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Key Community Contacts
Notice is given that upon the expiration of the period for filing a declaration of candidacy for the 2023 Election, the following individuals have declared candidacy for the position of City Council and will appear on the 2023 General Election Ballot.
Drake Mailes Paul Watson
Julie Robertson Brett D. Cragun
Fix-It Requests
We appreciate our citizens who help the city to be aware of issues needing addressed such as road repairs, street light/ sign repair, park maintenance, water problems (culinary & secondary), garbage can pickup, code ordinance enforcement, and employee feedback. The city website is a great tool for providing notifications. The Fix-it Request link can be found on our home page by clicking on the REPORT A CONCERN icon.
Green Waste Recycling
Green waste recycling is a voluntary program for curbside collection of green yard waste. The charge for green waste is $7.43 monthly and can be added to your utility bill by calling the utilities department at 801-825-1477, option 2.
Our green waste season began on April 1, 2023, and continues through November 30, 2023. Green waste is collected on the same day as your regular garbage day by a truck designated for green waste.
Passport Applications
Passport application processing services are offered at City Hall between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Processing takes approximately 2030 minutes per application. Passport acceptance services are by appointment only. Please call 801-825-1477 to schedule. All required forms, photos, and payments must be completed prior to 4 p.m. to be accepted the same day. Applications can be found at travel.state.gov website. Application fees must be paid with a check or money order payable to the U.S. Department of State. More info at syracuseut.gov/158/passports
Dave Maughan: 801-927-7752 dmaughan@syracuseut.gov
Lisa W. Bingham: 801-725-2300 lbingham@syracuseut.gov
Jennifer Carver: 801-430-8844 jcarver@syracuseut.gov
Jordan Savage: 385-424-0258 jsavage@syracuseut.gov
Seth Teague: 951-515-6423 steague@syracuseut.gov
Paul Watson: 801-750-4059 pwatson@syracuseut.gov
City Arts Council: 801-896-8101 volunteer@syracuseutaharts.org
City Hall: 801-825-1477
1979 W. 1900 S.
Open Monday – Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Closed Holidays
City Museum: 801-614-9674
Hours: Tuesday – Friday, 2-5 p.m.
Community Center: 801-614-9660
1912 W. 1900 S.
Summer hours: Monday–Thursday, 6 a.m.- 8 p.m. Friday, 6 a.m.- 8 p.m. | Saturday, 8 a.m.-12 p.m.
Fire Station: 801-614-9614
1869 S. 3000 W.
Lady Lions Service & Social Club: 970-209-8186
Lions Club: 801-719-1804
Utah Lions District 28UT (open to all)
Parks & Recreation: 801-614-9660
1912 W. 1900 S. parksandrecreation@syracuseut.gov
Police Station: 801-825-4400
1751 S. 2000 W.
Post Office: 801-614-9677 (Inside City Hall)
Public Works Facility: 801-825-7235
3061 S. 2400 W.
Utilities Department: 801-825-1477 Opt #2
Volunteer/Eagle Scout Projects: Lesley Draper 801-614-9655 ldraper@syracuseut.gov