Checking your sources
Date Due: Friday, Feb. 25
Points: 100
This assignment wraps up Chapter 8 in your book on using quotes fairly and accurately, and you’re going to be testing just that. You’re going to be completing an assignment that is similar to #2 on page 203, but it’s a little different. You’re going to take the article from the North Star that I gave you and talk to everyone that was interviewed in that story. Your job is to find out if they feel they were quoted accurately and fairly. The main questions you are going to ask them are: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Is this what you told the reporter? Did the reporter reflect your view accurately with your quote(s)? Was there any information that you gave the reporter that was incorrect in the story? How good of a job did the reporter do in using the quotes/information you gave them?
You’re going to take that information (and any other information you may find) and write a three-paragraph critique (15 sentences) about the job the reporter did quoting the sources of his/her story. Use the information the sources give you as well as the material you have learned from this chapter to write the critique. Please turn in your critique as well as the notes taken from your interviews with the sources and the sources’ signatures to verify you conducted the interview. You will need to try to get a hold of the sources ASAP in order to complete this on time. Wednesday, Feb. 23 will be a class work day where you will be allowed to leave the room to conduct interviews ONLY if the interview is prearranged. Therefore, you must have a pass from your source (if they are a teacher/administrator) to leave the room. If your source is a student, you need to talk to them outside of class or ask me for a pass to come to the room to talk to them that day. On Friday, Feb. 25 we will be in the computer lab to type this up. This project MUST BE typed.
Checking your sources
Date Due: Friday, Feb. 25
Points: 100
This assignment wraps up Chapter 8 in your book on using quotes fairly and accurately, and you’re going to be testing just that. You’re going to be completing an assignment that is similar to #2 on page 203, but it’s a little different. You’re going to take the article from the North Star that I gave you and talk to everyone that was interviewed in that story. Your job is to find out if they feel they were quoted accurately and fairly. The main questions you are going to ask them are: 5. 6. 7. 8.
Is this what you told the reporter? Did the reporter reflect your view accurately with your quote(s)? Was there any information that you gave the reporter that was incorrect in the story? How good of a job did the reporter do in using the quotes/information you gave them?
You’re going to take that information (and any other information you may find) and write a three-paragraph critique (15 sentences) about the job the reporter did quoting the sources of his/her story. Use the information the sources give you as well as the material you have learned from this chapter to write the critique. Please turn in your critique as well as the notes taken from your interviews with the sources and the sources’ signatures to verify you conducted the interview. You will need to try to get a hold of the sources ASAP in order to complete this on time. Wednesday, Feb. 23 will be a class work day where you will be allowed to leave the room to conduct interviews ONLY if the interview is prearranged. Therefore, you must have a pass from your source (if they are a teacher/administrator) to leave the room. If your source is a student, you need to talk to them outside of class or ask me for a pass to come to the room to talk to them that day. On Friday, Feb. 25 we will be in the computer lab to type this up. This project MUST BE typed.