Roy Connection March 2023

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2022 Winners! READERS' FAVORITE AWARDS SPECIAL SECTION The votes have been counted! See which businesses won the community favorites. ROY CONNECTION PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID Ogden UT 84404 PERMIT NO. 418 POSTAL CUSTOMER ECRWSS MARCH 2023 OFFICIAL CITY MAGAZINE ROYCONNECTION.COM Also in this issue: Best o’the Irish Recipes Done for you Dinner Menus
DUSTIN PETERSON Realtor 801-528-9500 LANCE PETERSON Loan Officer NMLS # 253142 801-388-5888 Corporate NMLS #248240 Regulated by The Division of Real Estate “I would not could not change my rate, it is too low to let it go!” “That is no problem you can still get cash with a HELOC or a SECOnd loan!” “Call my brother Lance to see if a Second Mortgage or HELOC would be a good fit for you!”


Roy Connection is published monthly by Connection Publishing© | 801-624-9652


Ryan Spelts


Robert Dodd


Mayor Robert Dandoy

Alan Wright , Brandon Storey, Sabrina Lee, Janee Stover

Ryan Spelts

Cindy Jones

Kendal Rae Jensen

Melissa Spelts

Hailey Minton


Savanna Clark

Nathaniel Loomis


News, contests, photos from readers and lots more! We love hearing from you!



Connection Publishing

If you'd like to advertise in our publications that reach over 14,000 homes in Roy, please contact Kendal at 801-603-6216 or, for ad rates and to receive a media kit.

Disclaimer: The paid advertisements contained within the Roy Connection magazine are not endorsed or recommended by Connection Publishing or Roy City. Therefore, neither party may be held liable for the business practices of these companies. The City is also not responsible for any content in the magazines except for that which they directly submit for print.

It has been a long time since I’ve seen this much snow and the requirement to shovel my sidewalks this many times. The 2022/2023 water season has been a blessing for us having experienced years living in drought conditions. The experts will know how all this abundance of snow measures up when the water year ends in the middle of next month. Certainly, this season has made a big difference, but water conservation is still necessary. This Spring you might want to consider the Weber Basin Water Conservancy District Flip-Your-Strip program as well as other rebates to help Slow-the-Flow. Details are found on the district’s website. Change is never easy. Recent UDOT right-of-way acquisition of homes along 5600 South has resulted in several residents having to move to make way for the widening project. Many of these citizens have lived there for decades, leaving behind a significant part of their life, their memories, their friends. Sacrificing their home and property to improve traffic flow seems unfulfilling and maybe hard to accept. I know many of these people and I’m left concerned with the new challenges they now face.

In April the Roy Public Works facility on 2700 West will once again make dumpsters available for residents to drop-off your Springcleaning waste. About the same time, we will be rolling out a city-wide plan to clean up our residential and business areas. We need members of the community to help neighbors remove the clutter and bring it to these dumpsters. It costs you nothing but a little time and energy. Please consider establishing local community clean up events and let the city help remove the garbage. Community pride starts and ends with each of us, let’s all do our part. Watch for more information. Be safe and keep your family safe!

Stay connected!

The city's website has information on every department in the city, and the Facebook page has fun updates on events and other local interests.

This Spring you might want to consider the Weber Basin Water Conservancy District Flip-YourStrip program as well as other rebates to help Slow-the-Flow.
March 2023 | 3

The Connection Publishing Team

Learning the Skill of Organizing–Step One Declutter! @royconnection @royconnectionutah Connect with us on social media! Questions or comments? Ryan Spelts | | 801-624-9652 Advertising: Kendal Rae Jensen | | 801-603-6216 Website: 5 CITY NEWS 10 COMMUNITY Calendar of Events Students of the Month 14 A LOOK BACK The House that Called them Home 42 RECIPES Best o' the Irish Recipes 46 WHATTOEAT4DINNER.COM March Menu Calendar Special Advertisement Pages Goldbacks Tagg-N-Go
Publisher Melissa Spelts Photographer/Writer Robert Dodd Senior Magazine Designer Hyrum Rappleye Graphic Design Crystal Rappleye Graphic
Sales &
Mgr. Kendal
Sales/Journalist Diane
Writer Kris
Writer Cindy
Writer/Designer Kim
Proofreader CONTENTS in this issue MARCH 2022 Winners! READERS' FAVORITE AWARDS ON OUR COVER 16 Readers' Favorite Awards 2022 Winners! 42 Best o' the Irish Recipes 46 4 | March 2023
Rae Jensen
Danielle Arana Sales Hailey Minton
Media Mgr. Dawn Paul Photographer Kassie Baker
Savanna Clark Proofreader Nathaniel Loomis

City of Roy Key Community Contacts


Robert Dandoy: 801-774-1028


Ann Jackson:

Diane Wilson:

Joe Paul:

Randy Scadden:

Sophie Paul:


Municipal Center & Utiities: 801-774-1000

Open Mon - Thurs: 8

Emergency: 911

Police Non-Emergency Dispatch: 801-395-8221

Records: 801-774-1046

Fire: 801-774-1080

Community Development: 801-774-1040

Justice Court: 801-774-1051

Parks & Rec: 801-774-1048

Recreation Complex: 801-774-1050

Public Works: 801-774-1090

Please keep in mind, emails are not monitored 24/7. If your matter is urgent, please call.

2023: The Year of Getting Involved

We’ve kicked off the year right, now I would like to encourage every one of you to get involved in one way, shape, or form in your local community. Come and attend a City Council meeting and voice any of your concerns or ideas that you might have to make Roy City a better place to live, work, or play. We meet the first and third Tuesday of every month at 5:30PM in the Roy City Municipal building.

If you are unfamiliar with the two Blessing Boxes that we have within our city are places where you can take and donate food for those in the community that might need a little helping hand. One is located directly behind the fire station on 1900, on the west side of memorial park. The other is located on 2700 W over by the Public Works building.

As spring is right around the corner make plans to take advantage of Roy City allowing items to be taken down to the Public Works dumpsters. This is a fantastic opportunity for any organizations like churches, HOAs, neighborhood watch groups and the like, to come together and lend a helping hand to your fellow neighbors to spruce up and make our great City of Roy look the best it ever has.

As the adage says many hands make the work lighter, so I encourage you here in 2023 to find ways to get out into our community and get more involved. Spark change within yourself and with those around you.

Thank you for all your willingness to help to make our community the best it can be!

Councilmember Randy R. Scadden

5 p.m. | Fri: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
a.m. -
+ CITY NEWS Voice your opinion at City Meetings Roy Municipal Building. CITY COUNCIL 1st & 3rd Tuesdays 5:30 p.m. PLANNING COMMISSION 2nd & 4th Tuesdays 6 p.m. March 2023 | 5

Roy City Storm Water

In Roy City, storm water flows through storm drains directly to the Howard Slough and Meadow Creek fishpond. This water is vital to the pond, fish, and wildlife, and must be kept clean. Please properly dispose of grass clippings, pet waste, paint, fertilizers, leaves, and seeds, etc., and help keep our city streets, streams, and fishponds clean.

Nitrogen and Phosphorous Reduction

The significant increase of nitrogen and phosphorus in water bodies across the country has intensified water quality problems in recent years. Too much nitrogen and phosphorus can cause serious water quality problems. Nutrient pollution impairs drinking water, endangers aquatic life, and threatens the recreational use of Utah’s streams, rivers, and lakes. Excess nitrogen and phosphorus in the water cause algae and some types of bacteria to grow faster than ecosystems can handle, a process known as eutrophication. Large growths of algae called algal blooms, reduce oxygen in the water, which can stress or kill the fish. Algal blooms also harm water quality, food resources, and habitats. Some blooms are harmful to humans because they contain bacteria that can produce toxins that can make people sick if they swim in or drink contaminated water.

Things we all can do to help reduce

Nitrogen and Phosphorous levels:

• Grass clipping and leaf removal from sidewalks, streets, and gutters

• Cleanup of animal/pet waste

• Clean up lawn fertilizer, and remove it from sidewalks, streets, and gutters

• Wash vehicles on the lawn instead of the driveway

• Properly dispose of oils and toxic materials

Pour waste oil into an unbreakable container (plastic milk jug) seal and label. Do not mix other materials with oil. Call 801399-8803 or 801-726-8212 for disposal. Or visit Weber County Transfer Station, 867 W. Wilson Lane, Ogden, Utah 84401.

Please contact Roy City Public Works Department to report violations at 801-774-1090, if it is after hours, please call Weber County Dispatch at 801-395-8221. Our current storm water ordinance is on our website at

6 | March 2023

SHOP ROY Buy Local–Burger Bar • Since 1956

Come experience an old-fashioned drive-up with a unique menu, freshly cooked and made to order food.

Burger Bar has been in the same location in Roy - 5291 S. 1900 W.since 1956. The old-school walk-up counter will take you back in time.

Burgers here are handmade on site. This makes the burgers juicy, tender, and full of fresh flavor. The hamburgers are classics: named after founder Ben Fowler, try the Big Ben Burger, the Double Ben, the Triple Ben, or even the Quad Cheese Ben! You'll also find the Steak Ben, the Sea Ben, BBQ Ben, BLT, chicken sandwiches, and much more. Sides include fries, deep fried mushrooms, potato gems, and onion rings.

The hamburgers are the staple, but the Exotic Meat of the Month may be the standout at Burger Bar. The offering could be alligator, antelope, boar, camel, catfish, crawfish, kangaroo,

lamb, longhorn, mahi-mahi, pheasant, mako shark, ostrich, rabbit, red deer, swordfish, venison, wagyu, wild boar, or yak.  The mountain man burger patty is antelope, venison, buffalo, wild boar, and elk. The Exotic Meat of the Month is posted on a signboard at the front of the building, but you can call 801-825-8961 to find out what's being offered as well.

The over-the-top milkshakes are full of rich, smooth goodness. In addition to their standard variety of flavors, special shake flavors offered seasonally have included caramel apple pie, cherry crumble, cotton candy, eggnog, Jolly Rancher, key lime, mango, peppermint, pumpkin, and s'mores.

A warm welcome and an old-school—or an exotic—meal can always be expected when you come by Burger Bar!

Home of the "Big Ben"

FREE DELIVERY & CURBSIDE SERVICE 801-732-0202 3460 W 4800 S Roy, UT 84067 RECEIVE $10 off your next purchase with any new or transferred prescriptions Discount valid only on over-the-counter or gift purchases. Some resitrictions may apply, excluding if you have Medicaid or Medicare. See pharmacy employee for more details. $10.00 OFF COVID Steve Carlson, RPH • COVID & PCR TESTS IN STOCK • DISPOSABLE & REUSABLE MASKS AVAILABLE • WELLNESS SCREENINGS • GREETING CARDS & GIFT IDEAS • SE HABLA ESPANOL • DRUG DISPOSAL • EASY REFILLS ON WEBSITE OR MOBILE APP • NOW OFFERING FLU, STREP & GLUCOSE TESTING COVID-19 VACCINATIONS AVAILABLE HERE. ˜ Visit our Website for scheduling availablity. TESTING Walk-ins welcome March 2023 | 7

Lots of fun programs to join!

Parks & Recreation

Registration Recreation Roy

Register at


Registration: March

Season starts in May

3rd-9th Grade


Registration: March

Season starts in May

ages 4-5

Coach/Machine Pitch

Registration: March

Season starts in May

Kindergarten-2nd Grade

Tackle Football

Registration: May 1st-June 15th

Season starts in August

2nd-9th Grade

Flag Football

Registration: June & July

Season starts in September

Kindergarten-9th Grade

Coed Volleyball

Registration: June & July

Classes start in August

ages 6-18

Beginner Basketball

Registration: August

Season starts in October

Kindergarten-1st Grade

Girls Basketball

Registration: August

Season starts in October

Kindergarten-9th Grade

Boys Basketball

Registration: October & November

Season starts in January 2nd-9th Grade

Boys High School Basketball

Registration: October & November

Season starts in January 10th-12th Grade

For more detailed information, and registration on these, and other programs email or call 801-774-1048

Cemetery Maintenance Schedule

April 1st to October 31st

Beginning March 31st all grave decorations will be removed by City crews every Thursday for mowing and maintenance. If weather prevents mowing on Thursday, maintenance will be performed on the first working day thereafter. Please be sure to remove decorations by Wednesday evening to avoid having them disposed of.

Get Fit • Have Fun Make Friends



Boost your metabolism and tone your muscles with resistance training.

When: Monday, Wednesday, & Friday

Time: 8.45 a.m.


Yoga offers physical and mental health benefits for people of all ages.

When: Tuesday & Thursday Time: 9 a.m.

NEW YOGA CLASS Tuesday Evenings 7 p.m.


If you’re looking for the right exercises, we invite you to join our workouts ranging in all varieties and skill levels.

Classic: Monday & Wednesday

Cardio: Friday

Times: 10 a.m.


A fun sport that combines many elements of tennis, badminton and ping-pong.

When: Monday – Friday

Time: 5 a.m. - 12 p.m.

8 | March 2023
4/5 years old: T-ball Kindergarten: Coach Pitch 1st/2nd Grade: Boys & Girls Machine Pitch 3rd/4th Grade: Softball & Baseball 5th/6th Grade: Softball & Baseball Jr. High: Softball & Baseball Questions??? Contact Lizzy Badger at or call 801-774-1048 GG HUNT GG HUNT EASTER EASTER SATURDAY APRIL 8TH SATURDAY APRIL 8TH 10:00AM SHARP 10:00AM SHARP GEORGE WAHLEN PARK 4200 S 2175 W ROY, UT 84067 Pre-register online at before April 1st Roy City Roy Days Booth Applications If you'd like to apply for a spot as a vendor for our Roy Days Celebration. Please email for more information Registration Begins April 3rd, 2023 Umpires Wanted Wanted Season begins in May and ends in June Baseball/Softball 3rd-9th Grade Pay DOE Contact Lizzy Badger at or 801-774-1048 for more information March 2023 | 9




All Elementary, Jr. High, and High Schools Mar 10: No school


Mar 2: Jazz Band Region West High 3 p.m.

Mar 6: Roy Cone Band Concert 6 p.m.

Mar 8: Beginning and Intermediate Choir Cone Concert 7 p.m.

Mar 9: Region 2 Instrument Solo Ensemble 4 p.m.

Mar 14: Softball Granger 3:30 p.m. District Choir Festival WSU 7 p.m. Chamber Choir Fest. West High 4 p.m.

Mar 16:Softball Taylorsville 3:30 p.m.

Mar 17: Boys Soccer Cyprus 5:30 p.m.

Mar 21: Region One Acts Kearns TBA Baseball Corner Canyon 3 p.m.

Mar 22: Early Out 12:15 p.m.

Mar 23: Boys Tennis Bonneville 3 p.m. Orchestra Spring Cone Concert 6 p.m.

Mar 24: Boys Soccer Granger 5:30 p.m. PTA Band Concert & Dance 8 p.m.


Mar 2: Concert/Symphonic Band Festival Roy High

Mar 3: Girls Basketball 3 p.m.

Mar 6: Symphonic Band Concert 6 p.m. Roy Cone Band Concert 6 p.m.

Mar 7: Girls Basketball 3 p.m.

Mar 8: Beginning and Intermediate Choir Cone Concert 7 p.m.

Mar 9: Girls Basketball 3 p.m.

Mar 14: Girls Basketball 3 p.m.

Mar 17: Girls Basketball 3 p.m.

Mar 21: Baseball 3 p.m. Girls Basketball 3 p.m.

Mar 22: Early Out

Mar 23: Baseball 3 p.m. Orchestra Spring Cone Concert 6 p.m.

Mar 24: Girls Basketball Playoffs 3 p.m.

Mar 28: Baseball 3 p.m.

Mar 29: Girls Basketball Championship 3 p.m.


2039 W. 4000 S., Roy, UT • 801-337-2670


Mon: ESL Class 6:30 p.m.

Tues:Gentle Movements 10:30 a.m.

Wed: Discovery Time 10:30 & 11:30 a.m. Youth Game Club 4 p.m.

ESL Class 6:30 p.m.

Fri: Tai Chi 10:30 a.m.


Mar 6: Teen Scene Dungeons & Dragons 7 p.m. Call to register

Mar 14: Celebrate Pi Day & Learn to Bake the Perfect Pie Crust 6 p.m. Call to register

Mar 18: Children's Writer's Workshop 3:30 p.m. Call to register

Mar 30: Baseball 3 p.m.


Jan 6: Boys Basketball

Roy Junior High 3 p.m.

Jan 12: Girls Basketball 6 a.m.

Jan 20: Boys Basketball

Rocky Mountain 3 p.m.

Jan 31: Boys Basketball

TH Bell 3 p.m.



Lunch is Served 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

Monday Oil Painting 9 a.m

Zumba / Coffee w/ Friends 10 a.m.

30-Minute Zumba 10:30 a.m.

Cards 12 p.m.

Line Dancing 12:30 p.m

Out to Eat Bunch 4 p.m.

Tuesday Ceramics 8:30 a.m.

All Library Events are FREE!

Mar 23: Lego Robotics–Space Exploration 4 p.m.Call to Register

Mar 23: Adults Write Club 7 p.m.

10 | March 2023

Tai Chi for Arthritis / Quilting 9 a.m.

Coffee w/ Friends 10 a.m.

Pinochle 12:30 p.m.


Ceramics 8:30 a.m.


Oil Painting / Floor Yoga 8:30 a.m.

Blood Pressure Clinic 8:30 a.m.

Chair Yoga / Crochet Class 9:30 a.m.

Tea Time w/ Friends 10:30 a.m.

Cards 12 p.m.


Arthritis Excercise 10 a.m.

Coffee with Friends 10 a.m.

Tea Time w/ Friends 10:30 a.m.

Cards 12 p.m.


Mar 3: First Friday Art Stroll Historic 25th Street 6 p.m.

Mar 3–5: Hostler Model Railroad Festival Ogden Union Station

Mar 6: David Park Quintet featuring Tango, French Cabaret, Cinema, Rock and Classical Peery’s Egyptian Theater 7:30 p.m. FREE

Mar 8: Jazz at the Station Union Station 7 p.m. FREE

Mar 11: Second Saturday Market – Get Your Green On The Monarch 12 p.m.

Mar 14: Utah Youth Rodeo Golden Spike Event Center 4:30 p.m. FREE

Mar 24: Weber State Rodeo Golden Spike Event Center 7 p.m. $6

Mar 14: Utah Youth Rodeo Golden Spike Event Center 4:30 p.m. FREE


Women's Strength Training

Mon, Weds, Fri 8a.m.

Yoga Tues & Thurs 9 a.m.

Tues. Night 7 p.m.

Senior Excercises: Mon, Weds, & Fri 10 a.m.

Basketball, Pickleball, Racquetball, Weights & Indoor Track.

Mon-Fri 5 a.m. - 10 p.m.

Sat 8 a.m.–8 p.m

Happy St. Patrick's Day

+ COMMUNITY March 2023 | 11

Students of the Month

ALL Students will Succeed in Academics • Service • Leadership • Behavior • Inclusion

Sage Patterson

“Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway.”


1st place at FFA

Regional Competition in Agriculture Education Proficiency

2 Lettering years in Competitive Swimming

FFA Chapter Degree

2 Blue ranking SAE projects for FFA

1 Gold ranking SAE project for FFA


Roy High Swim Captain

Royal FFA Officer

Seminary Class President

Royal Ladies Show Choir President

Talents and Hobbies:

Riding horses, ASL, Distance Swimming, Reading, Writing, Strong Leadership Skills, Teaching Skills Service Opportunities:

Helping growing Poinsettias that were donated to a local nursing home

Ushering local plays

171 hours of service for the Freedom Riders charity

Kaden Bradley

“Worthiness is not Flawlessness. Worthiness is being Honest and Trying.”


2022 NUAMES Certificate of Achievement: Academic Honors

2022 STEM Fair: 3rd Place in Earth/Space/Environmental

2019 STEM Fair: 1st Place in Engineering

2018 STEM Fair: 1st Place in Physics

Sand Ridge Jr High Manners Award 2018

NJHS Certificate of Membership 2018

Scorpion of the Month: Nov 2017 -Science

Certificate of Recognition: Kindness and Caring. May 2017

Award of Excellence PTA Roy Council Reflections: “What’s your story?” Visual Arts, 1st


Eagle Scout, Swim Team Senior, NJHS Member

Talents & Hobbies

Herpetology (study of reptiles and amphibians), Playing the Trumpet, Drawing, Swimming, Reading, Building with Legos, Playing Super Smash Bros., Playing Gaga Ball Service Opportunities:

Eagle Scout Service Project: Social Distance Dots

Boy Scout Service Projects

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Service Communications 2110 Service Project

–John Wayne
+ COMMUNITY Thank You to our Students of the Month sponsors Students of the Month receive $25 in cash 12 | March 2023

Do You Have An AED?

Are you are a business, school, or organization in Roy and have an Automated Defibrillator inside your building?The Roy City Fire Department would like to remind organizations in the city that currently support an AED in their building to make sure it is registered with Weber Area Dispatch at the following link:

Information needed will be the location, brand, model, and serial number of the unit. Having these units registered plays a vital role in early access to a defibrillator when needed during a cardiac arrest. Once it is registered, Roy Fire Department personnel will swing by to verify its location for you. Additionally, we would like to remind you that if you have an AED, please check for the expiration of disposable items and that the battery is sufficiently charged.

PulsePoint Reminder!

If you haven’t already, we would like to encourage all to register for the PulsePoint App in the city. We are gearing up to start public CPR classes in the near future and invite you to prepare by downloading the PulsePoint App at this time. Keep your ears open for upcoming classes!

Learn more at Download PulsePoint AED Locate an AED. Register the AED using the PulsePoint AED app or at Add a photo of the AED in the context of its surroundings
March 2023 | 13

The House that Called them Home

When Kenzie and Tony Poselli stumbled upon a 1901 farmhouse in Hooper, it was nothing like the home they had been searching for, but they both felt a strange magnetic pull toward the place during their first visit.

For Kenzie, it was the land that sang to her heart. After Covid hit, the Posellis craved life at a slower, more present pace and Kenzie knew starting a small farm was calling to her soul. Tony knew the place was special when entered the old wooden garage. He noticed the old workbench and the smell of oil still lingering in the air. He felt a thrill at the idea of working in the ageless space, using his hands to build and repair. The interior of the house had been newly remodeled in a way that gave nods to its historic roots. The Posellis were excited to move right in and begin restoring the outbuildings, including the large garage, a chicken coop, and two sheds. They wrote a letter to the homeowner explaining their love for history, architecture,

Because they fell for the heart and history of this historic home, the Posellis have found themselves claiming a simpler, more timeless way of life.

and their search for a simpler way of life and made an offer. When it was accepted, they were overjoyed. Soon after moving in, neighbors came by to welcome them with homemade bread and other treats to share, and stories of the former homeowners, namely Thorald Cox. “He was the most giving, creative, selfless, local legend. He carried Hooper on his back, and he deserves to be known.” Kenzie says.

To get a better picture of Thorald, we should look back two generations to the original property owners, Robert and Tirzah Cox. Robert immigrated from England to the U.S. with his parents at a young age, walking across the plains west of the Missouri River to Idaho. His family moved to Hooper in 1868, when the land was still just an open prairie. He married Tirzah in 1876, and the two went on to have 14 children.

The Cox family endured many hardships, including losing some of their children due to early birth and diseases like Typhoid. But they endured and were pillars of the community.

Robert invested in dry goods, and at one point built an adjoining structure to open a dried goods store in the front of their home (now the Poselli’s living room.) Robert once rescued a drowning boy from an irrigation ditch, he played in the first brass band in Hooper, and he dressed as Uncle Sam for the annual Fourth of July parade. In an autobiography, it’s said that Robert and Tirzah were known for their service and friendship in the Hooper community and beyond. Maybe it’s that same saltof-the-earth spirit that was passed down to the Cox’s grandson, Thorald. Sometime in the early 1920s, Thorald took over the property his grandparents had built. Thorald and his wife Eva Cottle became known for his engagement in the community, one year they even froze their entire paddock so friends and neighbors could ice skate, and one summer built a giant teetertotter for local children to play on. In 1929, Thorald talked the Weber School

with your stories, and we might feature them in the magazine.
The Cox home and General Store - 1927 Thorald Cox had a complete workshop of tools and supplies that went into the making of his model buggy shown here.
14 | March 2023

1972–Thorald Cox thoroughly enjoyed being at the wheel of the school bus.

board into replacing the horse-drawn wagon that was used to cart children to Hooper Elementary with a bus, and he became Hooper’s first bus driver.

Thorald eventually built the large garage and opened a mechanic shop on the property to repair and maintain the school buses. In the early years of his career, Thorald made $115 a month—paying for fuel and repairs himself—for the bus route to Hooper Elementary School. In 1933 he bid for the route to Weber High, and later also added Roy High to his routes.

Thorald was known in the community for his generosity and love for kids. He would often stop at Farr’s Ice cream on the route home from Weber High, paying for anyone who didn’t have the money to buy a treat. If a student left lunch money at home, he covered them. If a child forgot something inside the school, he waited patiently. Over the course of his career, Thorald logged over 600,000 miles, driving 120 miles with 137 stops each day. He retired in 1972 after 43 years of driving, with an insignia for four decades of safe driving, and forever sealed in

the hearts and minds of the kids he drove to and from school each day. Since they moved into Thorald’s beloved domain, the Posellis have reframed and added concrete floors, new doors, and windows, and electricity to the garage, and Tony has enjoyed many nights working inside the renovated structure. The couple has also restored the chicken coop and sheds using reclaimed wood from nearby farms. Kenzie has a brood of about 30 chickens. She sells fresh eggs, bakes her own bread, and has taken up embroidery.

Because they fell for the heart and history of this historic home, the Posellis have found themselves claiming a simpler, more timeless way of life. They say that without a doubt it’s living in both the spaces and the spirit of Robert, Tirzah, and Thorald Cox that has brought them home.

Thorald was known in the community for his generosity and love for kids... Over the course of his career, Thorald logged over 600,000 miles, driving 120 miles with 137 stops each day.

Current homeowners Tony & Kenzie Poselli Robert and Tirzah Cox with their son Levi Cox (Thorald's father)
March 2023 | 15
1948–Ice Carnival, School children pull Thorald Cox over the ice.


Roy 2022 Favorites RESULTS ISSUE

The voting results for your Connection Publishing Favorites Readers Poll 2022 are in!

This year is our biggest Favorites’ Poll yet! What a great year. More of you voted for your favorite places and business than ever before. We love this issue every year and are grateful for the support of the community and our amazing advertisers. The magazines wouldn’t be possible without them. Congratulations to all of the winners and runners up for the 2022 season. We hope you enjoy, as much as we do, reading about which businesses were your and your neighbor’s Favorites in 2022. Thanks to everyone who participated!

We hope you enjoy, as much as we do, reading about which businesses were your and your neighbors Favorite businesses in 2022. Thanks for all who participated.

16 | March 2023

The Favorites Winners!

Thank you for voting in our Readers’ Favorites Polls.


Movie Theater

#1 Cinemark Tinseltown-Newgate


Entertainment Venue

#1 Ziegfeld Theater

#1 Peery’s Egyptian Theater

Kids Entertainment

#1 Treehouse Museum

Roy Aquatic Center

The Rush Funplex

Sparetime Bowling & More

Family Fun Center

#1 The Rush Funplex

Sparetime Bowling & More


#1 Ogden Pioneer Days


#1 Flynn’s Retrocade

Fat Cats

Toad’s Fun Zone



Tire Store

#1 Les Schwab

Discount Tire

C & M Tire

New Car Dealership

#1 Tony Divino

#1 Young Mazda

#1 Ken Garff Honda


You voted me as your Favorite Holistic Health Provider Thank You

Shelly Jo Specializes in:

• Amino Acid Therapy

• Nutrition Counseling

• Hypnotherapy

Could Amino Acids be Your Missing Link to Feeling Better Now?

Hypno Aminos AD
March 2023 | 17

The Favorites Winners!

Used Car Dealership

#1 J.W. Car Sales

#1 Larry H. Miller

#1 Tony Divino Toyota

Gym/Personal Trainers

#1 EOS Fitness-Marquis Jones


Roy Recreation Complex

UTV/ATV Dealer

ADS Motorsports

Auto Repair Shop

#1 Paskett Auto

#1 Roy 66

JP’s Midland Tire Pros

Tanning Salon

#1 Tanning Oasis and Oasis Plus

Toes in the Sand


Body Shop

#1 Old School Body Shop

Anderson Auto Body & Paint

Car Wash

#1 Cliff’s Car Wash

Quick Quack Car Wash

Mountain Shine Express Wash


Nail Salon

#1 Royal Nail and Lashes

TJ Nails

Vicki & Co

Real Estate Agent

#1 Brenda Nelsen

Jamie Eddy

Real Estate Brokerage

#1 Ridgeline Realty

My Utah Agent

Mortgage Broker/Loan Officer

#1 Utah Independent Mortgage Corp.

Home/Auto Insurance

#1 Farmer’s Insurance- Josh Cottle State Farm – Jacque Price

Hair Salon

#1 Vicki & Co

Hair Haven

Rinsed Hair Lounge

Textures Salon


#1 LeBaron and Jensen

Day Spa

#1 Advanced Electrolysis

Beyond Spa-Layton

Thank you for voting in our Readers’ Favorites Polls. JAMIE

Bank #1 Wells Fargo

Credit Union

#1 America First Credit Union GoldenWest Credit Union

Oasis Therapies

Medical Spa/Weight Loss

#1 Advanced Electrolysis



#1 Willow Bow Massage

Jayna Moser

Elements Spa

Financial Planner

Jon Hooiman-Legacy

Financial Strategies

Bryan Ball

Tax Advisor

#1 Jennifer Brown-My Tax Expert Inc.

Pack Tax

Jamie Sells Utah
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The Favorites Winners!

Thank you for voting in our Readers’ Favorites Polls.

Mexican Food

#1 Burrito Grande

Bella’s Fresh Mexican Grill

Manuel’s El Burrito


#1 Ogden Pizzeria

#1 Marco’s Pizza

West Side Pizza


#1 Burger Bar

Burley Burger


#1 Burger Bar



Barbeque #1 Goodwood

#1 R & R BBQ

Breakfast #1 Moore’s Family Restaurant

Ramblin Roads

Beez Cafe

Lunch #1 Jersey Mike’s Chick-fil-A


#1 Goodwood BBQ

Maddox Dessert

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The Favorites Winners!

Thank you for voting in our Readers’ Favorites Polls.


#1 Rooster’s Talisman Brewing Company

Ice Cream & Frozen Yogurt

#1 Riverdale Zeppe’s Italian Ice

Farr Better Ice Cream


#1 Chick-fil-A



#1 So Delicious

Tona Sushi Bar


#1 Ogden Pizzeria


Italian #1 Olive Garden


Soda Shop

#1 Fiiz

Twisted Sugar


#1 Jamba Juice

#1 Roxberry Scooter’s Coffee

Food Truck

#1 Riverdale Zeppe’s Italian Ice

Red Beard Heidi Cakes

Buffet #1 City Buffet




#1 Midland Pharmacy


Roy Pharmacy


#1 Traysa Smith - Ogden Clinic

Scott Rynearson - Utah OB/GYN


#1 Dr. Clark - Rock Run Dental

#1 Lakeside


#1 Dr. Carr Orthodontics

22 | March 2023


Good Earth

The Favorites Winners!

Thank you for voting in our Readers’ Favorites Polls.

Hospital #1 Intermountain McKay

Dee Hospital

Ogden Regional Medical Center


Dr. Daniel Neuman-Wee Care

Holistic Health Provider

#1 Shelly Jo Hypno Aminos

Health Store

#1 Good Earth

Physical Therapy

Rock Run Therapy

Utah Physical Therapy

Dan Sedgwick-Mountain

Land Physical Therapy

Chiropractic #1 Livewell

Burke Larsen-Lifetime Family Fitness


#1 Hearing Improvement Center


Alison Triplett - Internountain


#1 Country Hills Eye Center

#1 Legacy Vision


Camera Store


Golf Course

#1 Riverside Golf Course

Running Shoe Store

#1 Big 5

#1 Striders

Dance Studio

#1 Studio 48

Studio 1


Sportsman’s Warehouse

Angler’s Den

Bike Shop #1 Bingham Cycle

Ski Resort #1 Snowbasin

Powder Mountain


Appliance #1 Sparrow’s


RC Willey

Furniture #1 Sparrow’s

RC Willey

Roofing #1 Authority Roofing

Bear Creek Roofing

Garden Center/Nursery

#1 J & J Nursery


Country Gardens

Valley Nursery

HVAC #1 Rentmeister Total Home Services

Total Home Service of Utah

Utah Best Home Pros


Plumbing #1 Wright’s Plumbing

#1 Any Hour

Bachman Plumbing

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March 2023 | 23
Myer's TM Funeral Directors That Feel Like Family At Myers Mortuary & Cremation Services, we view every family we serve as a member of our own. OGDEN 845 Washington Blvd 801.399.5613 ROY 5865 S 1900 W 801.825.2239 LAYTON 250 N Fairfield Rd 801.544.0994 BRIGHAM CITY 205 S 100 E 435.723.8484 Thank you for voting us as your Reader’s Choice Funeral Home
1941, our group of compassionate, serviceminded professionals have been guiding and supporting families through the experience of arranging a funeral or cremation. Whether you are planning for a loved one’s services or pre-planning your own, the funeral directors at Myers can help you create a unique, meaningful tribute that ensures a lasting legacy. Shaun & Christina Myers We are here to help. Electrician #1 Master Electrical Services #1 Any Hour Landscaping #1 Big League Lawn Care Hardware Store #1 South Fork Hardware Lowe’s Cleaning Services #1 Got Dirt House Cleaning #1 Just Credible Cleaners Hardware Store #1 South Fork Hardware Lowe’s Carpet and Flooring #1 Janz Designs RC Willey Window Replacement #1 Thayne Glass Door Replacement #1 Wheelwright Lumber Fencing #1 Utah Fence Warehouse Locksmith #1 Dee’s Locksmithing Remodeling #1 Almost Anything Remodeling Janz Designs 3518 W. 5600 S. 801-985-2221 Kent’s Market Plaza in Roy Thank You for taking us to the top! Summer Registration opens march 20th School year Registration opens April 24th The Favorites Winners! Thank you for voting in our Readers’ Favorites Polls. 24 | March 2023

The Favorites Winners!

Thank you for voting in our Readers’ Favorites Polls.


#1 Almost Anything Remodeling


#1 Janz Designs

Garage Door Repair

#1 A+ Garage

Pest Control

#1 Hawx Pest Control Jensen’s Pest Control


Charter Private High School

#1 Utah Military Academy


Charter Private Elementary #1 Quest Academy Bridge Elementary Charter University

#1 Weber State University

Continued Education/Trade

#1 Ogden Weber Technical College Davis Technical College

Preschool #1 Creative Expressions Preschool On My Way Daycare & Preschool

Favorite Employer #1 Scooter’s Coffee

Remodeling SERVICE AND QUALITY YOU CAN COUNT ON 801.686.4111 Roy, UT Thank You for Voting Us Your Favorite Remodeling and Painting company! Thank you, Roy, for your support! Achieve your dreams. March 2023 | 25
Thank you for voting in our Readers’ Favorites Polls. PETS Veterinarian #1 Animal Care Veterinary Hospital Valaine Palmer Groomer #1 My Divine Canine Pet Store #1 Petco Petsmart SHOPPING Grocery Store #1 Harmon’s Kent’s Winco Butcher Shop #1 Don’s Meats Champion Meats Mattress Store #1 Mattress Warehouse Floral Shop #1 Reed Floral Harmon’s Floral Jewelry Store #1 Aaron’s Jewelry RANCH Western Clothing #1 Smith & Edwards #1 Cal Ranch Livestock Equipment #1 IFA MORTUARY & CEMETERIES Mortuary #1 Myer’s Mortuary #1 Lindquist Mortuary S AV E ON SELECT M ATTRESSES $300 * 801-516-0439 4802 S. 1050 W. Riverdale Behind Chili’s *Offer valid March 21–April 4, 2023, while supplies last. Save $300 on any size TEMPUR-breeze® or TEMPUR-LuxeAdapt® mattress. Savings realized at time of purchase. Certain offers may not be combined. Excludes previous purchases. See store for availability and details. Copyright 2023 Tempur-Pedic North America, LLC. All rights reserved. Thank You for Making us Your Favorite! Congratulations to all Our Winners and Finalists! Congratulations to all Our Winners and Finalists! 26 | March 2023
The Favorites Winners!
Kendal is your connection to local advertising in the Connection magazines. Call her to find out how you can get involved: 801-603-6216 Bryson's AD Got Dirt AD Licensed, Insured, and Bonded 255 W. 2675 N. 4B, Layton, 84041 In the business for 22 years Tami Jo Esplin Salt Lake Area 801.425.8414 Melissa Hicks Weber-Davis Area 801.645.0258 Thanks for voting us your favorite cleaning company in Roy and Syracuse! Got Dirt? Get Clean! 326 Washington Blvd. Ogden, UT 801•399•2838 Selenite • Tote Bags • Key Chains 20% OFF Aura Quartz 10% OFF Dream Catchers • Windchimes • Bells BOGO ½ Off March Traditional Birthstone These deals are exclusive through March 2023 Some restrictions may apply. 20% OFF Thanks for voting us Weber County’s Favorite Jewelry Store! Reminder: Layaway Available Set up your free account to use our easy shopping list and keep track of your favorite recipes Meal Plans Shopping List Dinner time just got EASY! FREE MEMBERSHIP

Connection Publishing Tribute to

Jaycelin Gray Trivino

April 9, 1995 - November 19, 2022

When I first met Jaycee, I was captured by her light. She and I had communicated via email because she had participated in our art contest but then we met when she applied for a part-time job with us. She was very busy at the time, and we made the decision to hire someone else because of the experience they had, but I sincerely told Jaycee that once an opening popped up I wanted to hire her. As it goes with a small business, that opportunity came up about six months later and I called Jaycee. She agreed to take on the role even though she was clearly overqualified for the work of gathering our calendar of events. As we got to know Jaycee, Melissa and I fell in love with her. She was incredibly talented and so loving. My wife even tried to play matchmaker with her because she was just so bright and wonderful. She was an artist, a performing artist, a teacher, a lover of all people, and a truly incredible example to all. As she and her new husband were planning on moving from Utah, she was going to take on a new role of writing for us in the coming months because she would be able to work virtually and stay connected to our community while she was away. We were excited about that possibility.

When I read a post early Monday morning, November 21, on Facebook by Mayor Berube announcing her death by accidental shooting, I was stunned in disbelief. That disbelief quickly turned into overwhelming sadness and I cried for two days. Here we are three months later and I am still crying. I cannot imagine how those who knew Jaycee even better are feeling. She left a hole in this world that simply cannot be filled. She is sincerely missed and though my personal beliefs are that she lives on and lived the type of life to be rewarded in the afterlife, she is still sincerely missed in this life. Farewell for now Jaycee

Jaycee’s full obituary will be posted at if you would like to read it, unfortunately it would not fit here.

Jaycee’s Father, Steve, was kind enough to provide us with her obituary and photos. He also asked this of me, “It would be very meaningful to us, and a wonderful tribute to Jaycee if we could include this QR code and link with a mention of this opportunity where others can contribute to the Jaycee Gray Trivino Art/Dance Memorial Scholarship at WSU. The scholarship will provide a tangible, meaningful remembrance of our daughter into perpetuity.

March 2023 | 29
Follow the Podcast WATCH LISTEN TIMELESSMEDSPA.COM | (801) 475-4300 | Weight Loss Have you tried to lose weight on your own? Come see us for help! Individualized weight loss plans Weekly body composition Medical provider visits Energy shots Meal planning One-on-one nutrition counseling & education WEIGHT LOSS INJECTIONS AVAILABLE! SEMAGLUTIDE 30 | March 2023
801.823.5092 IT'S LIKE MAGIC! THINK YOU NEED A NEW ROOF? THINK AGAIN! Roof Maxx Roof Rejuvenation treatment add the oils back in that evaporate over time, making your asphalt shingles perform and look like new. Yes, it really works. Call for a free assessment to see if your roof qualifies. "It works so well, we offer a 5 year warranty, ensuring that your shingles will perform like new for 5 years. You can treat up to 3 times, giving yourself a 15 year extension on your existing roof. Saving yourself thousands! TREATED UNTREATED Disclaimer: After the product fully absorbs, most roofs do not show a long term color difference, some are slightly darker while others don't change at all.


The Decluttering of

Spring is almost here! Maybe your spring fever includes wanting to declutter and organize your space. Especially if you didn’t get to it as the month of January flew by.

Decluttering is the vital first step to organizing. The purging process is the first thing to do, and also the hardest and most time-consuming. After moving twenty-five times in my forty-five years of marriage, I have purging down pat. And that doesn’t include the several moves before, including a cross-country move as a young teenager with only our personal belongings in a small trailer made by my dad.

Moving is a great time to purge, because who wants to move things you don’t need or want, or pay to move them? But even if we aren’t moving, we still need to clean out. There are so many people who have storage units, paying a premium for that space without even knowing what’s in there.

How do we declutter? The first step is purging. Always begin with a small space; a drawer, a shelf, or even a corner can be agreat first step. Start small so you can feel success from the beginning. Just thinking about cleaning out the whole house is an overwhelming thought, nevermind actually doing it. No one can eat a whole elephant in one sitting, but by working one bite at a time, all of the sudden, the job is done. 15–20 minute cleaning sessions are a great way to get started. They allow you to feel successful and avoid distractions and you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish in that time.

As you go through your belongings, ask yourself questions: Do I need this? When was the last time I used it? Do I have a plan for the item or know

when I will use it again? These questions give you perspective.

Continue asking questions: Do I have the space for this item? Consider your space and how you want to use it. People frequently resort to extra storage because they don’t know what to do with Aunty Sally’s boxes of things or keepsakes from childhood. Once you’ve asked yourself these questions it’s time to make a decision. Let it go, or keep it.

Now it’s time to organize. How much space do you have? How much space do you want to devote to these items? For example, you may not need a dozen wooden spoons but you could keep 4-5 of your favorites. You may not need every kitchen tool ever made but just the ones you use all the time. These

32 | March 2023

items might have cost good money but letting the extras go will give you freedom and peace of mind.

Nearly every mom has that box or boxes of school papers for her kids. I can guarantee when those kids grow up, they are not going to want it all! Pick out a handful of awesome pieces to remind them of younger days.

Another important step in organizing is to plan storage containers. What size do you need? What kind? Using what you already have will save money if it works in the space and for what you are organizing. And if you need new storage containers, be sure to measure the space you want them in as well as the items you are storing. Always group like things together. It makes finding them later so much easier and helps keep track of whether you need more of something.

I love vertical storage because it takes up a lot less floor space. There are organizing holders that hang on the backs of doors or in closets to lift things off the floor. Any vertical space can potentially be used for storage to save floor space and bring you more living space.

Joy comes through the process of organizing and taking it a bit at a time. It’s not about looking at the whole picture or space, but taking a closet, shelf, or

Benefits of decluttering

drawer and focusing only on that small area to start. Giving yourself a scheduled time allows for more work to be done without distractions, and you can compete with yourself to see how much you can get done. Extra stuff isn’t just messy, but could be holding you back from living your best life.

Best of luck tidying up! Start small, be consistent, and remember you are doing this to enjoy your space and your life.

About our contributor...

Janee is a professional organizer and the owner of Janee’s Joyful Spaces. She loves helping people declutter and organize the things that bring them joy, and get rid of the things that don’t. Janee aims to help her clients feel empowered in organizing their own spaces with gentle coaching and guidance. Connect with Janee on Facebook at Janee’s Joyful Spaces or instagram @janeesjoyfulspaces.

Spring Cleaning AD

» Reducing clutter around living spaces helps us feel more calm and confident

» Organizing our spaces frees up cognitive resources in our brain, which can help improve memory

» Less clutter around the home means fewer items to dust, and fewer contaminants floating in the air

» Organization reduces stress and can increase productivity by 40%

» Organization in the kitchen can make cooking and planning healthy meals easier

» An organized home can help save money, saving us from buying items we already have and just can’t find!

» Living in an organized home gives us more time to do the things we love

March 2023 | 33


My four-month-old son hadn’t experienced a blowout for a while, so I thought I wasn’t taking much of a risk putting him down for a nap in his white outfit four hours before he was going to be blessed. Silly me. Of course when he woke up two hours later, I became fully aware of my mistake. After taking a few deep breaths and getting him cleaned up and the outfit off him, I realized I had been preparing for this moment for the last 3 months. I had been reading a lot on stain removal and now was my moment to test my knowledge. I got to work.

Step 1: Turn the garment inside out and use a solvent to rinse through the stain, taking care not to transfer the stain onto non-soiled parts. In this case, cold water was my solvent.

Step 2: Wet a small brush, like an old toothbrush, and work up a lather on a laundry bar, like Fels Naptha. Gently scrub and work it into the area of the stain on the fabric.

Step 3: Rinse again.

I was prepared to use an enzyme detergent if needed, but the laundry bar did the trick. I also had some sodium percarbonate on hand if the enzyme detergent didn’t do the trick either. I’ve learned to start simple, then move up the ladder for the more aggressive stain removal options. After looking at his outfit up close, and far away, I deemed the stain gone and threw it in the dryer. On

a normal day, I would have run it through a regular load of laundry, but we were short on time. In the end, his little outfit was only the tiniest bit damp when we left. He looked very handsome in it and eventually I recovered from that unnecessary added stress. Thankfully, this stain wasn’t too difficult to get rid of, but that isn’t always the case. In Cleaning and Stain removal for Dummies, Gill Chilton says, “Stain problems start when liquids aren’t readily water soluble or there’s a color transfer between a spill and your clothes or carpet. The staining substance visibly coats individual fibers on the stained material. Some substances - ink for example- stain instantly and you have to use some sort of solventrubbing alcohol -to shift them. Some substances such as egg on clothing you merely have to rinse thoroughly in cold water and toss in the washing machine.”

Patric Richardson in his book Laundry Love, introduced me to Amodex which seems to be a miracle solvent. You can use it on and against practically anything. He recommends keeping a small bottle of it with your laundry stainfighting arsenal. This stuff can remedy oil, dye, and ink stains. Even sharpies don’t stand up to this stuff. It had only been around for a year when The Cat in the Hat Comes Back was published, but perhaps Dr. Seuss didn’t know he could try to get rid of his pink cat ring with it.

When using a solvent like Amodex or rubbing alcohol, put the stained side face down on a paper towel, disposable cotton pad, or a white terry cloth. Drip the solution from the back so that the dissolved stain gets absorbed into the pad. This helps to make sure the stain doesn’t transfer from one part of the garment to another.

This is exactly what I did to get rid of a recent red ink stain on a light blue jean jacket. I tried using rubbing alcohol to remove it first, but it had no effect. It did however remove some black ink that happened to be on the inside pocket of the jacket. I wasn’t concerned about getting rid

There are many ways to go about removing stains. Some options work wonderfully, and some can make a simple stain worse
of the
34 | March 2023
James in his blessing outfit after dealing with a blowout stain
Midland Pharmacy AD 4815 S. 3500 W., Roy • 801-985-7011 • Monday-Friday 9am-7pm • Saturday 9am-5pm • Closed Sunday THANKS FOR THE VOTE OF CONFIDENCE! WE ARE PROUD TO BE YOUR PHARMACY WE ARE PROUD TO BE YOUR PHARMACY March 2023 | 35

of that stain, but it was interesting to watch it disappear as I dripped the alcohol onto it. Then I got out the Amodex to treat the red ink and now the stain is completely gone! I have no idea how it works, but it turned the red ink yellow and slowly disappeared as I continued to work it into the jacket fibers. Eventually I got all the ink to transfer onto a paper towel.

If you have a unique stain you are wanting to tackle, or if you find yourself struggling with the same types of stains over and over, I recommend looking up those particular stains in Laundry Love or the appendix of Cleaning and Stain removal for Dummies. There are so many types of stains so here are just a few of the common ones with their remedy:

Grease and oil: Lift up the excess using a high-absorbency powder or substance such as salt, bicarbonate of soda, or cat litter granules. Then dissolve the stain using biological laundry detergent. I always thought using dishwashing soap was an obvious choice for treating grease stains, but Patric in his book warns

against it. It can be very hard on textiles depending on the type of fabric. He has seen it ruin clothing when someone was attempting to remove a grease stain.

Protein: ( blood or perspiration): Treat with hydrogen peroxide then soak in cold water before washing with a biological or enzyme based detergent. Keep in mind that hydrogen peroxide is a type of bleach, so test it on a hidden part of your garment before applying it

to the stain. We don’t want to trade a blood stain for a bleach stain!

Fruit and acid: Hold stained fabric inside out under the cold tap. Sponge with solution of bicarbonate of soda to neutralize the acid. Machine wash. Use rubbing alcohol to remove any remaining color residue especially on carpet and non washables.


9 If you are going to pretreat stains, do so and immediately run them through your washing machine. Stain-fighters are more effective when you treat then wash promptly.

9 ALWAYS check to make sure the stain is gone before putting it in the drier. Heat sets in stains.

9 Spraying the armpits of shirts with 50/50 vinegar and water before washing will prevent pit stains from ever appearing according to Laundry Love by Patric Richardson.

9 Blot, don’t rub. Rubbing can spread stains and make a bad thing worse.

Hailey’s Stain Fighting Arsenal

X Fels Naptha Laundry Bar

X Amodex

X Rubbing alcohol

X Washing soda (sodium bicarbonate)

X Sodium Percarbonate (the active ingredient in Oxyclean)

X A spray bottle of 50/50 water and vinegar mixture

36 | March 2023
Amodex completely removed a red ink stain from this jacket.

DIY Recipes for a

Cleaner, Fresher Home

Next time you need to remove a stain or freshen up your kitchen sink, try a few of Hailey’s go-to cleaners you can make at home. The natural products in these DIY cleaners will kick grime to the curb and keep your wallet and your home clean, fresh, and safe!

Foaming Hand Soap

From 365 Quick and Easy Tips: Home Cleaning by Weldon Owen

6 Foaming soap dispenser

6 2 Tbsp. Castile soap

6 Up to 10 drops of essential oil

6 (Optional) few drops of almond or olive oil to add a moisturizing element to your soap

Add the soap, essential oils, and optional almond or olive oil to the soap dispenser. Fill the rest of the bottle with water while leaving room for the pump. Swish it around to mix it together.

Garbage Disposal Bombs

From 365 Quick and Easy Tips: Home Cleaning by Weldon Owen

Makes 24 bombs

6 ½ cup citric acid

6 1 ½ cup baking soda

6 30 drops of orange essential oil.

Mix all ingredients in a bowl until thoroughly combined. Use a spray bottle to mist just enough water for the mixture to hold its shape. Mold the mixture into small balls with a rounded tablespoon and place on a cookie sheet to dry overnight. Store in an airtight container.

Carpet Stain Removers

Basic Carpet Stain Remover

6 1/4 tsp. Castile soap

6 2 cups warm water

Mix in a 16 oz. spray bottle

Vinegar-Based Carpet Stain Remover

6 1 Tbsp. castile soap

6 1 Tbsp. white vinegar

6 2 cups warm water

Mix all ingredients in a 16 oz. spray bottle

March 2023 | 37

10 Reasons to Have GOLDBACKS!


They are 24 carat .9999 pure Gold


They are legal voluntary currency, accepted at more than 350 businesses in Utah.


Unlike gold coins, which can only be liquidated at coin stores, Goldbacks are liquidable wherever they are accepted.


This means the values are interchangeable (you can exchange a 1:25 GB for 5: 5GB or 25:1GB).


For as little as $4.00, you can start to own gold. This is far less than the 100s or 1000s that it costs to get gold coins.

6. GOLD BACKS WILL ALWAYS HAVE VALUE Gold has been used as money for over 5,000 years; it will always be money and have value. Fiat dollars will always go down in value.


They have security measures included like layered gold, a negative image of the front on the back, individual serial numbers, a government-grade border, background inscription, and more.



If you had 100 dollars and 25 Goldbacks in January 2022, by December 2022, the buying power of the fiat $100 dollars would be about 85.00, whereas the buying power of the 25 GoldBacks would be about $105.00 dollars. This buying power difference is over 20 percent.


You can get GoldBacks locally for the Best Price at GunsAmmoPreparedness, located at the Weber County Sports Shooting Complex. We are inside the 50yard range building. 2446 Rulon White Blvd. Ogden or call us at 801-695-1920.

Whether you are interested in buying gold in case the worst should happen or just want to have gold in reserve that is spendable, Goldbacks are an amazing currency that can be used today and in the future. It is actual gold. Each Goldback denomination has a unique artist's rendering tied into the state of origin, in our case, Utah. They are beautiful and unique.

The Goldback® is the world’s first physical, interchangeable, gold money that is designed to accommodate even small transactions.
Call Us to get your Goldbacks Today! 801-648-4380
38 | March 2023
THE ONLY Preserve your buying power Look for small business who accept Goldbacks We are the ONLY GoldBack Authorized reseller in Northern Utah. 2446 RULON WHITE BLVD, OGDEN (the 50 yard Range) 801.648.4380 or 801.695.1920


It’s March, are you feeling the luck o’ the Irish? Guess how many mint patties are in the Guessing Jar and win it! Send your guesses to 40 | March 2023
Gunsammo AD Tickets At the door $10 or 2 GoldBacks Early Bird $8 Familiy of 4 At the door $25 or 5 GoldBacks Early Bird $20 Legacy Event Center June 2nd-3rd 151 S. 1100 W. Farmington, Ut 84025 Provo Alpine Ogden scan for tickets! Win a 20 foot pull trailer from Darren Bideaux RV! WIN BIG duringhourlyour drawings *Picture for display only 5718 S. 1900 W. Roy, UT (801)775-8343 up to 40 %OFF ALL IN-STORE JEWELRY MARCH MADNESS SALE!! ofBirthstone the MonthAquamarine Expires 3/31/2023 Aaron’s Jewelry • FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM @ROYCONNECTION # March 2023 | 41

Irish Best o’ The

Four of our favorite recipes for St. Patrick’s Day

March is the best reason to celebrate all things green, and Irish food is at the top o’ our list!

Irish food is hearty and comforting, with a familiarity and simplicity that makes preparing and eating it so very satisfying. Try some of our Irish favorites and see if you don’t leave the table feeling lucky!

Irish Potato Bites

12 red potatoes small

1 cup corn beef

½ cup cheddar cheese

1 Tbsp. melted butter

Salt & pepper to taste

Sour Cream

Green Onion - one bunch diced

• Preheat oven to 400 degrees

• On the stove cook your red potatoes in a big pot of boiling hot water until cooked. Our potatoes were done in about 15 minutes. If you poke the potatoes with a fork and it goes in easily, they are done. Pull from hot water and let cool.

• Cut cooled potatoes in half and dig out the middles, savethem in a bowl.

• Add cheese, corn beef and butter to your bowl of potato filling and mix together.

• Salt and pepper your mixture to taste and scoop into the potato halves.

• Place on a baking sheet and stick in the oven for 10 minutes.Remove from oven, serve with a dollop of sour cream and diced green onions.

Makes 22 Irish Potato Bites

Easy Irish Soda Bread

4 Cups flour

1 egg

4 Tbsp White Sugar

1 1/4 cup buttermilk

1/2 cup margarin, softened

1/4 cup butter, melted

1 tsp baking soda

1 Tbsp baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

• Preheat oven to 375 degrees, and lightly grease a large baking sheet

• Combine dry ingredients and margarine in a bowl

• Stir in 1 cup of buttermilk and egg

• Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead slightly

• Form dough into a round loaf and place on prepared baking sheet

42 | March 2023
Josh Cottle AD Timeless AD A . C O M | ( 8 0 1 ) 4 7 5 - 4 3 0 0 | Color of tattoo ink Type of tattoo ink Sizing of the tattoo Placement of the tattoo eless Medical Spa and Weight Loss Clinic has the st and greatest technology with PicoSure Laser oo Removal that is safe and effective! Your tattoo oval treatment will be customized based on: meLess Master Aesthetician will determine a tment plan specifically designed for you and your oo! Schedule your FREE CONSULTATION today! Have you fallen out of love with your TATTOO? You're in luck! Tattoo Removal Before After *Progress after 3 laser tattoo removal treatments More treatments are suggested *Progress and results may vary based on each tattoo MORE OPTIONS MORE DISCOUNTS Call 801.775.0424 today! For Home, Auto, Life and Business. ■ Evening appointments ■ Get the most value for your coverage ■ Sí hablamos español Restrictions apply. Discounts may vary. Not available in all states. See your agent for details. Insurance is underwritten by Farmers Insurance Exchange and other affiliated insurance companies. Visit farmers. com for a complete listing of companies. Not all insurers are authorized to provide insurance in all states. Coverage is not available in all states. 17073542 Joshua L Cottle Your Local Agent 2050 W 5700 S, ROY, UT 84067 JCOTTLE1@FARMERSAGENT.COM March 2023 | 43

• Combine melted butter and ¼ cup of buttermilk, brush onto loaf

• Cut an X in the top of the loaf

• Bake until a toothpick comes out clean, check for doneness after 30 minutes, bake time is between 45 to 50 minutes. For added darker crust, you can continue to brush the butter/ buttermilk mixture on the loaf as it is baking.

Bangers & Colcannon Mash

2, 12 oz packages pork large link sausages

2 lbs Yukon gold potatoes, chopped into 2” cubes

4 Tbsp butter

1 red onion, sliced

4 cloves garlic, minced

½ head of green cabbage, chopped

2 green onions, thinly sliced

2-3 Tbsp minced chives

¾ cup milk

7 oz block of Irish cheddar, grated (You can find Irish cheddar in the Smith’s or Lee’s deli)


Black pepper

Olive oil

• Place the chopped potatoes in a large cooking pot full of cold water. Season with a dash of salt and bring the water to a boil over high heat. Once boiling, reduce the heat to medium and simmer about 30 minutes.

• Pour 2 Tbsp of Olive oil to coat the bottom of a large skillet. Cook sausages about 5 minutes on each side, until brown. Add ½ cup of water to the skillet, reduce heat to medium and cook an additional 15-20 minutes/. When sausage is no longer pink,, remove from pan, cover with foil and keep warm in a low temperature oven.

• Add 2 tablespoons of butter to the skillet (no need to rinse it- you want the sausage flavoring left in the pan!) Meld & add red onion. Saute for 5 minutes until tender. Stir in the garlic and cook for another minute.

• Stir in the cabbage and season with salt and black pepper. Cover the skillet with a lid and cook for 5 minutes. Remove the lid and add the green onions.

• Drain the potatoes and set awside. Use the large cooking pot to melt 2 tablespoons of butter over medium-low heat. Add ½ tsp of salt and the milk and bring to a simmer. Add the cooked potatoes and use a masher to mash.

• Stir in the grated Irish cheddar. Once melted, stir in the cabbage mixture. Season with salt and pepper to taste.Serve the sausages with the Colcannon on the side, sprinkle with chives and black pepper. Serve with a side salad or steamed cabbage.

Kendal’s Shepherd’s Pie

1½ pounds ground lamb (or beef)

2½ pounds russet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1-inch chunks

1 egg yolk

8 Tbsp Irish butter (1 stick)

1/2 cup heavy cream (or milk)

2 medium yellow onions, diced

2 carrots, diced

3 cloves garlic, minced

2 cups red wine or beef broth

2 Tbsp all-purpose flour

3 Tbsp tomato paste

1 tsp Worcestershire sauce

1 Tbsp thyme

½ tsp black pepper

½ cup frozen peas

1 cup shredded white cheddar cheese

2 Tbsp chives

• Preheat the oven to 375°F.

• Boil potatoes until fork tender and drain. Add cream (or milk), butter and egg yolk and mash or blend with a hand mixer. Taste and adjust seasoning, if necessary. Set the mashed potatoes aside.

• Brown ground meat and season with salt and pepper. Add the onions, carrots and garlic and cook until tender. Add flour and sauté for one minute. Deglaze with the wine or beef broth and increase the heat to high; bring to a boil, scraping any brown bits from the bottom of the pan, until the liquid is reduced by about half. Add the tomato paste, and Worcestershire sauce. Bring to a simmer, reduce the heat to low, and cook until thickened, about 2 minutes. Stir in the thyme, pepper, peas, and cook until the peas are warmed through. Taste and adjust seasoning, if necessary.

• Dollop the mashed potatoes evenly over the filling. Spread the potatoes evenly over the stew and all the way to the edges of the skillet. Sprinkle cheese on top. Place the skillet on a baking sheet or large sheet of foil to catch any drips and bake until the filling is hot, the topping is lightly browned, and the edges are bubbly, about 30 minutes. (For more color, turn on the broiler and broil for the last 5 minutes, or until the top is golden.) Sprinkle with chives and serve.

+ RECIPES 44 | March 2023
1387W 1800N Clinton 801.217.3026 5971S 1900W Roy 801.776.3880 Tickets 801.689.8700 March 2023 | 45

Gather Round the Dinner Table! WHATTOEAT4DINNER.COM

Yogurt Marinated

Chicken & Lemony

Couscous w/side of roasted carrots

Biscuits and Gravy

Steak Bites and Gnocchi w/side of green beans and dinner rolls

Cinnamon French Toast w/berries & whipped cream





Bangers and Mash w/side of sauteed green cabbage

Egg, Bacon, & Tater Tot



Dinner Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs,

Greek Chicken Salad

Chicken Enchiladas w/side of Spanish rice

Baked Creamy

Chicken Taquitos w/side of seasoned black beans & cotija cheese

Lasagna Soup

BLT’s w/side of Irish potato bites

Parmesan Crusted Tilapia served on rice w/side of asparagus

Poppy Seed Chicken

Cheesesteak Sandwiches

Creamy Chicken and Noodle

Casserole w/side of broccoli

eat Out eat Out eat Out eat Out eat Out eat Out eat Out eat

Chicken Nachos

Momma Miller’s Spaghetti with side of garlic bread

Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup

+ WHAT TO EAT 4 DINNER SUN MON TUES WED THUR FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Menu Plan Curated by Melissa Spelts and Cindy Jones Orange Chicken served on rice w/side of broccoli Sloppy Joes w/side of fruit salad Shepard's Pie Side of Irish Soda Bread
breakfast 4 DInner breakfast 4 DInner breakfast 4 DInner breakfast 4 DInner breakfast 4 DInner breakfast 4 DInner breakfast 4 DInner breakfast 4 DInner
Leftover Night Leftover Night Leftover Night Leftover Night 46 | March 2023

TAGG-N-GO Express Car Wash

A Utah Car Wash Empire Providing Service to Roy Community

Locally Owned and Operated

We weren’t set on what we wanted to do, so in 2012 we were told about an opportunity to buy a selfserve car wash and took a chance on it. It definitely wasn’t on our radar.

That bet paid off, as it allowed them to launch the neighborhood TaggN-Go Car Wash brand in 2016. Yet they had no idea how much their small business would expand.

Tagg-N-Go is a homegrown organization. “Founded in Utah for YOUtah”.

In 2022, the little Utah car wash that was once ranked 66th on the Top 100 Conveyor Car Washes list has grown to become the state's biggest privately owned car wash. From Roy to Mesquite, Nevada. The company has expanded to 12 locations and more than 275 people.

company to Quinn Allgood, Conner Atkin (Co-Owners), and the rest of the Tagg-NGo staff. Their customers and coworkers are like an extended family to them.

“Come for a job and stay for a career. We have had many employees start as parttime attendants who have now become site managers, maintenance technicians, HR professionals and trainers, just to name a few.”Human resources director of Tagg-N-Go: Sara Slauf Tagg-N-Go is here to provide service to the Roy community and is more than just ‘another’ car wash. They are here to give back. “Cultivate unity and inspire opportunity!”

Water. Our most precious resource. Washing one car at home uses 100 gallons. Our wash uses less than 30 gallons of water per car.

Tagg-N-Go Car

Wash is focused on environmental impact. Founded in Southern Utah, we have seen the effects of the drought in the desert and we hear your concerns about water. We strive to listen to new ideas and continue to adapt to help protect the environment for all of us to thrive.

Business: Car Wash

5263 S 1900 W, Roy 801-901-2210

“We found a love and passion for people. And here we are now at 12 locations.” This is more than simply a

Keep a lookout for additional sites that are opening nearby to experience the Tagg-N-Go difference for yourself. New locations are opening in Eagle Mountain, Cedar City, Lehi, Pleasant Grove, Tooele, and Saratoga Springs in 2023.

We do this for our customers, our employees, our planet, and our families.

March 2023 | 47


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