RYAN POBAR S2836452 QCA2586
y name is Ryan Pobar and
university. I feel I would crave the
I am a full time Bachelor
diversity that a job as a graphic
of Digital Media student
majoring in graphic design with a
designer has to offer rather than that of other mundane office jobs.
specialization in digital design. I am currently in my second year of the degree and I am enjoying all of the challenges that arise and help me to progress in my design practices.
This course has helped me to hone my creative process in various ways; from brainstorming name ideas, gathering resources and inspiration, overall presentation as well as time
I enjoy graphic design as it allows
management. I believe this acquired
me to be creative within the setting
knowledge is evident in my portfolio,
of a workplace even if it is just the
but I guess that’s up for you to
simulated workplace in the case of
Assignment 1 RIPE N RAW ORGANICS Company Bio: Ripe n Raw are an organic food home delivery business based in Archerfield, Queensland, Australia. They are a locally owned business who supports local farmers. They have been operating for 7 years old, 100% product quality guarantee with home delivery as well as market set up. Company Ideals: Ripe n Raw believe that the ease of online grocery shopping combined with the convenience of having your organic food home delivered is a fantastic way to spread the great benefits of organic food through the community. Our main focus is on customer happiness, as we measure the success of our business by the satisfaction of our customers. And we go to great lengths to ensure you are delighted with our service. Design Project Goals: This project aims to increase sales and generate brand awareness by increasing general appeal and public presence. This will be achieved by creating a new visual brand identity that effectively conveys the company’s ideals and qualities. Required designed items: Company Logo Website Business Cards Facebook Page Produce Guide Delivery truck signage Food container packaging Budget: $4000 (including expenses)
Schedule Monday Week 1
- Received
- Received
Confirmation from brand Week 2
Week 3
- Brief Due
- Begin Concept/
- Organize File
- Project Outline
- Logo Work
and Schedule Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Typo 2 Due
- Vehicle
- Social Media,
stationary and
any other
and other promo
design elements
- Website Planning
- Complete Web
- Prepare Digital
Weekjjjjj 8
- Finish Assessment 1 - Finalizations
Week 9
- Assessment 2: Concept Presentation and Review
Week 10
- Mid Semester Break
Week 11
- Public Holiday
- Buffer Week Assessment 2
Week 12
- Assessment 2
- Use Critique
Critique and
Review Week 13
- Printed Presentation of Folio
Facebook Page
Van Signage
Business Cards
Produce Guide
Assignment 2 My campaign is entitled Drop The Bag Habit. I wanted it to be a personal campaign that avoided guilt tripping, focusing rather on letting the facts speak for themselves. Target Demographic: The primary demographic are people aged 18-25, however the iPad game has the potential to be appealing to an even younger age bracket as it is less information heavy. Print Media: Magazine advertisement Magazine spread Billboard Promotional Poster Digital Media: iPad/ iPhone game Website Promotional video References: (1) Worldwide Home Environmentalists Network htm (2) Environment Australia, Plastic Shopping Bags - Analysis of Levies and Environmental Impacts (Nolan ITU, 2002) - See more at: plastic-bag-facts.html#sthash. QC7yi7Q9.dpuf i Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities website (, accessed 26/9/11). Statistic from 2007. ii Clean Up Australia website (, accessed 26/9/11) iii ‘Biodegradable, degradable and recyclable claims on plastic bags’. Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, 2010 iv EV0422: Assessing the Environmental Impacts Of Oxo-degradable Plastics Across Their Life Cycle: Report to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, January 2010. Loughborough University. v ‘Comparison of Existing Life Cycle Analysis of Shopping Bag Alternatives.’ A Report for Sustainability Victoria by Hyder Consulting, April 2007.
The billboard would ideally be placed in shopping districts or near supermarkets as it will be guaranteed to reach its intended target audience.
Magazine Advert
The magazine advertisement would be placed in magazines such as GQ, Men’s Health, Marie Claire, Cleo etc as the primary readers of these magazines align with the campaign’s target demographic.
Ipad Game
The iPad game is designed to draw people to the campaign by providing a fun and addicting experience. The iPad game will feature facts about plastic bags during load screens and will relate the amount of bags you collect to real world amounts of plastic bag wastage. For example “The amount of plastic bags you collected equivalent to 1/20th of Australia’s daily usage.” The game will also link directly to the campaign website.
Magazine Advert
The magazine advertisement will be placed in magazines such as GQ, Men’s Health, Marie Claire, Cleo etc as the primary readers of these magazines align with the campaign’s target demographic.
Bus Stop Advert
The bus stop adverts will be able to reach commuters who would potentially be carrying plastic bags. A lot of public transport users fall within the campaign demographic.
The campaign website will be the central figure of the campaign as it is able to convey the most information and is most suited to the target demographic. The informational video will feature on the site as well as featuring updates on the campaign, petitions, promotions and further call to actions.
Video DID YOU KNOW? Australians use 10 million new plastic bags each day.
100+ YEARS
The video is a short summary of what the campaign is about and why it exists. It will inform viewers of the unsustainability of plastic bags and the flawed logic of the recycling processes in place for them. The video will be aesthetically pleasing in order to ensure it is engaging. The goal of the video is to inform the viewers, so they realise they should be concerned and direct them to the campaign website.