CAFA en Pitsu
CAFA Accredited Student Organizations:
LAIA (Likha Awit Indayog Abertura) Officers:
NO. 1
President: Ed Brendon R. Enclona
Vice-President: Louisa A. Mirambel Secretary: Chelsy C. Nepomuceno Treasurer: Genee Liza T. Bacani Auditor: Benessa Rose A. Quiambao P.R.O.: Lyrachel S. Jacinto DIRECTORS LIKHA Ruchelle Clarize P. Caringal John Ace C. Hingada AWIT Marvin Joseph D. Pati
Orias,3rd in Eat Bulaga’s FHHM* See in page 2
Keith Ryan P. Padriquez INDAYOG John Carlos B. Dalanon Jayson Martin M. De Guzman ABERTURA Wency Boy H. Murillo
Arch. Nacion, now an Environmental Planner*
Orias, 3rd in Eat Bulaga’s FHHM* Six Bomb Aira or Aira Mae S. Orias is a third year Mechanical Drafting Technology student of CAFA, a THREADS member and a familiar performer in every program held in the campus. She started singing at an early age. But, Eat Bulaga’s recently concluded FHHM (For Healthy and Heavy Models only) made her way to be on TV and become successful. Now a mainstay and part of the program’s “SIX BOMB” group.
Taking the opportunity of not having classes for two days during that time, she auditioned for the said contest last August 20 of this year, with her mom. She readily took a screening afterwards, and been to her first winning on a daily round, that happened a day after. She was enormously happy of the result, for it was her first time to join and won a contest like FHHM that exhibits the deeper beauty amongst heavy gals.
A r c h . N a c i o n , n ow a n E nv i r o n m e n t a l P l a n n e r
The head of Dept of Architecture, Arch. Rowena M. Nacion passed the Environmental Planners Licensure Exam on June 2014. She graduated BS in Architecture in this university, a former Philippine Artisan and Hasegawa scholar, respectively. At this time, she is taking her Master in Urban Planning in UP Diliman, Quezon City. Arch. Nacion is CAFA’s pride and undoubtedly has more to prove in the future.
Carlos, 2nd in ALE*
The FHHM really suits her, for she exemplified the true beauty that doesn’t require weight. Her face is one of the class’ stunning faces that could call anyone’s attention. After the daily round, came the weekly finals that occurred last August 22. She felt so anxious being intimidated by the prowess talents of other contestants. Though, she fairly executed her talent and was able to answer objectively in the Question and Answer portion.
The program continued to search weekly finalist for their grand finals. As the contest went on, they’d picked daily wildcards to compete again on a weekly basis. Each wildcard winner was also been qualified to join the grand finals. Aira’s classmates and friends from school made their way to be on Broadway studio and supported her while she competed for the wildcard. She was so delightful to see the effort that added more to her confidence and made her win again.
Grand finals came and she was so thankful to God, family, classmates, friends and all who supported her to ranked 3rd runner up. She’s really grateful for the contest that gave her the confidence to do the things that she has longed for. This also gave her a new perspective that no matter how you look, as long as you believe in yourself, you can achieve your goal and become successful. The contest actually happened during the final term, but she coped up with the reuirements. Leaving inspirations to others, who have wanted to be on television and yet, never failed to do the responsibilities as a student.
Aaron James M. Carlos ranks 2nd in the June 2014 Architectural Licensure Examination, that gave TUP an over-all percentage of 78.57 and national passing rate of 61%. Other board passers are Abanador, Jellie Erika A.; Atienza, Charlaine T.; Baluyot, Ivy Dianne M.; Bosquillos, Katrina S.; Bulalacao, Franklin D.; Crabajalles, Richelle M.; Devibar, Jeramae R.; Ferrer, Glazel Ann S.; Fontanilla, Raymart B.; Ignacio, Nicholson G.; Jintalan, Jean Karla S.; Madiano, Ildefonso Jr. M.; Manalo, Krishelle Anne M.; Mendoza, Melody M.; Pantila, Joel M.; Quinitio, Mark Anthony C.; Ramos, Felipe Jr. S.; Sayno, Fatima Irish S.; Smith, Joseph Ricky S.; Tagubaras, Victorio Jr. T.; and Ubalde, Alexix R. TUP-Manila uninterruptedly making its place in the licensure examinations as proof of quality standards through the efforts of dedicated faculty members and adequate administrative sup-
THREADS expanded Last June 27, Technology Hoist Excellent Alliance of Drafting Students (THREADS) held a day-long recruitment at CAFA Audio-Visual Room. Compare to the usual enlisting, the organization extended membership to all other courses under the Graphics Department. Students from GT- MDT / AT, ID, and BGT who had wished to become members were excused from their respective classes and took part into the event.Right after the enlistment, former THREADS secretary, Paul John C. Ong, presented some changes on their constitution and by-laws that the previous officers had ratified and been subjected to a referendum on the same day. Afterwards, an election of new set of officers happened, that made John Paulo C. Balonez from MDT-2A emerged as President. Rodolfo C. Lozano, a third year AT-3A student, was elected Vice President; Shiara Rose U. Guno, also an MDT-2A, was chosen Secretary; Harvey S. Sepulveda from BGT-ID1A, Assistant Secretary; Arvin T. Tiama, Treasurer, and Anna Leah G. Dela Cruz, Assistant Treasurer, also from MDT-2A. Mitzi Rubrica, AT-2A, Auditor; Aaron Isaac L. Aquino, MDT-3A, Assistant Auditor; Vincent Yvis Morales, again from MDT-2A, Business Manager; Ulysses S. Argame, Assistant Business Manager, Jade Robinson M. Mesina, P.R.O. Filipino, Leona Ann S. Llanos, P.R.O. English, and Jaika M. Abastillas, Board Member, all from MDT3A. Elijah Bruce J. Dado from AT-3A and Princess Ellalyn F. Vergara from BGT-ID-1A, were also voted Board Members. The meeting ended with the group’s plan of activities for the whole year
Herrera designs THREADShirt
THREADShirt and ID lace design contest was made open to all members who submitted their entries on August 18-29 at CAFA 211, completed the organization’s opening saga for this school year 2014-2015. From the number of entries, last year’s winner Alyssa Marie N. Herrera coveted the first prize for her front shirt design、 again. But, with the unusual decision of judges, Mr. Albert Q. Parafina and Mr. Orly O. Rayos, she tied it up with Jaika M. Abastillas’ back shirt design. Both of them will share the prize of having the organizational shirt for free. Arielle Joyce A. Paje garnered the second place. Alyssa’s incomparable skill in designing also made the same judges to choose her ID lace design. This contest not just aims to exhibit the members’ talents but also to provide yearly designs of the organization’s uniform, which is also allowed to be sold to others. Proceeds of the sales will be utilized for the planned activities in the fu-
UAP-MAC celebs 20th year
The United Architects of the Philippines – Manila Alcaldia Chapter celebrates its 20th anniversary and induction of new members in the Events Hall of CW Home Depot on Thursday, Sept 18, 2014 at 6:30pm. With the theme, “20 Years of Service, Passion and Leadership”, the guest speaker, Arch. Beth Regala, UAP National President, shared her 3E’s Agenda of "Aksyon The Sept 5-7, 2014 event on REHub and Tourism Expo 2014 in World Trade Cenetr was attended by Arch. Gwen Nacion and Ms. Gigi Balbero with 30 students of BS Architecture. This culminating activity serves as hands-on exposure to the students aside from the lectures they get in school.
Ngayon, ARKITEKTO". Those are Empowering Profession, EQUIPT the Architects, and ENJOIN our Organization. She believe that it’s about time that ARCHITECTS put the matter into their hands and carry out results-oriented ACTION.