Architecture Portfolio 2016

Page 1

masterplan - part 1


B5.2 ground floor uses The plan opposite shows the proposed uses. Retail uses are located in buildings C1, G1 and G2, fronting onto Pettman Crescent and the new urban square.

‘start-up’ type office space is located in the southern Whilst working at Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands,Small I worked with a twelve person half of Block H, with a shared entrance off the north side of the B5.2 ground floor uses square. The office in use extends to the first floor of this building team to deliver a stage D masterplan for Plumstead, located the Royal Borough with a separate stair and platform lift for access. The plan opposite shows the proposed uses. of Greenwich. The area is undergoing a period of The significant change as the town fire station (Block I) is located to the northern end of site 2, with access and egress direct onto Western Way. Retail uses are located in buildings C1, G1 and G2, fronting onto is to be provided with a crossrail station, which will half journey times to central Pettman Crescent and the new urban square. Residential uses occupy the remainder of the ground floor areas London. The project aims to capitalise on the regenerative benefits that Crossrail of the blocks, arranged either as duplexes, with front doors onto Small ‘start-up’ type office space is located in the southern the street or as apartments accessed from a shared corridor. will bring to the area, and create a high quality, sustainable development for the half of Block H, with a shared entrance off the north side of the Covered parking is provided below the podium gardens to benefit of existing and future residents. The clientBlocks for Athis project was Peabody square. The office use extends to the first floor of this building and B, accessed from the west and east elevations with a separate stair and platform lift for access. housing association and the development (of overrespectively. 830 homes) is part of their architectural approach Plant spaces, refuse and cycle stores are located in the depthThe of fire station (Block I) is located to the northern end of site 2, wider strategic masterplan for Broadwater Green.each plan as required.

with access and egress direct onto Western Way.

A publically accessible, residential garden square is located to Residential uses occupy the remainder of the ground floor areas the east of Building C1.

The ambition of the proposed development is to transform a former industrial area into a new, thriving neighbourhood creating a clear identity for the area architectural approach and ‘sense of place’ . A new local centre, with a shopping street and urban square architectural approach ectural approach will be formed and connections to Plumstead Station and Plumstead High Street B9.7 building typologies improved. The new buildings are primarily arranged north-south to give an The orientation designs of the buildings the masterplan have been east-west and to within provide good quality sunlight and daylight into developed as illustrated opposite and as explained previously. communal courtyard areas. The buildings along Nathan Way are have an The main typologies are: east-west orientation with north-south frontages. These buildings are narrower in B9.7cores building typologies B9.7 building typologies ilding typologies plan, with on the north side, to allow for through flats and therefore townhouses avoiding single north facing apartments. Building heights vary from four ofaspect the buildings within the masterplan have been ofThe thedesigns buildings within the masterplan have been fThe thedesigns buildings within the masterplan have been courtyard blocks as illustrated opposite and previously. as explained previously. developed as developed illustrated opposite and as explained illustrated opposite and as explained previously. floors to- eight floors for the most part, whereas the tower has eighteen floors. set piece buildings

of the blocks, arranged either as duplexes, with front doors onto the street or as apartments accessed from a shared corridor. Covered parking is provided below the podium gardens to Blocks A and B, accessed from the west and east elevations respectively. Plant spaces, refuse and cycle stores are located in the depth of each plan as required. A publically accessible, residential garden square is located to the east of Building C1.

The main The main are:typologies are: ologies are:typologies mansion blocks

street blocks - - townhouses townhouses ses tower blocks courtyard- blocks d- blocks - courtyard object building


key: residential

set piece buildings -buildings set piece- buildings

1b/2p 71,500 m2 GEA of residential development mansion blocks -blocks mansion -blocks 2b/3p 11,850 m2 GEA of commercial, community & hotel use street blocks street blocks ocks 2b/4p 1,400m2 GEA fire station tower tower 3b/5p residential unit object851 building object building uilding 4b/6p 42.5% 1 bed / 42.5% 2 bed / 15% 3 bed+ 4b/8p

car parking retail unit core & circulation plant & storage commercial



key: residential 1b/2p

car parking


retail unit


core & circulation


plant & storage





Masterplan typologies:






05 04

06 02 07

01 05

05 04 03


04 03 03

01 03

02 02

01 05 01 01


01 01



06 07



02 07

02 02 04


03 03


03:set piece building


01 03

02: courtyard blocks

02 04

01 01

01: town houses


01 :town Townhouses Houses town01: houses 01: town01: houses

02: courtyard 02 :courtyard Courtyard Blocks blocks 02: blocks 02: courtyard blocks

03:set piece building 03:set piece building 03 : Setpiece Piece Building 03:set building

Left: Overall masterplan 3d model Below: Masterplan - Part 1 & 2





te rn



W es



F A1 Pett man

Cre sce


A4 B1 A2 A5 H


G1 A3 A6 B3

C re s c e n P e tt m a n








N at

ha n







Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands Broadwater Green Masterplan: Plumstead North - Stage C Report 31

W es

te rn



Pett man

Cre sce




K1 N

B5 J

n Wa Natha








n at ha









Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands Broadwater Green Masterplan: Plumstead North - Stage C Report 55


image key: 1. aerial view looking north of the evolved masterplan for the Plumstead North sites (part 1) 2. evolved masterplan for the Plumstead North sites (part 1)

04: mansion block 04 : Mansion Block 04: mansion block 04:04: mansion 04: mansion mansion block block block

street block 05 : Street Block 05: street block 05:05: 05: street 05: street street block block block

06: tower 06 : 06: Tower 06: tower 06: tower 06: tower tower

07: building 07 :object Object Building 07: building 07:object 07: object 07: object object building building building


_Mansion Blocks J




buildings D & E (mansion blocks) D


Buildings D and E are developed as a mansion block typology, providing the primary frontage onto Nathan Way. Due to the north-south facing elevations the buildings are narrower in plan, L with the cores located to the north. The narrower plan allows for 2 south facing apartments and 2 ‘through flats’ arranged around each core and therefore avoids any single aspect north facing y Wa n accommodation. a h at

and provides improved sunlight to the spaces behind. The buildings are set back from the pavement, which allows for front gardens to the mix of flats and duplexes.

The south facing flats are expressed in projecting bays, which articulate the building and break down it’s massing. Set-back upper floors provide an articulated roof scape. The middle portion of each building is lower in response to the sunlight and daylight analysis,


C3.1 design concept

formal street frontage The projecting bays and entrances present a formal frontage to Nathan Way, which helps to define the new neighbourhood.

Buildings D and E are developed as a mansion block typology, providing the primary frontage onto Nathan Way.

Two taller, primary bays flank a lower central section.

Due to the north-south facing elevations the buildings are narrower in plan, with the cores located to the north. The narrower plan allows for 2 south facing apartments 01 and 2 ‘through flats’ arranged around each core and therefore avoids any single aspect north facing accommodation. The south facing flats are expressed in projecting bays, which articulate the building and break down it’s massing.


Set-back upper floors provide an articulated roof scape. The middle portion of each building is lower in response to the sunlight and daylight analysis, and provides improved sunlight to the spaces behind. A roof garden is provided to the middle of Block D as an amenity space for the residents.

Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands Broadwater Green Masterplan: Plumstead North - Stage C Report 55

The buildings are set back from the back of pavement, which Typical allows for front gardens to the mix of flats and duplexes. The front garden is at its largest on Block E opposite Shurguard, providing an attractive outlook to the ground and first floor apartments.

Floor Plan

terrace of mansion blocks

horizontal articulation & roof form

The articulated massing presents a terraced elevation to Nathan Way.

Articulation is provided to the elevations by the projecting bays of the south facing apartments and the cores to the north elevations.

As with traditional mansion blocks, the entrances are located to the centre of each bay.

Building E : Ground Floor Plan

The upper floors set back and are clad in standing seam zinc or similar metal cladding, providing an articulated roof.

Scale 1:200

Typical 1b2p and 2b4p apartments consistent across buildings D+E Scale 1:150

Section through south elevation - Scale 1:150

Masters Thesis

UNITE : A PLACE FOR ART This thesis project transforms Transport House (the former Belfast headquarters of the Amalgamated Transport and General Workers’ Union) and its adjacent sites into an artist ‘laboratory’, a place for new ideas and radical thinkers. A place where art is a social mechanism for the people rather than an elitist practice. This project sees the union building expropriated and re-imagined as a union of artists, reconnecting it to the city physically and programmatically. The building houses a series of art studios and research spaces, to learn about and engage in the creation of art. Artists here are supported to create work with greater societal ambition and to work with the community. A new purpose built Gallery next to Transport House will provide a series of Flexible exhibition spaces and a permanent collection of the best work created by the union of artists. The absence of program at street level creates two worlds: one below and the other above the ground. The building is separated by the space of the city flowing between. By giving the ground floor over to the

city the building integrates itself into the life of the city by aspiring to the condition of the street. The ambition is to achieve a sense of weight and mass detached from the ground in an apparent defiance of gravity. The raised volume resolves the narrowness of the site and lack of space whilst creating a covered plaza for testing ideas and bringing the gallery to the street and extending the street into the gallery. The buildings collection floats above the city as a series of rooms linked by the continuing street. The “underworlds” carved landscape provides an amphitheatre performance space and reconnects Custom House Square to the Cathedral Quarter through a subway under the Dunbar Link. A bookshop with reading rooms is buried below ground providing an anchor for the gallery floating above.

UNITE : A PLACE FOR ART _esis Question : Can the people of Belfast regain a voice from a union between art and city? ????????????????????????????????????? (the former headquarters of the Transport and General Workers’ Union)???)??????))?)?????????????????? ????????)?)??????))????)?)????????)??)??????)???)?)?)?????)???)??)??)?)??)????????????????)??)???)???????????????????)??????????????????)?????? ???)??)?)? ???????)?)?????????????????)??))??�??�?????????)????)?)????????�??)?????????????)???�?????????�????????)??????????)????)??))??�?)?))? ?????????????????????????)??????)???????)?????)??????)?)????????)???)))??)?????????????????????)??)???)???)??�??????))????))???????????))?))??)? ??)?????????)??)??�?))??)???�?????????????????????)?))????�?)????�)?�?))???�??)?????????)?????)??)????�?�?)????????)???????�???)???�??�? ??)??)?)??)?????)??????)?)??))??�?)?))??)?????????????????????)?))?)????????????)????)??)?)?????)?))?????????????????????) ?????)?�?))??????????�?)???????�??????????????)?�?)?)????????)??)??))?�?????)?)?)???)????????????)?�??????�????))????)??))??�????????????)? ))????????)?????????)??)?�?)??�?)??)???)?�)?�?�??�?????�????)?�?????�??????????)??)?????)??))??�?????�??????????)???????????)???????????)??)?))???� ?????�????????)??)???????????????????)??????)??????????)???�?????????????)??�?????)??????)???)??)??????????�????)?????????????)?�??)????? �??�??))?????????)?�?)????????)�????????????)???????????????????)?)?))???????)??))?)??????�???)?�???)??)?�????????????�??)??????)?)???�??�????? �?))??)?????????????????)??�???)??�?????????????????????�?))??))????)??))??�??)?))?)?????�??????)?�??????)??)??????????????????????)??)?)?))????? )????????�???????)????�??)??)??))?�?)??�?)?)??)?)???????�?)????????????????????????????)?????)????)???)????)???�?????????????�????? ???????�????)??)?�????????????�??????))?)???)???????�??)???�??))?)?)??)?????)???????)??�??????????)????)?)?)?)?�????)????�?)??�???? ??)????????????�?))??)?�?????�??)?�?) ???)??))??�???????????????�?????????�?????)??????????????)?�??????????????)?)?))????�)???????)??))??�?)????)??))??�????))?)????�????????? ??�??????�??????????????????????)?????�?)????)???)?????�?)????????????????????�)???????????????????�?)???)?)??�?)?????????)�?????)???????? )???�?)?�?????)????????????�?)?????)?????)???)????)?)???????????)??????)??????)??�????)??????????)?)?)?????�)?�?????�))�??�?????�???????�???? ?�????????????????)?

The building attempts to have a strong impact in the historic Cathedral quarter, characterised by heavy stone buildings. The building is clad in limestone augmenting the stone in its immediate vicinity and its volume appears as a single mass of stone shifted and carved at the edges and top to bring light in. The stone facade is cut and recessed with the feel of a constructivist composition, like an El Lissitzky “proun” pushing up against the street. Test study model : Shifting volumes and rhythm of the Gallery facade

Foun d Sit uatio n Unfo ld on H ed elevat igh S ions tr Tran en sport eet whic velopin h g le o Hou se was allowed le over ve the co publi r space sp will b formed c pla nstru ace.e by za. e exp g anded the Belfa ction of ap st ‘Bli to pro tz’ vide a sou . e th fa cing

Left : Ground floor plan in context

Below : Section model of Gallery 1:100

Found Situation

3 4 5 Roof

A new gateway to the Cathedral Quarter


Entrance hall

Mass hovering above carved amphitheatre

The Unite gallery and union studios will connect to two other new developments along _Connections the Dunbar Link providing a route through _Connections Quarter one building deep. The ethe locationCathedral of the site (on the periphery of the Cathedral Quarter) offers the opportunity to re-stitch the frayed edges separated from the city by the Dunbar Link. It also offers the opportunity to form a Th e location of the site (on the periphery of newnew gateway toroute the Cathedral Quarter from High and further South/East of the city. provides a street more pleasant journey Cathedral Quarter) off ersconnecting the opportunity ethe Unite gallery and union will link to two other new developments along the Dunbar Link through thisstudios part ofup the city providing a route through the Cathedral Quarter one building deep. e new route provides a more to re-stitch edges separated pleasant journey through thisthe part of frayed the city connecting passers-by to art and sheilding from them from the passers-by to art and sheilding them from the busy road. A connection to Custom House Square using the existing Subway will be improved by the inclusion of ancity art display room and a Dunbar LED integrated lightwall. the by the Link. It also off ers busy road. A connection to Custom Housethe opportunity form a newSubway gateway to be the Square usingtothe existing will Cathedral Quarter from High street and improved by the inclusion of an art display further South/East of the city. room and a LED integrated lightwall. The Unite gallery and union studios will connect to two other new developments along the Dunbar Link providing a route through the Cathedral Quarter one building deep. The new route provides a more pleasant journey through this part of the city connecting passers-by to art and sheilding them from the busy road. A connection to Custom House Square using the existing Subway will be improved by the inclusion of an art display room and a LED integrated lightwall. Before

_Connections e location of the site (on the periphery of the Cathedral Quarter) offers the opportunity to re-stitch the frayed edges separated from the city by the Dunbar Link. It also offers the opportunity to form a new gateway to the Cathedral Quarter from High street and further South/East of the city. e Unite gallery and union studios will link up to two other new developments along the Dunbar Link providing a route through the Cathedral Quarter one building deep. e new route provides a more pleasant journey through this part of the city connecting passers-by to art and sheilding them from the busy road. A connection to Custom House Square using the existing Subway will be improved by the inclusion of an art display room and a LED integrated lightwall.

Subway Entry leading to Amphitheatre

Subway entry leading to amphitheatre

_Connections e location of the site (on the periphery of the Cathedral Quarter) offers the opportunity to re-stitch T.G.W.U the frayed edges separated from the city by the Dunbar Link. It also offers the opportunity to form a new gateway to the Cathedral Quarter from High street and further South/East of the city. T



e Unite gallery and union studios will link up to two other new developments along the Dunbar Link providing a route through the Cathedral Quarter one building deep. e new route provides a more pleasant journey through this part of the city connecting passers-by to art and sheilding them from the busy road. A connection to Custom House Square using the existing Subway will be improved by the inclusion of an art display room and a LED integrated lightwall. P




Subway Entry leading to Amphitheatre

Subway entry leading to amphitheatre After


Building context




A purpose built gallery entitled the UNITE Gallery stands alongside Union Studios in a small site replacing two obsolete buildings.

Building context

The building’s diagram was imagined like a constructivist painting. Several simple geometric shapes combined. Like a El Lissitsky Proun, the idea of shifting axes and volumes is played on with the three main gallery spaces floating above the lower public space.


New route through the Cathedral Quarter

The relationship between the gallery and Building context the Transport House studios negotiate a place of exchange between art and city. The pre-existing gap on High Street is expanded _UNITE GALLERY between the two buildings to create a public A purpose built gallery entitled the UNITE square for outdoor function. Gallery stands alongside Union Studios in a


small site replacing two obsolete buildings.

A purpose built gallery entitled the UNITE Gallery stands alongside Union Studios in a small site replacing two obsolete buildings. The location of the site (on the periphery of the Cathedral Quarter) offers the opportunity to re-stitch the frayed edges separated from the city by the Dunbar Link. It also offers the opportunity to form a new gateway to the Cathedral Quarter from High street and further South/East of the city. The Unite gallery and union studios will link up to two other new developments along the Dunbar Link providing a route through the Cathedral Quarter one building deep. The new route provides a more pleasant journey through this part of the city connecting passers-by to art and sheilding them from the busy road. A connection to Custom House Square using the existing Subway will be improved by the inclusion of an art display room and a LED integrated lightwall.

Connections to other projects along the Dunbar link’s busy interface

_Connections The location of the site (on the periphery of the Cathedral Quarter) offers the opportunity to re-stitch the frayed edges separated from the city by the Dunbar Link. It also offers the opportunity to form a new gateway to the Cathedral Quarter from High street and further South/East of the city. The Unite gallery and union studios will link up to two other new developments along the Dunbar Link providing a route through the Cathedral Quarter one building deep. The new route provides a more pleasant journey through this part of the city connecting passers-by to art and sheilding them from the busy road. A connection to Custom House Square using the existing Subway will be improved by the inclusion of an art display room and a LED integrated lightwall.

Connections to other projects along the Dunbar link’s busy interface

The building’s diagram was imagined like a constructivist painting. Several simple geometric shapes combined. Like a El Lissitsky Proun, the idea of shifting axes and volumes is played on with the three main gallery spaces floating above the lower public space. DESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT


The relationship between the gallery and the Transport House studios negotiate a place of exchange between art and city. The pre-existing gap on High Street is expanded between the two buildings to create a public square for outdoor function.

Context model : 1:200 Far right : Development massing modelgallery floating over amphitheatre and plaza


The building’s diagram was imagined like a constructivist painting. Several simple geometric shapes combined. Like a El Lissitsky Proun, the idea of shifting axes and volumes is played on with the three main gallery spaces floating above the lower public space. The relationship between the gallery and the Transport House studios negotiate a place of exchange between art and city. The pre-existing gap on High Street is expanded between the two buildings to create a public square for outdoor function.

Subway Entry leading to Amphitheatre

New route through the Cathedral Quarter

Context model : 1:200 Far right : Development massing modelgallery floating over amphitheatre and plaza

Context model : 1:200 Far right : Development massing modelgallery floating over amphitheatre and plaza

Subway Entry leading to Amphitheatre

Subway Entry leading to Amphitheatre

Left : Ground floor plan in context Below : Section model of Gallery 1:100

Left : Ground floor plan in context Below : Cross Section through both buildings









A new gateway to the Cathedral Quarter


Detail of the Peoples Collection. Steel frame clad in Limestone augmenting the stone in its immediate context whilst providing a hard exterior crust protecting the softer interior galleries and artwork.

1 1 1 pushes out toward the street creating a ‘bay’ window offering viewsthree up exhibition High Street and The UNITE gallery houses spaces. The first of which is a flexible exhibition space which can be a ‘bay’ pushes out toward the street creating The UNITE gallery houses three exhibidown towards Harland &asWolff and seen from Street and acts a ‘front room’ gallery. The secondwindow of these galleries is kinked to negotiate offering viewsinupform High Street and tionHigh spaces. The first of these is athe Flexible the awkward angle between itself and Union studios. This space, which is similar in its treatment to the first, hosts River. down towards Harland & Wolff and the exhibition space which works in flux with

work by renowned artists and can display larger pieces/sculptures. A clerestory window captures views of the dis1 River. The third gallery is a permanent collecthe cities condition. This space, tant cavehill whilstchanging the square below is framed through a second opening. ofwhich workout created by the of artists. gallery is clad in timber offering a warm intimate environment for can be seen from HighaThis Street, acts toward theunion street creating ‘bay’ bi- tionpushes viewing. The room pushes out toward the street creating a ‘bay’ window offering views up High Street and down window offering viewsgallery up Highand Street andhost work ble as a ‘front room’ will Harland & Wolff and&the River. down towards Harland Wolff and the with towards

which responds to prevailing collective issues. The space is also a place for gathering and meeting people before moving through the building.


ce, cts work e isering rough

in bepace, first, and clerestant med

The second of these galleries is kinked in form to negotiate the awkward angle between itself and Union studios. This space, which is similar in its treatment to the first, hosts work by more renowned artists and can display larger pieces/sculptures. A clerestory window captures views of the distant cavehill whilst the square below is framed through a second opening.

t the m ces ntiom

The Peoples collections is a permanent collection of the best work created by the union of artists. This gallery differs from the other white-walled windowed spaces and is clad in timber offering a warm intiThree ‘floating’ abovefor ‘carved’ amphitheatre mategalleries environment viewing. The room 2

Three galleries ‘floating’ above ‘carved’ amphitheatre



Detail 1:30 The building is small but attempts to have a strong impact in a historic quarter surrounded by heavy stone civic buildings. The building is clad in Limestone augmenting the stone in its immediate context and providing a hard exterior crust which protects the softer interior galleries and artwork. The buildings volume appears as a single mass of stone carved at the edges and top to bring light in. The ambition is achieve a sense of weight and mass detached from the ground in apparent defiance of gravity. The stone façade is cut and recessed with the feel of a constructivist composition, like an El Lissitzky’s “proun” pushing up against the street out towards the street.

Three galleries ‘floating’ above ‘carved’ amphitheatre 2



Left : Group Studio Center: Union building Below : Resident artist studio

Left : Group Studio Center: Union building Below : Resident artist studio

_Transport House - Union Studios

UNION studios offers a series of spaces for members of the public to engage in the creation of art. The existing buildings structural grid of reinforced concrete columns allowed the option of a ‘free plan’ internally, making the building suitable for open plan studios, workshops and further subdivision for individual studios

_Public _PublicHouse House Cushendun CushendunHarbour Harbour

pUBLIC HOUSECushendun harbour Mapping

ThThe e public spiritand feeling of Cushendun by publichouse houseaims aimsto to embody embody the spirit adopting of compressed and a series and feelingaofseries Cushendun by adopting spaces which represent a microcosm of the ofdecompressed compressed and decompressed spaces village and wider context. In aof compressed which represent a microcosm the villagespace the architecture and other are experienced and wider context. In a people compressed space the at close proximity whilst a decompressed space offers a needed breather where the outside world is architecture and other people are experienced experienced at an expanse. at close proximity whilst a decompressed space offers a needed breather where the The building aims to create spaces which have a resonating quality related to outside world is experienced at an expanse.

One of the main feelings that was phenomena picked ingrained up on in the culture of the place. Prefabricated monocoque volumes built in a boatyard along the North East Antrim coast are craned The building aims to create spaces which have during site visits and mapping was sense ontothe an in-situ timber structure forming the building. a resonating quality related to phenomena of compression & decompression. The villages ingrained in the culture the place. The project began with aofmapping model to capture not only the physical centre/main street is compressed and buildPrefabricated monocoque volumes attributes of the village but also the built feelinginofa the place. The model maps boatyard along the North East Antrim ings/people are experienced at close proximithe village centre, the promenade to thecoast Church, the cliffs, the river and the aresea. craned onto an in-situ timber structure Steel was used to create contours, ambiguous village boundaries and to ty. The rest of Cushendun is quite vasttheand in forming building. reflect its exposure to the harsh Atlantic Ocean. Weaving captured the feeling these areas buildings are placed romantically of the compressed River Dun meeting the vast sea, whilst noting the hotels memory Site between two existing of the villages mills. which allows them to be seen as object.

_Mapping Model The project began with a mapping model to capture not only the physical attributes of the village but also the feeling of the place. The model maps the village centre, the promenade to the Church, the cliffs, the river and the sea. Steel was used to create contours, ambiguous village boundaries and to reflect its exposure to the harsh Atlantic Ocean. Weaving captured the feeling of the compressed River Dun meeting the vast decompressed sea whilst noting the memory of the villages mills. Above: Sectional model Right: Cushendun Harbour Below: Existing site section

Public house Concept The public house aims to embody the spirit and feeling of Cushendun by adopting a series of compressed and decompressed spaces which represents a microcosm of the village and wider context. The project also aims to create spaces which have a resonating quality related to phenomena ingrained in the culture of the place. By employing two distinctly opposing feelings compression and decompression, space is appropriated to suit. In a compressed space architecture and people are experienced at close proximity. The decompressed spaces offer a needed breather and relate to the feeling of experiencing things as object and at an expanse. Vertical and horizonal decompression will take place calling on themes explored in ‘constructing Delay’ which questioned a predominant ocular experience of architecture.

former flax mill whose ruins were buil the hotel

Above: Site section-pre-existing layers and ruins

ure not only the ng of the place. de to the Church, create contours,

River Dun the memory of


The monocoque structures inner and outer layers act together as a unified, structural whole. The method of construction references Cushenduns boat making culture and the harbours ability to protect small vessels from harsh conditions due to its natural features.





Prefabricated monocoque volumes are craned onto a timber structure which is built in situ. The monocoque structure utilises the external skin to support the load. This approach references boat making culture and cushendun harbours natural features which protect anchored boats from rough south-western winds.

Prefab monocoque

in-situ Ground


Surface classification, walls and ceilings:

Stairs, Ramps, Guarding and Protection from Impact (Technical Booklet H)

bathroom and bedroom of the publican also require 1/20th of the floor area to have rapid openings, and

public house was previously defined, Doors and Windows should not comprise any more than 40% of


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