1 minute read
Corner Kids’
Can you answer these WILD trivia questions?
PaPer Plate arctic Fox
(From I Heart Crafty Things)
1 2 4 a. Skunks b. Bears c. Snakes d. Honey Bees e. Snails
Which of these animals does NOT hibernate in the winter?
Male narwhals use their long tusk to: a. Hunt for food b. Compete with other males c. Defend from predators d. Locate each other
Though this species is typically nocturnal, this subspecies is not: a. Arctic Wolves b. Snowy Owl c. Polar Bears d. Caribou
Wood Frogs survive the winter by: a. Creating a small shelter out of dirt or mud near ponds and trees. b. Hibernating in dens located in or on top of trees. c. Freezing their body and completely stopping their heart rate. d. Burrowing under the mud of ponds and hibernating there. e. None of the above
• paper plate
• scissors
• white tissue paper
• white cardstock paper
• 2 wiggly eyes
• black pom
• glue
Step 1: Start by cutting your paper plate in half. Fold the corners of one of the paper plate halves inward towards the center of the plate to create a triangle shape. Staple the pieces shut in the back.
Step 2: Put your stapler inside the triangle shape and staple it onto your other paper plate.
Step 3: Add some glue onto your paper plates and cover them with tissue paper. Trim off any pieces that hang off the ends.

Step 4: Glue your large googly eyes and black pom onto your fox face.
Step 5:
Cut two triangle ears, four legs and a tail out of your white cardstock paper. Glue them onto your paper plate arctic fox craft. (Optional: Add tissue paper onto the tail to give it more texture.)

Answers located on bottom of page.
Guess Zoo? Can you identify these animals? Answers located on bottom of page.
Calling all young artists and wildlife enthusiasts!
6th annual Endangered Species Youth Art Contest

With support from Jerry’s Artarama of Providence
Our 2023 contest opens for submissions beginning February 1, 2023! In celebration of Endangered Species Day (May 19, 2023) local K-12 grade students and homeschoolers in the New England area are encouraged to submit their artwork depicting threatened/endangered species. Raise awareness about the importance of protecting wildlife and wild places and get the chance to win cool prizes including a family membership, Zoo swag and gift cards to Jerry’s Artarama.
Share the love this Valentine’s Day while supporting wildlife!
Send your loved one the cutest Valentine’s Day card around! Or GO BIG and make your Valentine a symbolic Zoo animal parent by adopting an animal in their name.