Club Resource Manual

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Requirements for PVCC Student Clubs & Organizations Participation in student clubs at Paradise Valley Community College will allow you as the student to make new friends, improve social skills, and develop leadership and time management skills while involved in student clubs and organizations. The time and effort spent is also useful when students enter the job market or apply for competitive programs of higher education. The community also benefits from many of the community service programs that student clubs and organizations provide. As a member or officer of a student club, your involvement will directly impact your personal development and leadership skills. As a PVCC club member and advisor, you should recognize that, to a degree, the club represents the college to the community. As a result, the responsibility is to uphold the standards that will bring credit to the club, the college, Student Leadership Council and ultimately, to the community. Membership: All members of a PVCC student club or organization must be a currently enrolled student at PVCC. No PVCC student club or organization may discriminate in its membership on any basis. Active Status: A Club Statement of Activity Form must be turned in to the Student Life Office at the beginning of each semester. This form confirms the clubs active status and keeps the Student Life Office advised as to officers and membership roster (including telephone numbers and email) and any changes therein. This form will be available in the Student Life Office and also on the Club & Organization Resource Page. All advisors and club members must complete club advisor/officer trainings (either online or in-person trainings) in order for the club to be considered active. Scheduling: Schedule all meetings, activities, etc., through the Club Advisor Resource Page located on the Student Life webpage, and reserve a room in advance through facility use. A calendar of events and/or meeting minutes must also be turned in each semester. Community Service: Show, in writing, 20-clock hours minimum of volunteer service per academic year. This should include total hours for the club, not individual club members. The Office of Service Learning is available to clubs as a resource regarding volunteerism or service learning. Also, it is encouraged that a member from each club writes a reflective summary of their experience to be turned into Student Life. Participation in SLC and Events on Campus: Student clubs and organizations are encouraged to choose a representative from the club/organization to be the club/organizations SLC Representative. The SLC Representative shall communicate with, represent and support their respective club. The SLC representative shall be either the club President or a member designated by the club. All SLC Representatives are expected to attend at least one SLC meeting per month. Each student club or organization is encouraged to participate in at least one of the Fall and/or Spring events to showcase their club and for fundraising opportunities. Each club or organization is also expected to keep SLC and Student Life informed about their events and activities through the Club & Organization Resource Page.

Advisor Responsibilities & Guidelines Being an advisor to a PVCC student club/organization can be a unique experience! The student sees the advisor not only as a professor or administrator but also as a helping friend. This role will also allow you greater 1

opportunities to share your professional expertise in the continuing development and education of our students. As an advisor, you have the opportunity to help students gain a new perspective of the college and community. You watch students grow and increase their knowledge with skills that go beyond the classroom, enrich your own life, and get inspiration from those students who are making such an effort to become involved and make things happen. Students make new friends, improve social skills, and develop leadership and time management skills when involved in student organizations. The time and effort spent is also useful when students enter the job market or apply for competitive programs of higher education. The community also benefits from many of the community service programs that student clubs and organizations provide. You can be a mentor and role model. The most rewarding experience an advisor can have is for a student to say that they received so much more out of college because of his/her involvement in one of our student clubs. As an advisor you make their time and your time memorable and meaningful. Student Club/Organization Advisors have the following responsibilities:  To serve as the College's liaison with the student organization. 

To serve as financial account manager; approving and signing all requests submitted by the organization to Student Life. This includes funds requests, official function forms, petty cash, purchase requisitions, etc.

To have advance knowledge of all meetings and activities of the organization. Attendance at all business meetings is mandatory. Business may NOT be transacted without the advisor present. You may designate a faculty/staff substitute if you cannot be present for a meeting.

To attend all off-campus activities or travel sponsored by the club/organization or require the organization to make arrangements for another faculty or staff member to attend, in which case the Director of Student Life should be informed of changes.

To ensure that the organization adheres to all College rules and regulations regarding on and offcampus activities, student travel, and the Student Code of Conduct as outlined in the PVCC Student Handbook.

To remain aware of the goals and purposes of the organization, and to see that these goals and purposes are followed by the group.

To offer guidance without domination, reminding the organization of the College's rules and enforcing them when necessary.

To see that the organization's activities, including travel, are coordinated in advance through Student Life.

To attend trainings scheduled by Student Life for the advisors of student club/organizations.

To communicate with the organization regarding all College meetings and announcements affecting the group.

To encourage students to participate in on campus activities during the Fall and Spring semesters.

Why serve as an active student organization advisor? Students greatly benefit from a well-rounded collegiate experience encompassing both academic pursuits and social involvement. As an advisor, you have the opportunity to help students learn and apply life skills such as networking, leadership development, critical thinking, organizational management, and communication techniques. You can serve in a mentor capacity, experience student life outside the classroom, and build relationships that students will remember and appreciate long after their college years. Serving as a registered student organization advisor is a commitment to the students and to Paradise Valley Community College, but in 2

return you will benefit from a greater knowledge of student development, a feeling of connectedness to College activities, and a sense of accomplishment that your efforts have directly and positively impacted the lives of students. Requirements to be an advisor All active student club/organization advisors must be full or part time faculty or staff members Paradise Valley Community College. Club/Organizations may have more than one advisor. The choice of advisors is at the discretion of each club/organization. However, in some cases departments may wish to make recommendations on the basis of teaching loads and academic advising responsibilities of the faculty members. Roles and responsibilities of the advisor Guidance and support - Serving as an organization's advisor shows a commitment to the success of the involved students. By association it conveys a special interest in the students' values and goals. The students count on the advisor not only to assist with administrative tasks and serve as a liaison with the College, but also to provide encouragement and guidance through a wide range of situations. Continuity - The advisor provides stability for organizations so records are not lost during the constant turnover of officers as students graduate from the College. The advisor can assist students with information regarding events, processes, etc. that have worked in the past and may be applicable to future group endeavors. Fiscal oversight - One of the most important responsibilities of an active student organization's advisor is the role of financial oversight. The advisor should assist students with the maintenance of financial accounts. While each active student organization should elect a student financial officer/treasurer, the advisor can provide guidance and training regarding how to create a budget and keep good financial records. Policy interpretation and advocacy - As an employee of PVCC, an active student club/organization's advisor can provide a unique perspective to students regarding the College’s policies and procedures. The advisor can serve as an advocate for students who do not feel their needs are being met or who need assistance interpreting policies. The advisor can also provide critical feedback to Student Affairs regarding ways to improve the student experience. Meetings and social activities - Advisors are encouraged to participate in meetings and activities with their respective active student organizations. Many organizations create their own requirements for advisor involvement; if your organization has such requirements, be sure to communicate with the students regarding your availability and willingness to participate. It is important that students feel worthy of the advisor's time as this helps establish mentoring relationships that many students greatly desire in their extracurricular activities.

Expectations of Club Officers The Office of Student Life wants your experience as a member and/or officer to run as smoothly as possible. In an effort to encourage healthy and efficient development of our clubs, we will work diligently with you to ensure all of your club’s needs are being met in a timely manner. Please read the following requirements and refer to them as necessary during your time as a member and/or officer:

Usual Duties of the President:

Preside at all meetings and act as principal host at all club functions. Be familiar with the constitution and bylaws of the club, the specific duties of the office, and basic parliamentary procedures. Also, be familiar with college policies affecting club operations. Prepare an agenda of a definite plan of things, which need to be done at each meeting. Appoint committees as directed and define their responsibilities. See that committees act and report promptly and fully. Soon after assuming duties you should plan programs for the year ahead. This can often be delegated to a planning committee, but the president is responsible for seeing that planning is done. 3

Consult and confer regularly with the club advisor, but remember that the activities of the organization should be planned and carried out by students, not by the advisor. Be responsible for seeing that the following materials are filed in the Student Life Office: • A copy of the club's constitution, including bylaws. • A list of officers for each semester for the particular club, along with a notice of meeting time, place and frequency of scheduled meetings. • An annual report of the group's activities. Remember that the club is but a part of the college, and that club projects and activities must be considered for their effect on the total operation of the college. Presiding at the Meeting: The president presides at all meetings. If he/she must be absent, notification must be given to the vice president who then presides. Allow time for social preliminaries before the meeting so that individuals can get acquainted with each other and visit before the meeting begins. Usual Duties of the Vice President: Conduct meetings in the absence of the president, or upon request. Perform other official tasks as assigned. (Example: Membership Chairman) Take a full share of responsibility for helping the club to function effectively. Usual Duties of the Secretary: Record all decisions and promptly prepare, and make available to members, copies of minutes following each meeting. Keep an accurate file of minutes and actions. These should be available for ready reference at club meetings. Get agenda and a copy of all information into hands of members one week in advance of meeting if possible. Arrange for meeting place and other physical facilities necessary. Notify members as to the date, time, and place of each meeting. Suggestions for writing minutes: Name of club Date and hour of meeting - place of meeting List members present and advisor present Summary of meeting agenda Next steps and responsible parties Usual Duties of the Treasurer: Shall be responsible for all club finances and promptly prepare a statement of such finances for each meeting. Keep an accurate file of financial statements and club budget. Shall participate and help coordinate all student fund raising activities.

Fiscal Management The Importance of Planning Ahead Most campus activities and events require planning ahead. It is recommended that you plan at least a month in advance in order to have all paperwork completed in a timely fashion, especially when requesting funds. Large events need to be planned six months ahead. The best idea is to map out all the semester's plans early and then work ahead a semester. It is important to keep proper and accurate records of your meetings, events and activities. Year-end reports and event reports will give insight into planning the next semester. A file of past events and listings of positive and 4

negative results is very helpful to students who will be planning events in the future. Good luck with your activities and events! Student Club Funds All clubs are assigned a 910 club account. 910 fiscal accounts are all revenue generating. These accounts usually start at 0 and must raise their own funds. Any remaining balances in the club budgets "roll-over" at the end of the fiscal year and become the beginning balance of funds available for the new fiscal year. Funds from this account may be accessed to support events and activities mutually approved by the students and advisor of the club/organization. All club/organization funds MUST BE deposited in the club account through the PVCC Fiscal Office. Separate bank accounts ARE NOT permitted. Funds include those from any source: dues, donations, fundraisers, sales, and projects. Any funds collected must be deposited, not spent as cash on hand to avoid paperwork. Each club/organization are encouraged to keep shadow records of the club/organization funds. Know your Club Account and Balance All advisors should become familiar with their student organization's fiscal account code and current balance. This information can be received through the Fiscal Office at (602) 787-7350 or Student Life & Leadership at (602) 787-7242. Club Funding Raising funds is really not as difficult as it might first appear to be. With a little bit of brainstorming and knowing the college policies, fund-raising can be given just a small percentage of time and not detract from other organizational functions. There are two main ways for clubs to raise funds. These are as follows: requesting funds from the Student Leadership Council, or having a fundraiser. Alternatively, a club may choose to collect dues or receive a donation. Request of Funds from SLC The Student Leadership Council provides limited funds (up to $250 per semester) for student organizations and clubs provided that the following guidelines are met. Guidelines for Funding: A.

An online proposal must be submitted to the SLC stating the purpose of the amount of funds requested. This proposal should be submitted a week before the SLC meeting to ensure that the request will get on the meeting agenda. Sufficient detail explaining the benefit expected from using funds and the number of students that will benefit should be provided.


A personal presentation of the fund request by the advisor and/or club members to SLC is strongly encouraged to answer questions related to the request.


If funds are available in the Student Leadership Council budget, there is a limit of up to two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) as the maximum amount available to any one student organization or club per semester.


Club meeting minutes that reflect a club vote on requesting funds from SLC need to be turned in first to the Student Life and Leadership Office before funds can be transferred into the club account.


A written report must be kept by the club after funds have been spent detailing the expenditures and available for review by SLC or College Officials.


The SLC reserves the right to deny any funding request at any time for just cause as determined by the SLC. All funding request shall be approved or denied on the basis of a majority vote of SLC quorum of members.


Fund Raising Events Raising funds together as a club is not just about making money; it’s a great opportunity for working together as a team and having fun. Some possible club fundraisers include: T-shirt sales, flowers, greeting cards, discount booklets, art items, jewelry, and drawings (i.e. raffles: restrictions apply, see section below). Based on recommendations by District Auditing, the following cash control procedures are being implemented for campus fundraisers and all other activities involving collection of monetary funds. 1.

ALL deposits must have a completed Fund-Raising Activity Form in order to be deposited.


A cash box and receipt book must be used for all fund raising/cash collection activities.


A numbered receipt book, locking cash box, and change fund will be provided for each fund raising activity from the Cashier's Office.


A board-approved employee must sign out change fund and cash box.


All funds collected must be kept under lock and key.


All transactions must be receipted, without exception.


If a receipt must be voided retain both copies of the receipt, mark the receipt void with a short explanation, and initial.


All funds must be deposited in the Cashier's Office within one working day of the conclusion of the activity.


At the time of deposit an accounting of funds against receipts will be performed and a receipt will be issued by the Cashier's Office.


Donations received by clubs must be receipted and deposited in the same manner as funds raised.

If you have any questions regarding the above procedure please call the Fiscal Office at (602) 787-7350. Donations Occasionally, a club receives donations usually for a special project. If someone is giving you funds, you must still process a Fund-Raising Request Form before making a deposit. Donations must be receipted and deposited to the PVCC Fiscal Office and are subject to the same policies and guidelines as fundraising. Dues Some organizations use dues to provide funds. If your student club chooses to do so, the amount and frequency of collection must be reflected in the club's constitution. The dues are also subject to the same guidelines outlined above. Raffles or Drawings No one at the college is allowed to hold a raffle. It is very important that something of value be considered the item purchased and the "ticket" be given free, i.e. you get a free ticket with every piece of candy or pencil. Otherwise the activity is considered gambling. The terms “drawings” or “raffle” may not be used.

Cash Handling Guidelines/Procedures The following procedures and the related requirements have been developed to provide direction for college employees, departments and programs engaging in the collection and handling of cash. Included in the definition of cash are coins, currency, checks, money orders, credit cards, electronic fund transfers, donations and cash equivalents including tokens, gift cards, parking tickets and stamps. Business practices and internal controls have been established as a requirement of participating in any type of activity to ensure proper accountability. College departments/employees/programs engaging in the collection of cash must be pre-approved by the college 6

Business Office prior to engaging in the activity. • Individuals engaging in the collection of cash must review these procedures, related requirements and affix their signature on the Cash Handling Guidelines/Procedures document prior to participating in cash handling activities. • Any one individual cannot have responsibility for more than one of the cash handling components. As an example: collecting, depositing, and reconciling duties must be assigned to separate individuals. • Each cash sale must be receipted at the time cash is collected, except in serve-yourself situations such as a coffee fund. In serve yourself instances, a cash receipt must be written at the time of funds counting. Receipts are processed by the board-approved employee overseeing the activity and/or their pre-approved designee. • Expenditures cannot be made, nor checks cashed from revenue receipts. All revenue must be deposited intact at the college Business Office. • Cash receipts greater than $50.00 they must be deposited at the college Business Office. • The Business Office receipts all funds presented for deposit. All cash receipts must be submitted directly to a college Business Office employee for deposit. Funds may not be dropped off in the college Business Office counter drop off basket. • All activities involving the collection of cash are subject to random audits performed by the college Business Office and/or District Internal Audit. • Item donations of all types can only be accepted on behalf of Paradise Valley Community College with prior approval from the Vice President of Administrative Services, college President and appropriate District representative, after satisfying all donation acceptance requirements.

Cash Box Procedures Cash Box Check Out/In Process Cash Box Check Out • Cash box requests must be submitted via email 3 days in advance of the cash box check out date. •

Submit cash box check out requests via email to: DL-PVC-Cashier <>

Cash Box Request Email Format • Activity Coordinator Name (Board Approved Employee Coordinating the Activity) •

Activity Name

Activity Purpose

Check Out Date

Anticipated Check In Date

Cash Bank Required: Yes/No

If cash bank is required a petty cash voucher with account # is required to check out a cash bank. 7


Cash Bank Total Amount


Cash Bank Denominations

Two part numbered tickets needed: Yes/No

Two part receipt book needed: Yes/No

Cash Box Check In •

Cash box check in will be processed by a Fiscal Office board approved employee and the Activity Coordinator.

Activity Coordinator provides the account number for the revenue deposit.

Cash box check in is processed at any available cashier window.

If the wait time to reconcile the cash box is too long the cash box may be dropped off at the Fiscal Office for reconciliation later that business day. o

Cash Box Drop Off - the Activity Coordinator locks the cash box, retains the key, and hands the cash box directly to the Cashier.


The Cashier retains the cash box in the safe until reconciliation later that business day.

Cash Boxes Activities •Cash box procedures are strictly enforced, non-compliance may terminate the privilege to participate in cash box activities. • A lockable cash box must be used for the collection of cash and checks. o No credit card information may be accepted for cash box activity. o Credit card payments must be directed to the college Business Office. • Lockable cash boxes are available for check out from the college Business Office following the college Cash Box Request Process. • Cash box change funds must be provided by the college Business Office using a petty cash voucher. • No personal funds may be used as any portion of the cash box change fund. • Two-part, pre-numbered receipts or tickets are required for the collection of cash. o Receipt books and tickets meeting this requirement are available at the college Business Office. o Cash box must be counted and reconciled to the receipts/tickets prior to arriving at Business Office. • All funds must be deposited intact with the college Business Office by close of business on the day of the activity; exception, standing change funds. o Activities ending after business hours – The locked cash box must be delivered to the College Public Safety Office then retrieved the next business morning for deposit at the college Business Office.

Purchasing Now that you've raised all those funds and it's time to spend them on worthwhile endeavors, don't drop the ball and leave the paperwork for the last minute. 8

Purchases less than $100: The College will allow student club/organizations to use up to $100 as Petty Cash expenditures. All original, itemized receipts must be saved and turned in to the PVCC Fiscal Office to finalize any petty cash transaction. Items on receipts should be for club purchases only. Any items not for reimbursement should be on a separate receipt.  Step 1. Submit proposed event or activity on the Club Event Submission form. An email will be sent to the advisor with “next steps”. Depending on the activity, an Official Function Form may need to be completed before petty cash can be taken out.  Step 2. Pick up a Petty Cash Request Form in Student Life.  Step 3. Complete the Petty Cash Request form, using the student organization's account number (the staff in Student Life can assist you in finding your account number). The Director of Student Life or Designee, the advisor of the club/organization and at least one officer whose name and signature appears on the Club Statement of Activity form must sign and date the Petty Cash form. Petty cash vouchers must be issued prior to expenditures. DO NOT spend your own money and expect to be reimbursed. The Advisor must be present in order for the petty cash to be received.  Step4. The completed form should be taken to PVCC Fiscal Office where a cashier can process the request. Receipts and any unused money must be returned to the PVCC Fiscal Office within five working days. (Make copies of original receipts before turning them in for club records)  Step 5. If this is a cash advance, original receipts for the items purchased and any remaining cash must be saved and returned to the Fiscal Office within one week. Business is complete when all receipts and remaining cash are turned in. Purchases over $100: Note: Any purchase of more than $100 must follow standard College procedure for purchases prior to the purchase. These types of purchases are made through the College Financial Systems (CFS, an online purchasing system). A Requisition is used for purchases over $100 and for travel related expenditures. This requisition is created first, then a Purchase Order number is created. The Purchase Order is then given to the vendor. Do not order anything before a Purchase Order number has been received. Please plan ahead when making these larger purchases and allow one month for processing. A CFS Advance of Funds may be available for special circumstances when funds are needed immediately and approved by the PVCC Fiscal Agent. Contact Student Life for additional assistance on creating requisitions through CFS. Deposits: Monies to be deposited into a club/organization’s account can be done at the PVCC Fiscal office. The Fiscal Office will issue a receipt that the deposit has been made.

Petty Cash Voucher Petty Cash is used for expenditures less than $100. Petty Cash may not be used to purchase capital equipment or travel related items. Multiple Petty Cash forms may not be used to purchase items over $100 that should be purchased with a Requisition. Receipts and unused funds must be returned to the Fiscal 9

Office within 5 working days after receiving funds. Only one Petty Cash per club is allowed out at any given time.

Official Function Form Instructions The Official Function form must be completed and signed by the Student Life Director and the Dean or Vice President of Student Affairs. The form must be attached to any petty cash form or requisition when: Food is served. Decorations are purchased. Rooms or facilities are rented. (To hold a conference, for example.) Any type of giveaways (gifts, door prizes, etc...) Records of funds should be kept by the organization treasurer (or designee) and must agree with the permanent financial record of the student club in the Student Life Office. * You must have a student signature on all paperwork. This individual will be the club treasurer or another designated member. MCCCD is required to spend its resources only for things that tangibly and directly benefit its educational mission and objectives. Some expenses by their nature aren't appropriate. Others require an explanation to meet that requirement. Examples of expenses that are not official functions are charges for alcoholic beverages, memberships in nonschool related civic organizations, and gifts and decorations for parties for births, deaths or weddings. Examples of expenses that may be official functions are employee retreats and conference banquet or hotel contracts.

Official Function Form (SAMPLE) The Official Function Form must be used whenever food is served free of charge, decorations are purchased, and/or facilities are rented. This form requires the signature of the Director of Student Life and the Dean or VP of Student Affairs for approval. Please provide your club adequate time to get signatures prior to the event. This 10

must be accompanied by a Petty Cash or a Requisition. MARICOPA COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 2411 West 14th Street, Tempe, AZ 85281-6942 OFFICIAL FUNCTION FORM This form allows MCCCD employees to properly document expense decisions for activities or items that are subject to the MCCCD Administrative Regulation on Official Functions. See Expenses covered by this form are those for activities or items that do not appear to be, without the explanation, ordinary and necessary expenses of MCCCD as a public educational institution. Note that the documentation requirement applies regardless of the fund from which the expense will be made. If the expense is for an institutional or individual membership, use the “Membership Payment Worksheet” located at You’ll find helpful instructions on Page 2 of this form, and at the following web address: Higher dollar expenses require answers with greater specificity. COMPLETE THE ITEMS LISTED BELOW 1.

Describe the activity or item: (Provide the full name of organization or program instead of an acronym, if applicable, and include in the description how the organization or program relates to MCCCD.) Anime Club Film Night at All Saints Luthern Church (Pizza, Drinks $70 and Facility Fees $55.00)


Date(s), time(s), and location, if applicable: Friday, April 9th from 6-9pm at All Saints Luthern Church in Phoenix, AZ.


Identify the type and number of attendees (such as employees, students, general public): Approx. 15 PVCC Anime Club members and advisor.




Document and describe both the following: (See Instructions, Paragraph B.) • The tangible and specific benefits of the activity or item to MCCCD and its educational mission, with attachments if necessary; • How the benefit received by MCCCD through the activity or item is equal to or greater than the expense. THIS ACTIVITY WILL ALLOW FOR A SOCIAL OUTING AND DEBRIEF OF THE SEMESTER BETWEEN THE ANIME CLUB MEMBERS IN SUPPORT OF THE MCCCD EDUCATIONAL MISSION TO SERVE THE LIFELONG EDUCATIONAL NEEDS OF THE DIVERSE COMMUNITIES WE SERVE THROUGH LEADERSHIP TRAINING, DEVELOPMENTAL EDUCATION, AND STUDENT DEVELOPMENT. Total Estimated Expense of Activity or Item

Charge Account







Signature: ________________________________________

Signature: ________________________________________

Printed Name: ____________________________________

Printed Name: ____________________________________

Title: ____________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________

Title: ____________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________

Note: The official function object code should be used for this expense. Requisitioner must be a full-time MCCCD employee and must be someone other than the person approving this form. Only the Chancellor, President, Vice Chancellor or, if specifically delegated from one of them, appropriate vice president or administrative director may sign in the “Approved by” space. All approvals must be made before the expense is incurred, including approval of the requisition by the appropriate Fiscal Office.


Risk Assessment Program The health and safety of all students, employees and general public that use or work at the PVCC campus/facilities or are just visiting the campus is a very important matter that warrants top priority attention at all times. In addition, the custody and care of all PVCC facilities, equipment and general properties are very important and warrant priority treatment. In support of these critical needs, a proactive Risk Management Program has been established at Maricopa Community College District (MCCD). The website for the program at District is In addition, a Risk Management Program has been established at PVCC to directly extend and support the District Program to meet critical health and safety needs of all employees, students and others coming to/using the PVCC campus. PVCC Risk Management Procedures To satisfy the risk management requirements for PVCC, the following procedure must be followed: 1. A risk assessment form must be completed and submitted to the Fiscal Office for the following: Activity/Event

Required Form

Non-compensated Campus Visitors - Classroom Speakers, Volunteers

Risk Assessment Form

Vendors providing service to PVCC

Risk Assessment Form

Facility Use: Individuals or Organizations contracting to use PVCC facilities

Facility Use Form

Campus Special Activities/Events

Risk Assessment Form

Travel- PVCC employees and non-PVCC employees

Travel Request Form

Field Trips – Students, instructors and Advisors

Risk Assessment Form

All External Student Placement Activities

Risk Assessment Form

2. Special Activities/Events are not authorized to take place until the Risk Assessment Form has been reviewed and approved by the Fiscal Office, and any specified requirements satisfied by the respective department. 3. It is recommended that risk assessment forms be submitted to the Fiscal Office in sufficient advance time of the activity/event to allow 2-day processing in the Fiscal Office and at least a 2-day requirement processing time for the given department. This may involve obtaining certificate of insurance or making other risk prevention arrangements. Therefore, five to seven day submission of Risk Assessment Form to Fiscal Office in advance of activity is recommended. 4. As a part of Risk Management Assessment process, the Fiscal Office will closely coordinate with those involved with the activities/event, campus college safety, campus leadership/management and District Risk Management. 5. Upon completion of the risk assessment by the Fiscal Office, the Risk Assessment Form will be returned to the respective department and a copy will be provided to the College Safety Office when appropriate. The department is then required to respond to requirements as indicated on the assessment form prior to the event taking place and notify Fiscal Office of actions taken. 6. If an activity is not recommended to proceed by the Fiscal Office, the matter may be appealed to the VP of Administrative Services. Approval of appeal by Administrative VP is required before activity takes place. 7. All completed Risk Management Assessment forms shall be provided to the Administrative VP for review.




Event Planning Sheet Planning successful activities and events is serious business, but it can be fun! The key is to follow specific rules and use a systematic approach. There are payoffs in the end and the better the planning the more enjoyable and satisfying the rewards. Planning Stages The Planning Cycle has 5 Steps: 1. Assess the needs: Assessment is a means of assisting the committee in determining the needs of those for whom the program is planned. "The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of good ideas." Brainstorm. 2. Goals and Objectives: Goals - the direction to go. Objectives - the means to achieve. "What is the overall purpose for doing this program?" 3. Program Plans: a. Planning details are used to assist with the preparation of the specific tasks for the assigned committee. b. Problems and alternatives identify the problem and the cause. Solutions: brainstorm and select the best alternative. c. Planning Diary will help separate the tasks according to months, weeks, or days. 4. Implementation of Plans: a. The Budget b. The Calendar c.

The Checklist

d. The Publicity Design

5. Program Evaluation: a. The review and the revision...Goals and objectives b. Audience response c.


d. The Thank You! e. Evaluation f.

Program Report

g. Program Summary


Event Planning Processes Now that you’ve completed your planning in preparation for your event, there are a number of processes required to take you plan from dream to reality. 1. page.

The first step is to complete the Meeting / Event Submission Form on the Club Advisor Resource web

Completing this online form will 1) notify Student Life of your proposed event so they may respond with next steps, date conflicts, suggestions, etc., 2) and submit your event to be included on the online master campus calendar and Student Life calendars. 2.

You will also need to complete and submit a Risk Assessment Form to the Fiscal Office. This form is available in the Fiscal Office. You can also find it online on the Field Trip web page below. (See page 12 in this handbook for more info on PVCC’s Risk Assessment Program.)


If your event includes making expenditures or fundraising, then you will follow standard Fiscal Procedures including the completion of an Official Function Form when: A. Food is served. B. Decorations are purchased. C. Rooms or facilities are rented. (To hold a conference, for example.) D. Any type of giveaways (gifts, door prizes, etc...) (See page 5 in this handbook for additional information related to expenditures and fundraising.)


If your event includes travel of any kind (off campus events, field trips, overnight conferences, etc), then you will need to follow the guidelines outlined on the Field Trip web page including possible use of the following forms. It is your responsibility as an advisor to familiarize yourself with these processes to ensure a safe, successful travel experience. A. Chaperone Agreement B. Travel Request (for out of county or overnight travel, must be signed by President) C. Assumption of Risk D. Student Information Card E. Student Travel Participation Agreement F. Official Absence Excuse G. Talent Release Waiver (See page 17 Field Trip section in this handbook for additional information related to field trips and/or travel)


Travel and Related Expenses: Note: Travel by student organizations provides outstanding learning opportunities, but can be very expensive and involves inherent risks. All travel of student organizations should be well planned, expenses should be kept to a minimum and risks should be considered. Liability issues can be discussed with the College's Risk Management specialist. Student Life suggests advisors discuss all travel plans with the Director of Student Life.

Club Travel

The Office of Student Life and Leadership advise student clubs and advisors on the planning of your club trip. The following information is designed to help club members and advisors understand the policies, procedures and responsibilities as club members/advisors in planning and taking a trip, and what Student Life can do to assist you. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the club to make travel arrangements. Please refer to the Travel Checklist for the timeline, responsibilities, and more details for planning a trip. If policies and procedures are not followed, travel requests will be denied. For the purposes of this document, “trip” refers to both local and out-of-county and out of state travel. These policies and guidelines are intended for travel by student clubs/club members. Different and/or additional policies may apply to class field trips, department sponsored programs, and other travel. Please consult with the Department Chair, the Director of Student Life and Leadership, appropriate Dean or Vice President to determine applicability.

Policies and Procedures

Planning for the trip The club advisor/chaperone and the club representatives working on the trip (ex. Club president, committee chair, etc.) must meet with a representative from Student Life and Leadership 4-6 weeks before traveling in order to ensure the planning for the trip is successful. Type of travel: in-county, out-of-county, out-of-state, and international Different policies and guidelines may apply to the trip based on whether the destination is in-county, out-ofcounty, or out-of-state/international. In addition, out-of county, out-of-state, and international travel may require longer planning periods, additional approvals, additional chaperones, etc. In order for club funds, school vehicles, or other school resources to be used for the trip, a MCCCD chaperone must be present for the trip and the Travel Request form and Student Travel Packet must be completed. (Link to Student Travel Packet.) Club trips must be for educational purposes All out-of county trips taken by student clubs must be primarily for educational purposes. Approximately 50% of the time spent on the trip (other than sleeping, drive time, etc.) must be spent on activities that have educational value. Examples of acceptable educational activities include conferences, leadership training, college tours, and cultural awareness activities. Clubs will be required to submit a trip itinerary and supporting documentation to the Office of Student Life & Leadership. Itinerary will include departure and arrival times, destinations, program content/purpose of the different destinations, contact information for destinations, etc. If club funds are being used, approval of the decision to use club funds must be reflected in club meeting minutes, and a copy of those minutes must be submitted to Student Life prior to the trip. Upon returning from the trip, the club president or designee must submit a one page summary explaining what the individuals and club gained from the travel experience.


Student Eligibility Students attending the trip must be currently registered in at least one-credit class at Paradise Valley Community College (cannot be a non-credit class). Students must be members of the club. Non-students and/or non-employees may not ride in school vehicles, use club/college funds to travel, or participate in club trips. Transportation School Vans: may only be driven by MCCCD employees who have gone through training and have been approved to drive school vehicles. (Administrative Regulation 4.14) Paradise Valley Community College owns several minivans. Trips may require an additional vehicle for luggage. Club advisors can reserve the vehicles online through the Paradise Valley Community College website. ( Carpooling/Student driven vehicles: Students may drive personal vehicles to in-county events with prior approval. Students are still required to complete a Student Travel Packet. Students are not covered by MCCCD insurance if traveling in their own vehicle. It is recommended that individuals caravan if driving themselves. Airline: Out-of-state or international travel should be arranged through a MCCCD approved travel agency. It is recommended that the individuals travel together on the same flight with advisors/chaperones, rather than meeting at the destination. Lodging Hotels must be registered as MCCCD approved vendors prior to the travel in order to receive payment. If traveling for a conference, hotel reservations may be included in the conference registration. Otherwise, it is recommended to receive a written quote from several hotels. Some hotels do not accept purchase orders and may require that a club advisor use his/her credit card to hold the rooms. Please see the travel planning checklist for more details about hotel reservations. Please check with Student Life and Leadership for assistance with other lodging options such as university dorm rooms or student hostels. Males and females cannot share a hotel room. Chaperones may not share rooms with students without prior approval. Approval will be given when the Travel Request Form and supporting documents are reviewed by the administration. Financing the trip Clubs are expected to fund their own travel. Clubs can use money from their 910 club account that they have earned through fundraising or donations, or charge the individuals traveling. Any funds that are earned or collected must be deposited in the club 910 account before use. The use of any money for travel must be voted on by the club and reflected in the club’s minutes for that meeting. A copy of the minutes is to be submitted to the Office of Student Life and Leadership. In order for club money to be used for a trip, chaperones must be present at the trip. If club money will be used to purchase food, an Official Function Form (link to form) must be approved before the money can be withdrawn. The Office of Student Life and Leadership can assist in creating a request for a cash advance if out-of-county per diem is required. Student Travel Forms (Student Travel Packet) All students traveling on a school-sponsored trip must complete a Student Travel Packet. The packet contains the following forms: • Student Emergency Information Form (link to form) • Behavior Agreement (link to form) • Assumption of Risk and Responsibility (link to form) • Talent Release Form (link to form) • Official Absence notification (optional) (link to form) For club travel, these forms need to be received by the Office of Student Life & Leadership NO LATER than 1 WEEK prior to the trip. The advisor also needs to retain a copy of these forms to have available in the event of an emergency during the trip. 18

Insurance In order for a club trip to be considered official and covered by MCCCD insurance, a Travel Request form must be approved by the College President and the Student Travel Packet must be completed by each student and submitted to the Office and Student Life and Leadership. Please refer to the Planning Timeline and Checklist for submission and approval due dates. Chaperones There must be 1 chaperone for every 15 students on the trip. Chaperones must be Paradise Valley Community College faculty or staff. Chaperones must also sign a “Chaperone Responsibilities” form to be turned in to Student Life & Leadership. Chaperones are also required to have an Annual Travel Acknowledgement form on file with the PVCC Fiscal Office. Additional chaperones may be required for out-of-county trips. The Annual Travel Acknowledgement form can be found at []. Behavior Students and chaperones are expected to conduct themselves as representatives of the college and district. Students must sign a Behavior Agreement form before traveling. (link to form)

Planning Responsibilities

Club responsibilities • Meet regularly with Student Life and advisor/chaperone to plan trip • Find hotel, get price quote, and check with Student Life to ensure the hotel is an approved MCCCD vendor. • Find bus/transportation, get price quotes, check with Student Life to ensure bus company is an approved MCCCD vendor, and all other communication with the transportation provider • Communication with any other vendor being used (tickets, conference registration, etc.) • Set trip agenda • Submit all price quotes and trip information to Student Life • Copy travel packets for each student • Ensure all students attending trip have completed a Student Travel Packet and submitted packets to Student Life no later than 1 week before the trip • Complete Official Function form if using club money to purchase food • Submit all appropriate paperwork to Student Life Advisor/Chaperone responsibilities • Meet regularly with Student Life to plan trip • Follow up with students/club to ensure they are making arrangements in a timely manner • Sign “Chaperone Responsibilities” form available in Student Life or on-line • Provide Student Life with a list of the names and Student ID # of all students who plan on attending to be provided with the Travel Request Form • Sign Official Absence cards before students give cards to instructors. Collect completed cards and submit to Student Life or have students submit directly to Student Life. • Notify students if they are not eligible for club travel (VP of Student Affairs will check eligibility) • Check-in students before they get on the bus, airplane, etc; make sure the “right” students are getting on (i.e., no one who didn’t complete forms, etc.) • Provide your contact information to Student Life in case we need to contact you during the trip • Obtain all proper receipts throughout the trip • Keep a copy of student emergency contact information with you throughout the trip • Sign Travel Request Form (available in Student Life) • Make sure you have a signed Travel Acknowledgement Form on file in the fiscal office. Student Life responsibilities • Meet regularly with club members and advisor/chaperone to plan trip • Assist club in completing proposals for funding • Complete and submit Travel Request Form after it has been signed by the advisor 19

• • • • • •

Facilitate process to get vendors approved by MCCCD (fax forms, etc.) Create requisitions for payment of vendors (bus, hotel, etc.) NOTE: We cannot complete the requisition until given quotes and other important information from the club. Requisitions can take up to 3 weeks to be processed by our District office, so please make sure we have the information on time. Request cash advance if using club funds to purchase meals. Collect all student travel packets and compile list to be given to the VP of Student Affairs and the Public Safety office File submitted Official Absence forms Assist advisor in submitting receipts

Club Travel Checklist and Timeline Please refer to this Checklist and the Club Travel Policies to assist you in planning your club travel. PLEASE understand that the process to plan a trip may take up to six (6) weeks. (Just the process to pay vendors such as hotels and bus companies can take up to three weeks!) It is very important to plan ahead for a trip that requires an overnight stay or bus travel. 6 weeks prior to travel: This is the time to start your research, make a lot of phone calls to find out how much things cost: □ Build agenda: remember that 50% of the trip needs to be dedicated to activities with educational value (leadership training, conferences, college tours, cultural awareness, etc.). □ Determine if students attending trip must be club members, or if members of other clubs will be allowed to attend. Begin to recruit students to attend. □ Research prices for hotels • The hotel that is chosen must get entered into the MCCCD vendor system in order to be paid. Student Life can tell you if a hotel is already registered as a vendor or facilitate the process to get a hotel registered as a vendor. • Ask if the hotel if it accepts purchase orders, and when purchase order is required. If they do not accept a purchase order, find out when payment is due. • Find out the name of the manager, phone and fax numbers for each hotel you call. • Ask about cancellation policies • Ask if they have bus parking available □ Decide how the group will be traveling: air, school vans, charter bus, etc. Bus Transportation: • Research prices for bus transportation • Fax/Email trip itinerary to bus company to make sure they can accommodate your requests. (Bus drivers can only drive a certain number of hours each day.) • Ask if departure time effects cost • Ask about cancellation policies • Ask if multiple locations effect cost • Ask if you are required to pay for a hotel room for the driver • Ask if they require a deposit, and when it is due Airline Transportation: • Speak with Student Life about working with one of the MCCCD approved travel agencies to book an airline. School vans: • Ask advisor to reserve a school van using the online request form through the Public Safety Webpage. • The large vans seat 12 passengers (including driver). The smaller vans seat 7 passengers (including driver). Remember, you may need an extra van to hold luggage. • Drivers must be approved drivers (have gone through the vehicle training). □ Collect list of names of interested students so you can estimate how many hotel rooms and the type of transportation you may need for the trip. □ Find chaperones-One chaperone per 15 students 4 weeks prior to travel: There is a lot of work this week! This is the time to finalize the decisions for the 20

trip and work closely with Student Life: □ Decide on what hotel you will use • Get a printed copy of the quote • If the hotel is not in the MCCCD vendor system, work with Student Life to fax vendor registration form to the hotel, to the attention of the manager. Follow up to make sure they received the form, filled it out, and faxed it back to us. Vendors cannot be paid unless they are registered. • Work with Student Life to get a requisition processed for payment. □ Decide on what type of transportation (ex: which bus company) you will use • Get a printed copy of the quote if you don’t have one already • Work with Student Life to find out if the bus company is in the MCCCD vendor system or to get the company registered. (Fax vendor registration form to them, follow up to make sure it was received, filled out, and faxed back to MCCCD.) • Work with Student Life to get a requisition processed for payment. □ Determine who will pay for meals during trip • If club money will be used to pay for meals, you must request a cash advance. Figure out how many meals you will be purchasing, how much money you will need, etc. Student Life can help you with this. The advisor/chaperone will be given the cash advance in the form of a check, so must be in the system before check can be requested. • If you are using club money to purchase food, you will need to fill out an Official Function Form and have it signed by the Director of Student Life and the VP of Student Affairs. □ Pass out Student Travel Packet to all students attending trip • Forms are available in Student Life, but club is responsible for making enough copies for all students. □ Pass out official absence cards to any student who will be missing class • Cards are available in Student Life • Cards must be signed by the club advisor before students give the cards to the instructors to be signed. 3 weeks prior to travel: The trip is getting close! If you haven’t done so yet: □ Work with Student Life to complete requisitions for vendor payment (earlier than 3 weeks if payment is required in advance) • Student Life will process the requisitions for you, but it is very important that you give us all required information, no later than 3 weeks before your trip. • Information needed to create requisition includes: □ Copy of the quote (must include all costs listed separately: tax, deposits, etc.-cannot be a lump sum) □ Detailed information about what is being purchased (number of hotel rooms, number of buses, order numbers, number of tickets, etc.) □ Submit copies of all paperwork to Student Life • Quotes, contact information, student names and ID numbers, meeting minutes showing approval of club funding, itinerary, budget, information about destinations, etc. • Advisor must sign Travel Request Form (available in Student Life). Student Life will then submit this form for approval. □ Advisor must have a signed Travel Acknowledgement Form on file in the fiscal office. 2 weeks prior to travel: You leave soon! Time to…. □ Return all completed student travel packets to Student Life • Student Life will compile a list of all students attending, their student ID number, and emergency contact name and phone number. • Advisors/chaperones should have a copy of the emergency contact information with them at all times throughout the trip. □ Return all official absence cards to Student Life • Cards must be signed by each instructor whose class will be missed. □ Decide on room arrangements, and submit rooming list to hotel • Note: It is Paradise Valley Community College policy that chaperones are not allowed to share a hotel room with a student, and males and females may not share rooms. 21

1 week prior to travel: This week is for tying up any loose ends… □ Call your hotel, bus company, and any other vendors to confirm your reservation □ Ensure all students attending the trip have important information such as meeting/departure time, agenda, any personal money needed, and contact information for chaperones/hotel to be given to family. □ Make sure you have directions to your destinations ( or □ Pick up cash advance (advisor/chaperone) Day of travel □ Confirm with Student Life which students actually showed up for the trip at the time of departure □ If using a school van, pick up the keys from the Public Safety Office. □ Have a fun, safe trip and remember that you are representing PVCC! After you return from your trip □ Return the van and keys □ Write thank you notes to any funding sources □ Submit a one page summary to Student Life about what you gained from the trip. This will be kept in your club file and can be used to justify future trips using college funds. □ Collect any unpaid invoices and submit to Student Life (or whoever did your requisitions) □ Turn in receipts with expense form if necessary (chaperone) □ Shred any forms or documents that contain student ID numbers. Student Life will keep a copy of the Student Travel Forms in the club file.

Campus Resources Facilities Usage KSC & Q building(s) scheduling Facility Use Email: For classroom space Alicann Lunceford, (602) 787-6611, A Bldg. To reserve a conference room or space in KSC or the Q buildings, you must contact fill out a Room Reservations Form. The form is available on the Facility Use/Reservations website. For other locations on campus, notify Alicann of your request (no form necessary). For additional services (food or media), you will need to make arrangements through each respective area. Facilities Maximum Capacity KSC 208 120 persons KSC 212 26 persons Student Union-Cafeteria 215 persons Q Building Conference Rooms Food Service Chartwells (602) 787-7146 Catering, refreshments, buffets, etc. You must go through Chartwells before seeking outside food services for any event over $100. They will give you quotes and suggestions regarding menus and ideas for your special events. Media Services (602) 787-7220 The following equipment is available for use on campus: Overhead Projector and Screen Computer System with Data Projector and Screen 35mrn Slide Projector and Screen 16mrn Slide Projector and Screen

PA or Sound System Video System Video Camera and Tripod Flip Chart Easel with Paper

Publications Marketing & Publications, KSC bldg. (602) 787-7770 22

The Puma Press Campus Student Newspaper - Judy Galbraith (602) 787-6772 The Perspective and Puma Press are always looking for newsworthy information. They can be used to help raise awareness of our student clubs and organizations and publicize events. When making a request, ask for the dates for publication and deadlines to print your news items. Public Safety/Security General Campus Calls (602) 787-7900 Escorts Life Threatening Emergencies Traffic Accidents Information/Lost and Found College I.D./Parking Decals

Emergency Calls (602) 787-7911 Minor First Aid Fires on Campus Medical Emergencies

Thefts- Assaults Transportation for the Disabled 23

Food Sales/Distribution Guidelines The following form provides a set of mandatory guidelines for clubs and organizations to utilize when coordinating food sales and/or distribution. This must be completed prior to the activity/event. (Originals available on the Club Advisor Resource web page or in Student Life) Dear Student Organization Advisor/Leader, As you begin to plan your club fund-raiser involving food, please review this checklist and guidelines. The Maricopa County Health Department has deemed our food service provider (Chartwells here at PVCC) as the responsible party for any food service on campus that is not provided by a separately licensed organization. The College and Chartwells take this responsibility for food safety and sanitation very seriously. We ask that you do the same to protect our campus’s health. The College and Food Service management and supervisory staff are available to answer any questions that you may have and to assist you in making your event successful and safe. GUIDELINES FOR SERVING FOOD IN PUBLIC There are four major areas of focus of any food service safety and sanitation review. These are personal and service area sanitation, which includes the actions of the volunteers or food service staff and the environment they are working in; temperature control, which includes minimum requirements for heating, cooling and maintaining the temperatures of food; food handling and customer service, which outlines how we serve and protect the food; and the ban on providing food that has been prepared in a non-licensed kitchen. Please acknowledge that you have read and understood the guidelines outlined below by initially each item. Personal And Service Area Sanitation These are the major guidelines to follow and the types of equipment needed to ensure the correct personal and serving area sanitation: ____ You must provide a complete hand wash station, which can be an insulated five-gallon container with hot water (95-105°F), a container to catch the water, hand soap, and paper towels. Everyone involved with serving or transporting food must wash their hands for at least 20 seconds before starting work or after touching nonsanitary surfaces. ____ If you are cleaning your own utensils and food containers, you must use an approved sanitizing solution (bleach, quaternary ammonia, or iodine), and test strips to check the concentration of the sanitizers in your washtub or sink. The wash tub or sink must accommodate the largest cooking or storage container. ____ Wastewater from the hand wash station and washtub or sink must be disposed of into an approved sewer or holding tank. ____ Anyone serving or transporting food must have lids and straws on their personal drinks to prevent handto-mouth contamination. These drinks need to be properly stored away from food service or preparation areas. Remember never to eat or smoke in the food service areas at any time. Temperature Control Foods that are normally served either hot or cold, have very strict guidelines associated with them to ensure the safety of the food. Packaged baked goods and snacks, as well as some other foods and beverages are not subject to as many of these guidelines.


The food service area must have equipment that is able to hold cold food at 41°F or less at all times.

____ Any food service area used for cooking and hot holding of food, must have equipment that is able to prepare the food according to standards and to hold it at 130°F or above. ____ You must use approved commercial thermometers for areas in which food is kept cold or is kept heated and you must check those temperatures periodically. ____ later.

All prepared food must be cooked fresh daily, you may not cool cooked foods for re-heating and serving

To assist you, Food Service (or Student Life) will provide latex gloves and a metal – steam or digital thermometer (for loan with a student ID) to check cooking, hot-holding, and cold-holding temperatures. Food Handling And Customer Service All the care in preparing and keeping the food at the correct temperatures isn’t enough, if you don’t handle it properly when serving it. ____ You need to ensure that you have an adequate supply of utensils for the handling of all foods, including any ready-to-eat foods such as tortillas, breads, or chips. ____ If you are using any cooking equipment outside, it needs to have an adequate barrier around it to prevent customers from getting too close and possibly getting injured. Every location is different, but we can share ideas of what will work for your event. Home Made Food Prohibited The Maricopa County Health Department is very firm on their ban on home-prepared foods. Home prepared food as a fundraiser has been a long-standing tradition for many of us and we understand how frustrating this may be. However, the incidents of food-borne illness from non-licensed (including home) kitchens have reinforced the Health Department’s ruling against home-prepared foods.

Food Handler Cards All student organization advisors are required to obtain a volunteer food handlers card if they are working with food sales/distribution. Students are also encouraged to obtain a card. If an advisor or student is working with food sales/distribution three or more times per year obtaining a card is mandatory. ____ All advisors/students with volunteer food handlers card are required to have the card on their person they day of the food sales/distribution. For more information related to food handler cards, please reference the “Maricopa County Food Service Handler Cards” document provided by the Student Life & Leadership Office. In addition, feel free to discuss plans for your food related event with Student Life staff and with your food service manager. Use this checklist and guidelines to assist you. Together, we can make your event a success!

Maricopa County Food Service Handler Cards All student organization advisors are required to obtain a food handlers card if they are working with food sales/distribution. Students are also encouraged to obtain a card. If an advisor or student is working with food sales/distribution three or more times per year obtaining a card is mandatory. Food service cards are required for any person who handles, prepares, serves, sells or gives away food for human consumption, including those whose duties are restricted to busing or washing dishes. The rule does not apply to workers in facilities that handle food or beverages exclusively in a closed package or container. Cards are obtained by coming in to one of the offices, reviewing a study booklet of food safety information, and passing a 25 question multiple-choice test. Testing and study booklets are available in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Bosnian. Those who wish to study in advance may download the Spanish or English study booklet via the web page below. Cards must be renewed every three years by re-testing. Lost or stolen cards cannot be replaced. It would be necessary for individuals to re-test to receive a new card. North Phoenix Location 3101 E. Shea Suite #220 Phoenix, AZ 85032 (Major Crossroads: SW corner Shea/32nd Street) Hours: Monday – Friday, 9-11:30am & 1-4:30pm (closed on Holidays, drop in only, no appointments) Cost:

$16 per exam attempt (cash & credit cards only), $3 for additional copies This standard Food Service worker card includes a photo and is valid for a period of three years.

For more information call 602.506.2960 or to obtain a study booklet go to:

Marketing Publicity Guidelines In developing an image for Paradise Valley Community College through printed media, it is necessary to represent

the college through a consistent, quality, and uniform visual image. The following are offered as guidelines to help achieve this goal. LOGO- Graphic identity for publication – The PVCC logo and name must appear on all brochures, posters, etc. District also requires a version of it’s logo be used on any document. The District logo(s) can be downloaded off of the district website. MASCOT- The Puma is the official mascot of PVCC. COLORS- The official colors of PVCC are Royal Blue and White.

Publicity and Promotion Types of Promotion and Publicity: The more creative and unusual you can be in this area the better. Remember that on campus you are up against an information overload, so the more attention grabbing and eye-catching you can be the better. All promotional items must include a contact for more information and the name of the club and Paradise Valley Community College, therefore, identifying the activity with the college. POSTERS*- As much as possible, posters should be colorful and bold. A logo or design, or even a "character" designed specifically for your program, are all good to include on posters. Try not to include too much printed information, however. Keep the message brief and to the point, and save the majority of your printed information for flyers, letters and displays during the actual awareness week. Always make sure that you include dates and an address and phone number for further information. (Note: Well done posters often end up hanging in someone's room, serving as an ongoing reminder of the program.) NEWSPAPER ADS- Often your posters can serve as newspaper or newsletter ads. In any ad, however, you will want to include more printed information than you would on a poster. Make sure to be clear about dates, times and locations, and don't forget to include your design, logo or character. Again, remember to give a phone number and address to contact for further information. FLYERS- One page, promotional flyers can be distributed by hand, mailed, placed in a convenient location for individuals to pick up, posted, or used like a poster (they are a very versatile item). Flyers should contain more printed information than either a poster or an ad, since people can take them along and read them later. OTHERS: table tents, door hangers, give-aways (i.e., key chains with logo), T-shirts, etc. *The Media Department has a machine, which can assist to make large poster size advertisements. The fee for posters through the Media Department is $3 per poster. This fee can be transferred directly from the club account.

Creating a Club Website Here at PVCC each club can have its own website. The campus web tech, will be able to create the space and design the page. You need only provide the content. It is recommended that you set up a short meeting (30 minutes) with the web designer to present your preferred design: colors schemes, backgrounds, layout; and to discuss what is and is not possible in creating the site. Content to be submitted consists of: •

Text for each page you desire

The front page (sometimes known as the splash page) should be a description of why the club exists and what prospective recruits will find attractive. Text can be as simple as “We are here to learn about things and have fun”. Some clubs have a page of links, a page for member notices and announcements, a listing of club leaders and a “contact us” page, which lists email addresses and office locations. The number of pages is not limited but you should have at least one. •

Photos or graphics

Graphic images: drawings, logos, and photos, add interest to a page and help direct the readers eye to important points of information. Photos of members at a meeting or at a party help define common activities. Photos of a field trip might answer questions. Please be sure to submit your text and graphics in digital form: an email attachment, on a disk or memory chip and not on paper. Digital format allows the web designer to copy and paste. Call the Web Technician, @ (602) 787-7804 or by email at for more information.

PVCC Student Disciplinary Standards and Conduct Guidelines 1. The following provides advisors with information related to disciplinary standards and conduct. The steps outlined below are suggested as a means to address student behavior that is disruptive to the learning process of student clubs and organizations. 2. When a student behaves in a disruptive manner, the advisor should use his/her discretion as to the severity of the incident. In any emergency situation, College Safety should be contacted immediately. 3. If it is reasonable that the issue be resolved at the lowest level, the advisor should meet with the student to discuss the behavior and possible solutions or improvement strategies. At this stage, it is also recommended that the advisor document the incident. (Student Conduct Disruption/Discipline Report may be used for documentation) 4. If the disruptive behavior continues, it is suggested that the student then meet with both the advisor and the Director of Student Life and Leadership. This meeting will also be documented and improvement strategies discussed. 5. If the situation escalates and/or the disruptive behavior continues, then the matter should be brought to the attention of the Dean of Students. The Dean will review the documentation, meet with the student, and pursue the best course of action for the given situation. 6. Several avenues related to the Judicial Process may be chosen to remedy the situation including the Student Intervention Committee, probation, or a Judicial Hearing.

MCCD Student Disciplinary Standards & Student Code Conduct The following provides advisors with information related to disciplinary standards and conduct as outlined in the MCCD Governing Board Administrative Regulations. For the complete policy, visit or reference the Administrative Regulations section in the back of the PVCC Student Handbook. According to the laws of the State of Arizona, jurisdiction and control over the Maricopa Community Colleges are vested in the State Board of Directors for Community Colleges of Arizona and the District Governing Board. The Governing Board and its agents-the chancellor, administration and faculty-are granted broad legal authority to regulate student life subject to basic standards of reasonableness. In developing responsible student conduct, the Maricopa Community Colleges prefer mediation, guidance, admonition and example. However, when these means fail to resolve problems of student conduct and responsibility, appropriate disciplinary procedures will be followed.

Conduct - rules and regulations Any student found to have committed the following misconduct is subject to the disciplinary sanctions outlined in Article IV: 1. Acts of dishonesty, including but not limited to the following: a. Furnishing false information to any official, college employee or office. b. Forgery, alteration or misuse of any college document, record or instrument of identification. c. Tampering with the election of any college- recognized student organization.


3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.



Obstruction of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings or college activities, including its public service functions on campus, in clinical settings or other authorized non-college activities, when the conduct occurs on college premises a faculty member may remove a student from a class meeting for disciplinary reasons. If a faculty member removes a student for more than one class period, the faculty member shall notify the college official responsible for administration of the Student Conduct Code in writing of the problem, action taken by the faculty member, and the faculty member’s recommendation. If a resolution of the problem is not reached, the student may be removed permanently pursuant to appropriate due process procedures. Physical abuse, verbal abuse, threats, intimation, harassment, coercion and/or conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person, and/or disruptive behavior as defined in Article II.B.above. Attempted or actual theft of and/or damage to property of the college or property of a member of the college community or other personal or public property. Failure to comply with direction of college officials or law enforcement officers in the performance of their duties and/or failure to identify one's self to these persons when requested to do so. Unauthorized possession, duplication or use of keys to any college premises, or unauthorized entry to or use of college premises. Violation of any college or District policy, rule or regulation published in hard copy such as a college catalog, handbook, etc. or available electronically on the college’s or District website. Violation of federal, state or local law. Use, possession, manufacturing or distribution of illegal or other controlled substances except as expressly permitted by law. Illegal use, possession or distribution of alcoholic beverages or public intoxication. Illegal or unauthorized possession of firearms, explosives, other weapons, or dangerous chemicals on college premises, or use of any such items, even if illegally possessed, in a manner that harms, threatens or causes fear to others, or property damage. Participation in a college demonstration, riot or activity that disrupts the normal operations of the college and infringes on the rights of other members of the college community; leading or inciting others to disrupt scheduled and/or normal activities within any college building or area. Obstruction of the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic on college premises or at college sponsored or supervised activities. Conduct which is disorderly, lewd or indecent; breach of the peace; or aiding, abetting or procuring another person to breach the peace on college premises or at activities sponsored by or participated in by the college or members of the academic community. Disorderly conduct includes but is not limited to: any unauthorized use of electronic or other devices or to make an audio or video record of any person while on college or District premises without his/her prior knowledge, or without his/her effective consent or when such a recording is likely to cause injury or distress. This includes, but is not limited to, secretly taking pictures of another person in a gym, locker room, or restroom. Attempted or actual theft or other abuse of technology facilities or resources, including but not limited to: a. Unauthorized entry into a file, to use, read or change the contents or for any other purpose b. Unauthorized transfer of a file c. Unauthorized use of another user's identification and password d. Use of technology facilities or resources to interfere with the work of another student, faculty member or college official e. Use of technology facilities or resources to send obscene or abusive messages f. Use of technology facilities or resources to interfere with normal operation of the college technology system or network g. Use of technology facilities or resources in violation of copyright laws h. Any violation of the District’s technology resources standards i. Use of technology facilities or resources to illegally download files Abuse of the Student Conduct Code, including but not limited to: a. Falsification, distortion or misrepresentation of information before a Student Conduct Board b. Disruption or interference with the orderly conduct of a Student Conduct Board proceeding

17. 18. 19.

c. Invoking a Student Conduct Code proceeding with malicious intent or under false pretenses d. Attempting to discourage an individual's proper participation in, or use of, the Student Conduct system e. Attempting to influence the impartiality of the member of a judicial body prior to, and/or during the course of, the Student Conduct Board proceeding f. Harassment, either verbal or physical, and/or intimidation of a member of a Student Conduct Board prior to, during and/or after a Student Conduct Board proceeding g. Failure to comply with the sanctions imposed under this Student Conduct Code h. Influence or attempting to influence another person to commit an abuse of the Student Conduct Code System i. Failure to obey the notice from a Student Conduct Board or college official to appear for a meeting or hearing as part of the Student Conduct system Engaging in irresponsible social conduct. Attempt to bribe a college or District employee. Stalking behavior, which occurs if a student intentionally or knowingly maintains visual or physical proximity toward another person on two or more occasions over a period of and such conduct would cause a reasonable person to fear for his or her safety.

Student Conduct Code Hearings Charges and Student Conduct Board Hearings 1.

Any member of the college community may file charges against any student for violations of this Student Conduct Code. A charge shall be prepared in writing and directed to the Student Conduct Administrator. Any charge should be submitted as soon as possible after the event takes place preferably within thirty (30) days of the incident.


The Student Conduct Administrator may conduct an investigation to determine if the charges have merit and/or if they can be disposed of administratively by mutual consent of the parties involved on a basis acceptable to the Student Conduct Administrator. Such dispositions shall be final and there shall be no subsequent proceedings. If the charges cannot be disposed of by mutual consent, the Student Conduct Administrator may later serve in the same matter as the Student Conduct Board or a member thereof. If the student admits violating institutional rules, but sanctions are not agreed to, subsequent process, including a hearing if necessary, shall be limited to determining the appropriate sanction(s).


All charges shall be presented to the accused student in written form. A time shall be set for a Student Conduct board hearing, not less than five (5) nor more than fifteen (15) working days after the student has been notified. Maximum time limits for scheduling of Student Conduct Board hearings may be extended at the discretion of the Student Conduct Administrator.


Hearings shall be conducted by a Student Conduct Administrator according to the following guidelines: a. Student Conduct Board hearings normally shall be conducted in private. b. The complainant, accused student and their advisors, if any, shall be allowed to attend the entire portion of the Student Conduct Board hearing at which information is received (excluding deliberations). Admission of any person to the closed hearing shall be at the discretion of the Student Conduct Board, and/or its’ Student Conduct Administrator. c. In Student Conduct Code hearings involving more than one accused student, the Student Conduct Administrator, in his or her discretion, may permit the Student Conduct Board hearing concerning each student to be conducted either separately or jointly.

d. The complainant and the accused shall have the right to be assisted by any advisor they choose, at their own expense. The advisor may be a member of the college community and may not be an attorney. Both the complainant and the accused are responsible for presenting their own information and, therefore, advisors are not permitted to speak or participate directly in any Student Conduct Code hearing before a Student Conduct Board. e. The complainant, the accused student, and the Student Conduct Board may arrange for witnesses to present pertinent information to the Student Conduct Board. The college will try to arrange the attendance of possible witnesses who are members of the college community, if reasonably possible, and who are identified by the complainant and/or accused student at least two days prior to the Student Conduct Board hearing. Witnesses will provide information to and answer questions from the Student Conduct Board. Questions may be suggested by the accused student and/or complainant to be answered by each other or by other witnesses. This will be conducted by the Student Conduct Board with such questions to the chairperson, rather than to the witness directly. This method is used to preserve the educational tone of the hearing and to avoid creation of an adversarial environment. Questions of whether potential information will be received shall be resolved in the discretion of the chairperson of the Student Conduct Board. f. Pertinent records, exhibits, and written statements may be accepted as evidence for consideration by a Student Conduct Board at the discretion of the chairperson. g. All procedural questions are subject to the final decision of the chairperson of the Student Conduct Board. h. After the portion of the Student Conduct Board hearing concludes in which all pertinent information has been received, the Student Conduct Board (by majority vote if the Student Conduct Board consists of more than one person) whether the accused student violated the section of this Student Conduct Code which the student is charged with violating. i. The Student Conduct Board’s determination shall be made on the basis of whether it is more likely than not that the accused student violated this Student Conduct Code. 5.

There shall be a single verbatim record, such as a tape recording, of all Student Conduct Board hearings before a Student Conduct Board (not including deliberations). The record shall be the property of the District.


No student may be found to have violated this Student Conduct Code because the student failed to appear before a Student Conduct Code. In all cases, the evidence and support of the charges shall be presented and considered.


The Student Conduct Board may accommodate concerns for the personal safety, well-being, and/or fears of confrontation of the complainant, accused student, and/or other witness during the hearing providing separate facilities, by using a visual screen, and/or by permitting participation by telephone, videophone, closed circuit television, video conferencing, videotape, audio tape, written statement, or other means, where and as determined in the sole judgment of the college official responsible for administration of the Student Conduct Code.

Student Life & Leadership Staff Mike Ho Director of Student Life & Leadership (602) 787-7308, KSC 137 Helice Agria Student Life and Leadership Program Specialist (602) 787-7273, KSC 135 Ryan Martin Student Life and Leadership Program Specialist (602) 787-7242, KSC 136 Ryan Novo Office Coordinator, Student Life (602) 787-7240, KSC 135 Student Leadership Council Student Officers (602) 787-7249, KSC 135

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