2 minute read
Planning for Emergencies
Have you ever been told to meet someone in a parking lot? You pull in and start driving up and down the aisles looking for them and wondering if they are parked or are still on the road. A little bit of preplanning can eliminate a lot of wasted energy, especially in an emergency.
Pre-Determine Multiple Family Meeting Spots:
In a disaster, when you work away from home or are just away, getting all the family back together and/or knowing their whereabouts can be very stressful. One should have predetermined meeting spots that can be accessed by each member of the family depending on their daily routines and/ or the nature of the disaster. Plan as a family, under what circumstances/scenarios the following meeting spots would be used. You should pick four places in total:
1. An indoor meeting spot: In the event of natural disasters like wind/snowstorms, minor earthquakes, and other disasters set a dedicated place in your home everyone can go. A small, windowless room like a closet or bathroom, a safe room, or a basement are good examples.
2. A neighborhood meeting spot: In case you and your family must leave your home, or if you all get separated in the commotion, pick a spot in the neighborhood to meet. A big tree, a mailbox, the end of a driveway, or a neighbor's house will do.
3. A regional meeting spot: Say you and your partner are at work when disaster strikes and your children are at school. In that case, you should have a non-residential meeting spot somewhere in the area where everyone can meet up. It can be a library, place of worship, community center, or even a relative's house.
4. An out-of-town meeting spot: Some disasters call for an evacuation, as a result, it is a good idea to have a safe meeting place out of the region. The homes of relatives or family friends are perfect, but you could also choose an easy-to-get-to hotel or other landmarks.
Make sure all locations are accessible by everyone in your family; consider family accessibility needs and their pets. Discuss how to leave messages at the location or maintain communications when moving from one spot to another.
Have a Family Communication Plan in Place:
When separated, communication is everything. With a family communication plan in place, you can make things easier and safer for those you care about. Set up a phone tree so your family knows whom to call when something happens. Ideally, everyone should have two people they always contact in an emergency. Then those two people each have two people to contact, and so on. Each family member should make and carry an “ICE” card or “In Case of Emergency” card. It would list important information about you and your health. Include in your list the two people to call in case of an emergency. That way if you were incapacitated, your family can be readily informed of your whereabouts and physical condition.
Spring 2023 Cert
Class Dates
Register by May 10th. Call 801-614-9614 to register
Presented by Syracuse Disaster Preparedness Committee and Syracuse Fire Department
The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that impact their area.
Topics include:
* Emergency Preparedness
* Disaster Awareness
*CERT Organization
*Damage Assessment
*Incident Command
*Fire Safety & Suppression
* Hazardous Materials
*Search and Rescue
*Medical Skills/First Aid
*Psychology of a Disaster
This class offers: Online learning, classroom instruction, skills practice, and a mock disaster.
CERT Instruction & Skills Practice
May 17th 6pm-8pm
June 3rd 8am-4pm
June 10th Mock Disaster, 8am-12pm
Classes include time for hands-on practice of concepts taught!
Location Syracuse Fire Station 1869 S. 3000 W. Syracuse, UT 84075
Practical Mock Disaster (course requirement) Saturday, June 3rd 0800-1200 (Non-CERT and CERT volunteers requested)
Class Cost: FREE!!
Optional Cost: $50 for Kit (recommended)
Includes instruction, training materials, CERT book
Kit Includes CERT hard hat, CERT vest, Gloves, Goggles, Triage Tape, Multi-tool, and more
Course Coordinator Golden Barrett Gbarrett@syracuseut.gov
To register contact Syracuse Fire Department 801-614-9614
Additional Courses:
Rapid Disaster Assessment Program (RDAP) Training 3rd Saturday of each month - 10:00 to 11:30am facebook.com/groups/SyracuseUTCert/
Lots of fun programs to join!