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City Info
Mayor: Leonard Call
Business Hours: Monday through Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Offices Address: 520 West Elberta Drive, Pleasant View City, UT 84414
General Email: info@pleasantviewcity.com | (801) 782-8529
Key Community Contacts
Mayor Leonard Call: 801-940-6231 lcall@pleasantviewcity.com Councilwoman Ann Arrington: 801-645-8881 aarrington@pleasantviewcity.com Councilman Kevin Bailey: 801-389-8427 kbailey@pleasantviewcity.com Councilman Steve Gibson: 801-786-0280 sgibson@pleasantviewcity.com Councilman Dave Marriott: 801-389-2191 dmarriott@pleasantviewcity.com Councilwoman Sara Urry: 801-737-0523 surry@pleasantviewcity.com
City Meetings City Council Meetings:
Meetings are typically held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. Some dates will change related to holidays and other conflicts. Check with the city office for exact details.
North View Fire Board Meetings:
Third Tuesday of every month. North View Fire Station - 315 E 2550 N North Ogden @ 5 pm.

Expires 7/31/20

Thomas Budge Family
29 July 1858 – 31 January 1944
Thomas Budge was born on July 29, 1858, in Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland to Thomas Scott and Mary Callaghan Budge. He was brought to America in 1860 by his father, along with his young brother William. Not being able to take care of little Thomas, Thomas Scott left him in the care of John and Sarah Mower on their farm in Pleasant View. Thomas grew up with this family on the farm. When Thomas became a young man, he met Frances Williams, and they were married. Thomas received land from John Mower to build a house and to farm. Frances and Thomas started a family. Their first child, Annie May, was born on May 1, 1882. Their family grew with three sons: William Arthur (1885), Thomas Francis (1888) and Louis Edwin (1889). A few days after the birth of Louis Edwin, Frances became very ill and passed away January 1, 1890, leaving Thomas with four small children to raise. Thomas needed a housekeeper and someone to care for the children. Cora Emma Rushton (born on June 2, 1866) was married and divorced with one little girl, Sarah (born on August 23, 1836). She came to live in the Budge home and care for the children and take care of the house. After seven years, Thomas and Cora were married on January 20, 1898. They had four sons and two daughters in this union: Wallace R., Lawrence R., Eugene R., Rulon R., Helen, and Afton. They were raised as one big, happy family. There were 10 years between Louis and Wallace (born on January 23, 1899), so most of the older children were either working, on Church missions, ready to be married, or on their own. Annie married Mormon Cragun and established another prominent Pleasant View family. Arthur became a banker. Lawrence created the Budge honey business. Rulon was an outstanding coach at Burley Idaho High School. And to every child’s delight, Gene was Santa Claus for many years at ZCMI in Salt Lake. Father Thomas worked at times as a banker, schoolteacher, and farmer. He was active in both church and community. He served over 20 years as Sunday School Superintendent in the Pleasant View Ward and then as Councilor to Bishop Charles Left: At girls camp - Afton Budge, Jody, Laurene, Don, Nanette

Right: Winter Dec. 1953, Thom, Scott, and Nanette
Hickenlooper. At various times, he served as road supervisor, county fruit tree inspector, juror for the 1 st District Court, election judge, and county school trustee. Most of the boys worked on the farm to help provide food for the family. Thomas purchased one of the first mechanical threshers in the county and started a custom grain harvesting operation that lasted three generations. Thomas would set up the thresher in the farmer’s field, and workers would bring the sheaves from the reaper or binder to the thresher, which separated the grain seeds from the husks and stalk. Later, threshers were “combined” with the reaper, and the machines were pulled behind tractors. Wallace and his brothers would ride on the back and switch full bags of grain with empty bags, leaving the full bags on the ground to be picked up by the farmhands and hauled to the silos. Wallace bought his first selfpropelled combine in 1949, adding a second in 1951. Wallace’s son, Don, later took over the family business and ran it until 2010.
Mother Cora raised chickens and sent Wallace on the streetcar into “town” to sell eggs, butter, and cheese, and with this money he was able to pay for violin lessons! Wallace attended Weber Normal College and was active in choir, orchestra, and theater. He went on his mission to Scotland, where President David O. McKay was his mission president. When Wallace returned from his mission, he worked on the farm while continuing his education at Utah Agricultural College. He was asked by his brother, Arthur, to play his violin (or sing) at his ward meeting in Ogden. Wallace said, “Yes, but I’ll need someone to accompany me on the piano.” Arthur said, “I know just the person.” It was Miss Josephine Manzel! After that, she would tell people, “I’ve been accompanying him ever since!”
Top: Wallace on horse on Budge Lane 1971

Wallace and “Joe” were married in the Salt Lake Temple on June 2, 1927 by President McKay. They built a small white house next to the home he had grown up in. Wallace became a big help to his father on the farm and eventually took over the farm in Pleasant View. When father Thomas passed away, Wallace and Afton traded homes.
They had seven children who were raised in a loving, happy home. Their children were Charlene (William) Soelberg, Nanette (Dean) Stimpson, W. Don (Kaye) Budge, Laurene (John) Patterson, Jody (Keith) Jackson, Thom (Linda) Budge, and Scott (Diane) Budge. All of these children were active in the Church and were married in an LDS Temple – either Salt Lake or Logan. Each of their grandchildren are “great” and active members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. After graduating from Utah State with a major in music in 1926, Wallace taught in the Weber County Schools for 38 years, the last 22 years at Wahlquist Jr. High. Education and music remain a legacy shared by Joe and Wallace’s children. Five of them became educators - Charlene, Dr. Don (BYU), Jody (31 years in Antioch, CA), Thom (the “Greatest Football Coach” at Bonneville High School), and Scott (the “most learned” Seminary teacher in Weber County). Many grandchildren and great-grandchildren did as well. Charlene sang and played the piano with incomparable skill and was always in demand as an accompanist who could play anything. Nanette played the piano and organ and sang for both church and community organizations until late in her life. Laurene sang in many community choirs and small groups and received recognitions for her years of service in church and with PTA.
Like his father, Wallace served his neighbors in the church and community. He served many years on the Ben Lomond Stake High Council, on the irrigation water board, and as a city councilman. He never lost his love of music and was always ready to rosin up the bow and fiddle to his friend and neighbor Paul Cragun’s banjo.