Ryan Al-Schamma Freshman Portfolio, University of Oregon A&AA

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ryan al-schamma

About Me

60798 1365 Agate Street Eugene, OR 97403 415-568-1456 www.ryanalschammaphotography.wordpress.com ralschamma.14@gmail.com

SCHOOL ................................ University of Oregon MAJOR ............................................... B. Arch 2020 D.O.B .................................................... April 8, 1996

Having lived in very progressive sustainability centric architectural hubs--Germany, Dubai, and Singapore--it is no wonder that my design principles and style revolve around sustainability. Each of the places that I have lived in has imprinted on me in different ways in architecture and on my personality. From inspiring wild and organic architecture, to pushing a more progressive and culturally open-minded state of mind, my international upbringing and experiences have helped me to not only connect with people and integrate myself into crowds with ease, but also helped me stand out among my peers due to my different perspective on life. My love for charity is surpassed only by my passion for community, and creating architecture. Although I feel that it is still early for me to be pinning down my exact design style, a dream of mine is to design affordable and sustainable architecture for the underprivileged people of third world countries, in the future.




University of Oregon A&AA Graduation: June 2020


Cumulative GPA: 3.78

Singapore American School (‘13-’14)

Class of 2014

American School of Dubai (‘09-’13)

EXPERIENCE Internships

Colin K. Okashimo & Associates (CKOA) Pte Ltd, Singapore. Nov 2014 - March 2015 Chan Sau Yan & Associates (CSYA) Pte Ltd, Singapore. Sept 2014 - Oct 2014 InterSpace Architecture Interiors, Dubai, UAE. April 2013

Model Making Hand Drafting Sketching Rendering Graphic Design Painting Photography Photo Editing

Programs Rhino AutoCAD V-Ray Photoshop Lightroom Illustrator InDesign SketchUp





4 ................ Implied Cube Pavilion 5 ............................................. Carving 6 ............................................ Framing 8 ............................... Designer’s Hut 12 ............................. Figure Ground 16 ............ 7 Swiss Club Lane, SG



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Implied Cube Pavilion University of Oregon A&AA Winter 2015 ARCH283

This webbed structure with opaque light-difusing panels allows its users to experience recluse and serenity, while also feeling connected to the world outside of the web. Although the cubic form of the pavilion promotes a sense of heaviness from a view at its exterior, when inside, it becomes evident how light-weight the construction truly is because of its maliable webbed facade. The floor of the pavilion mirrors the controlled chaos of the cubed web structure. Triangular planes of different sizes meet edge to edge, creating ridges and dips to sit and play on.



University of Oregon A&AA Winter 2015 ARCH283 Inspired by flowy wind-carved canyons I created a usable space for relaxation and reflection out of stacked cardboard.



University of Oregon A&AA Winter 2015 ARCH283 The concept from which this structure was built was the structurally sound jointed connection between beams--one beam sandwhiched between two beams, which sandwhiched another beam on its other end, and on.


Designer’s Hut University of Oregon A&AA Winter 2015 ARCH283

A hut designed for the renowned French Architect, Le Corbusier, with the intention of being used as a space for designing, reflecting, and resting, all within the restraints of 640 square feet. Each of the six studios was assigned a different program to work with. My studio was to design a designer’s hut for Le Corbusier in the Organic Garden at the University of Oregon, using primarily brick.


The weathered and eroding brick walls in contrast with the modern concept of the brick wrapped facade of the hut, complement one-another through brick. The space is highly space-efficient. With a collapsable desk that spans the width of the hut, a curved chair formed off the edge of the table, and shelves that are inset with the horizontal direction of the brick, every square inch has a practical purpose.

Figure Ground University of Oregon A&AA Winter 2015 ARCH283 A design derived and extruded from a line composition by American artist, Sol Lewitt. The spacing of the wooden beams becomes more open the farther into the communal space of the villa that you go; it is most open at the living room, the heart of the villa. While the only weather protection is a glass prism, the wooden beams laced overtop of the prism provide for optimal weather protection, and allow in a calming dim light.




Fall 2014 A model for clients showing the renovations to be done to their home at 7 Swiss Club Lane, Singapore.

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