Mangosteen Juice Testimonials This is a compilation of personal testimonials* regarding cancer which are freely submitted by numerous individuals sharing both their personal challenges and experiences drinking the mangosteen juice from the whole fruit found only in XanGo™
*Testimonials are anecdotal evidence and are for educational purposes only. Personal experiences are not meant for treating or diagnosing illnesses and it is assumed that only XanGo™ distributors are accessing this page to learn more about the product they are already consuming. This compilation is for educational purposes only and does not necessarily constitute an endorsement for any commercial product and/or company. It merely shares personal stories from numerous contributing parties. Any relevant information about the Mangosteen Fruit and Xanthone research herein can also be found in the public domain. Mangosteen Juice is not a medicine, miracle cure, or drug; it is a food in the form of a fruit juice and no claim in this report is meant to guarantee or imply that anyone will receive benefits from its consumption. Regarding XanGo™ we simply say: "Try it - we think you'll like the results." We do advise that not all mangosteen products are alike. Please be smart, do your homework and, if you have a health challenge, discuss it with a trained medical practitioner prior to implementing any remedy.
1/14/2006 -- Jeff from Oregon My leukemia (Hairy Cell) was discovered on November of 2003. Prior to my diagnosis I noticed I was getting steadily weaker with heavy night sweats. After a visit to my doctor, he told me my blood counts were only 20 percent of what they should be and other blood factors were dangerously low. He told me my condition was a result of the leukemia and I only had about 2 to 5 years to live. He immediately started me on chemotherapy during which the drug was administered into my system 24 hours a day over 8 days. Needless to say I was trashed and so was my immune system upon the completion of my treatments. Fortunately the cancer went into remission however my immune system never recovered. The downside to this was I would have to stay on drugs until my system fully recovered. Unfortunately this never happened. Learning of this a friend of mine introduced me to Mangosteen and advised me to try it for one month drinking 3 or more ounces a day. After only 5 days I began to feel better than I had in several years. Follow up blood tests showed a remarkable improvement in my immune system. My doctor is amazed and so am I. The bottom line is I can't say enough about this wonderful product. I love sharing the news of mangosteen.
10/19/2005 -- Christine from California My daughter is 15 years old and was diagnosed with AML leukemia on February 4th,2005. Her platelets were staying at 17,000 and within one day of taking Mangosteen her platelets jumped up to 21,000. She has been taking 3 ounces everyday and her platelets keep jumping 5,000 a week. One week it jumped 13,000. Ryan Ang * XanGo™ Independent Distributor * website:
12/21/2005 -- Bobbie from Maine When Marion was 18 months old, she was diagnosed with benign autoimmune neutropenia (the inability to fight off a bacterial infection). I had to start administering NEUPOGEN (Filgrastim), which is given to leukemia patients when going through chemotherapy. You can imagine what I was thinking! Marion getting 3 shots a week and blood work every other week with the hope she should outgrow this by 6. That came and went. Although she was doing much better, her blood levels still had to be monitored. Normal blood levels are between 5,000 and 10,000 and Marion ran about 1,000 or below. In March, they declared her “stable” at 1300. She continued to go up and down but they wanted her off the shots because of the long-term side effects. In August, we had a friend of ours call us and tell us we had to give Marion mangosteen juice. We sat her down and explained she had to drink every day or might have to go back on the shots. She drank 1.5 ounces mixed w/sunny delight and water, all equal amounts every day. We were amazed at the results! Her counts in October were 7,164! She had never been this high without the NEUPOGEN! The oncologist was amazed and simply said, “I don’t know what you are doing, but keep doing it!” Marion is a different kid! She has tons of energy. Her attitude has changed, for the better. She has a glow that was not there before. No more having to go to the doctor for a 100.4 temperature. Marion can now go in public in winter; she does not have to live her life in a bubble anymore. She got to go swimming in an indoor pool during the winter for the first time. Just the look on her face was worth it. She now has a normal life.
-- Edwin from California I was hospitalized with leukemia July 3, 2003 for 10 days and received 8 pints of blood. The doctor told me that I was 2 to 4 weeks from being dead. I had lost 80 % of my red blood cell count. I also told him that I went through the chemotherapy and did not want to go through that again. I told him that because of my immune system being messed up my Hepatitis C activated. The treatment for Hepatitis C is a shot of Inter Ferrion once a week and a chemo pill every day. The shot costs $160 per shot. That would have lasted for 48 weeks. I did not want to do that. I looked for alternatives. Dr. DeGuzman instructed me to take 2 ounces 3 times a day. I started taking mangosteen juice on May 1, 2004. I had 4 lesions in my spleen and 3 lesions in my liver. The lesions were from the leukemia. I also had 2 nodules under my right armpit and 1 under my left armpit. The side affects of Hepatitis C is that I it felt like I had the flu 24 hours a day. All of my joints ached, I had a fever all the time, my eyes always felt hot, I would have at least two migraines a week and I always had this feeling that I had a cotton ball in my ear .I also had a viral load count of 270,000. I had no energy. I was always asleep by 9pm. I took 2,500mg of Tylenol just to try to feel better. Of course I did not think about the side affects of the Tylenol. After two weeks of taking mangosteen juice all my symptoms were gone. My energy level was back to how I felt 3 years ago. On May 14th I went for a CAT scan and blood test. I am pleased to say that the nodules that were under my armpits are gone. All 4 lesions in my spleen were gone. There is only one lesion remaining in my liver. My viral load count has gone down to 140,000.
Ryan Ang * XanGo™ Independent Distributor * website: