11 minute read
Syracuse City Updates
Voting & COVID-19
Help keep our community and Election Volunteers safe. VOTE BY MAIL
Traditional Polling Locations will not be available for the June Primary.
Question: Why did the city cancel Heritage Days so far in advance instead of waiting to see how the pandemic was in June?
Answer: Our Parks and Recreation Department loves Heritage Days, as do our elected officials and citizens. The decision to convert Heritage Days to virtual events was heart-wrenching! The answer involves two complicating factors: (1) logistics, and (2) a mass-gathering permit. Logistically, the decision of whether to move forward with Heritage Days is made long before the canopies rise. Contracts with vendors, musicians, carnival operators, and other providers must be acquired. In late April, the city anticipated that large gatherings very likely would not be permitted in late June. As such, we did not enter into those contracts. On the subject of mass gatherings, the city is required to apply for a county permit to hold Heritage Days far in advance of the activity. Due to the pandemic, the county was not issuing those permits. Fireworks were also cancelled due to limited visibility for most citizens and the likelihood that mass gatherings would occur when they were displayed. Most (if not all) nearby cities have cancelled their summer festivals, as well. We are looking forward to a memorable Heritage Days next year!
Do you have a community question?
Submit your question to proberts@syracuseut.com.
Changes to Voting
The State Legislature passed HB3006 during a special session on April 22, 2020. This bill made substantial changes to how the Primary Election is administered. • No Early Voting • No In-Person Voter Registration • No Election Day Voter Registration • Limited Election Day Voting • Ballots may only be sent to voters affiliated with a participating party or to unaffiliated voters who qualify and have requested a ballot.
Davis County is committed to making this election as accessible and open as possible under these new requirements.
• Unaffiliated Voters will receive a questionnaire to request a ballot • Ballots will be mailed to all eligible voters 3 weeks before the election • Return Postage will be paid • Ballot drop boxes will be available at all City Offices through
June 29th • A single drive-thru polling location will be centrally located in the County and will be open on Election Day from 7am-8pm
Prepare for the Election Now
1. Register to vote, or make sure your voter registration is current today. Visit www.Vote.Utah.gov 2. Learn about the Candidates. Visit www.DavisVotes.com 3. Vote and return your ballot when it arrives the week of June 9, 2020
LOCATION on Election Day at the Davis County Legacy Center 151 South 1100 West, Farmington.
This will be a drive-thru only location. This location is established to assist voters with disabilities or voters who have not received a ballot in the mail.
(Voting, cont'd pg. 5)
Primary Election
All voters are encouraged to vote by mail Primary Election • Ballots will be mailed beginning June 9, 2020 • Ballots must be postmarked by June 30th.
• Return your ballot early, recommended mail by date is no later than June 26th.
In a Primary Election Party Affiliation Matters
• If you want to participate in the Democratic Primary you must be registered Democratic, or registered as Unaffiliated and request a Democratic ballot. (1st
Congressional District only) • If you want to participate in the Republican Primary you must be registered Republican.
Arts Council Update
Summer Musical Postponed to 2021
We have made the difficult decision to postpone both our summer musical and junior theater summer camp until 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic has halted rehearsals and performances for all of our programs. ‘Social distancing’ and ‘shelter in place’ have affected our events this summer but we hope that we can gather in person soon.
Musical Review
If we are in the “green” we are planning to hold a Musical Revue on July 31st at the Syracuse Arts Academy Amphitheater. More details will be announced in July!
Junior Theatre Fall Musical
We will be announcing our fall musical soon! Watch for the big announcement on our Facebook page! Auditions will be held on Tuesday, August 4 and Thursday, August 6 from 5-9pm and Saturday, August 8 from 8:30-noon. If needed, callbacks will be held from 1-3 on Saturday. Performances will be November 19-21 in the Syracuse Arts Academy Jr High School auditorium.
Calendar of Events July 31
Musical Revue July 31, Aug 1
Audition Workshops
Aug 4-8
Auditions for Jr Musical
November 19-21
Performances of Jr Musical
Junior Theatre Audition Workshops!
We are excited to hold two 1 day Audition Workshops Friday, July 31 and Saturday, August 1 to help children and teens prepare for our fall musical auditions. Classes will be held from 9-11 am on both days. We will be teaching confidence in cold reads/ monologues, song selection and performance tips, and simple dance technique for auditions. Workshops will be held at the Syracuse Community Center. The cost is $10 per participant. Registration will be available soon through the Syracuse Recreation website. Watch our Facebook Page for updates.
The orchestra, choir and jazz band are on hiatus until the fall. If you are interested in participating in our orchestra, choir, or jazz band please email info@syracuseutaharts.org to stay informed of updates.
Employee Spotlight- Holly Craythorne
Utility Billing Supervisor The city would like to recognize Holly Craythorne for her hard work and dedication to City Hall. Holly has worked extra hours to keep City Hall running during these circumstances. She has put in the extra effort and has been instrumental in answering phones, helping customers, and making sure city services function flawlessly. Thank You, Holly, for all that you do for the city!
THANK YOU for your hard work and dedication to our city residents!
Public Works Update
Conservation Tips- To follow the weekly lawn watering guide, visit the following website: https://conservewater. utah.gov/guide.html For road construction updates, please refer to the city website www.syracuseut.gov under Government- Departments-Public Works /Streets. Email or text updates are available upon request on the website at NOTIFY ME.
Lawn Care and Storm Water Pollution
When mowing, be sure your grass clippings don’t end up in the street, sidewalk, or driveway where they can be blown or washed into storm drains. The best way to prevent this is to sweep up and discard the grass clippings or blow the clippings back onto the grass. If you hire a lawn care company, make sure they leave a clean and well-groomed environment. Grass clippings are high in phosphorus, which is a major pollutant in our waterbodies. If there are grass clippings that end up in the curb, gutter, or on the streets, you may find yourself with a ticket. When applying fertilizer or pesticide, be careful not to over spread granular fertilizer onto the streets, gutters, sidewalks, or driveways. If this happens, sweep up any excess amounts or use a blower and blow back the excess back into the yard to prevent it from eventually going into the storm drain. Fertilizers have a lot of nitrogen, and some have iron, which can stain concrete. The numbers on the fertilizer bag represent the primary nutrients. Let us all do our part by not allowing grass clippings or fertilizer to end up on our driveways, streets, gutters, or sidewalks that could eventually get into our storm drain systems.
As a reminder: Flushable but not dissolvable wipes- Just because you CAN flush it doesn’t mean you SHOULD flush
it. Even wipes labeled as “flushable” can lead to toilet and pipe blockages. Please dispose of floatable, flushable wipes in the garbage to avoid possible sewer back-ups.
Gardening and conservation classes are available at Weber Basin Water Conservancy District. Visit their website for classes and events. Weberbasin.com/ Conservation/ClassCalendar
Parks and Recreation
TENNIS Limited space, so sign up soon!
Registration: Session 2 & 3: June 1- June 28 Cost: $35 (Non-Resident Fee additional $15) Sessions consist of 8 one-hour sessions
SESSION 2 Beginning the week of July 6th (Morning Classes)
5 & 6-year-old class: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9 a.m. 7 & 8-year-old class: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10 a.m. 9 & 10-year-old class: Mondays and Wednesdays at 9 a.m. 11 to 14-year-old class: Mondays and Wednesdays at 10 a.m.
SESSION 3 Beginning the week of July 6th (Evening Classes)
5 & 6-year-old class: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6 p.m. 7 & 8-year-old class: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7 p.m. 9 & 10-year-old class: Mondays and Wednesdays at 6 p.m. 11 to 14-year-old class: Mondays and Wednesdays at 7 p.m.
Due to coronavirus restrictions, registration for Storm Football will be modified this year. Register online at www.syracuseut. gov/221/Parks-Recreation from June 1-30 to reserve your spot. Parks and Recreation staff will contact you in July with the date and time each participant will come to the Community Center to pay, show documentation, and receive equipment. To complete registration in July, each participant will need a recent physical, his/her original Birth Certificate, proof of Medical Insurance or Insurance Waiver, and proof of Syracuse residency (Syracuse City utility bill). Cost: $135.00
Registration will be June 1-July 12 Leagues: Little Kicks (turning 4 as of September 1, 2021), Pre-K (turning 5 as of September 1, 2021), Kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd/4th grade, 5th/6th grade, 7th-9th grade. All leagues are co-ed. Cost: $46
Registration: June 1- July 12 Leagues: 1st/2nd grade, 3rd/4th grade, 5th/6th grade, 7th-9th grade, 10th-12th grade (bring your own team). Cost: $55.00 per player
Your child will make new friends and enjoy outdoor experiences. They will participate in arts and crafts that will be combined with games.
Cost: $35
Registration: Limited space, so sign up soon!
Session 2, 3 & 4: June 1-June 28 Age Groups: 1st- 5th grade (2020-2021 School Year) Days: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 2nd session: July 7-July 23 (9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.) 3rd session: July 7-July 23 (12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.)
4th session: July 28-August 13 (9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.)
Place: Syracuse Community Center
STEP IT UP! Mon, Wed, Fri 9 a.m-10 a.m. Work your heart, muscles, and mind in this fun, energetic workout! All skill levels are welcome, we offer low and high intensity options for you to choose from. Find more info on Facebook at Syracuse Fitness Classes. $3 Drop-In, $20 10-class punch pass, First class FREE!
For more detailed information on all of the classes go to www.syracuseut.gov
Adam Rubin (ad sales) 801-430-8077 adam@connectionpub.com
510 E. 1700 S. #303 Clearfield, UT 801-745-5325 TobinsElite.com
$ 149 00
Economic Development Strategic Plan You are invited to participate in the creation of the City of Syracuse
- Learn about economic development strategies & best practices - Provide input and ideas - Make your voice heard!
Virtual Presentation
Wednesday, June 10th, 7 PM
Zoom Link: us02web.zoom.us/j/86391943197
Community Open House
Thursday, June 11th, 7 to 9 PM
Syracuse City Hall (1979 W 1900 S, Syracuse UT)
Appropriate social distancing guidelines will be followed to protect participants.
Syracuse City Information
Syracuse Library
The newly expanded Syracuse Library is now open!
Located at 1875 S 2000 W in Syracuse. Hours: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone: (801) 451-1850
Passport Applications
Passport application processing services are offered at City Hall between 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. Processing takes approximately 20- 30 minutes per application. Walk-ins are served in the order of arrival. For multiple applications and/or photos, wait times may be longer. All required forms, photos, and payments must be completed prior to 4 p.m. to be accepted the same day. Applications can be found on the www.travel.state.gov website. Application fees must be paid with a check or money order made payable to the U.S. Department of State. More info available
on our website www.syracuseut.com/Passports
Fix-It Requests We appreciate our citizens helping the city be aware of issues that need to be addressed throughout the city such as road repairs, street light/sign repair, park maintenance, water problems (culinary & secondary), garbage can pickup, code ordinance enforcement, and even employee feedback. The city website is a great tool for providing us with notifications. The Fix-it Request link can be found on our home page by clicking on the REPORT A CONCERN icon.
Job Openings For a list of the current openings with Syracuse City, click on the 'Jobs' link on our main city page www.syracuseut.com
or visit www.syracuseut.com Follow us on Facebook: syracuseut
Key Community Contacts
Lisa W. Bingham: 801-725-2300 lbingham@syracuseut.com Corinne Bolduc: 801-529-5779 cbolduc@syracuseut.com Dave Maughan: 801-927-7752 dmaughan@syracuseut.com Jordan Savage: 385-424-0258 jsavage@syracuseut.com Seth Teague: 915-516-6423 steague@syracuseut.com
City Hall: 801-825-1477 1979 West 1900 South Open Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm, closed holidays
City Museum: 801-614-9674 Hours: Tues, Wed, & Thurs 2pm - 5pm
Community Center: 801-614-9660 1912 West 1900 South Summer hours: Mon-Thurs-6am-8pm; Fri- 6am-8pm; Sat- 8am-12pm
Fire Station: 801-614-9614 1869 South 3000 West
Lady Lions Service & Social Club: 801-825-1752
Lions Club: 801-719-1804 Utah Lions District 28UT (open to all)
Parks & Recreation: 801-614-9660 1912 W. 1900 S. parksandrecreation@syracuseut.com
Police Station: 801-825-4400 1751 South 2000 West Post Office: 801-614-9677 (Inside City Hall) Public Works Facility: 801-825-7235 3061 South 2400 West Utilities Department: 801-825-1477 Opt #2 Volunteer/Eagle Scout Projects: Tess Jones 801-614-9655 tjones@syracuseut.com Youth Council: 801-643-8996