": I-_
_-_ _L
_ __i
R1992-1993 1 :) :i:[ !'e_ent ::: Yeatsi::i tfad:e, world biam,g ab6ut:byreforms;inth:esovief eivity : ............ .... ..... ............. := ........... ........... ......: .... ........ ......: bilit y. Itsseron-eco,_omiC g P erformance • i: i:i :i i:i:unio! ' in 1989and 1990placed undue pressm'e : :::Witli:the::ginggighperf:0rnsai:_:eeoftl-t:ei: ::: :How :::tl_e::::Agsociati0n ....of: on Prlcesaiidtl_ecurrentaccountin ...... ...... ' : : ...... 2 .... fa!:ed: the: past : : ti_elrfuture trends :In: : 1983; IndoneSia ado P ted a ....i _ " :mixture: of structural: reforms and ad; i :econ6rnists:tlwough the:: justmentpOlicies to liberalize the finan' : : many:c0untrieshas:iike:wi_made Outlook: cial market; reduce dependence on oil:i : ::::: :i ::i:::envii:on:m4i_t::c0:ndu_ive:to:edor_6:i:_iic:::(:AM:O)Pi:ojecf::H:erei::Mr. James Vil--i: and improVe exten_al bkance. This ::: :reforn_s::: ::::::i: ::: ::::::::: : ::::: :: i: ::::::lafu_.rteand:Ms;Rose:Edillon, PIDS contributed t0agrowtliofZ5percent: '_", a ::, £C : their: in 1989 and74 " P erCentin i990 : : .................. ......... " ........ :i:: _ How :
:Todayil{0_Ve t:a:gii_didated :: yeai:s: as:well : a : : "
!! ¢:i i:i
{riesii:: iii:::::i:::thteate
the reports ......
systeln unleaslled excess liquidity and puslied tl_:eaverage price level to 9.I : : :Ti{e:i::0ngo:in_i::I:AMO P,-0{ectl percentby the end0f' ")91. The rapid as::c0mrnission:ed:::by: the European growth Of import intC!nsiVe-products:: t_the::ASEAN Sec- also puSl_ed the current account tol .........
1 FOrei
1991.: "Io control hqtndlty, the Cen-
,_ : ture sector;i respectively;: during On: : :ui of the .... ....... .....:
!mGi!t::i _:drawbackg_:
dig{u:gsed:tiie:macro: :
the: ....
i :
....._....... ; :an:d pub21 :ii i :: Tiqe::LocaiGovemmeneCode'S: i: ::i: ::decei_traiization ............. for rea........ ::(LGC)i attempt to deVOige functionsl ..... men t;: *'e_pectively.: I and responsibili ties Of i-Lational agen: : : l:session;:::Dr:i::Mario I.:am_ cies to local units is tt_egovernment's ..... botti : biggest decen:i:.: .......... (it!_oUt i ........ 'apers: on ii:tralizatiOn efforL Yet5tl_edecei_traliza_ :self!serving:::ioeal: th&:effec_s:of:decenti'allzation:on the tionprogran-tshouldhavebeenstarted : :ii :: flscai sectors, i: sooner, according to Pro f; Limi .....
................ kledthele :
to attain efficiency, i "_ ig ",ener_t e:IOca! partiCi FafiOn in national : Dr; i up market Katsumi::Nozawa::of :IDE: and ProL::: and eradicate thered tape:h_aCentral': :........ i0nal: digpaiqtieg Ra:mo:ii ciat:_;te0f UPSE:discnsSed the ::ized bureauc, ac One of:its key riYt : ..... !......... ...... ............. ......... . .. y_..... : ._ P ..... itan::afeas:bec0me ::i iaetofdeccnt_alization:0n:tl_e tradee......ciples is people empOW:cr,ient ..... ..........
.......... ........ .....................
......r: :::::::i:i: ........
massi:ve:na:i: i::ation : .... t6:tliem_ ........
............ ....
i::: ......
pllasize:s :soverei gn ty as ............ r :people's . .... ..... both the means and: end of:develop*i i i ment, Io ctecentralize also reqmres adoptirG :a:d_eckcand_balancemed_a2 ..... ...... i: nism:and:making local government i :i units (LGUs) effect pr0gress despite ...... : ......... ..... the p0Werp!ay ......... in poll tics,:
..... Diii 2
I"l"f :
::: : :DeCeiitraiizatioi!:is:n0t fl_e couiitry Sills, >'or:: it to woi_k:;it stiould b,e coupled witli a poliLical:willstrong enough to revise the old practices and structures have: long hindereci
..... ......
:past y_ars: macro oiic reforms: : Cents.red on:F!i)siciil: planning; pr0j4 ..... : ect::dev:elopment;: :andll ::privatiza_ : :::i:i: i::::: tion:. Tw0: Of tl_eSe:ma]6r programsl : aretheDevel0pment:Aut1_orityf0rl Mindana0 a_d tlie Stibic Bay Devel-[
:i : i ...... : ......
"::: -'"":_/:_::: ?5'k::ii:_:i; !:qil iI;ii :i!;i'j: 7:!i ill_LI 5:_:_::_:_':_>:_ _<_:_:_iii: _ijiiiiii( :iiii/i:[::i iii,i (:':i;; _:j!:: 7q::;i:::;: :,::,.( ............. _PHiUPPINE HEALTHCAREFINANCiNG:SYSTEM : :iLi:::
.... f0r::H:eai:tli:::Care: Fiiiai_cin Ref6rin:
h:iii 5n:::
_' ::: :::::: : :::: :::: :::;::
........ .... : .......... ...........
_t _:fitar ...... y e............. the/- ",d v dua y or _"ouh_,} enlp oyee-based. F" a ',S p rance fim_s reifi_.bu_ care spend Jill,*by its members _it"¢_,t6 i! deliver healtt_cam seveiceslbu._rs: ; forhealth:care
gel,vice.s, _artlyor _need for hcahh
q) Podi ..... C6fl_tiw,ers
fullydepdnding:onl care services arises.
_:,_ r'vlt, i',s t o/l._,rs. .......... contribute/doh_ite i'esoti:'ces to NG0s
.Go,. n
f _n c
.Ca_ .... : : gscher_e
priv't_e nsx, : : i
: i ..... :: ..... :i
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.... ...........
: :
: ....
p eys; 0gptil t-aciiiiysu}_eysi dinic ;: thus;and, .....pyl_si:cian smwevs;a_d ........ financial: : .........
¢::::andreiate with:: :: ........... .... SSS:/::k:: : : QueStiOns :ti_e:l_0usel:ioidand: : ....user: sUrvey range from res " l_'_onden ts' (See.fig-::: healfff status to outpa:tient ViSits and healtl-r:ea:refinanci,_gpr:eferenCeS: On : ttie ::otlier: :hand> th(i llospital ::facility ..... :vey.._:_Whicl,_ .wil! prOgid e an:impo r_ tiie Coverage : rant input to 13 ofig0ing studies in .....: .... gath; :: pmjeCt,<overs:: piqniary;:secondary and: i aild fr .... :: tertiary ho:gpitals from botr_the privatel i c_ emes_ Dr: :i and publiC:SectorS; .... i "_ropo_ed ........s_ : ........ .... .... ::I: ................. ......................... : ,itals;:: : : iTl{e :ciinic:and physician gur::
_ecolidar_ ............ flie(:s(
:_.......... ti_6::: ::::: :::: ::
i: ...... .......
.... :::: : Mend0za
:: ........
::::: ............ 'arty ;:
..... ....... .............. :::tlieseC6fi_ i
:: :
! iii i ::Tiie:ini Of theproM:gi::: MarV..... ::j eci'S in :suc ............... ................... ::and Ms>.... -_. studie_,;will b6 . p resented -. ...... _ ::diSeuSSed::th:e:survey in-ceedingl_ealth carefi:nancingsystem:: ;: ::: areas : seininars:startiiG:i3:Api-i119S2: F] i: i :i
::: ::::(i:::
the will pro: : vide _{profile of tlie::c6untiT,s finarming : institufior_S: a:rM: of :their mernbers/
float hat:: ::rec:omme_datiOn: ::::
tl_e::Ott_ :::i::: ::: :::
.... for stresses: : pro :: .... .... _uld still:be: sub2: managing: reSid:uai for'_tg: To ilvstill : :: :iin:ii[a:t:ioi_S {oiaOoid: :: longqerm :responsibility :in private : :users;: initiate: i
ti_at in:il
u aI ::tiO:iiiSiiCha s:mb:re :att_'ae[ivepolicieS ::: d: :tenui;e:im:d: On:prices,:: :Ti_ai: be:left :: i{e:: :li; tuiSb:ed:::f5 r:
i:!i!_e!'i [agee va!u
: ::supp o r{s:co fi_m;mi t:g:ba
fores t m am: : : :
!st;::a!id:irecreational:: agement und6r]ongqter,nStewardship : :;i}
:i: :i ii
ii i
i ii: iii
ii i iii i:
_ <.
_ _---z_
_ z_>
_: ;_---_i
_ :7;::_? "[_'_: i /_ _ _z_ _ii __-_ _.
n ¢ir an2
:::::::::: ii ......
i:0i_i_i.A_.i.c;oun.ts :
pand the coverage for: agriculture, i ii cOnstructiOn; ....... mining;: electricity, :gas : and water, igeneral:i: government con: i
the revised0......sumption expenditure (GGCE),fixed : capital: : fOrma tion i: increase
in stocks
_ Makafi Build-i
: For;example; agricultural sew,: :: i ices Ofgovernment enterprises and own i i i i o;: Di-;: account Capitai formation,are new items:; i ; ;iOn:Chiefsl 6f tl_e Ec0::::: in the a_iCulture account, The inclu:;;
_::::Board ii Gross::outputOf tlaec0nstruction sub:::i:(NSCB)i:presented thel sector now: indudes secondary activ:: ppinesys: it Y° .... ........ ......... ...... .... ..... ..... :: :: of rta ti0iial:accounts.: : : : :: :
Sy> : rations and waterworks systems in:: : ::::tem 4oi5Nins seVeral new:i su bd ivi Sions::a re a ccoti n ted: for in :tlae the new ;electricity;gas andwater Sub:sector. ii : .... :se:i:ie:s :::uses 19:85: as the : Mean while; tlqe transpotti s[0rage and: :: :: ...................... nd;itnOw com:murdcations sub2:gector has imp: i pro:red its coverage ofjeepney opera_ : :1968I: ..... t0rs:and air transp0rt:i: The:c0ntribu;:: real Ac_ iiiti0ns 6f departmental enterprises serv: ii ii_ ............... this: sub-sector: are also features 0f:tl_e:1993 SNAi: while tiie:trade: :subiseCtor now recog z ::::Thii!d;it!ae:new::series in_ nizeStlae:contributioiisOfgovemment : cBrpora:f_g ci_anges irt co_, ente:r pri_s : : ........ :....... :d:ata: alld rn_._th0ds 0 f _<.," fi m a : :: : : :: t
_s better articu-and : i
................. extensiveii
ifeaS: are
: !):allii:the new: Se-: ................
for the:
version;: public private corporations are pre_nted as: tw0 :separate;accour_[s;:: Breeding: st:ocks have ialso
capitaiforrnati0n:acc0nnt, More0ver_i I : a new measurernent, thegrvssdo,zestic i :i has lxeen:intrOduced asa
Do,he ....................... ......... :speCfiVely;
percene :i: method mainly-concerns updating the at : gr0ss value added I}afi0(GVAR ). This i : : i nietl_od involvegl i_dvising:tlm f011ow-:i :i:
is:esti2: ........ :
:im ....
...................... i:::::: :6n:iflie' ::_i_ij *
.'11(2):the{way tl_e :ConStant::: )::: !sevisi0:nS: price is computed:: (!:ieii thedeflatorS); : :....... ....... t.oth: the expend>....... ............... .... ................ ..... .....
wo:rid: in- :::i
:::: :
arOu_cl ! ::
992; the proca:
:::33: -.c:
;ito fl-_eseunits
::sp0nsibilityand left to
of LGUS is:
legislative diseretiOni C0ngress, i
7 cC::: ¸
ai_:ci:almar-i:::: .... ii6_s::itiaem :::i:ff6mB:anKs f6_:: d
flie :judiciary has expanded: It now actson
i:fi:fst::i::: ....
.......... el! .......... _wers Sysm_ :0_na:i .......
:: ::: :::::ii_
_1_¢,_ ..... ,...o , nq
::: _; ...........
::::,-, p_ :::: : : ::
......... i
i: :::i::
: also underscored:
::e0sN:: : The l ::_ght:: n0t be: 11 the:se ....... ...... e0sts .............. :....
:: :
eonflictsbetween tl_e national gove mment: a n d:localgovem, : menis. .........: .....
ging ....
the: local: governmenLs. For ii :i: exarnple jUd iciary : power : ] iremains:a national function. :..... : ....... ......... :: : The LGc also provides 10cal autoi_0my::h.om certain : : execu five :and iegisla ti ve pow::ers_: On the other hand, the
:i i: ii .....
organizati0ns (NGoS):in par titular ca n play an important r0ie in regional devel0 _ P nient ....lhereaie_ • ; ' rays......... oftappin g their asslstance One opei0n iS toal]ow
i .... ::
local bodc ..... .... i:
........ ; _: :weigti .....
: : :
Is economic
..... .....Industrial dev:ek_ P men tcanbe con .... decenh ahzed by d_spersu;_g industries
:_:i:ii_i :!i!/:!_ i!: :_:_i::_;i::ii::_i/:: ?:>._: !_/: __%:! :_/iii!:_/i::;/!/( _:(/::, :_: _/:( L%/:C: i:://: _)(/:(i(:i)(C717: !:<(/:::/;: i_these : :: ::un
, _!::Pal _anon:_ new eff°rts; :::iti°ns' i: :: ::: ::: : ....
! ::
:: :
accumu: :transac-: ....... : ::: ......
Old:versionkThesecondgr0upiscom_ posed of private corporations) public:: _:o ..... _, , _ _3_oranons_ gencral govenmaent, and household :and unincorporated enter-: ::6:n:tt_e r" . ,eb,,m,.,= ........ 0fl-_er : pxsesac ....... _s. : : ::: nts:that can .......... 1(2) institu=
Tl_ere arei thus eigl_iacC0unts: the new series: foUr conSOlidated
: ::
ine0rn:e and out2:: accourits of: the: n:atiofi:and four re-: i:in:Ciudes:dispo>. :centlv included:institUtional ac_ edinthe : cour_tS. ='_::: ...... ::
: i i:i