Roy City Updates
What has the Roy CTC Been up to this summer?
We are proud of our fabulous volunteers, including the following:
Our volunteer-based coalition has been very busy this summer!
our very own Roy City leaders, parents, youth, education experts, school counselors, youth-serving organizations, community partners, business owners, and law enforcement! Won’t you join us?
As you probably know, we posted 300 positive messaging signs around the city, hoping to brighten your day a little! If you somehow missed them, check out these adorable pictures! Below are a few of the Coalition’s activities:
We are committed to making a difference in our community! Our vision is for a compassionate, accepting community where all people work together to create a safe, healthy, and a drug-free environment for all. You could make a difference in the lives of our Roy youth, in as little as one hour per month. Come and check out one of our board meetings. We meet virtually on the 3rd Thursday of each month.
Collaborated with Schools and Donated Vape Detectors for the Bathrooms at Roy High School, Sand Ridge, and Roy Jr.
Applied for a $125,000.00 DrugFree Communities Grant
Provided several dozen scholarships for evidenced-based classes
E-mail royutahctc@gmail.com or contact Janae @ 801-675-1150.
Love & Logic and Emotion Coaching
See us on Facebook @royutahctc
Chalk the Walk Contest
Collaborated with Weber County Coalitions for a Parent’s Empowered Grant Underage anti-drinking campaigned
Sent some Coalition Members to CADCA (Community Anti-drug Coalitions of America)
Passed Out 400 Community Care Bags to Roy Citizens
Finalized 2020 – 2021 Community Action Plan
Monthly Community Board Meeting
For more information
Happy Summer! August 2020 | royconnection.com 5