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WANTED/REWARD FADE IN: EXT. DOUGLASS STREET STAIRS, SAN FRANCISCO - MIDDAY Church bells toll. Two men, dressed in tuxedos, stand in what looks like a wedding photo pose. An elated PETER (28) looks up at the radiant DOUG (27) and smiles. PETER I'm lucky I found you. Peter reaches up toward Doug but, instead of Doug, Peter is suddenly holding the hand of an eccentric old lady, TILLIE (80). Doug has started running down the stairs. Peter struggles to escape, but the Tillie holds him. Peter watches as Doug looks back up the stairs, smiles, and runs out of sight. Peter breaks free of the Tillie's grasp but loses his balance and starts to fall down the stairs. Peter lets out a scream that sounds exactly like an alarm clock. INT. PETER'S IMMACULATE BEDROOM - MORNING The alarm continues as Peter wakes up in bed and abruptly turns it off. The clock reads 9:00AM. Church bells are heard chiming nine times in the distance. The bedroom suggests an ordered and disciplined life. The bed, though slept in, remains tucked. INT. PETER'S PRISTINE BATHROOM - SAME MORNING Peter, in his ironed white boxer shorts, stands over the bathroom sink brushing his teeth with precision. INT. PETER'S STARK KITCHEN - SAME MORNING Peter drinks coffee standing in his well appointed, but hardly used, kitchen while soundlessly practicing a speech he is reading from a paper. INT. PETER'S BEDROOM - SAME MORNING Peter finishes getting dressed - in a tuxedo. Peter looks uncomfortable, the opposite of his appearance in the dream. INT. PETER'S KITCHEN - SAME MORNING

Peter puts down his wallet and cellphone. He grabs a black leather shoulder bag and exits. A moment later he returns and reaches towards the jewelry box on the counter next to a picture of himself and a woman in traditional Indian garments. He checks his watch. PETER Noon. Piece of cake. He picks up the box and admires the wedding bands inside. He tucks the box into his pants pocket. He picks up an invitation that reads "the wedding of Mareesha and Peter at noon" and puts it inside his bag. He leaves. His cellphone and wallet are forgotten. A church bell chimes ten times. EXT. DOUGLASS STREET STEPS OUTSIDE PETER'S HOUSE - DAY Peter steps out on to the sidewalk and runs full force into a casually dressed man hurrying by with an envelope. Papers go flying. Both men quickly collect the papers and as Peter hands his to the other man, he recognizes Doug, as the man from the dream. Peter is speechless. Doug takes the papers from Peter. Smiles broadly. Touches his arm. DOUG Thanks. My grandmother is waiting for me. Hope to see you again. Doug hurries down the stairs, then looks back and smiles at exactly the same place as the dream. Peter remains frozen until he notices he is holding Doug's change of address form. He waves it at Doug, but Doug doesn't look back. Peter looks at his watch and then the form. He starts to walk up the stairs, then stops, turns, and hurries down. At the bottom he trips over a sweet looking little old lady and her grocery bags, knocking one over. It is a nicer version of the woman from the dream. Peter tries to place the face. He looks toward the corner where Doug is just disappearing, and then, the scattered groceries. Tillie starts gathering her groceries. Peter picks up an apple, holds it, still staring after Doug. TILLIE You can keep it if you want. Peter finally notices what he has in his hand. He shakes his head and puts the apple absentmindedly into her bag.

Tillie finishes picking up everything else. Peter stuffs the change of address form into his bag. PETER I was trying...to catch that man. TILLIE Is it something important? PETER I guess it's too late. TILLIE Well, don't let me stop you. PETER I should help you with those. Peter picks up both bags and goes up the stairs two at a time. Tillie hesitates. PETER Aren't you coming? TILLIE I don't need your help. Peter is so far ahead he doesn't hear her, so she forced to follow. As she disappears, a car pulls up, stops, and Doug gets out and looks around. EXT. TOP OF DOUGLASS STAIRS - DAY Peter arrives at the top of the stairs, puts down the bags, and looks at his watch. Tillie arrives a few steps behind. PETER Gotta run. He takes off down the steps but then notices her starting to follow him. Peter rushes back. PETER No. This way. Not back down. He takes her bags and walks further up the street. She follows him since he has her bags. The car, below, drives off. EXT. AT THE NEXT STREET CORNER (DOUGLAS @ ROMAIN) - DAY

Peter stops to undo his bow tie. Tillie catches up. TILLIE Where are you going? PETER It's the tuxedo. Odd, isn't it? TILLIE I'm finding this whole thing odd. PETER I'm getting married at noon. TILLIE Well, we should get you where you need to be. Peter points up the hill. PETER This way then? TILLIE I'm following you. They continue with Peter in the lead. A block away, Doug's car is driving slowly through the intersection. EXT. ONE BLOCK FURTHER UP THE HILL (ROMAIN @ GRAND VIEW)DAY Doug's car turns at the next intersection just as Peter arrives panting and sweaty. He puts down the groceries and undoes buttons on his shirt. He checks his watch. Tillie reaches him a few moments later. TILLIE You do know where you're going? PETER I'm taking you home. TILLIE No, you're not. PETER Yes I am. Don't argue with me.

TILLIE Your wedding? Peter picks up bags and heads straight up the hill. PETER Nothing can happen without me. EXT. THE FOOT OF THE PEDESTRIAN OVERPASS (ROMAIN @ MARKET) - DAY Peter arrives out of breath. He takes off his jacket, and tucks it under the strap of his shoulder bag. He checks his watch again. Tillie catches up completely composed. PETER Maybe I should call someone. Or a taxi—I could drop you off. Peter fumbles in his pocket. TILLIE No need. I'm enjoying the walk. Tillie begins to wander up the ramp of the overpass. Peter is looking for the phone he left behind. He realizes she is moving on and hurries after her with bags. Doug's car passes under them. Peter, who has fallen behind, still tries to locate his phone, but his hands are full with the bags. He runs into what seems like hoards of people, including a track team, multiple baby carriages, dog walkers with comical numbers of dogs, people on crutches and in wheelchairs, bird watchers, a gaggle of drag queens, a tour group and a mime. His jacket drops. Left behind unnoticed by Peter the mime snatches it up. EXT. THE FAR SIDE OF THE OVERPASS (ROMAIN @ CORBETT) - DAY Church bell chimes eleven times. Tillie, in the lead, continues the trek stopping at moments to photograph a house. Peter thinking this is her house catches up just she moves on to another. She stops at the end of the road. TILLIE It's lovely here.

PETER I lost my phone and my jacket. TILLIE Thank you for bringing me up here. I don't think I could have found it on my own. Peter, distracted, has wandered off the sidewalk into the street. An unseen bike rider collides with Peter. EXT. FURTHER ALONG CORBETT STREET - DAY Tillie, in the lead, walks with a deliberate briskness. Peter, scrapped up, torn pants, shirt soiled, lags further and further behind, still carrying the bags. EXT. A BUS STOP NEAR A SECOND OVERPASS (NEAR HOPKINS)- DAY PETER How far away do you live? TILLIE How far have we come? PETER What difference does that make? Peter stops and drops the bags. Checks his watch. TILLIE I think I live near where we started. PETER What? Why are we here? TILLIE You. PETER What? TILLIE You took my bags and headed off in the wrong direction.

PETER I thought I was taking you home. I'm catching this bus. Coming? A bus (37 Corbett) is pulling up. Peter reaches in his back pocket. No wallet. Frantic looking. The bus pulls out without him. Tillie smiles at him. He looks at her. TILLIE Let's find a different way home. I'm sure your kindness will have its reward. I’m enjoying the walk. She crosses toward this second overpass. He looks at his watch, picks up the bags, and follows. EXT. ON THE OVERPASS - DAY It starts to rain. Tillie pulls an umbrella from her handbag. TILLIE A little sun-shower. It's always good to be prepared. Let’s look for the rainbow. She walks on. Peter stands there getting wet. EXT. THE BOTTOM OF THE OVERPASS RAMP, THE OTHER SIDE (GRAND VIEW NEAR 23rd) - DAY The rain has stopped. Tillie is taking more pictures as Peter comes down the ramp. TILLIE Say cheese. At that moment one of the handles on the bags breaks and the next moment the bottom of the other bag breaks gives way. Contents go everywhere. Peter just stands there amidst the ruin. A can of tuna rolls away. PETER Cheese. EXT. HEADING BACK VIA A DIFFERENT ROUTE (GRAND VIEW)- DAY Peter has cobbled together one handle-less bag, which he hugs in his arms. Other items are stuffed in his shoulder bag and pants pockets. Peter stops.

PETER I have no idea what I'm doing. I had a plan and now I have no idea where I am. This was not how‌ Tillie looks at the street sign. TILLIE You're at Grand View and 21st. They start walking together down 21st. PETER I thought I was doing the right thing. TILLIE Getting married, or taking me home? PETER What? Helping you. The man from my dream. He started this. On the next corner there is a neighborhood market. TILLIE My grandson shops here. She rushes into the store. As Peter looks at his watch he sees Doug drive by. It takes a moment to sink in. The car turns the corner just as the Tillie emerges from the store with new shopping bags. TILLIE Look what I have for you. Together they repack. Peter takes items from his shoulder bag and pockets including the jewelry box. Peter, distracted, puts it on top of one of the bags. Tillie hands him the apple from before. He takes a bite. She leads the way back toward where the journey began. A moment later Doug's car pulls up from the opposite direction. Doug gets out and goes inside the store. EXT. THE DOUGLASS STAIRS - DAY

Tillie and Peter walk down the stairs together. TILLIE Eureka. PETER What do you see? TILLIE Eureka Street. I just moved here. Do you have time for tea? I'd like you to meet my grandson. PETER Another time, maybe. I have a wedding to get to, remember? TILLIE I thought you’d forgotten about that. EXT. OUTSIDE TILLIE'S FRONT DOOR - DAY Peter is depositing the bags in front of her house. PETER I'm glad I got you home. TILLIE I knew you wouldn't leave me stranded. PETER I'm afraid I am about to do that to someone else. TILLIE Everything happens for a reason. PETER Goodbye. He turns to leave. She grabs his hand. TILLIE Remember to follow your dreams. PETER That would take me in a completely different direction.

TILLIE Most things do. She lets go of his hand and he walks back up the hill. She watches after him. Peter turns the corner just as Doug pulls up in his car. He jumps out of the car. DOUG Grandma. Where did you go? I've been driving around looking for you. Why didn't you wait until I brought the car around? He hugs her. TILLIE A nice young man took me on an adventure. DOUG What? Where did he take you? TILLIE Home. DOUG But you were only a block away. TILLIE True. He got a little lost. Doug is looking through the bags. DOUG I don't approve of you wandering off with or without an escort. There is still time to get these to the food pantry. What's this? He holds up the jewelry box. EXT. THE MIDDLE OF THE DOUGLASS STREET STAIRS - DAY Peter is going through his shoulder bag and finds the wedding invitation and the change of address form. He looks at one and then the other. EXT. OUTSIDE TILLIE'S HOUSE - DAY

Doug and Tillie are putting the bags in Doug's car. Doug waves the jewelry box. DOUG I better put this inside. I don't want it getting mixed up again. Doug goes up the front step to the house. Tillie sees Peter turn the corner. She waves. He waves back. TILLIE He's back. DOUG Who is? TILLIE My nice young man. Doug and Peter see each other. DOUG Oh. It's you. PETER You're her grandson? DOUG I am. Oh, is this yours? He holds out the jewelry box. Peter immediately checks his pants pocket. Doug smiles. Peter smiles. Peter steps up to take the wedding rings. The church bell chimes twelve times. FADE OUT.

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