Acquire The Best Apps Developer For iPhone
If you are looking to hire some serious talent for developing iphone applications then any accountable software company indulged in iPhone apps development is your solution. There is broad range of iphone apps developer to hire for any service industry but the only question that arises is "How & from where to hire the best iphone apps programmer" ?
For hiring the best iphone apps developer, first of all you can place your query on google and you may find some better results. You can place queries like "Best iphone apps developer", "Best developers for iphone apps" or "hire best ipad apps developer". You will definitely find some good ads providing iPhone/iPad apps developers. You can shortlist some of the developers and can communicate with them as per your convienience.
Some Crucial Aspects Before Hiring an iPhone Apps Programmer When you are indulged in hiring application developers for iPhone/iPad then you will encounter a huge variety for development rates during your research. You may find some very low price offers but don't get tempted by them as they may not render you the services the way you need. Before hiring any iphone apps developer you may ask him questions like. Whether he works for a company or just a mere Freelancer ? What kind of apps have they prepared till now and how many of them are listed in Apple web stores ? Have they worked on some other platforms such as Symbian, Blackberry, Android, and so on? What kind of apps did he have on other platforms? Can he also do the design work or just works as a developer ? Whether he is able to do the deployment work and the maintenance required ? Is source code provided during delivery and who will be the owner of it ? Get the names of the clients for whom he has worked earlier.
Check whether any of those clients are recognizable Fortune 500 listed clients. Ask for the details of those clients. Get the apps details that they have prepared for some of their reputed clients. If they are working in a team, then get some information regarding the team like the number of members in the team, their names, total experince of each member and so on. Is every member of the team a freelancer or works for a company ? Get the location of all the members of the team. Get the details of their working process such as whether they provide estimation of all functuional areas and the time period required from designing till deployment. How the testing process is carried, do they use any automated software or manual testing, If the testing is automated and then what software do they use for it ?
If you get proper answers to these questions above, then you may think to hire the developer as if the developer is not a genuine one then he will not be able answer many one these questions. Hire only those developers who can provide complete transparency in all the functional and operational areas.