Ryan Sherman Architecture Portfolio 2018

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ryan Sherman archi tecture portfoli o 2018

1Zero EnergyModularHome 2Visiting ArtistCenter 3ArchitecturalSketches 4Glenn H.CurtissMuseum 5InternshipExperience 6DroneVideography

Ryan J amesSherman emai l:shermarj @alfredstate. edu li nkedi n:https: //www. li nkedi n. com/i n/ryanshermana31783b7

educati on: Associ atesi n Archi tecturalTechnology2017 SunyCollegeofTechnologyAtAlfred CurrentlyPursui ng A4YearBachelor’ sOfArchi tectureDegree2019 SunyCollegeofTechnologyAtAlfred

experi ence: vortoki nternati onal-Rai lwayTechnologysummer2017 avon,ny AutoCad i ntern smi th+associ atesarchi tects2017-present rochester,ny archi tecturali ntern

ski lls: Revi t Autocad Sketchup lumi on photoshop constructi on documents DroneVi deography mi crosoftoffi ce



Theamountofavai lableresourcesand energyon earth has become harder to mai ntai n and use. Thi si ssueleadsmanyto thi nk green and useless materi al when desi gni ng somethi ng that could last and makea posi ti vei mpact on thebui ldi ngs footpri nt.Thegoalofthi sdesi gn wasto create and capturemoreenergythan thehouseneedsto use.Reduci ng the use of materi als that leave a negati ve i mpact on the envi ronment, Reuse materi als on and around the locati on and recyclethemateri alsatallcosts.


Outsi deentertai nmentspace

motor double paned glass


bli nds placed i nsi deglass

wi ndow system

pextubi ng

modulardesi gn:12ftwi deby20ftlong



offi ce

Fi rstFloor240sq.ft.

ki tchen

bathroom 1

floori ng

uti li ti es

bathroom 2

WARM WATER CI RCULATI ON radi antfloorheati ng


li vi ng room

outdoorpati o

second floor720Sq.Ft. 0


2Sorrento visiting artistcenter

fi rstsketch Si tetopography


Li vi ng /Studi o FloorPlan

Sorrento vi si ti ng arti stcenter Conceptstatement Creati ng aform i n spaceshould resemblei ts surroundi ngsand compli ment everyangle. The si te for an archi tect should not be only a pi ece of land. I t should be i nspi rati on forthearchi tectto speakwi th. Resembli ng therelati onshi pofthebui ldi ng to theenvi ronmenti n whi ch i tcallshome. Taki ng the tri angular edges of the topography.worki ng them i nto a bui ldi ng that not only relates to the topography butalso becomespartofthetopographyi sa bi g featureofmydesi gn.Taki ng i n notonly thehori zon vi ew and goi ng wi th both an i nfi ni ty vi ew as well as a verti go vi ew i n each studi o showcases the i nhabi tant’ s surroundi ngs.

si teplan

Computerdesi gn

westelevati on

south elevati on

Studi o Renderi ng

partidi agram


4Glenn H.CurtissMuseum

Schemati c Desi gn

Glenn H.Curti ssMuseum

facadedesi gn

angled for di rect summer sunli ght Wi th coated glass to reflect harmfull solarrays.

solarheatgai ns

angled fordi rect wi nter sunli ght. focusi ng on solar heati ng and cooli ng

coated frame to act as shadi ng and li ghtshelf.

Galleryspace Galleryspace

si teplan

5internshipexperience TheTermi nalBui ldi ng 37SFi tzhugh St,Rochester, NY14614,USA



Throughoutthi s i nternshi pat Smi th+Associ ates Archi tects.theteam hasbeen restori ng the Hi stori c Termi nal Bui ldi ng.Iprovi ded 3D renderi ngsbyusi ng 2D CAD documents. Usi ng Revi t2017, Photoshopand Lumi on.

i nternshi pexperi ence Landi ng atfi shersri dge Pi ttsford vi ctor rd.vi ctor, ny14564 Throughout thi si nternshi p Iworked closelyto renovate thefaรงadeofFi shersLandi ng. Iworked wi th Ri chard who di d the sketch to the ri ght and wasapartoftheteam at Smi th+Associ ates Archi tects who turned hi sSketch i nto a worki ng 3D Revi t model and constructi on documents.


poli gnano amare

Rai lroad Tracks

DroneVi deography

ci vi tadibagnoregi o

saltmi nes

DroneVi deography

Corni ng Museum ofGlass& TheStrong Museum locati on:Corni ng,NY& Rochester,NY

Phoeni xMi llBui ldi ng locati on:Hi gh Falls,Rocheste

theMushroom House locati on:Powdermi llspark

Glenn H.Curti ssMuseum locati on:KeukaLake,NY


CDSElmi ra locati on:Ci tyofElmi ra

collecti on ofdronework locati on:Upstate,NY

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