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Pan-Seared Salmon

Pan-Seared Salmon

Syracuse Connection is published monthly by Connection Publishing© www.syracuseconnection.com ryan@connectionpub.com | (801) 624-9652



Ryan Spelts


Robert Dodd


Mayor Dave Maughan

Elizabeth Najim

Robert Whiteley

Ann Park

Viviana Felix

Nathaniel Loomis

Sabrina Lee

Dan Deuel


Robert Dodd

Crystal Rappleye

Hyrum Rappleye

Sarah Bodiker


Cindy Jones

Savanna Clark

Nathaniel Loomis


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Is City Council Crazy?

Sure, I wrote that headline to catch attention, but in one tone or another, I would guess that has been said about every person who ever served in these positions, including me, with variations on the phrasing. It could be said of being too ambitious or not ambitious enough. Maybe they are being too sensitive, or too insensitive. Perhaps they are being too restrictive; others will say they are not nearly restrictive enough. Some will say they didn’t put enough thought into a decision and others will cry out how they overthought it.

Who are these crazy people who never seem to do the simple task of satisfying everyone? If you check the job description, I am sure it could be summed up: to please 100% of the people 100% of the time or face public scrutiny on all forms of social media, every time you leave your home and every time you interact with anyone. Simple and appealing, right?

These individuals must live in a neighborhood just like yours. They drive, shop, eat, sleep, recreate, and worship near many of the same places you do. They face many of the same struggles, burdens, and trials you do. You may have once or may again call them a friend. Maybe?

We are a government of our peers asking ordinary people much like you to dedicate a lot of their time for very little compensation to serve the greater good. Much of the job training comes on the job, where feedback is essential to understanding the responsibilities that come with the position. There seems to be more willingness to give such feedback than there is interest in offering advice. Some will say advice is, “Follow my feedback or you are uneducated, arrogant, or just dim.” Critical feedback is the American way demonstrated by the many talking heads on all platforms of media.

Have I made it sound too good to be true? Well, all kidding aside we need people in our community to serve. At the time this article is published it will be the filing period for the next municipal election. Maybe there is something you would like to see differently in the city? Maybe you are passionate about what the city's future should be. Perhaps you are happier with those in the office than you have the desire to be one of them. Whether you want to be part of the government, want the government to be different, or are just really happy as is, this article hopes that you will think about it and do your part.

Good choices on the ballot require good people to file for candidacy. If you don’t have the time, hopefully, you will support someone who will make that time. We ALL have a part in the process. As a candidate, supporter, or at the very least an informed voter, all have a role to fill. They say you shouldn’t complain if you didn’t at least vote. Thank you to all who take part!

To file as a candidate, you must do it by June 7, 2023, at City Hall by 5 p.m. You may contact Cassie Brown, City Recorder, for questions.

Mayor Dave Maughan

The Connection Publishing Team

Ryan Spelts Publisher

Melissa Spelts Photographer/Writer

Robert Dodd Senior Magazine Designer

Cindy Jones Editor/Designer

Hyrum Rappleye Graphic Design

Crystal Rappleye Graphic Design

Sarah Bodiker Graphic Design

Ann Park

Sales & Operations Mgr.

Kendal Rae Jensen Sales/Journalist

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Sabrina Lee Writer

Abraham Tinklepaugh Writer/Designer

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Dawn Paul Photographer

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