25th European Film Awards
picture: EFA / Rene Rossignaud
European Film Academy e.V. !"#$%#&'()*+,,-../- 01203-4(#56) 789:;<=- '(5>-?@A3BC1-DD2-0E2F1- $+G-?@A3BC1-DD2-0E2F22
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Welcome and Merħba f â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Malta! On the first weekend in December 2012, European filmmakers, members of the European Film Academy (EFA), guests, nominees and winners gathered in Malta for the 25th European Film Awards
pictures: EFA / Erik Riikoja
pictures: EFA / Erik Riikoja
picture: EFA / Rene Rossignaud
The Awards Weekend From the pick-up at the airport and the arrivals at the official EFA hotels, and with welcome receptions and a special screening of Antonioniâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s IL DESERTO ROSSO at the St. James Cavalier â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Centre for Creativity, Malta gave all guests a warm welcome!
pictures: EFA / Erik Riikoja
picture: EFA / Rene Rossignaud
The Awards Weekend From the pick-up at the airport and the arrivals at the official EFA hotels, and with welcome receptions and a special screening of Antonioniâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s IL DESERTO ROSSO at the St. James Cavalier â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Centre for Creativity, Malta gave all guests a warm welcome!
pictures: EFA / Rene Rossignaud
European Cinema
The Hon. Mario de Marco, Maltese Minister for Tourism, Culture & the Environment, EFA Board Member Mike Downey and Bronagh Walton, policy officer for the MEDIA Programme, at the MEDIA Welcome Reception at the St. James Cavalier â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Centre for Creativity
Behind the Scenesâ&#x20AC;Ś
pictures: EFA / Erik Riikoja
The EFA Statuette
pictures: EFA / Erik Riikoja
The awards statuette is a silver statuette of a woman in a star-covered dress. It comes from London where the British jeweller and designer Theo Fennell each year produces the statuettes for all winners. The statuette is 26 cm tall and weighs 2 kilograms. EFA sponsor GLS made sure that every single one reached Malta safely!
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pictures: EFA / Erik Riikoja
Honouring the nomineesâ&#x20AC;Ś picture: EFA / Rene Rossignaud
The Nomineesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Reception Dedicated to honouring all the outstanding achievements that go into European filmmaking, the nomineesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; reception takes place on the evening before the awards ceremony. Every nominee receives a certificate and this is the time to meet and mingle with the other nominees and members of the European Film Academy in an atmosphere of complicity and brotherhood.
picture: EFA / Erik Riikoja
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pictures: EFA / Rene Rossignaud
Producer Florian Koerner von Gustorf and director Christian Petzold, nominated for BARBARA
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pictures: EFA / Erik Riikoja
THE EUROPEAN FILM AWARDS On the evening of the 25th European Film Awards, as nominees and winners stepped on to the red carpet and into the flurry of photographers’ flashlights and TV cameras, the Mediterranean Conference Centre, overlooking Valletta’s Grand Harbour, made Malta look at its best. Just before the show started, at 19.30 sharp, as the tolls of Malta’s liberty bell resounded across the harbour, a special guest of honour arrived: Bernardo Bertolucci, recipient of the EFA Lifetime Achievement Award.
pictures: EFA / Rene Rossignaud
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pictures: EFA / Erik Riikoja
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pictures: EFA / Rene Rossignaud
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pictures: EFA / Rene Rossignaud
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pictures: EFA / Rene Rossignaud
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pictures: EFA / Rene Rossignaud
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pictures: EFA / Rene Rossignaud
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pictures: EFA / Rene Rossignaud
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pictures: EFA / Rene Rossignaud
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pictures: EFA / Rene Rossignaud
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pictures: EFA / Erik Riikoja
European Film Awards
THE AWARDS CEREMONY On Saturday, 1 December, the 1,100 guests at the European Film Awards were once again welcomed by German comedienne Anke Engelke. By now a regular in the European Film Awards, this was the fourth time she lead through the ceremony. Joining her on stage was a series of familiar faces from the world of film who presented the awards in a total of 18 categories - and the band Brikkuni. An uncompromising contemporary Maltese pop band, they added some Maltese flavour to the show.
pictures: previous pp & right: EFA/ Rene Rossignaud; left: EFA/ Erik Riikoja
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pictures: EFA / Rene Rossignaud
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pictures: EFA / Rene Rossignaud
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pictures: EFA / Rene Rossignaud
Winners on Stage
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pictures: EFA / Rene Rossignaud
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pictures: EFA / Rene Rossignaud
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pictures: EFA / Rene Rossignaud
EFA Activities Throughout the year, the European Film Academy (EFA) initiates and participates in a series of activities dealing with film politics as well as economic, artistic, and training aspects. The programme includes conferences, seminars and workshops, and a common goal is to build a bridge between creativity and the industry. Some of EFAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s events have already become an institution for encounters within the European film community.
and the nominees are… The nominees for the European Film Awards are announced at the Seville European Film Festival four weeks before the awards ceremony. After speeches by Seville Film Festival director José Luis Cienfuegos, the general director of the Instituto de la Cinematografía y de las Artes Audiovisuales, Susana de la Sierra, and Vice Chairman of the EFA board, Nik Powell, the nominations in the different categories were announced by EFA Board members Antonio Perez Perez and Antonio Saura, directors Agnès Varda and Dagur Kári, actresses Victoria Abril, Laia Marull, Clara Lago and Maria Valverde, Karlovy Vary Film Festival artistic director Karel Och, as well as actors Daniel Grao and Andrés Velencoso.
EFA MASTER CLASSES EFA Master Classes are courses on continuous training. They are held by highly acclaimed and internationally successful filmmakers who dedicate one week of intensive training to young talents coming from all over Europe, passing on their individual knowledge and personal experience. Rather than bare lecturing, the courses concentrate on the practical side of learning with at least half of the time spent with hands-on training. For one week in the beginning of July, the EFA Master Class 2012 THE SOUND OF THE IMAGE focused on the topic of sound in feature films. The multi-disciplinary workshop headed by sound re-recording mixer Bruno Tarrière and sound editor Selim Azzazi brought 18 European film professionals, among them composers, sound designers and sound engineers, but also a sound supervisor, a producer and a director, to Berlin and Potsdam. The 2013 edition will focus on animation. c"'J#&-+)*-W+#'6I6\+)'&-J$-'N(8X;-:+&'(#-O5+&&-.10.
picture: EFA / Franca Wohlt
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A SUNDAY IN THE COUNTRY is a special weekend encounter between approx. ten young European filmmakers and some established EFA Members. The private atmosphere of these gatherings guarantees an exchange of ideas and experience which goes far beyond the results of usual workshops. For the first time in 2012, the EFA project travelled outside of Europe bringing seven young filmmakers from Europe all the way to India where they met with seven young Indian filmmakers. Realised in cooperation with the Goethe Institute (which in India is the Max Mueller Bhavan), the project brought the group to Morna, an idyllic place out in the countryside of Uttar Pradesh, where they watched and discussed each other’s films, cooked and ate Indian, European, and increasingly Indo-European food together, and explored the environment. Another edition saw the first time the project was realized with a group of young film critics and journalists. They met in Wroclaw (Poland) with EFA Members Jakub Duszynski, distributor from Poland, and Jean Roy from France, veteran film critic for L’Humanité.
EFA YOUNG AUDIENCE AWARD The EFA Young Audience Award is a brand new award presented for the first time in 2012. On 10 June – Young Audience Film Day - three nominated films were screened to an audience of 10-13 year-old children in Amsterdam, Belgrade, Copenhagen, Erfurt, Norrköping and Turin. All children who participate in the Young Audience Film Day screenings in Denmark, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Serbia and Sweden acted as a jury and voted for the winner right after the screenings. The winner, KAUWBOY by Boudewijn Koole (pictured on the left is co-author Jolein Laarman), was then announced on the same day in Erfurt (Germany) and received the European Film Awards statuette – streamed live on the internet! The 2013 edition takes place on 5 May with screenings in Copenhagen (Denmark), Erfurt (Germany), Izola (Slovenia), London (UK), Sofia (Bulgaria), Turin (Italy), Valletta (Malta) and Wroclaw (Poland).
Picture on the left: Carlo Bansini
Where in the world the EFA Statuette livesâ&#x20AC;Ś On the occasion of the 25th European Film Awards, we asked award recipients from the EFAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s past to send us a picture of their statuette and where they keep it. Here is a selection of the pictures we received.
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THE EUROPEAN FILM ACADEMY Founded in 1988 with the presentation of the first European Film Awards, the European Film Academy (EFA) now unites over 2,700 European film professionals with the common aim of promoting European film culture. Presented jointly with EFA Productions gGmbH in a total of 18 categories, among them European Film, European Director, European Actress and European Actor, the European Film Awards annually honour the greatest achievements in European cinema. The awards ceremony takes place in Berlin every second year. In the other years, the Awards travel: London, Paris, Rome, Barcelona, Warsaw, Copenhagen, Tallinn and - Malta! The 26th European Film Awards will return to Berlin on 7 December 2013 and in 2014 we will go to the Latvian capital of Riga, European Capital of Culture 2014!
EFA PRODUCTIONS Founded in 2006 to produce the European Film Awards Ceremony for television, EFA Productions gGmbH is the in-house production company of the European Film Academy e.V.