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Species Spotlight
Bolivian Gray Titi Monkey
Titi monkeys are endemic to the tropical forests of central Bolivia and Brazil. Although their thick, long fur makes them look fluffy and bigger than they actually are, these monkeys only weigh between 2 - 3lbs. Though this monkey’s head and body measure 11-17 inches, its tail can be even longermeasuring 15-18 inches!
While these titi monkeys may be small in stature, their presence in the forests is BIG. Their territorial “chirrup-pump” call can be heard for up to 1.6 miles!
Your Zoo is home to three titi monkeys – siblings Tiago and Rio, and dad Mojito. This close-knit family can be seen in our Faces of the Rainforest.

Isn’t it Wild?
They remain in close proximity to one another for almost all of their activities and often rest together with hands clasped and tails interwoven in a characteristic manner known as “twining.” This unique behavior has been witnessed while they are awake and while they sleep.