9 minute read
City of Clearfield
Key Community Contacts
Mark Shepherd: 801-540-0348 mark.shepherd@clearfieldcity.org COUNCIL MEMBERS
Kent Bush: 801-940-4502 kent.bush@clearfieldcity.org Nike Peterson: 801-332-0323 nike.peterson@clearfieldcity.org Vern Phipps: 801-628-4673 vern.phipps@clearfieldcity.org Tim Roper: 801-682-6296 tim.roper@clearfieldcity.org Karece Thompson: 385-383-5600 karece.thompson@clearfieldcity.org CLEARFIELD SERVICES
Municipal Center & Utiities: 801-525-2701 Utility Bill, Garbage/Recycling, Facility Rental, Recreation, Cemetery, Police Records, Fingerprinting, Business License, Building Inspection/Permitting, Planning, Dumpster Rental, Emergency Home Repair Grants, Home Rehab Grants, Code Compliance/ Enforcement, New Resident Information. Emergency: 911 Police Dispatch: 801-525-2806 Non-Emergency Line, After Hours Water/Sewer Reporting Justice Court: 801-525-2760 Victim Advocates: 801-525-2759 Aquatic & Fitness Center: 801-525-2641 Water/Sewer Leaks: 801-525-4419 (8 a.m.-4 p.m. M-F)
Council Corner
Clearfield City Council is excited to start 2023!
The centennial year was packed full of amazing events, landmark projects, and growth. The theme, “Pride in Our Past, Eyes to the Future,” guided our actions throughout the year.
Now, in 2023, we are still looking forward to Clearfield’s future. We’d love our residents to play an active role in shaping Clearfield. To do this, we recommend residents reach out directly to us with questions or concerns. This is the best way to give us feedback as we make city-altering decisions.
Contact information for all council members is included in this magazine.

Be a part of meetings! You can participate in council meetings by attending in person or virtually via Facebook Live. Visit www.clearfield.city for meeting schedules and agendas.
Centennial Highlights
This last year was so special, and we want to thank our residents
for celebrating our centennial with us. We had new events, buried a time capsule, and put on the biggest 4th of July firework show in the history of the city. Thanks for making 2022 a year to remember.




Clearfield City is Now Hiring Lifeguards & Recreation Staff for the upcoming season.

We are looking for supervisors, activity coordinators, headguards, and more! • Applicants must be 15 years of age and be able to fulfill the related duties. • Starting pay is $10-20 hourly. • Jr. Jazz candidates must be able to attend games. • Clearfield City offers discounted passes to the
Aquatic and Fitness Centers for all staff.
Scan the QR Code or Apply online today!

Snowplow Priorities
Check out the map below for details on Clearfield City’s
snowplow routes. We prioritize high-use streets over others, which include streets with the most traffic and denser residential roads. It’s helpful to keep in mind that, just because we haven’t plowed your road yet, it doesn’t mean we won’t get to it. In some cases, it can take more than 24 hours to plow the entire city with the trucks and staff we have on hand. We do our best make sure you get wherever you’re going safely on our winter streets!

Winter Parking Enforcement
Through the end of February, parking on the street is prohibited between the hours of midnight and 5 a.m.
This allows snowplow access to clear the streets and provides safer road conditions for drivers. Parking hours will be enforced in all weather, regardless of the presence of snow. Doing this ensures your cars don’t get damaged by our plows or other cars driving along slippery roads. We hope that you will help us out by parking in your driveways at night. Our plow drivers appreciate compliance to this ordinance, especially when we need to send the plows out on short notice. We know this is not always convenient, so thank you for your cooperation and help in keeping Clearfield streets clear.
NOVEMBER 15TH TO FEBRUARY 28TH Midnight to 5 a.m.
Utility Bill Auto Pay
Gain the peace of mind of never being late to pay
your utility bill. Enroll in automatic payments by filling out the form online with your banking information. You can also visit customer service in city hall and fill out the form in person. Funds are withdrawn from a checking or savings account automatically each month before bills are due. You can find the form at www.clearfield.city/payment-resident.
2023 Recycle Calendar
Service Day Guidelines:
• Trash is collected weekly • Recycling is collected every other week • Place your recycling and trash cans at the curb by 6 a.m. with the wheels facing the curb • Please ensure all material fits inside your carts with the lid closed
Service Holidays:
• New Year’s Day – Monday, January 2 • Independence Day – Tuesday, July 4 • Thanksgiving Day – Thursday, November 23 • Christmas Day – Monday, December 25 Holidays may affect your collection service. If your service day falls on or after a holiday, your service will be delayed by one day. Regular service resumes the following week.
Login to My WM at wm.com to confirm your collection day
Recycling Collection Weeks Holiday Observed
Clearfield City Wins Championing Women's Award
Clearfield City is honored to have been selected as one of Utah’s 100 Companies Championing Women on behalf of Governor Spencer Cox, the Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity (Go Utah), and the
Utah Women & Leadership Project at Utah State University. The award commends companies that create an environment of equity and inclusion for women in Utah. Clearfield City is the only city government in Utah to win the award. The state of Utah is involved in changing gender disparities for women, including improving workplace inclusivity. Selecting 100 Companies Championing Women is one way the state does this. As a champion for women in Utah, Clearfield City shines in the areas of women’s pay equality, leadership training, family-friendly schedules, flexible leave benefits, tuition reimbursement, and more. “I’m thrilled Clearfield City has been recognized with this award. We do our very best to create a place where women can be successful, professionally and personally. We still have a long way to go, but with incredible leaders who set the tone for equality and family-friendly work policies and practices, Clearfield City has created a culture that elevates women. Elevating women not only lifts our company but the community as a whole,” said Summer Palmer, Assistant City Manager. Clearfield City was chosen as an example for other Utah companies because of its innovative and supportive policies and cultures. Clearfield currently employs 155 women, with many in management positions. The city is hiring and would love to employ Clearfield residents. To apply, visit clearfield.city/job-openings
DONATE ITEMS to the ReStore: Furniture, windows, & unopened paint. DONATE TIME. Volunteer for our exterior home repair projects. DONATE TREASURE, as donations 6/16/22, 8:55 AMonline at habitatwd.org. HabitatWDLogo.jpg

(814) 470-1278 wendy@habitatwd.org
New game store Welcome Frisson Gaming!
We are excited to welcome one of the newest
businesses to the city, Frisson Gaming. They sell trading cards, games, collectibles, and more. They are located at 1580 State St. Suite 11, right next to Little Caesars. We are excited to have them here in Clearfield! For more information, visit their website at frissongaming.org.

What’s coming to our city?
Curious about what else is coming to our city? Clearfield’s Planning Department created a map that shows everything being built in our city right now.
To view the map, scan the QR code or visit clearfield.city/business-development/current-development-projects
Communities That Care - North Davis
Our children go through many developmental stages, from the moment they are born to the time they leave our home.
As parents, we try to provide our children with as many skills as possible to be able to live life as adults. During these last two years, many Utah youth and families have been impacted by the worldwide pandemic known as COVID-19. The Student Health Risk and Prevention (SHARP) survey provides insight into the mental health issues emerging among our youth, including but not limited to isolation, screentime, and sleep. In Davis County, 4 out of 10 kids report having depressive symptoms, which we define as feeling sad or hopeless continuously in a two-week period (SHARP, 2021). In mental health and substance use prevention, we know that the presence of one caring adult in a child’s life can make the difference. North Davis Communities that Care (CTC) coalition has selected to use EveryDay Strong as an evidenced-informed workshop to educate parents and adults on what they can do to help children with anxiety and depression. EveryDay Strong was created by United Way of Utah County in collaboration with local experts on anxiety, depression, and psychological wellbeing. The framework uses Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs to teach people how they can be that caring adult in a child’s life, whether it be as a parent, neighbor, teacher, or friend. EveryDay Strong takes adults step by step on how to create resilient children in their lives, starting with addressing physical needs and moving through safety, connection, and confidence, allowing them the opportunity to thrive.
Visit EveryDayStrong.org to learn more about this framework or to register for a free upcoming workshop near you, visit dbhutah.org/everyday-strong. North Davis Communities that Care is happy to take this workshop into the community at no cost. If your church, workplace, school, or organization would like to host a workshop contact Viviana Felix, vivianaf@dbhutah.org.

Check us out on Facebook @NorthDavisCTC
Water Tank Tour
Clearfield City staff recently toured one of Clearfield’s four
water tanks. This tank is located off S.R. 193. and holds 1.5 million gallons of water. Clearfield’s four water tanks combined store 12 million gallons of water! The Public Works department cleans each water tank in-house. Doing the cleaning ourselves saves the city up to $10,000 per cleaning. We are grateful to have such dedicated and thorough public works staff!

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