it. RVU is such a place because the faculty is already hard at work leading curricular initiatives and small group learning cells. We must continue to eliminate fear and enhance the sharing of individual knowledge and even missteps (errors). We will continue to enhance our efforts to use E-ffectiveness, E-fficiency and E-learning in creating an academic culture that will produce the Compassionate graduate who exemplifies Integrity and Excellence in all they will be called upon to do. I would be remiss in not extending my gratitude and appreciation for the work that Dr. Cheryl D. Lovell accomplished during her tenure as President of Rocky Vista University. She symbolically moved RVU and RVUCOM from a college to true University status by gaining Higher Learning Commission accreditation and national recognition. Her work on legislative policy and clearly developing priorities of concern for RVU have strengthened our strategic alignment, laying the groundwork for our role as future leaders in healthcare education.
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Dean's Message The Stethoscope of the 21st Century by Thomas N. Told, DO, FACOFP, dist., Dean and CAO In 1816, Dr. Rene Theophile Hyacinthe Laennec, a French physician, had a dilemma: the standard technique for listening to a patient's heart was "immediate auscultation": placing one ear directly on the chest of the patient. One day, to allay his uneasiness about using this technique on a young woman, he rolled a piece of paper and placed it against her chest. To his surprise, her breath and heart sounded louder and clearer. Technology in medicine took a giant leap forward that day. His discovery that tubes transmitted sounds more efficiently spurred him to develop a monaural wooden tube. In 1851, Dr. Arthur Leared, an Irish physician, developed a binaural version of Laennec’s tube, allowing a physician to listen with both ears. Thus, the modern stethoscope was born. Today, we are once again aided by the physics of sound and it is just as revolutionary and profound to the everyday practice of medicine as it was to Laennec long ago. That technology I allude to is diagnostic ultrasound, which involves the digital transformation of reflected high frequency sound waves into light, painting digital pictures of the objects being targeted. As a young medical student in 1972, I attended a presentation about a new modality that could change high frequency sonar waves into a light generated image. These reflected sound waves would create often fuzzy pictures on a screen or printed on heat-sensitive photographic paper. It was like looking at smoky shadows, but I could make out shapes of organs and see movement of internal structures. The ultrasound left a lasting impression on me. The machine, however, was the size of a washer and I knew it was out of my reach. I urged my little hospital to purchase one. While back then, only radiologists could perform ultrasound procedures, in their absence or at night, I began doing my own scans. Eventually, I was able to afford a machine for my office and we began using it for everything. When a patient had a lump in a breast, I simply scanned it, using that same scanner later to guide a needle for a biopsy. When a female patient was nauseated with abdominal pain, I could check for gallstones, an inflamed appendix, and pregnancy all at once. I could tell whether lumps in the body were cystic, solid, or vascular. The ultrasound allowed us to know the exact age of a baby before birth and
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to assess any possible complications before or during delivery. It was a great diagnostic tool and saved my patients time and money—and often spared them from more invasive procedures. I became an advocate for an ultrasound in every office, setting up courses and developing curriculum to teach ultrasound techniques. When I came to RVU, my machine came with me. But with such a large, expensive machine, would teaching medical students this skill be worth the effort to their future goals? In every case, the answer returned a resounding yes. Digital technology later created machines that were smaller and lighter than ever before, making the ultrasound an essential diagnostic tool in every physician’s bag. It became affordable, portable, simple to operate, and produced high fidelity images that aided in diagnosis. When I read of a iPhonesized ultrasound machine with a relatively modest price, I was certain that RVU should include this modality into our curriculum. Ultrasound was indeed becoming the stethoscope of the 21st century, growing in relevance every day. We would never graduate a student without knowledge of how to use a stethoscope, so how could we graduate students who were not proficient in the use of ultrasound for diagnosis? Most recently, the ultrasound has been judged superior to (as well as less expensive and invasive than) MRI and CT for the diagnosis of joint erosions in arthritis or cartilage tears in the knee. The uses of this modality have become so numerous that it is hard to determine for which condition it is best suited. RVU is not the first osteopathic medical school to incorporate ultrasound into the curriculum; however, we are one of a few that have developed curriculum extending throughout all four years of study. We know that this important tool will be essential to the physicians of the future. In our goal to produce the best physician possible, developing ultrasound skills seem to be an essential ingredient in that process.
Dr. Lovell's Farewell Message Make No Small Plans: Farewell and Continue Your Successes by Cheryl D. Lovell, PhD, President Emeritus As I come to the final months of my presidency, I want to express my heart-felt congratulations for the work and dedication each of you have provided, making RVU the special place it is today. I also want to give you some ideas about future goals, directions, and values to practice—my four wishes for RVU. First, remain focused on the student. The student should be the center of a learning environment—I wish that you always remember this and value it highly. When I think about student-centered practices, I think of the role of instructors who work directly with our students each day. Parker Palmer notes in his book, The Courage to Teach, teachers "possess a 'capacity for connectedness' and are able to weave a complex web of connections between themselves, their subjects, and their students, helping their students weave a world for themselves. The connections made by good teachers are held not in their methods but in their hearts—the place where intellect, emotion, spirit, and will converge in the human self—supported by the community that emerges among us when we choose to live authentic lives." To be student-centered, we must connect with our hearts. I wish that each of you connect with your heart and remain student-focused.
tion that the patient is the ultimate benefactor of our medical education system. Your hard work should result in excellent patient care, regardless of the changing environment. High tech, high touch, and quality care must be provided to all patients.
Third, continue to evolve into a healthy university model. Corporations and universities can be similar in some ways, but universities provide challenge and support to students along with a pedagogy that should result in a transformative life process. Universities, too, are dedicated to the public good and, as such, have a mission that is often different from corporations. RVU is about serving the public good and I want you to always remember your public good role. This requires faculty to act, think, and do what a university's faculty does: educate. Courageous teachers take students from a beginning level of knowledge to a more complex level of competencies, skills, and understandings. Along the way, they model critical thinking and analysis skills that allow learners to think more deeply. Effective university staff Second, stay current with health care practices. The man- understands the educational mission of the campus and ner of providing health care has changed a great deal since uphold that focus of helping to make the learning enviMarcus Welby was the town physician on a television ronment constructive and sustainable. Together, they show. Providers have to keep up with changes in insur- work on the same mission, ensuring a seamless educaance, hospital systems, and high-pertional process that has high results "Remember the outcome of forming networks—where decisions and achievements. These are outmedical education is to cover health care are based on comes and byproducts of our univerquality and successful outcomes of high-quality patient care." sity work, and the outcomes are not care. It is critical for everyone to stay the same as those of a corporation. on top (if not ahead) of the changes that impact the way Students are not customers. Stay focused on the healthy a physician provides care. Remember that the outcome of culture of a university and never get lost in thinking it is medical education is high-quality patient care. T.R. Reid just a business or something you do for ownership. Your sadly opines in his book, The Healing of America, "Even work is life-changing; own that work with high quality though they spend considerably less, the other industrial- and care. Our future medical profession rests in your ized countries produce better results, in terms of overall hands. Encourage and work together for a common purnational health and longevity, than American medicine pose to transform the lives of each student you see every does." That is a tough diagnosis to hear and I know you day. want to reverse that trend. Our preparation for new physicians is effective, award-winning, and based on the no- Finally, continue to be a great neighbor to Parker and
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beyond. One of the greatest parts of my job as President has been to represent RVU to various community groups and stakeholders around Parker, Colorado, and elsewhere. Clearly the national medical education community, the Department of Education, Congress, and the White House know who we are, as we have been a central force in federal legislation. Locally, we have had a great impact as the Colorado legislature embraces RVU and is keenly aware of our great positive impact on the state. A key aspect to external relations has been my involvement with the Parker Chamber, the Parker Economic Development Committee, and the South Denver Economic Development Council. The development around the RVU campus is noticeable and I have been working with these various groups to ensure we have appropriate neighbors with whom we can engage in a helpful manner. There are development plans still too new to share that will allow even greater opportunities for RVU to collaborate with and share our expertise. We will see more growth around the campus and that growth has been strategically designed to be complementary to our purpose as a health sciences university. I am sure you will be pleased to see what transpires over the coming years. Smart affiliations and partnerships that allow RVU to leverage its expertise to the benefit of students, faculty, and staff bode for an even brighter future. Four wishes seem simple on the surface but require you to bring your full self to work every day, requiring you to give 100% at all times. I expect to always hear positive outcomes about your work and look forward to the continued constructive influence Rocky Vista University will provide. I am excited about your future and my future. I am proud of you and feel honored to have served as your President over these last three years. Thanks for teaching me and for allowing me to help shape RVU in beneficial, lasting, positive ways.
Highlights of Achievements Under Dr. Lovell's Leadership: Academic Outcomes: • Number one in the US for board licensure pass rates on COMLEX I and II at 99.3% • 100% residency placement in each graduating class Enrollment Indicators: • Admissions rejection rate close to 98% (nearly 6,000 applications for approximately 160 seats) • Increased diversity of student body by 200% Curricular Additions: • Early stages of adding a Masters in Physician Assistant (PA) Program (anticipated to begin Sum-
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mer 2018) • Pursuing Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences (MSBS) (first class to begin Fall 2016) • Seeking approval for additional location of the COM in another state (expected approval in Dec 2015; classes to begin Summer 2017) Accreditations: • HLC regional accreditation achieved in record time; • Regional accreditation approved for additional location in another state, pending successful HLC site visit once the campus is open • Provisional accreditation approved for the new PA program; the self-study is due July 2017; a site visit in Sep 2017; then RVU will be on ARC-PA commission agenda in March 2018 • MSBS program approved by RVU Board in Oct 2015; HLC application submitted last week; as a new institution to HLC, we need approval to offer additional degrees, called an application for "change status" • HLC regional re-accreditation scheduled for Oct 2017; as RVU was first regionally accredited in 2014, we have the re-accreditation site visit in 3 years; once that passes, it will be every 10 years • Achieved accreditation from the American College of Surgeons for surgical simulation center, we are the only COM in the nation to receive this designation Other Important Recognitions: • Designated military friendly institution, a very important designation given our military track • RVU listed as 10th least expensive private medical school in the US on US News & World Report Faculty and Staff Development Opportunities: • Teaching Academy developed, keeping faculty on top of their skills to meet the learning needs of our students • Wellness Committee created with well-rounded initiatives, bringing attention to health • Tuition reimbursement program developed, allowing our staff to engage in postsecondary education Financial Stability: • Implemented a Risk Management Assessment approach with campus leadership to avoid/minimize key risks impacting RVU Undergraduate and Graduate Medical Education: • Established partnerships, rotations, internships, and collaborations with regional hospitals • Began over 30 (and growing) residency slots, collaborating with Sky Ridge Hospital and others in the region through OPTI • We have become a model for other medical schools
RVU Welcomes Clinton Adams, DO, FACHE, President and CEO! "Dr. Adams' medical, academic, and military background puts him in a privileged position to move our institution to the next level. The Board of Trustees is looking forward to partnering with him in leading RVU to the forefront of medical education."
- Vanessa Sanchez, PhD, Chair, RVU Board of Trustees
Clinton Adams, DO, FACHE has assumed the position of RVU’s President and CEO effective October 1, 2015. Dr. Adams succeeds Cheryl D. Lovell, PhD, President Emeritus, who will help with the transition until the end of the year. Dr. Adams comes to RVU after a long and distinguished career. Upon graduating from the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine of Midwestern University in 1976, he entered the Navy and completed his residency training and board certification in Family Medicine and Anesthesiology. He went on to earn a Master of Public Administration Degree with an emphasis in health care in 1998. During his 30-year career as a Naval Officer, Dr. Adams achieved the rank of Rear Admiral and served as the Commander and CEO of three Naval Hospitals. Upon transitioning from the Navy, Dr. Adams served in numerous leadership roles at Western University of Health Sciences for nearly 11 years. He was instrumental in the development of Western’s second campus in Lebanon, Oregon, which opened in August of 2011, and served as its founding Dean. Dr. Adams also served as the Dean of the Pomona campus, the Vice President for Clinical Affairs and most recently, the Senior Advisor of Strategic Leadership and External Affairs. His contributions to the growth and success of Western University of Health Sciences and to the osteopathic profession are extensive and will be a great asset to the continued growth and success of RVU. Dr. Adams has been the recipient of numerous honors and awards, two of which were awarded by the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM)—the Robert A. Kistner Award (2014) and the Dale Dodson Award (2011). His list of executive committee appointments and national leadership roles is equally vast. Most recently, Dr. Adams was appointed to the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Board of Directors. Dr. Adams’ CV is overwhelming. One would wonder how such an accomplished individual could possibly have a life outside of work. While he does admit to being a workaholic, after some probing Dr. Adams confessed that he enjoys cooking on occasion (one of his favorite activities is baking bread). His family is also a source of pride. Dr. Adams has been married for over 42 years to his delightful wife, Paula (whom spent a great deal of time at the RVU booth at this year’s OMED conference). The Adamses have three children (Joia, a third-year osteopathic medical student at Western University; LCDR Ian, a Navy Pilot; and Joseph, an engineer and business owner) and a grandson, nine-month-old Benjamin Clinton Adams. Welcome to RVU Dr. Adams! We look forward to achieving new heights under your leadership.
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Fifth Annual Military Appreciation Ceremony at RVUCOM The military has always been an important part of RVU, from the HPSP scholarships, which cover tuition and more for nearly 20% of the student population, to the Military Medicine Honors Track, which provides focused and pertinent education for future military physicians, to our designation as a Military Friendly速 School. For the past five years, the Military Appreciation Ceremony has been an honored tradition, allowing students, faculty, staff, and guests to reflect and show support for those in the armed forces. This year's ceremony consisted of traditional military rites, such as the Posting of Colors, the Missing Man Ceremony, a moment of silence, and a moving performance of the National Anthem by the SOAP Notes. Warmth, experience, and wisdom were offered throughout the ceremony by various speakers including: Cheryl D. Lovell, PhD, President Emeritus; Thomas N. Told, DO, FACOFP, dist., Dean and CAO; and, keynote speaker, Major General Richard W. Thomas, MD, DDS, FACS, Chief of US Army Medical Corps. At the close of the ceremony, visiting military dignitaries were presented with awards of recognition. Major General Thomas himself up RVU's military spirit best, though, in a letter later sent to the school: "I strongly believe that the advocacy and efforts of [RVU] makes a difference...I was honored to be part of an event that promotes and strengthens the future physicians of our military health system. I remain comforted by the fact that passionate, caring, and patriotic people...are actively supporting the military health system and our nation's Armed Forces."
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Military Track Students Take Flight with WY National Guard Students in the Military Medicine Honors Track were given the opportunity to work with the Wyoming National Guard, which was conducting an aeromedical evacuation exercise on October 25th. To decide who would get to participate in this exciting exercise, fifteen names were picked out of a hat (presumably, a military hat). This was open to second-, third-, and fourth-year students. The goal of the exercise was to give students exposure to military medicine, including evacuation and critical care transport. On the morning of the exercise, students met with the coordinator, Colonel Dayton Kobayashi, MD, at F.E. Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne, Wyoming. After a refresher of proper litter-carrying and patient transport, the students boarded the C-130 (a military transport aircraft) and flew to Grand Junction and back. During the flight, the students were given a tour of the aircraft, including the flight deck, and participated in various medical scenarios. Douglas Robinson, OMS-IV, remarked, "There was ample time to mingle with the crew and ask questions, the crew was superb! They were quite welcoming, helpful and excited to teach." Upon landing, they helped unload the aircraft and break down the gear, capping off the event with an informative debriefing. SD Robinson said, "All of the students represented RVU very well; everyone was professional, enthusiastic and appreciative. Overall, it was a wonderful opportunity." Along with RVU staff, Colonel Kobayashi is pursuing the possibility of making this an ongoing event.
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Say What? Student Doctors Learn to Work with Translators It is said that while in medical school, you not only learn about the human body, you also learn a new language: medical terminology. Now, try to explain that new language to someone else who doesn’t even speak your primary language. Challenging, right? With over 350 languages spoken in the United States, the odds that physicians will experience this scenario are great. Student doctors who plan to work internationally have even greater odds, as there are over 6,000 languages spoken across the globe. To ease the tension and frustration that this situation can cause, student doctors in RVUCOM’s Global Medicine Honors Track recently participated in standardized patient exams which involved a non-English-speaking patient and a translator.
"I learned it is vital to get the patient's story, to build rapport with them...to listen to their story and to treat them accordingly." ~ SD Whitehead
Katie Rose, OMS-II, said the standardized patient exams with non-English-speaking patients were a great experience. After working with her patient, who spoke Mandarin and came in with chest pain, she realized the challenge of figuring out important details (such as if the chest pain was dull or sharp), and the importance of looking at and speaking to your patient, even though there is a translator in the room. At the conclusion of the exam, SD Rose remarked, "It is very important to not sacrifice the doctor-patient relationship just because communication is difficult." Mack Whitehead, OMS-II, had the unique opportunity of experiencing what it’s like to be the patient in these scenarios. Bilingual in English and Russian, he acted as a patient who spoke only Russian. Through this experience, he gained valuable insights, such as how the physician can appear mechanical instead of compassionate, filtering through a list of questions to come up with the right diagnosis. From previous experiences working as a translator, SD Whitehead also noted, "Learning to use a translator takes time. It is up to the physician to use more basic sentences, while also reading body language and facial expressions in order to be successful." By working with translators and non-English speaking patients, these student doctors will be prepared for when—not if—they encounter this scenario as the physician. As Zach Phipps, OMS-II, put it, "This exercise was helpful in exposing us to the language barriers we will encounter as future global medicine docs, so that when we see our first patient abroad, it won't be totally foreign to us (pun intended)."
Students and Faculty Attend CMS Conference The RVUCOM Chapter of the Colorado Medical Society (CMS) took a trip to Breckenridge, Colorado in September for the 144th Annual CMS Conference. CMS is the largest organization of physicians in the state. Students were given the opportunity to vote on governance and healthcare policies, as well as network with physicians from all over Colorado. They also attended the Presidential Gala which, as Afia Ukor, OMS-II, said, "consisted of dancing, dinner, and fun!"
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Colorado USIG hosts the State's First Ultrafest Event As mentioned in the Dean's message, ultrasound machines are changing the way doctors examine and diagnose their patients. To prepare for this, the University of California-Irvine hosts Ultrafest every year, a day-long event designed to provide hands-on experience with point-ofcare ultrasound. Inspired by the event, Lane Thaut, OMS-IV, and Brian Russ, OMS-IV, collaborated with the faculty at University of Colorado School of Medicine, as well as the Colorado Ultrasound Interest Group (USIG), to host the state's first Ultrafest. Held on October 3rd, Ultrafest was attended by over 100 medical students and other health professionals. The event began with two keynote speakers: Creagh Boulger, MD, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at Ohio State University, and Nikita Joshi, MD, Clinical Instructor of Emergency Medicine at Stanford University. The speakers focused on the benefits of ultrasound, presenting real scenarios and sound advice on how and when to suggest ultrasounds to superiors. Following the keynotes, students visited different workshops, including cardiac, ocular, musculoskeletal, and pulmonary ultrasound. Each workshop included a great student-to-doctor ratio (often 2:1). The presence of volunteers, mostly pre-med students, allowed attendees to scan instead of having to act as patients themselves, which greatly increased the hands-on learning. Corina Kee, OMS-II, said "They had small groups to teach, practice, and provide one-on-one time with all the students. I am much more comfortable using ultrasound now than I was previous to Ultrafest." The event also included Echogames, an interactive game that uses an ultrasound to diagnose common ailments. Bobby Nieland, OMSII, added, "Ultrafest was one of the most fun, interactive, and educational activities I’ve done in medical school to date." The Colorado USIG will continue to host ultrasound-related events for members throughout the year and is looking forward to hosting Ultrafest again next year. "After practicing [the ultrasound] on people all day, I feel much more comfortable to use it on my clinical rotations." - Grace Borton, OMS-III
"Ultrasound simulation was...fascinating. To have a real image of pathology be displayed as if it were actually present was a really effective way of tying together the motor skills and pathology knowledge that we've been building." - Bobby Nieland, OMS-II
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On the Road Again: Traveling with the Admissions Team The Admissions team has been on the road, raising awareness about careers in osteopathic medicine and recruiting for RVUCOM. RVU was recently represented at the following college fairs: • • • • • •
Brigham Young University California State University - Dominguez Hills Dixie State University Loyola Marymount University Pepperdine Southern University
• • • • • •
University of California - Los Angeles University of California - Riverside University of Southern California University of Utah Utah State University Utah Valley University
Katy Hunsberger, Associate Director of Admissions, noted, "The California and Utah fairs were some of the best opportunities to showcase our school because each had a place to offer a presentation to students specifically interested in osteopathic medicine." While in California, Ms. Hunsberger also presented a seminar, "How to be a successful DO school applicant" at the University of California Davis Graduate School Fair—an event which boasted approximately 10,000 attendees. With more trips planned, the Admissions team plans to continue to represent and educate about osteopathic medicine and RVUCOM. The Admissions team will be representing RVU at the Douglas County Career Fair on November 10th, as well as hosting an Open House at the RVU campus on November 19th.
The Debut of the New SOAP Notes Join us in welcoming the new SOAP Notes: talented student doctors who have volunteered for the RVU singing group! Previously a four-man acapella group, the new SOAP Notes consists of five men, eight females, and the addition of a violinist. The group was expanded due to the large response received after the call for singers went out. The new SOAP Notes debut performance was at the Military Appreciation Ceremony, where visitors remarked that they were "exceptional." The group will be singing at events throughout the year including Commencement and RVU’s employee holiday luncheon.
The group takes time to tour Guatemala
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RCC/RVU Club Teaches High Schoolers Medical Skills Thirty students from local high schools participated in the Medical Academy of Science and Health (MASH) Camp, an event coordinated and hosted by RVUCOM students who are members of the Rotary Community Corp (RCC/RVU). Many of the high school participants were members of the Pre-Med Club at Chaparral High School. MASH Camp provided the high school students with hands-on experience and skills used within the health care field. Under the instruction of second-year medical students, the participants learned how to take vital readings (such as blood pressure), to operate an ultrasound—a favorite activity among the students—and an EKG machine, and to read x-rays. They practiced injections using oranges and hot dogs, as well as suturing and knot-tying. They played games such as Health Jeopardy, participated in a Q&A session with student doctors, learned about osteopathic medicine techniques and wilderness medicine, and during an anatomy session, even had the opportunity to hold a real human brain and lungs. At the end of the two information-packed days, a closing ceremony was held at which Thomas N. Told, DO, FACOFP, dist., Dean and CAO, passed out certificates to each student, commending their effort. RCC/RVU President, Sindi Diko, OMS-II, said, "[My favorite part of MASH Camp was] being able to see how excited and eager the students were to learn vitals, what it meant to take a blood pressure, or when they first saw the heart on ultrasound—how fascinated they were by it. All the hard work we put into [the event] definitely paid off! Volunteers really enjoyed their experience and learned from it, as well, especially the first years that had not done some of those activities yet." MASH Camp will be an annual RVU event with the number of participants increasing next year. If you are interested in helping out at the next MASH Camp, contact the RCC/RVU...or better yet, join!
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Human Resources Honors Administrative Assistants by Kelly Farr, Administrative Assistant to Human Resources
The Human Resources department hosted a team-building luncheon for all eighteen RVU Administrative Assistants, Executive Administrative Assistants, and the Administrative Coordinators. Some of them have been with RVU for almost eight years and one has been here only four months. This was an opportunity to get to know each other better, find out more about what each of us does, and build comradery. The HR department had been talking about doing something like this, but when we sent out New Employee Surveys in September and this suggestion came in from a new employee, we knew there was a need for it. We discussed how important the role of an administrative assistant is, how important it is to support each other, then gave tips and computer tricks to make our jobs easier. Besides the fabulous lunch, the highlight was the matching game. Each person sent HR a picture of her favorite thing, (e.g. a pet, a favorite activity). The pictures were assembled and the group guessed what person went with what picture. The luncheon was a success and the feedback we received was very positive. Thanks to everyone who participated. It was fun!
Volunteer Efforts RVU students volunteered for the Be Beautiful Be Yourself Foundation's Fashion Show, helping with the silent auction and mingling with guests. Lauren Dorsey-Spitz, OMSII, said of her experience, "I spent the day with one of the models, Carrie, helping her during rehearsal to perfect her 'pose' for the big fashion show. Carrie has quite the impres- Alexa Tyler, Lauren Dorsey-Spitz, Zach Phipps, Afia Ukor, Jeffrey Wake, Abby Vincent, sive CV of life accomplishments, SD Dorsey-Spitz and Carrie and Garret Rota including many Special Olympics titles in skiing, bowling, and riding horses. She is a movie whiz and spent most of the day quizzing me on actors and actresses in her favorite movies." The Be Beautiful Be Yourself Foundation contributes to research that will improve the health of people with Down Syndrome. SD Dorsey-Spitz remarked, "[We] felt grateful to be part of an event that not only raises awareness of the unique medical needs of people with Down Syndrome, but also shines light on the brave and beautiful life stories each of the models and their families." The OBGYN club hosted a day of volunteering at the Women's Crisis Center in September. Students (who were required to first learn the best ways to talk to victims of domestic abuse) later performed physical exams on the shelter's residents.
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Students Celebrate the Season with the Annual Fall Festival The annual Fall Festival is great opportunity for RVU students to give back to the community while enjoying the beautiful autumn weather. Dressed in ghoulish and kid-friendly costumes, RVUCOM students operated stations, which included hay rides, pumpkin carving, an obstacle course, spike ball, Halloween crafts, and a student doctor favorite— pumpkin surgery. RVUers, their families, and folks within the Parker community were in attendance. Andrew Stevens, Security Supervisor, said, “The Fall Festival has always been an enjoyable event for my family—the hay rides were a fun addition!” Special thanks to Flat Acres Farm for their donation of pumpkins, Kunjani Coffee for their donation of coffee and hot cider, and our very own Director of Public Safety and Security, Dan Havens, for his donation of time and a tractor for hay rides!
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Campus Tidbits In support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Dan Havens, Director of Public Safety and Security, participated in the Parker Trail Riders Trot for Ta Tas. Approximately 140 horse riders participated in this annual event, which raised over $7,000 to support research for a cure for breast cancer and local cowgirls fighting the disease.
Ashley Ostler, OMSI, will be marrying her fiancĂŠ, Sacha Toussaint, a graduate student at University of Denver, on November 14, 2015. They met while attending Southern Utah University and will wed in Salt Lake City, Utah. Congratulations, SD Ostler and Mr. Toussaint!
Mike Fackler, OMS-IV, and Jaclyn Stuekerjuergen, OMS-IV, were married beside a lake on June 13, 2015, in Granger, Iowa, near her hometown. They met in 2012 during their first year at RVUCOM. Congratulations, SDs Fackler and Stuekerjuergen!
Emily Tchen-Tomasino, OMS-II, organized an event for the Integrative Medicine Club: a training for students to get involved with Cooking Matters— a non-profit that provides nutrition-based cooking classes to communities. She says, "It was a wonderful time and I am having a blast volunteering with both adults and kids!"
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Campus Tidbits RVU faculty, staff, students, and alumni attended AOA's 2015 OMED conference, held in Orlando, Florida in October. At the exhibition booth, one of the most commonly heard comments about RVU was "Your residents are amazing!" and "Send more of your residents my way!" Keep up the great work!
Staff members from the Marketing, Admissions, Human Resources, and Institutional Planning departments accompanied Dr. Cheryl D. Lovell to a luncheon held by A Precious Child organization. This event was sponsored by Rocky Vista University, as a way to contribute to a wonderful (and local!) cause that restores hope and dignity for disadvantaged children by providing clothing, toys, and more. During the luncheon, RVUers had the opportunity to meet Todd Helton, retired star player of the Colorado Rockies.
Dr. Thomas N. Told, his wife Mollie, Tessa Johnson, OMS-III, and her fiancĂŠ, James Hovenden, attended the 2015 Gala for Community Hospital Foundation. This foundation raises, invests, and disperses funds to support programs and services of Community Hospital, including scholarships and technology purchases.
After serving for five years on the Board of Trustees, Commander George Ceremuga, DO, has stepped down. His dedication and hard work is greatly appreciated. To show our gratitude, RVU presented him with a framed photo of the building, as well as a certificate. Thank you, Dr. Ceremuga!
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Achieving New Heights Highlighting the Accomplishments of Our Faculty, Staff and Physicians in Training
Drew Ambler, DO, FACOI, Assistant Professor of OPP; Through his work with training residents and fellows, and helping numerous communities set up Antibiotic Stewardship Programs, Dr. Ambler has received the honorary degree, Fellow of the American College of Osteopathic Internists. To be considered for this distinction, a candidate must be nominated, then seconded by two fellows of the ACOI, followed by letters and documentation to prove their character, ethics, and professional achievements including contributions in clinical, teaching or research areas.
Mara Hover, DO, Associate Dean for Curricular Affairs & Educational Development (pictured at left in photo below), graduated from the American Osteopathic Association Health Policy Fellowship. This program graduates leaders in the osteopathic profession that are committed to serving as a resource at the state, regional and national levels in the formulation of health policy. Congratulations, Dr. Hover!
Congratulations, Dr. Ambler! Brett Friedler, OMS-I, was recently published as the third author for the research, “Sex differences and the role of IL-10 in ischemic stroke recovery”. This research, which focuses on the levels of IL-10 in association with acute and long-term outcomes after ischemic strokes in female and male patients, was published in the journal, Biology of Sex Differences. Congratulations, SD Friedler! Chase Hamilton, OMS-II, presented his research, "Anemia and BMI Negatively Correlated in Rural and Urban Peruvian Amazon" at the AAFP Global Health Workshop. The research sought to see if the availability of zero calorie "junk" foods affects BMI and hemoglobin levels – they focused on the impoverished communities of the Amazon vs. urban communities. The research concluded that the urban access to such food did not lead to higher CMI and concomitant anemia.
Anthony LaPorta, MD, FACS, Professor of Clinical Surgery (pictured at center in photo below), recently served as the subject matter expert for a study researching the feasibility of conducting select surgical procedures during high sea states. This included stabilizing a fracture pelvis, treating a displaced femur fracture, an open wound of the abdominal wall, and a traumatic amputation of the
Well done, SD Hamilton!
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Achieving New Heights Highlighting the Accomplishments of Our Faculty, Staff and Physicians in Training
leg modeled.
Jill Pitcher, DO, Assistant Professor of Family Medicine, was named Colorado Physician of the Year by the Colorado Society of Osteopathic Medicine. This award was given in recognition for Dr. Pitcher’s outstanding work in osteopathic medicine for the state and the society.
Brianna Tillman, OMS-I, was published in Leader Today, the national publication for La Leche League leaders. Her article, “Breast Milk’s Circadian Rhythms” focuses on the benefits of breast milk, citing that research suggests breast milk’s biochemical make-up shifts in synchrony with a mother’s circadian rhythms, giving breastfed babies a head-start in neurological development and sleep patterns.
Congratulations, Dr. Pitcher!
Congratulations, SD Tillman!
Well done, Dr. LaPorta!
Sam Plesner, OMS-IV, presented his research, “Ultrasound Benefits in Developing Countries: A Retrospective Look” at the American Academy of Family Physicians Global Health Workshop. The research provides a retrospective analysis of the benefits and utilization of portable ultrasonography in global medical outreach efforts. During the last RVUCOM trip to Guatemala, SD Plesner utilized a portable ultrasound to aid in diagnosis and treatment of patients in multiple temporary clinics.
Thomas N. Told, DO, FACOFP, dist., Dean and CAO, addressed the American College of Osteopathic Obstetricians and Gynecologists at their annual meeting in Orlando, Florida. He spoke on the advances in osteopathic education, as well as the cut suit and the single accreditation system. Well done, Dr. Told!
Jesse Snider, OMS-III, was published in the journal, Science Translational Medicine. His research, “Effects of caffeine on the human circadian clock in vivo and in vitro” showed that caffeine consumption can slow down the time of day your body "thinks" it is by 40 minutes. This fundamental study allows clinicians and scientists to consider the long-term consequences of caffeine use on the human circadian clock.
John White, OMS-II, presented his research, “Comparison of Chronic Non-transmissible Disease Risk Factors in Rural and Urban Communities of the Peruvian Amazon” at the American Academy of Family Physicians Global Health Workshop. The research compared and contrasted metabolic profiles in rural and urban communities of the Peruvian Amazon. They hypothesized there would be a positive correlation with increased non-transmissible disease rates in communities who live in urban areas due to a more sedentary lifestyle with easier access to food lower in nutritional value.
Congratulations, SD Snider!
Well done, SD White!
Well done, SD Plesner!
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GLAM Club Speaker Offers LGBTQ Advice to Student Doctors The Gays, Lesbians, and Allies in Medicine Club (GLAM) welcomed Shannon Sprung, MA, LPC, to speak at their meeting in October. Ms. Sprung showed a brief video on interacting with transgender individuals in the workplace. The video provided an approach to dealing with awkward or potentially inappropriate situations: 1. Ask if you can ask ("Is it okay if I ask you questions about yourself?") 2. Ask if you can tell ("Can I discuss this with a colleague?") 3. If the answer is 'no', let it go. Next, she answered questions specific to LBGTQ patients and healthcare, such as what it's like for a transgender individual to transition, societal acceptance, LBGTQ in the military, being prepared to help this community in the future, and how universities can ensure a safe environment for all students and faculty.
SD Sugden and speaker Shannon Sprung, MA, LPC
As Luke Sugden, OMS-II, President of GLAM, said, "The meeting was a great success! It was a very educational opportunity for all involved. We as a club hope to continue to promote acceptance of diversity on campus, as well as in our future practice of healthcare."
Welcome Your 2019 New Class Officers!
VP of Student Welfare: Zach Wagner
Curriculum Representative: Briana Tillman
Class President: Brandon Teska
Historian: Dani Beltz
Vice President: Kyle Phipps
Honor Code Committee Representative: Michael Bork
Secretary: Nisa Fraser
Honor Code Committee Representative: Jeffrey Schenk
Treasurer: Penny Herder
Honor Code Committee Representative: Joshua Smith
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Welcome to our New Faculty and Staff! Amy Lannigan, MD Adjunct Faculty, Internal Medicine Clerkship Director Dr. Lannigan is a Colorado native, having grown up in Broomfield. She earned her bachelor of science degree in microbiology from Colorado State University and earned her medical doctor degree from Creighton University School of Medicine. She is board certified in both internal medicine and pediatrics and has over seven years of experience working in private practice. The opportunity to teach and mentor students is what brought Dr. Lannigan to RVU and she's excited to start working with our future physicians. When Dr. Lannigan isn’t working, you will often find her reading, gardening, cooking, baking bread, or spending time with her husband and three sons. Welcome, Dr. Lannigan! John Brozna, MD, PhD Associate Professor, Pathology Dr. Brozna came to Colorado from Manchester, Connecticut. He received a bachelor of arts degree in mathematics, a master’s degree in biophysics, and doctorate degree in immunology from the University of Connecticut. His medical doctor degree is from the University of Connecticut Health Sciences Center and he completed his anatomic pathology residency at Yale University. He is board certified in anatomic pathology. Previously, Dr. Brozna was a research scientist and director of anatomic pathology at the Denver Veterans Administration. He had a faculty appointment at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, where he taught pathology to both medical and dental students. He continued his research and teaching, while serving as the director of anatomic pathology at the Omaha Veterans Administration. He returned to Colorado to join the Colorado Permanente Medical Group as a pathologist and later served as
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chief of pathology for the Colorado Permanente Medical Group Clinical Laboratory. He comes to RVUCOM to once again be part of medical education and to be in the classroom as a mentor and teacher striving to improve his teaching skills. Dr. Brozna is married to Eileen and they have three children. He spends time road-biking and hiking and is often found in his workshop trying to master the dovetail saw and hand plane. Welcome, Dr. Brozna! Roberto Gianani, MD Assistant Professor, Pathology While Dr. Gianani is originally from Rome, Italy, he has spent most of his adulthood in the United States. After earning his post-graduate degree in endocrinology and metabolic diseases and his medical doctor degree from the University of Rome (“La Sapienza”), he headed to Harvard University, where he was a post-doctoral fellow doing research in the Joslin Diabetes Center on autoimmune diabetes. Following this fellowship, Dr. Gianani moved to Colorado, where he spent much of his professional career at the University of Colorado as a pathologist, teacher, and researcher. Throughout the years, Dr. Gianani has received many awards including the Berry Fellowship in Diabetes Research Award, the American Federation of Clinical Research Trainee Investigator Award, the Young Investigator Pediatric Pathology Society Award, and several teaching awards. His main area of research has focused on pathogenesis of Type I diabetes. Teaching—whether graduate students, medical students, or residents—has been a common thread throughout Dr. Gianani’s career and he is excited for the opportunity to continue that passion here at RVU. In his spare time, he enjoys hiking, kayaking, and spending time with his wife, daughter and dog. An interesting fact about Dr. Gianani is that he is a major in the United States Army Reserve. Welcome, Dr. Gianani!
Promotions and Appointments Nicole Michels, PhD, has been appointed to Chair of Medical Humanities. In this role, Dr. Michels will aid in fostering in our students the ability to improve patient care by understanding the importance of the humanity of their patients and themselves. In addition, Dr. Michels will continue her role as Associate Professor of Physiology. Congratulations, Dr. Michels!
Jennifer Montemayor, PhD, has been appointed to Phase Director Year 2. In this role, Dr. Montemayor will oversee and manage the second-year curriculum. She will work with faculty course directors and administrators, while serving as an advocate for the students, interfacing with them on both academic and nonacademic issues. Dr. Montemayor will also continue her role as Associate Professor of Physiology. Congratulations, Dr. Montemayor!
Faculty Development Committee Hosts Speakers and Webinars The Faculty Development Committee has stepped up its continuing education game, hosting speakers every month and providing a five-week webinar series to all faculty members. In September, Dr. Donna Sobel, Acting Director of the Center for Faculty Development at University of Colorado Denver/Anschutz Medical Campus, presented "Critical Questioning Skills." Then in October, Dr. Kelly Quesnelle, Western Michigan University's Homer Stryker School of Medicine, presented "Creating Narrated Animated Videos," a workshop that allows participants to practice creating NAVs. As stated by Dr. Quesnelle, "NAVs are a form of e-learning where the students listen to and watch a recording of an instructor drawing free-hand images and text on a screen while discussing a topic." The next scheduled speaker is Dr. Noni Threinen, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs at Southern California University of Health Sciences, on November 13th. She will present, "Scholarship of Inquiry in the Classroom." Visit www.rvu.edu/resources/faculty-development for more information on upcoming sessions and webinars.
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From the Rocky Vista University Alumni Association
congratulations to all of our alumni on their achievements! Susan Jevert, DO '13, has been nominated for the 2016 AAFP Family Physician of the Year award. Additionally, she has received the AAFP Award for Excellence in Graduate Medical Education. The award recognizes outstanding family medicine residents for their leadership, civic involvement, exemplary patient care, and aptitude for and interest in family medicine. Congratulations, Dr. Jevert! Danielle McDonald, DO '12, recently partnered with East Morgan County Hospital in Brush, Colorado, where she will provide obstetrics care in the Family Birthing Center. She will continue to see patients at Banner Health Clinic, as well. She previously completed her residency at Wesley Family Medicine in Wichita, Kansas. Congratulations, Dr. McDonald! Kyle Schwindt, DO '12, has accepted a position with the Family Care Clinic, part of Banner Medical Group, in Sterling, Colorado, as a family medicine specialist. He previously completed his residency at Via Christi Family Medicine with the University of Kansas. Congratulations, Dr. Schwindt! John Vaux, DO, ’14, was published in the Journal of Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy for his research, “Morphometrics of the human thumb metacarpal bone: interest for developing an osseointegrated prosthesis”, with the assistance of the following: Cindy Funk, PhD, Director of the Predoctoral Anatomy Fellowship; R.F. Grzysbowski, MD, former faculty member and radiologist; R.R. Hugate, MD, orthopedic surgeon and RVU Adjunct Faculty; and, J.W. Hills, PhD candidate. Dr. Vaux studied 80 dissected cadaver metacarpals and formed a three-dimensional prosthesis model. This will aid in creating intramedullary stems for the fixation of prosthesis used for the treatment of thumb amputations. Congratulations, Dr. Vaux!
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Sign up for an OMM One-on-One!
"Because of my ongoing sinus headaches, I signed up for an OMM one-on-one session. The student doctor and attending did a thorough evaluation and manipulation. By that evening, my sinuses were clear and my headache was gone! I can honestly say that I experience less frequent sinus headaches now. I’d definitely recommend it for any issue. It’s great knowing that you are helping the student gain experience while getting help for yourself!” – Anonymous volunteer
One-on-One sessions include an exam and Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine treatment by a second-year student and an OPP faculty member or Senior Fellow. For more information or to sign up for a one-on-one session, contact Teresa Moore at tmoore@rvu.edu.
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Rocky Vista University provides quality healthcare education while inspiring students to serve with compassion, integrity and excellence.
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