In the first semester of the Master in Architecture, Architectural Design Thesis 01 is conducted as the first part of the course for the final year studio Thesis Project. As a student of the Heritage and Conservation Architectural Lab (HCAL), a design proposal has to be proposed together with a dilapidation study, measured drawings of an existing heritage building and a Heritage Impact Assessment, all going concurrently. However, the design is still not in its final stage yet as it can still be amended and improved in the following semester.
On the following semester where Architectural Design Thesis 02 is conducted, a special study topic is proposed in order to assist on the overall building design proposal. The special study can be one or more than one, but has to be done more thoroughly and in depth so that the design proposal can be more concrete. . In this stage, the building design can still be upgraded and refined to be a more workable scheme.