Roy Connection May 2023

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Home & Garden issue PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID Ogden UT 84404 PERMIT NO. 418 POSTAL CUSTOMER ECRWSS OFFICIAL CITY MAGAZINE ROYCONNECTION.COM | MAY 2023 Super Sandwiches Recipes HISTORIC PRESERVATION MONTH A Look Back Special Feature Mental Wellness for Moms 7 th Annual Art Contest Enter our
DUSTIN PETERSON Realtor 801-528-9500 LANCE PETERSON Loan Officer NMLS # 253142 801-388-5888 Corporate NMLS #248240 Regulated by The Division of Real Estate “Buy, or buy not…there is no try. May the 4th be with you” “Home rates have gone down recently. It’s a great time to buy. Call my Brother, Dustin.”


Roy Connection is published monthly by Connection Publishing© | 801-624-9652


Ryan Spelts


Robert Dodd


Mayor Robert Dandoy

Council member Joe Paul

Battalion Chief Shane Anderson

Sabrina Lee

Erin Shepard


Robert Dodd

Crystal Rappleye

Hyrum Rappleye

Sarah Bodiker


Savanna Clark

Nathaniel Loomis


News, contests, photos from readers and lots more!

We love hearing from you!



Connection Publishing

If you'd like to advertise in our publications that reach over 14,000 homes in Roy, please contact Kendal at 801-603-6216 or, for ad rates and to receive a media kit.

Disclaimer: The paid advertisements contained within the Roy Connection magazine are not endorsed or recommended by Connection Publishing or Roy City. Therefore, neither party may be held liable for the business practices of these companies. The City is also not responsible for any content in the magazines except for that which they directly submit for print.

Share an American Flag

In 2018 a concerned Roy resident informed me of traffic conditions at the intersection of 4000 South and 1900 West. It appears Dale and many others had experienced vehicle accidents while turning right off 4000 South onto 1900 West. After gathering the reported traffic accident data at that location, I immediately sent a letter to UDOT and asked for their assessment and possible safety improvements. As a result of this resident bringing this issue to light and his commitment to finding a better solution, UDOT will begin making the needed changes to this intersection starting as early as April 2023 and lasting through early summer.

Every two years Roy City, like all local governments, will hold a municipal election. This year we have three city council positions that will be on the ballot with the candidate filing date of June 1st through June 7th, 2023. Whether you consider running for office or voting for the best candidates, good government has always been and will continue to be about citizen engagement. It is never too early to start planning and preparing to make a difference, so please register to vote!

May is the month we recognize two

moments in our lives, Mother’s Day, and Memorial Day... One celebrates how much mothers sacrificed for their children, while the other commemorates all members who died in military service to this nation.

May is the month we recognize two important moments in our lives, Mother’s Day, and Memorial Day. Both holidays can find their roots in the misery and aftermath of the American Civil War. One celebrates how much mothers sacrificed for their children, while the other commemorates all members who died in military service to this nation. As we recognize the contribution that our mothers have made in our personal lives, may we also acknowledge the contributions that many have made in protecting our freedom. Take a moment to show the mothers in your life how you appreciate them. On May 29th, at the Roy Cemetery, take the time to share a moment by helping us place an American flag on service member graves that helped protect our freedom. Action is the best way to promote lasting memories. Be safe and keep your family safe!

Stay connected!

The city's website has information on every department in the city, and the Facebook page has fun updates on events and other local interests. @royconnection

May 2023 | 3

Danielle Arana


Media Mgr. Dawn Paul Photographer Savanna Clark

Nathaniel Loomis

@royconnection @royconnectionutah Questions or comments? Ryan Spelts | | 801-624-9652 Advertising: Kendal Rae Jensen | | 801-603-6216 Website: 5 CITY NEWS 10 COMMUNITY Calendar of Events Students of the Month 18 A LOOK BACK xxx 26 RECIPES Switch up Your Sandwich 30 WHATTOEAT4DINNER.COM May Menu Calendar Special Advertisement Pages Goldbacks CONTENTS The Connection Publishing Team in this issue MAY ON OUR COVER 16 Home & Garden 22 Mental Health Tips for Moms 26 Super Sandwiches Ryan Spelts Publisher Melissa Spelts Photographer/Writer Robert
Senior Magazine Designer Cindy
Editor/Designer Hyrum
Graphic Design Crystal
Design Sarah Bodiker
Design Ann Park
& Operations Mgr. Kendal Rae Jensen
Diane Liberator Sales
Proofreader Cover photo courtesy of Totally Blind CONNECT WITH US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: 26 Great ingredients make for a delicious sandwich. It’s as simple as that. 22 Three Tips to manage mental health in motherhood. 4 | May 2023
Hailey Minton Writer Sabrina
Writer Abraham Tinklepaugh
Amanda Koldewyn Writer Kim Crook

City of Roy Key Community Contacts


Robert Dandoy: 801-774-1028


Ann Jackson:

Diane Wilson:

Joe Paul:

Randy Scadden:

Sophie Paul:


Municipal Center & Utiities: 801-774-1000

Open Mon - Thurs: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. | Fri: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Emergency: 911

Police: Non-Emergency Dispatch: 801-395-8221

Records: 801-774-1046

Fire: 801-774-1080

Community Development: 801-774-1040

Justice Court: 801-774-1051

Parks & Rec: 801-774-1048

Recreation Complex: 801-774-1050 (Temporarily Closed)

Public Works: 801-774-1090

Please keep in mind, emails are not monitored 24/7. If your matter is urgent, please call.

Spring It On!

Spring finally arrived after being stuck in a never-ending winter. It has been very wet the last few months and while it was much needed with the drought, we still need to do our part as residents to be Waterwise for our future.

Spring sports are in full swing. I am grateful the athletes at the high school, Jr. highs, and Roy Recreation were finally able to hit the fields and track. It is great to see our youth outside recreating. On behalf of the city, I would like to congratulate all the 2023 Roy High Graduates! Great Job. I wish you the best in your future endeavors.

Thank you to Public Works for their efforts with the semiannual dumpsters. Remember, there are dumpsters yearround at Public Works for glass and metal recycling. Also, there are still free dump passes available for Roy residents. Check out the Community Service portion on our website at, and sign up if you need help cleaning up your yard and are not able to. Residents may also sign up to volunteer if they would like. Roy City has multiple job openings. Look and see if you are interested, it is a great place to work. human_resourcesemployment_opportunities.php

Thank you to all who get involved in making our city a better place. Together we can make a difference.

Councilmember Joe K. Paul



May 2023 | 5

2022 Quality on Tap Report for Roy City CONSUMER CONFIDENCE REPORT

We’re pleased to present you with this year’s Annual Water Quality Report. This report is designed to inform you about our excellent water quality and the services we have delivered to you over the past year. Our goal has always been to provide you with a safe and dependable drinking water supply. Our water sources are contracted water from Weber Basin Water Conservancy District and four deep wells. We’re pleased to report that our drinking water meets federal and state requirements for 2022. This report discloses our water quality and what it means to you, our customer.

The Drinking Water Source Protection Plan for Roy City is available for your review. It contains information about source protection zones, potential contamination sources, and management strategies to protect our drinking water. Gas stations, lawn care companies, and Hill Air Force Base’s underground contamination are potential contamination sources common in our protected areas. Additionally, our wells have a low susceptibility to potential contamination, and we have also developed management strategies to further protect our sources.

Water quality inside your home is always a concern. You should occasionally check your water heater for proper temperature settings. Water that is too hot can cause a burn hazard, and water that is lukewarm can create a perfect environment for bacterial growth. You should clean, maintain and replace filters and purifiers according to the manufacturer's recommendations to ensure they continue to operate as intended. The water hardness in Roy City can range from 10 to 18 grains per gallon, therefore it is important to monitor the setting on your water softener regularly to ensure you are treating your water properly and not wasting money by overtreating. Remember to maintain your pressure regulator on your main supply line to ensure it continues to work properly to get the water supply you need.

If you have any questions about this report or concerning your water utility, please contact the Roy City Public Works office at 801-774-1090, address 5460 South 2700 West, Roy, Utah 84067. We want our valued customers to be informed about their water utility. If you would like to attend any of our regularly scheduled City Council meetings, they are held on the first and third Tuesday of each month, 6 p.m., at the Roy City Municipal Center, address 5051 South 1900 West, Roy, Utah 84067. All sources of drinking water are subject to potential contamination by constituents that are naturally occurring or man-made. Those constituents can be microbes, organic or inorganic chemicals, or radioactive materials. All drinking water, including bottled water, may reasonably be expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants. The presence of contaminants does not necessarily indicate that the water poses a health risk. More information about contaminants and potential health effects can be obtained by calling the Environmental Protection Agency’s Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 800-426-4791.

MCLs are set at very stringent levels. To understand the possible health effects described for many regulated constituents, a person would have to drink 2 liters of water every day at the MCL level for a lifetime to have a one-in-amillion chance of having the described health effect. Some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking water than the general population. Immunocompromised persons, such as persons with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, persons who have undergone organ transplants, people with HIV/AIDS or other immune system disorders, some elderly, and infants can be particularly at risk from infections. These people should seek advice about drinking water from their healthcare providers. EPA/CDC guidelines on appropriate means to lessen the risk of infection by cryptosporidium and other microbiological contaminants are available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1-800-426-4791.

We at the Roy City Water Department, 801-774-1090, work around the clock to provide top-quality water to every tap. We ask that all our customers help us protect our water sources, which are the heart of our community, our way of life, and our children’s future.

In addition to the sampling outlined in the table above, we have also sampled for 21 Volatile Organic Chemicals, 28 Pesticides, 35 Unregulated Organic Chemicals, and 10 Unregulated Pesticides. These additional chemicals were not detected in our water. The following constituents are regulated more closely: Arsenic, Lead, Nitrate, Radon, and Cryptosporidium. Notice of any detection is required.


Non-Detects (ND) - Laboratory analysis indicates the constituent is not present. ND/Low-High - For water systems that have multiple sources of water, the Utah Division of Drinking Water has given water systems the option of listing the test results of the constituents in one table, instead of multiple tables. To accomplish this, the lowest and highest values detected in the multiple sources are recorded in the same space in the report table.

Parts per million (ppm) or Milligrams per liter (mg/L) - One part per million corresponds to one minute in two years or a single penny in $10,000.

Parts per billion (ppb) or Micrograms per liter (ug/L) - One part per billion corresponds to one minute in 2,000 years or a single penny in $10,000,000.

Picocuries per liter (pCi/L) - A measure of the radioactivity in water.

Action Level (AL) - The concentration of a contaminant which, if exceeded, triggers treatment or other requirements which a water system must follow.

Treatment Technique (TT) - A required process intended to reduce the level of a contaminant in drinking water.

Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) - The “maximum allowed” is the highest level of a contaminant that is allowed in drinking water. MCLs are set as close to the MCLGs as feasible using the best available treatment technology.

Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG)- The “goal” is the level of a contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MCLGs allow for a margin of safety.

6 | May 2023


Contaminant Violation Y/N Level Detected Unit Measure MCLG MCL Sample Date Likely Source of Contamination MICROBIOLOGICAL CONTAMINANTS Total Coliform Bacteria N ND ug/l 0 80 2022 Naturally present in the environment RADIOACTIVE CONTAMINANTS Gross Alpha Particles N ND – 2.6 pCi/L 0 15 2022 Erosion of natural deposits Gross Beta Particles N 0.050 – 4.4 pCi/L 0 50 2022 Decay or natural & man-made deposits RADON Radium 228 N 0.060 – 1.7 pCi/L 0 5 2022 Erosion of natural deposits METAL CONTAMINANTS Antimony N ND – 0.006 ppm 6 6 2022 Discharge from petroleum refineries; fire retardants; ceramics; electronics; solder Arsenic N ND – 0.0015 mg/l NA 10 2022 Erosion of natural deposits; runoff from orchards; runoff from glass and electronics production wastes Barium N 0.213 – 0.420 mg/l 2 2 2022 Discharge of drilling wastes; discharge from metal Chromium N ND-.005 mg/l 0.1 0.1 2022 Discharge from steel and pulp mills; natural erosion Copper N ND – 0.415 mg/l 1.3 1.3 2022 Corrosion of household plumbing system; erosion of natural deposits; leaching from wood preservatives Fluoride N ND – 0.2 ppm 4 4 2022 Erosion of natural deposits Lead N ND – 0.015 mg/l 0 0.015 2022 Corrosion of household plumbing system; erosion of natural deposits Mercury N ND mg/l .002 .002 2022 Erosion of natural deposits; discharge from refineries and factories; runoff from landfills and croplands Nitrate N ND – 0.9 mg/l 10 10 2022 Runoff from fertilizer use; leaching from septic tanks Selenium N ND - .70 mg/l 50 50 2022 Erosion of natural deposits; discharge from mines Sodium N 14.0 – 47.8 mg/l None set by EPA None set by EPA 2022 Erosion of natural deposits; discharge from refineries INORGANIC CONTAMINANTS Cyanide N ND – 0.002 mg/l 0 0.02 2022 Discharges of metal mining process Sulfate N 2.6 - 231 mg/l 1000 NA 2022 Erosion of natural deposits; discharge from refineries Thallium N ND mg/l .5 2 2022 Leaching from ore-processing sites; discharge from electronics, glass, and drug factories TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) N 260 – 304 mg/l NA 2000 2022 Erosion of natural deposits Turbidity N 0.52 – 0.84 NTU 5 2022 Organic and inorganic materials REGULATED HALOACETIC ACIDS (HAAs) Dibromoacetic Acid N ND ug/l 0 2022 By-product of drinking water chlorination Dichloroacetic Acid N 1.5 – 3.0 ug/l 0 2022 By-product of drinking water chlorination Monobromoacetic Acid N ND ug/l 0 2022 By-product of drinking water chlorination Monochloroacetic Acid N ND ug/l 0 2022 By-product of drinking water chlorination Trichloroacetic Acid N ND – 8.5 ug/l 0 2022 By-product of drinking water chlorination Total Haloacetic Acids N ND – 1.5 ug/l 0 60 2022 By-product of drinking water chlorination
Contaminant Level Detected Low/High Unit Measurement Date Sampled Contaminant Level Detected Low/High Unit Measurement Date Sampled Bromodichloromethane 1.4 7.8 – 1.4 ug/L 2022 Dibromochloromethane 6.4 5.8 – 6.4 ug/L 2022 Bromoform 2.3 1.1 – 2.3 ug/L 2022 Total Trihalomethanes 43.5 28.2 – 43.5 ug/L 2022 Chloroform 25.2 1.7 – 25.2 ug/L 2022
May 2023 | 7
Test Results

Youth of the Year–Aubrey Guerrero

Aubrey Guerrero is a Junior at Roy High School and was named Youth of the Year in February during a ceremony at the Capitol in Salt Lake City Aubrey aspires to be a surgeon and was awarded a $5,000 scholarship and will move on to the Western United States Regional Youth of the Year competition. Aubrey was also recognized at the Roy City Council Meeting on March 21, 2023, and shared her speech during the Boys and Girls Club Extravaganza. We are honored to have such an outstanding youth in our community.

Cemetary Maintenance

In preparation for Memorial Day, city crews will remove grave decorations on Thursday, May 25th for mowing and maintenance. Decorations will not be removed again by city crews until Thursday, June 8th to allow for decorations to be displayed the week of Memorial Day. Please be sure to remove decorations by Wednesday evening, June 7th, to avoid having them disposed of. For more information, please call 774-1040.

SHOP ROY Buy Local South Fork Hardware

A trip to SOUTH FORK HARDWARE in Roy at 3531 West 5600 South, can be pure adventure.

It doesn't matter if you're looking for something specific, have some time to kill while your spouse is buying cookies next door, or have only a vague idea of what you need in the line of hardware: you will most likely leave with something you want or need, at a good price.

The aisles are stocked with a little bit of everything: paint and supplies here, screwdrivers over there, plumbing in that section, snacks up front, bins of screws and nails down at that end. Hinges two aisles over. Hammers over this way, next to the wrenches, and the power tools down that way. If you're walking down an aisle with someone, one of you is sure to stop suddenly and exclaim something like, "Hey, I didn't know they have Dremel stuff! I need those sanding discs right there." Or even, "Ooh! I forgot the lightbulb in the hall burned out – let’s go down this aisle." You'll find all sorts of thingamajigs and whatchamacallits at South Fork Hardware.

Go on a little adventure and see what you can find!

FOOTBALL ROY CITY TACKLE FOOTBALL REGISTRATION 2023 Registration Procedure Must be entering 2nd grade Fall of 2023 ONLINE REGISTRATION ONLY! NEW REGISTRATION DATES: MAY 1ST - JUNE 15TH Questions? Contact Lizzy Badger at or 801-774-1048 All registration will take place at Equipment fittings will be by appointment in June Payment will be due at time of registration Registration will take place May 1st-June 15th 2023
"For there is always light. If only we are brave enough to see it. If only we are brave enought to be it."
8 | May 2023
–Amanda Gorman

Code Enforcement

As spring and summer are upon us, this is just a little reminder to please maintain your yard and property in a manner that enhances community pride and beautification.

No junk, rubbish, weeds, or other unsightly material or conditions shall be permitted on any lot, right-of-way, or easement, or as part of any building or use.

All items are in reference to Title 4 of the Roy City Nuisance Code. Contact the Roy City Community Development Department for questions or concerns.

A Message from Roy City Fire Department


A reminder that open-burning season is now open! An open burn permit may be issued between March 30 – May 30, 2023.

An open burn permit application must be completed, and a valid permit issued by the county or municipal fire authority prior to burning. If you are interested in burning, please apply for a permit through one of the following options. Visit for instructions to apply for an open burn permit.

An applicant can call the D.A.Q. at 801-536-4000 and complete the open burn permit application process over the phone. A DAQ inspector will ask the applicant for the required information.

A hard copy of the application may be completed and submitted by mail to D.A.Q. for processing. To request a hard copy of the application, contact D.A.Q. by phone at 801-536-4000.

Pre-Burning Checklist!

• Open burn permit application must be complete, and a valid permit issued.

• Location of proposed burning to any building, other structures, neighbors, or other public areas that might be impacted by the smoke and emissions from the burn.

• Consider whether there is any practical alternative method for the disposal of material to be burned.

• Burn index of 500 or greater.

• Materials to be burned are thoroughly dry.

• No trash, rubbish, tires, and/or oil.

• Supervised by a responsible person who shall notify the local fire department and have available, either on-site or by the local fire department, the means to suppress the burn.

May 2023 | 9



May 1: Golf Region Championship

Riverbend 9 a.m.

Chamber Musical 7 p.m.

May 2: Baseball Granger 3:30 p.m.

Boys Soccer Kearns 3:30 p.m.

Boys Lacrosse Fremont 4:30 p.m

Girls Lacrosse 4:30 p.m.

May 3: Track Meet Region

Two 3:15 p.m

May 3-4: Tennis Region

Tournament Taylorsville 9 a.m.

Baseball 3:30 p.m.

Softball Cyprus 3:30 p.m.

May 4: Boys Lacrosse 4:30 p.m.

Girls Lacrosse Davis 4:30 p.m.

May 5: Boys Soccer Taylorsville TBD

Baseball Granger 3:30 p.m.

May 6: Senior Cotillion 6 p.m.

May 8: Baseball Cyprus 3:30 p.m.

May 8, 9: Girls Golf St. Riverbend 8 p.m

Boys Lacrosse Syracuse 4:30 p.m.

Girls Lacrosse 4:30 p.m.

Final Band Concert 6 p.m.

May 9: Baseball 3:30 p.m.



May 10: Girls Lacrosse 6 p.m.

May 11: Orchestra Final Concert 6 p.m.

May 12: Boys 1st round Soccer

May 13: Softball 1st round Playoffs

Tennis State West Jordan 9 a.m.

May 15: Baseball 1st round Playoffs

Softball 1st round State Playoffs

May 16: Choir Final Concert 7 p.m.

May 18: Boys Tennis State

Tournament Rose Park

May 18, 19: Baseball/Softball

2nd round Playoffs

May 20: Boys Tennis State

Girls Lacrosse Quarter Finals

Track State Finals BYU

May 22: Early Out 12:15 p.m.

Graduation 1 p.m.

May 23: Girls Lacrosse State

Semi-Finals Westminster

May 23-25: Softball State

Playoffs Valley Complex

May 26: Last day of school

Early Out 12:15 p.m.

Softball State Playoffs BYU


2039 W. 4000 S., Roy, UT • 801-337-2670


Mondays: ESL Class 6:30 p.m.

Tuesdays: Gentle

Movements 10:30 a.m.

STEAM Club 3:45 p.m.

Yoga for Adults 6:30 p.m.

Wednesdays: Discovery Time 10:30 & 11:30 a.m.

Youth Game Club 4 p.m.

ESL Class 6:30 p.m.

Saturdays: Tai Chi 10:30 a.m.


May 1: Teen Scene – Dungeons & Dragons 6 p.m.

USU Extension: Pest Management for Home Gardens 6:30 p.m.

May 6: Story Fiesta 3:30 p.m. Stories, songs, and activities in English and Spanish.

May 8: Novel Teens Book Discussion 4 p.m. The Queen of Water by Laura Resau

May 10: Book Discussion Arthur & George by Julian Barnes. 7 p.m.


May 2: Baseball Championship 3 p.m.

May 4-5 District Track 3 p.m.

May 16: Choir Concert 6:30 p.m.

May 18: Band/Guitar Spring

Concert 6 p.m.

May 26: Last Day of School


May 4-5: District Track Meet

Roy HS 3 p.m.

May 10: Band Concert 6 p.m.

May 15: Choir Concert 7 p.m.

May 18: Piano Concert 7 p.m.

May 26: Last Day of School

Early Out 12:15 p.m.


May 22: Middle/High School

Spring Pops Concert 7 p.m.

May 24: High School Choir

Spring Pops Concert 7 p.m.

May 27: Memorial Day No School

May 30: High School Graduation

Early Out

May 31: Last Day – Half Day

All library events are free

May 11: Genealogy

Digitizing photos 7 p.m.

May 18: Teen Scene: Writers’ Workshop 6 p.m.

May 20: Camping at the Library 3:30 p.m. Campfire stories, games, songs & more.

May 25: Lego Robotics:

Predator and Prey 4 p.m.

The Write Club 7 p.m.

June 14: Book Discussion: The Man Who Ate the 747 by Ben Sherwood 7 p.m.

10 | May 2023



Lunch is Served 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.


Oil Painting 9 a.m

Zumba / Coffee w/ Friends 10 a.m.

30-Minute Zumba 10:30 a.m. Cards 12 p.m.


Arthritis Excercise 10 a.m.

Coffee with Friends 10 a.m.


May 3, 17: Bingo 1 p.m.

May 4: Cinco de Mayo Tea 10:30 p.m.

May 5: Cinco de Mayo lunch 11:30 a.m.

May 9: Paint with Trish Class 11 a.m.

May 10, 16: Marcia Knoll 11:30 a.m.

May 11: Mother’s Day Tea 10:30 p.m.

May 12: Mother’s Day Lunch 11:30 a.m.

May 18: Second Generation 11:30 a.m.

May 24: Garr Ashby 11:30 a.m.

May 9, 23: Utah Youth Rodeo

Golden Spike 4:30 p.m. FREE

May 16: Virtual Wasatch Audubon

Monthly Program Ogden

Nature Center 7 p.m. FREE

May 19-21: Ogden Spring Home Show

Golden Spike Events Center FREE

May 27: Farmers Market Historic 25th Street 8 a.m.—1 p.m.

Roy Advanced Auto Car Show

Advanced Auto Parts. Food trucks, music, awards. 11 a.m.–3 p.m. FREE

Wednesday Ceramics 8:30 a.m.

Sewing Group 9 a.m.

Thursday Oil Painting/Crochet 8:30 a.m.

Blood Pressure Clinic 9 a.m.

Floor Yoga 9 a.m.

Chair Yoga 9:30 a.m

Tea Time w/ Friends 10:30 a.m.

Cards 12 p.m.


May 3, 10, 17, 24: Country Dance

Union Station Browning Theater

8:30 p.m. $4 before 9 p.m

May 5: First Friday Art Stroll Open galleries, exciting exhibits, live music. Downtown Ogden 6 p.m. FREE

May 6: Miss Rodeo Ogden

Golden Spike 2:30 p.m. FREE

Scooter's AD
Line Dancing 12:30 p.m Out to Eat Bunch 4 p.m.
Tuesday Ceramics 8:30 a.m. Tai Chi for Arthritis / Quilting 9 a.m. Coffee w/ Friends 10 a.m. Pinochle 12:30 p.m.
Download our APP, get $2 off . *New users only. PRICKLY PEAR ENERGY INFUSION MATCHA SMOOTHIE COLD BREW & CREAM slow-steeped Scooter’s Coffee Drive-Thru 1136 W 2700 N, Pleasant View, UT 1871 W 5300 S, Roy, UT SIP, RELAX & with world-class drinks! Hiring HOUSE AD We’re hiring freelance writers to join the Connection Publishing team. You’ll need to be proficient in interviewing and writing spotlights and features. Quick turnarounds are key. To apply, visit Like to Write? May 2023 | 11
"The deep roots never doubt spring will come -Marty Rubin

Tailer Butterfield

Students of the Month


3.68 GPA

Royal Honor Roll

Lettered in Royal Basketball

Lettered in Royal Lacrosse

Royal of the Month


Royal Ladies Basketball Team Captain

Royal Ladies Lacrosse Team Captain

Talents and Hobbies:

Playing the Baritone Saxophone, Visual Arts, Camping with friends and family, Bilingual-ASL, Strong Leadership skills, Riding horses, Motorcycle Riding Service Opportunities:

Made Christmas Ornaments with the elderly at Sunridge Assisted Living, Roy, UT

Painted Hooper Arena’s schedule box

Worked on Ogden Days Events

Painted fire hydrants to help the Boy Scouts

Donated to the Canned Food Drive

Served food to the homeless at the Lantern House in Ogden, UT

Helping out in 4-H to get them ready for a Horse Show

• Leadership • Behavior • Inclusion

ALL Students will Succeed in Academics • Service

Colby Anderson

It's life that matters, nothing but life—the process of discovering, the everlasting and perpetual process, not the discovery itself, at all.”

Awards: 4.0 GPA

Indoor All-American in track

Roy High Track Letter Award for 3 consecutive years

Math Academic Letter Award

Speech and Debate Letter Award

Region champion for 2 consecutive years

State finalist in 100m, 200m, and 400m for 2 consecutive years


Drumline section leader

Sophomore MVP in track

Talents & Hobbies

Teaching percussion, Playing in a band at local venues, Photography, Running, Hiking with family, Gardening, Cooking

Service Opportunities:

NHS activities

Mentoring youth track athletes

Pet therapy for senior citizens

Training service dogs

+ COMMUNITY Thank You to our Students of the Month sponsors Students of the Month receive $25 in cash
"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain” –Dolly Parton “Be the change you wish to see in the world"
–Mahatma Gandhi
12 | May 2023
–Fyodor Dostoevsky

Employee Spotlight–Stephen Webber

Steve started full-time with Roy City in 2021 after doing an internship with us. He came to Roy City Fire Department after a 21-year career with the United States Air Force.

It didn’t take long to see that Steve was a highly motivated and driven individual. Steve expects the best out of himself and shows up to work every day willing to do whatever he can to help Roy City and to better himself in the process. In his first year here, there were not a lot of Engineer Driver classes being offered due to the post-Covid issues. He took it upon himself to do an independent self-study course and obtained his Apparatus driver certifications for both pumper

and aerial, passing both exams on the first attempt. He uses these certifications often as he is one of the fill-in engineers on our shift, and we depend on him heavily for this. Steve has become a mentor for all our firefighters that are learning how to perform in this job. He is a lead instructor in our bootcamp, which is a weeklong training for all the new hires showing them the expectations and standards of this job.

Steve is constantly gaining all the education that he can. He just finished up a master’s degree while working full-time and still continues to take more classes.

May 2023 | 13
It has been a pleasure working with Steve and we hope his work ethic continues to be infectious and his fellow employees follow his lead.


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♦ Through the process of vacuum deposition within a proprietary polymer coating, the Goldback, itself, consists of 24-karat gold (no third party vaulting required).

♦ Tougher than most currencies, Goldbacks survive circulation well, especially when handled with some degree of care.

What would happen if our financial system crashed? I hope it never does, but I also want to be prepared if it does. Even if the system didn’t fail but the dollar was diminished in value due to inflation like we are seeing now, it would be problematic. Our dollar lost its gold backing in 1971, so the only real value in the dollar is the faith we have in it as a society. So, how do we prepare for these possibilities? With gold! The main problem with buying gold is that gold is such a valuable asset that it would be hard to buy your day-to-day needs with, even with gold coins. The average Gold American Eagle coin is 1oz.. with a value today of about $1900. It would be hard to buy milk and eggs with that. I had a friend who would buy silver coins because they are so much more spendable in the long run. They are still worth $35. An innovative company in Alpine, Utah, has been working hard to develop a secondary currency that is not backed by gold, but it actually is gold. Meet Goldbacks. Goldbacks are the first physical, fully-interchangeable,

♦ Goldbacks appreciate in value at the same rate as gold, so holding them presents no significant downside compared to other gold products.

♦ Each Goldback bears a unique serial number, coupled with six other anticounterfeiting security features.

♦ Like cash, Goldbacks can be easily spent at small businesses and for private transactions. On fast track to ubiquity, during its first year of circulation, the Goldback is estimated to have found its way into the hands of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.

So, whether you are interested in buying gold in case the worst should happen or just want to have gold in reserve that is spendable, Goldbacks are an amazing currency that can be used today and in the future. It is actual gold. Each Goldback denomination has a unique artists rendering tied into the state of origin, in our case, Utah. They are beautiful and unique.

For a chance to hold and see some Goldbacks yourself, call Chris Turpin at 801-648-4380, visit gunsammopreparedness. com, or stop by his shop located inside the Weber County Sports Shooting Complex.

The Goldback® is the world’s first physical, interchangeable, gold money, that is designed to accommodate even small transactions. SPONSORED CONTENT
Call Chris Turpin 801-648-4380
14 | May 2023
Gunsammo AD Josh Cottle AD Tickets At the door $10 or 2 GoldBacks Early Bird $8 Familiy of 4 At the door $25 or 5 GoldBacks Early Bird $20 Legacy Event Center June 2nd-3rd 151 S. 1100 W. Farmington, Ut 84025
scan for tickets! Win a 20
WIN BIG duringhourlyour drawings *Picture for display only 5718 S. 1900 W. Roy, UT (801)775-8343 Elk Ivory Jewelry and our selection of Forseti Damascus knives are wonderful gifts your graduate will treasure. It’s Almost GRADUATE CONGRATULATE TIME May Birthstone 40% OFF all Emerald Jewelry 25% OFF WATCHES Men & Women's Engraving is Available YOU SAY IT! WE ENGRAVE IT! Aaron’s Jewelry EST. 1967 Mother's Day Sale BOGO HOOP EARRINGS May 2023 | 15
trailer from Darren Bideaux RV!


Even small improvements and upgrades to your home can drastically change the way your spaces feel and function. Bathrooms and kitchens are likely where you spend the most time, so prioritizing home upgrades in these areas will have the biggest impact.

Installing new appliances can give your kitchen an upgrade, but if you’re working with a smaller budget, start with the most updated fixture and replace them one at a time. A fresh coat of paint and a set of new rugs is a quick an inexpensive way to freshen up a space, and replacing faucets and towel holders can also kick the aesthetic up a notch in your hightraffic spaces.


Landscaping is one of the best ways to improve your home’s exterior. From adding new mulch to garden beds to hiring an arborist to trim overgrown trees, or a landscaping architect to help plan an attractive and functional outdoor space. Some additional exterior improvements that can increase your home’s curb appeal, as well as its overall value is replacing or restoring rooves, rain gutters, and garage doors. Painting the front door, pressure washing walkways, and replacing outdated house numbers are all easy and inexpensive ways to ramp up your home’s aesthetic. Whether you’re adding custom window coverings, replacing a bathroom sink, or installing a new fence, each step you take to improve and upgrade the space where you live makes it feel a little more like home.

Create a HOME you LOVE

Whether you are renovating your 1980's rambler or you just bought your first tiny two-bedroom bungalow, being mindful of a few simple concepts will help you create a home you love.


Windows are the most important and natural source of light in your home and deserve special attention. Check your windows for drafts and leaks and aim to replace windows that are around 15 years old or older. New double-paned windows will not only lighten and brighten your spaces, but they can also lower utility bills.

Window coverings are a feature that are often overlooked. Replacing curtains or blinds is a simple way to change the aesthetic of a space, and window coverings help to moderate incoming light and heat in one step. There are a variety of options depending on your budget.

On the following pages, you’ll find helpful info from local home and garden experts.

16 | May 2023


Mention “downsizing” and your mind goes to one of two places: compromise or liberation. The attitude and connected emotions are closely tied to your life experiences. Local Northern Utah homebuilder, Ovation Homes, specializes in creating a personalized and upscaled living for active adults ready to downsize. Here are two reoccurring themes they see:

• Sometimes downsizing occurs due to circumstances that force a move, and sometimes it’s a choice.

• Downsizing isn’t always age-related. It can be driven by the desire for freedom to intentionally live your best life.

Rising home prices and interest rates have created situations where most home buyers are making a square footage compromise. No matter your reasons, moving into small spaces does not need to be a downgrade; good planning and a little creativity will help you adapt your lifestyle without compromising your style and taste. Here are a few ideas from Ovation Homes, that you can incorporate into your small space today.

Kitchens. One of the most inexpensive ways to upscale your kitchen is by adding cabinet pulls to your cabinets and drawers. “At Ovation Homes, cabinet pulls are included in all our kitchens. I love the variety available from modern lines to more classic knobs; you can choose what fits your style best,” says Brynnlee Nash, Ovation’s in-house designer. For additional kitchen storage, consider adding floating shelves

or cabinets under an extended countertop. Extending the countertop is also a great option to create more bar seating for guests.

Bathrooms. With small bathrooms, light is your friend. Use mirrors to reflect light on a wall opposite a window. Also, consider using downlights as an effect to make walls seem like they are receding. Another trick is using large floor tiles so that there are few grout lines to break up the room. Laying tile on the diagonal also visually lengthens the room.

Room for Gathering. One of the biggest challenges can be finding space for the objects you love so that the people you love can gather. Instead of making room for large cabinets, Ovation uses floating shelves and built-in cabinetry aside from a fireplace to fit all their home buyer’s collected treasures. Another option is building window boxes. This creates great storage for blankets and toys while giving a place to sit and read. Creating a cozy seating area can also make a room look bigger! One tip is to add floor outlets. This allows lamps to be placed closer to couches and chairs, creating a cozy space rather than keeping all the furniture around the perimeter.

If you are thinking about downsizing, visit www. for downloadable resources. There you can find checklists on how to get started, organizing tips for small spaces, and how to keep your small spaces freshly styled. You will also find plans, pricing, and building lots available for single-level living in Northern Utah. For more information about Ovation Homes, call (801) 823-4893.

Home & Garden v OVATION HOMES 801-823-4893 Over 35 Years Perfecting Utah’s Premier One-level living Experience May 2023 | 17


With last winter’s record snowfall, many local roofs need some extra attention this spring. Roof Maxx is an up-and-coming new company applying a revolutionary product that treats aging shingles, rejuvenating and extending the life of your roof.

As shingles age, they grow weaker, are less flexible, and lose their texture. Toward the end of their life span, they begin to fail, cracking, curling, buckling, and blowing off in bad weather. Wouldn’t it be great if you could slow down or reverse the aging process?

The scientists at Roof Maxx have created a bio-oil formula that penetrates aging shingles, increasing their durability, flexibility, and strength.

Fully replacing a roof is messy and expensive, usually costing $15,000 to $20,000 or more. By using Roof Maxx, you can avoid the hassle and cost of a replacement. When your roof lasts longer, you reduce the amount of waste sent to a landfill. At a savings of about 75% over replacement, a Roof Maxx treatment, if your roof qualifies, is guaranteed to strengthen and extend the life of your roof by five years per treatment. With repeated treatments every five years, you can extend the life of your roof up to 15 years.

How do you know if Roof Maxx is a good fit for you? If your asphalt shingles are between 12 and 25 years old, you might

be a great candidate. We are local and working in your area, and we’d be happy to drop by for a free roof inspection. We climb onto your roof and take pictures so we can show you things that you might not realize are happening up there. We can let you know if your roof could be helped by Roof Maxx.

A Roof Maxx treatment can turn back the clock. The treatment protects, rejuvenates, and restores your shingles, giving your aging roof new life.

ROOF MAXX 801-823-5092 ROOF REJUVINATION Home & Garden Schedule your FREE roof inspection today. 18 | May 2023


Weber County’s best kept secret just became Davis county’s best kept secret, and if you love gardens, plants, or flowers, it’s a secret you’re going to want to know.

Country Gardens Nursery is a locally owned garden center that has been providing beautiful flowers, plants and landscaping resources from their West Haven location for the past 15 years. Recently owner Kim Hunter expanded to a second location near Boondocks in Kaysville. “Many people come in and they’re surprised at our large selection because we’re a small nursery. We are excited to bring that surprise to Davis county.”

Country gardens boasts an impressive variety of fruits, vegetables, trees and shrubs as well as locally grown annuals and perennials. They also offer over 100 varieties of heirloom tomatoes that they grow themselves, from seed. Popular around Mother’s day, their selection of fairy garden supplies and lush, locally grown hanging baskets are a favorite among customers. Utilizing not only his training as a landscape architect, but his passion for plants and all things that grow, Kim says the secret to Country Gardens’ success has been staying small enough to provide a friendly, personal experience for every customer.

Home & Garden

Sand & Swirl, located at 2620 Wadman Drive in Ogden is a family business run by Corey and ReBecca Erdmann. They’ve been remodeling bathrooms since 2005.

Sand & Swirl professionals offer grout-free, low-maintenance bath surfaces which save their customers time, and prevents mold and water damage. All of their materials are custom crafted and manufactured in Ogden. They work closely with customers, allowing them to do their own tear-out and preparation.. They also supply referrals to reputable plumbers and remodelers. “We do whatever works for our customer’s budget,” said ReBecca.

As a trusted name in the engineered marble and stone industry, Sand & Swirl is Utah’s premier cultured marble supplier.

“We attribute our success to our ability to listen and act on what we hear from our customers,” Corey explained. “When cultured marble was becoming less popular our talented production staff formulated our own style of ‘Carrara Cultured Marble.”

They also manufacture TruStone, involving a unique process using standard white cultured marble infused with images from slabs of granite or marble, providing a wide variety of custom options.

Home & Garden
$5 OFF Hanging Baskets FREE 4" Annual 20% OFF next purchase COUNTRY GARDENS NURSERY 801-814-5275 West Haven – 3938 W 4000 S Kaysville – 395 S Deseret Drive BATHROOM REMODELING
SAND & SWIRL 801-389-6363 2620 Wadman Drive, Ogden May 2023 | 19


HVAC Systems tend to get the most attention during the roughest times of the year – during a cold snap or when the temperature climbs to unbearable levels. Once it handles the worst, all is well, right? Not necessarily. Spring comes with its own challenges that affect your HVAC system. Spring can be the worst time for anyone with allergies, especially to dust and pollen. Your HVAC system needs to filter the air you breathe while providing you with enough fresh air. If you suffer from allergies, consider adding an air purification system to your home. This will

serve your family year-round, adding protection from the nasty bugs and allergens that make you sick.

As cold weather makes way for the heat of summer, your HVAC system deals with both heating and cooling, sometimes on the same day. Having a heating and cooling system that is efficient will help lower your energy consumption and ensure that your equipment functions well for years to come. If your HVAC system is over 15 years old, you may want to consider a new, more efficient comfort system for your home.

HVAC Home & Garden
RENTMEISTER 801-773-6900 1956 W. 2250 S. Syracuse 20 | May 2023
Got Dirt Licensed, Insured, and Bonded 255 W. 2675 N. 4B, Layton, 84041 In the business for 22 years Tami Jo Esplin Salt Lake Area 801.425.8414 Melissa Hicks Weber-Davis Area 801.645.0258 Give your mom the gift of CLEAN!! Buy a $150 Gift Certificate and get a candle set FREE 326 Washington Blvd. Ogden, UT 801•399•2838 May Days SPRING MEGA BLOWOUT SALE Urging Summer to Arrive Buy 3 Get 1 Free Anything at Bryson’s Rock Shop These deals are exclusive through May 2023 Some restrictions may apply. Reminder: Layaway Available EXCLUSIONS APPLY TOOLS CONSIGNMENT ITEMS SILVER AND GOLD STOCK - INCLUDING COINS CUSTOM ORDER ∙ GIFT CERTIFICATES May 2023 | 21



$100 CASH PRIZES! Vote For Your Favorite

Connection Publishing’s seventh annual community art competition is now open for entries. We can’t wait to see the artwork that our neighborhood has created! We anticipate this to be a fantastic competition and sincerely hope you’ll join us in honoring our local creatives. Submit your original artwork and ask your family and close friends to cast their votes for you.


Two winners will be announced in a future Connection magazine issue.


The piece of art receiving the most votes overall will receive a $100 cash prize.


The piece of art most appreciated by our Publisher Ryan Spelts will win a $100 cash prize.

Winners announced in our July issue.

SUBMIT Visit website to participate in the competition:


Submissions and votes must be submitted before midnight on the 31st

This contest will run from May 1-31, 2023. One entry per artist. See website for official contest rules. Your art can be a drawing, painting, digital art, or sculpture. Take a photo and upload it to the website. Then share it via email or social media to have your family vote. People can vote once per day for the duration of the contest.

Photo quality is very important since the photo of your work will be voted on by the community and your peers. All digital files submitted need to be at 300 dpi resolution.

ANNUAL Connection Publishing
Bank of Utah 4815 S. 3500 W., Roy • 801-985-7011 • Monday-Friday 9am-7pm • Saturday 9am-5pm • Closed Sunday 4 81 5 S 35 0 0 W R oy, Utah 8 4 0 6 7 and- phar macy. com 4 81 5 S 35 0 0 W R oy, Utah 8 4 0 6 7 and- phar macy. com 4 81 5 S 35 0 0 W • R o 8 01 - 9 8 5 - 7 0 1 1 • mi dla 4 81 5 S 35 0 0 W • R o 8 01 - 9 8 5 - 7 0 1 1 • mi dlan • Immunizations • Mobile Refills • Compression Socks • Free Drug Disposal • Easy Prescription Transfers • Home Health Care Supplies • Greeting Cards and Unique Gifts • Rapid COVID-19, Strep, and Flu Testing Questions about Medicare? Let us help you get the answers you need! Our fast and friendly staff has been serving the Roy community for over 20 years! FREE DELIVERY and Convenient DRIVE-THRU AVAILABLE Our Roots Are Here, Not Just Our Branches Serving Roy Since 1953 Visit us at 5729 West, 1900 South or give us a call at 801-825-1627 Kim O’Neal Branch Manager Jodi Miller Relationship Banking Jennifer Nielsen Mortgage Lending Alan Lunt Commercial Lending May 2023 | 23

Roy City and National Preservation Month

Whenwe think about historic preservation, most people immediately think about architectural preservation. But historic preservation can be applied to people, places, and events that happened. Its main goal is to preserve a part of history for future generations. In May of 1973, the National Trust for Historic Preservation created a weeklong celebration to relate local and state preservation progress to the national effort being made. In 2005, the celebration was extended to the entire month of May. Utah celebrates May as Archeology and Historic Preservation Month. The Utah State Historic Preservation Office has month-long events that connect people to the past.

I often slowdown when I see a historical house, and sadly, Roy does not have any homes that are on the National Historic Register. But that does not mean that it doesn’t have an abundant number of homes built in different historical architectural styles. Just look at the homes on 5600 South. They consist of Bungalows (1920’s), Period Cottages

(1930’s), WWII Era Cottages (1940’s), and Ranch Ramblers (1950’s).

The preservation of our history through oral stories, photos, and artifacts is just as important. Places and events that have buildings and artifacts lost to time get preserved by historical markers. Roy has one marker commemorating the original location of the Post Office, but the city has placed its own historical

markers to commemorate its history. The Roy Historical Museum was a trove of preserved artifacts, but lack of funding caused it to close.

What can you do to celebrate preservation month? While the Utah State Historic Preservation Office has month-long events, I prefer to find local places and things to do. When the heat dwindles in the evening, take a slow drive through some of the older neighborhoods and look for historic homes, you can visit the markers Roy City has placed, or even walk through the cemetery looking at old marble headstones.

Are you a History Buff? Do you have a local history or ancestor story you would like to share? We want to hear from you!

Email with your stories, and we might feature them in the magazine.

First Post Office Cottage Style Example
24 | May 2023
Bungalow Style Example
TIMELESSMEDSPA.COM | (801) 475-4300 | Weight Loss Have you tried to lose weight on your own? Come see us for help! Individualized weight loss plans Weekly body composition Medical provider visits Energy shots Meal planning One-on-one nutrition counseling & education WEIGHT LOSS INJECTIONS AVAILABLE! SEMAGLUTIDE FREE DELIVERY & CURBSIDE SERVICE 801-732-0202 3460 W 4800 S Roy, UT 84067 RECEIVE $10 off your next purchase with any new or transferred prescriptions Discount valid only on over-the-counter or gift purchases. Some resitrictions may apply, excluding if you have Medicaid or Medicare. See pharmacy employee for more details. $10.00 OFF COVID Steve Carlson, RPH • COVID & PCR TESTS IN STOCK • DISPOSABLE & REUSABLE MASKS AVAILABLE • WELLNESS SCREENINGS • GREETING CARDS & GIFT IDEAS • SE HABLA ESPANOL • DRUG DISPOSAL • EASY REFILLS ON WEBSITE OR MOBILE APP • NOW OFFERING FLU, STREP & GLUCOSE TESTING COVID-19 VACCINATIONS AVAILABLE HERE. ˜ Visit our Website for scheduling availablity. TESTING Walk-ins welcome May 2023 | 25

Switch up your Sandwich

Zing! Bam! Wow! We’re blasting into your kitchen with some exciting transformations of an all-time family favorite—the sandwich. So read up, change up, eat up, and become a sandwich superhero!

BBQ Chicken Bacon



Bread of your choice—homemade rolls are ideal

Chicken breast, cooked and shredded

2 Tbsp. BBQ Sauce

Cheddar cheese slices

1-2 slices bacon—warm and crispy Dill pickles

Red onion slices



Avocado slices

Season chicken breast with salt and garlic powder. Slow-cook chicken in crockpot for 6-7 hours on low, until meat is done and shreds easily. Add BBQ sauce to chicken and mix. Melt cheese on top of the meat. Add mustard and mayo (if desired) to bread. Pile on meat and melted cheese. Top with bacon, avocado slices, pickles and onions.

Slow Cooker Buffalo Chicken Sliders

*Serves 5

These easy, savory sliders are sure to please even the pickiest crowd. Pair them with fresh veggies and you have a low-effort dinner or game day snack that will have everyone asking for your recipe!

12 count King’s Hawaiian Rolls

4-5 Boneless, skinless chicken breasts

1 jar Sweet Baby Ray’s Buffalo Wing Sauce

1 package Ranch Dip Mix

Optional—Monterey Jack or Swiss cheese, cut into small squares

Add chicken, all but about ¼ cup of the buffalo sauce, and ranch mix in slow cooker. Cook on high for 4-5 hours , 6-7 hours if frozen.

Once the chicken is cooked through, remove it from your slow cooker and shred with forks. Add chicken back into pot, add additional buffalo sauce, stir, and let warm for 10 minutes.

Cut the Hawaiian rolls in half, add sliced cheese if desired, and toast in the oven at 175° for 5-6 minutes or until cheese is melted. Spoon shredded chicken mixture over rolls and add tops. Serve with fresh veggies and Ranch dip.

+ RECIPES 26 | May 2023
Egyptian Theater AD Kids Act Up is a 10-day theatre camp for kids ages 8-14! Acting & Singing Dance Choreography Audition Practice Improvisation Games Catered lunch & Snacks Production & Live Performance Experience Scan for more info: 6484 S. 2000 E., Uintah (Ogden), UT 84405 (801) 479-6060 • Since 1948 $30 Delivery Weber, Davis, and Morgan Counties Expires 05/12/23. Not valid with any other offer, coupon or discount. $5 OFF a Cubic Yard of any Bulk Material. Expires 05/12/23. Not valid with any other offer, coupon or discount. $10 OFF of a Purchase of $70 or More. Expires 05/12/23. Not valid with any other offer, coupon or discount. SPRING IS HERE! May 2023 | 27

Italian Grinder with Slaw

I was feeding 7 people, so I purchased two Ciabatta bread loaves from Smith’s and sliced them in half. You may need to decrease the quantities if you are only making a few sandwiches. This made two full loaves worth of sandwich making 8 large servings.

1 lb. salami

1 lb. pepperoni

1.5 lb. smoked turkey

1 lb. Munster cheese

1 lb. Provolone cheese

1 head iceberg lettuce

2 tomatoes

1 red onion

½ jar banana peppers

¼ cup Italian dressing

1 cup Mayo

Salt and pepper to taste.

Optional: Olive slices, pickles

I put the meat and cheese on the sliced bread and baked under the broiler for about 10 minutes until the cheese was browning. For the slaw (this is the magic maker): chop the lettuce, onion, and banana peppers into tiny pieces. Pour into a large bowl and add dressing, mayo, salt, and pepper. Mix well.

Once the cheese is melted, pull the sandwiches from the oven. Add the slaw and any extra toppings you like and enjoy!

Cranberry Mayo Turkey Sandwiches

This easy to make cranberry mayonnaise is the perfect complement to your favorite turkey sandwich.

Deli turkey, sliced thin Hoagie buns or your favorite bread

2 Tbsp. mayonnaise

2 Tbsp. whole berry cranberry sauce

Salt to taste

Optional toppings: cucumber, sprouts, fresh spinach, tomatoes, Monterey jack or mozzarella cheese.

Mix mayonnaise and cranberry sauce until blended and creamy. Spread onto hoagie buns or bread, layer turkey and toppings on, and enjoy!

Air Fryer Chips

6-7 Russet Potatoes, sliced thin 2- 4 Tbsp. Olive Oil

Salt to taste

Peel potatoes with a vegetable peeler. Using a mandolin or sharp knife, cut potatoes into thin slices. Transfer to a large bowl, add ice cubes and enough ice water to cover. Soak for 15 minutes and drain. Repeat this soaking process another 15 minutes. Drain potatoes, place on towels and pat dry. Add to a large mixing bowl, drizzle with olive oil, and sprinkle with table salt. Place potatoes in single layers in the bottom of the air fryer, add another layer in the basket. Cook at 400° for 15 minutes, or until crisp or slightly browned in spots (check them often to ensure they don’t get overcooked).

Convection Oven Option

for larger batches: Place potato slices on a large baking sheet, cook at 350° for 15 minutes or until slightly browned.

Crun ch!
28 | May 2023
Timeless TIMELESSMEDSPA.COM | (801) 475-4300 | Timeless Medical Spa and Weight Loss Clinic has northern Utah's top trained nurses and physicians for all medical aesthetic injections! Botox and dermal fillers are injectable treatments that help you look more youthful by targeting and reducing wrinkles and lines, giving you a younger appearance. Bio-stimulators like Sculptra and Radiesse stimulate your body's own production of collagen and elastin, tightening the skin and reducing fine lines. MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE! SAVE MONEY & RECEIVE SPECIAL PROMOS! Injections Botox Dysport Juvederm Filler Restylane Filler $9.75PER UNIT BOTOX ~45UNITMINIMUM PRF EZ Gel Sculptra Radiesse MAY PROMO Custom Made Locally in Ogden Schedule a visit to our showroom 801-389-6363 2620 Wadman Dr. Ogden Worry Free/Grout Free Surfaces • Mold Resistant • Sealed • Very Low Maintenance Affordable • Carrara Cultured Marble • Trustone • Cultured Granite • Subway Tile Mom Wants a Care Free Bathroom! Mom Wants a Care Free Bathroom! May 2023 | 29




Egg Bacon & Tater Tot Casserole Side of fresh fruit.

Tacos with a side of Mexican Corn Salad

Chicken Sandwich with a side of Coleslaw

Beef and Broccoli served with Rice

Our favorite Hamburger with a side of French Fries

Rigatoni with Ricotta

Strawberry Cheesecake

Stuffed French Toast with scrambled eggs

Jen’s Chicken Alfredo with Veggies

Breakfast Crescent Ring

Easy Baked Flautas with a side of Chips and Guacamole

Ryan’s Italian Grinder Sandwich with Slaw

Grilled Chicken Salad

Sweet Pork Quesadillas with a side of Seasoned Black Beans

Pearl Couscous with Tomato, Chickpea, and Feta with a side Kale Salad

Baked Lemon Chicken with a side of Rice and Green Beans

Ham, Cheese, and Egg Strata

Scallion and Sharp Cheddar Savory Pancakes

Sloppy Joes

Chicken Broccoli Casserole

Chicken Salad Stuffed Peppers

Cranberry Mayo Sandwiches

Asparagus and Pea Pasta

Loaded Caprese Grilled Cheese

Easy Chicken Stir Fry with rice

Slow Cooker Sandwich

SUN MON TUES WED THUR FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
30 | May 2023
May 2023 | 31

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