Prescription drug abuse is when an
individual takes a prescription drug in a way not intended by a doctor or take a
medication prescribed for someone else or for various reasons—like to get high.
The most commonly abused prescription drugs are: Depressants—Used to relieve stress, anxiety or help a person to sleep like Xanax or Valium. Opioids— Pain relievers such as OxyContin, Vicodin, or odeine Stimulants— Adderall and Ritalin used for treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
FACT 3:  OTC and prescription drugs are the most commonly abused drugs by Americans of age 14 and older, after marijuana and alcohol.
Fact 4:
Most of the prescription drugs abused by teens get
drugs from family medicine cabinets and from friends.
Fact 5:
1 in 4 teens have taken prescription medication without a prescription before age 15
Talk to your kids about drug abuse
Avoid lectures. Listen to your teens and discuss about drug abuse. Discuss reasons not to drug abuse Discuss various ways to your kids to resist peer pressure. Buy their medications using Rx discount card to keep a track of their drugs. Keep an eye on their prescription drugs. Know your teen’s friends and their activities.