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National Pig Day!
Every year on March 1st, we celebrate National Pig Day, a day dedicated to recognizing the importance of these fascinating creatures. The founders of National Pig Day wanted to “accord the pig its rightful, though generally unrecognized place, as one of man’s most intellectual and domesticated animals.”
Meet the pigs of Roger Williams Zoo!
Ossabaw Island Hog

Ossabaw Island Hog are native to Ossabaw Island off the coast of Georgia. These pigs are known for their small size, black or spotted coats, and remarkable hardiness. They are well-adapted to the harsh island environment and have a unique genetic makeup that makes them resistant to many common pig diseases. The Ossabaw Island hog is considered a critically endangered breed. While some breeding populations have been established off the island, the original feral population on Ossabaw Island is no longer in existence.

Babirusas are a unique pig species native to Sulawesi and nearby islands in Indonesia. Most notably, males possess upwardcurving tusks that grow through their skin, resembling antlers more than traditional pig tusks. These unusual teeth serve a display function, likely used for intimidation during social interactions and mating rituals. Babirusas are primarily forest-dwelling creatures, spending their days foraging for fruits, leaves, and insects. They are excellent swimmers and are known to travel between islands. Sadly, habitat loss and hunting have significantly impacted babirusa populations, making them vulnerable.
Red River Hogs

Red river hogs are found in the rainforests and savannas of sub-Saharan Africa, living in groups led by a dominant male. They typically spend their nights foraging for food and their days resting in burrows. Red river hogs are omnivores, consuming a diverse diet of fruits, roots, insects, and even small vertebrates. Despite their name, these pigs are not particularly fond of rivers, but they are strong swimmers and often wallow in mud.
Fun Facts about Pigs
• Pigs are incredibly intelligent animals, ranking higher than dogs in many cognitive tests.
• Pigs are highly social creatures and enjoy the company of other pigs. They form strong bonds and even exhibit playful behavior like chasing and wrestling.
• Pigs are surprisingly strong swimmers. Some pigs living on islands even enjoy swimming in the ocean.
• Pigs don’t sweat; they wallow in mud to cool down. The mud also protects their skin from sunburn and insects.
NATIONAL PIG DAY is a reminder to appreciate these intelligent and fascinating animals. Let’s celebrate their unique qualities and work towards a future where these species are protected and thriving.