sept09 newsletter

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17 September 2009

Ryedale School Newsletter

WELCOME BACK This term we welcome 555 students into Ryedale School. This includes 92 Year 7 students, looking very well-presented and eager to learn. The Ryedale School students in all year groups are a real credit to their parents/carers and themselves. They are polite, friendly and keen to be involved. The full list of extra-curricular clubs and activities will be made available to them next week, including some exciting foreign visits for Years 8, 9 and 10. We also welcome some new staff into school: Mrs Clark who teaches Art, Miss Flintoft who teaches PE and Mrs Morgan who teaches Maths. Mrs Marwood and Mrs Brown make a temporary return to teach some Citizenship and English. During Mrs Goodwin’s maternity leave, the Head of English post will be shared between Mrs Plowright (KS4) and Mrs McGrath (KS3). We also have an additional Teaching Assistant – Mrs Hamilton. The Governing Body welcomes four new Parent Governors: Mrs Strickland, Mrs Richardson, Mr Brown and Mr Scott. Mrs Handley is currently absent through ill health and we are not quite sure when she will return. We have brought back Ms Linley to sort out the Work Experience placements and teach some PSHE lessons but she is not being given pastoral responsibility for Years 10 and 11. Matters relating to students in Years 10 and 11 should initially be brought to the attention of the tutors. Serious and persistent problems should be directed to Mr Clay. I am very grateful that Mr McCandless is extending some of his work with Key Stage 3 students to Years 10 and 11, in particular matters relating to wearing correct uniform appropriately. I trust that he and all my colleagues will continue to receive your full support. I shall inform you of further news relating to Mrs Handley as soon as it is available and wish her a speedy recovery. Mr Gentry and I have spoken to Year 11 about fulfilling their immense potential. They are the most gifted year group we have ever had, and the next twelve months should be used positively to ensure they are successful , confident and fulfilled.

G R Jenkinson Headteacher

The Ryedale Sixth Form Partnership The Ryedale Sixth Form Partnership consists of Lady Lumley’s School, Malton School, Norton College and Ryedale School, and seeks to offer 6th Form students across the whole of Ryedale a range of courses that no school could possibly offer alone. Through partnership, the course provision has increased significantly and the Local Authority pay for much of the transport not only to and from school but between schools if a minority or specialist course is being sought. For example, every Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon students from across the whole area will be transported to Ryedale School for tuition in A Level Music Technology and the new Diploma in Creative and Media. The Area Sixth Form Coordinator will be explaining the full offer to Year 11 students and their parents/carers at an Information Evening on 10th November at Ryedale School. Senior staff from the other three schools will be present to speak to you if you wish in advance of their Open Evenings. We hope you will keep this date free in order that you can hear about the coordinated partnership provision that now exists for post-16 students. You will receive a reminder nearer the time.

G R Jen-

SWINE FLU ADVICE The situation with regard to Swine Flu is being closely monitored by the Government at present and we have been asked to pass on the following advice. From the Secretary of State on 26th August 2009 “We have been closely monitoring the spread and severity of swine flu over the school holidays. The latest scientific advice to the Government is that individual school closures are now of limited benefit in stopping the spread of disease. However, it is still essential that adults or children with flu-like symptoms should stay away until they are free of those symptoms. They should contact the National Pandemic Flu Service on 0800 1513 100 or at” We have supplied boxes of tissues in each classroom, we encourage the children to keep washing their hands and we advise anyone with flu like symptoms to remain at home until they are better.

HEIDELBERG TRIP At the end of the summer term we took 42 pupils on our trip to Heidelberg and it proved to be our most enjoyable and successful trip to date. The pupils were those now half way through their GCSE German course or those who have just opted for GCSE German and therefore took advantage of the several opportunities during our stay to speak German. We had a packed programme ranging from spending a day exploring the delights of Heidelberg, visiting it’s wonderful castle and trying out our German in the shops, to relaxing on a boat on the river Rhein, watching a film in a German cinema, bowling and eating out in German restaurants. Everywhere we went our pupils were praised by staff, waiters and the coach company for their exemplary behavior, good sense of humour, friendliness and willingness to speak German! I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff who accompanied me on this trip, Mr Maxwell, Miss Ponton-Brown and Mr Jennings, as their support and hard work were much appreciated. Miss Bose Head of Modern Foreign Lanuages

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GCSE SUCCESS The outgoing Year 11 performed really well in their GCSE examinations. The percentage of passes at Grades A* to C in five subjects (the traditional league table criterion) matched last year’s record breaking score of 84%.

The new league table criterion is

to insist that these five high grade passes include both Maths and English. 68% of students did very well in this more demanding measure. Some of the local press failed to make this distinction and gave the impression that some schools had achieved far more than they had. I can inform you that our results are not only better than those of other schools in the Eastern Area, but once again are likely to put us amongst the very best truly comprehensive schools in North Yorkshire. It is also interesting to note that 33% of all examinations taken at Ryedale School received a Grade A/A*. This should give the younger students a real belief that they can hit the very highest grades if they follow the advice of the teachers. It was also encouraging to see some very impressive performances by Year 10 (now Year 11) students in their Science and their Functional Skills examinations. One of those students even gained an A* in German! Hence, my earlier reference to the current Year 11’s immense potential. It should be a truly record breaking year group, whichever criteria are used. G R Jenkinson Headteacher

SCHOOL UNIFORM Thank you to all students who have smartened up their uniform as we requested. As a reminder: ◊

black school shoes (not trainers)

Skirts must be of a reasonable length (no mini-skirts)

Permitted jewellery is one small ring or one small pair of earings

Necklaces must not be visible

Bracelets/bangles are not permitted

Shirts must be tucked in and the top button fastened

The knot of the tie should be pulled up to the collar, leaving the tie length to come close to the waist

We believe that smart uniform equates to professional and responsible standards of behaviour. Thank you for your support. Mr McCandless (Assistant Headteacher)

Refurbishment of PE Block Changing Rooms I am sure you will be pleased to hear that the Governors have been able to finance the refurbishment of the boys and the girls changing rooms. The old showers have been removed and replaced with new shower cubicles. We are just awaiting the arrival of new benching to make this refurbishment complete. G R Jenkinson Headteacher


Year 7 Cognitive Ability Tests will take place on 23rd and 24th September. Parents/carers will receive further information before the tests start.

Year 11 Work Experience will commence on Monday 5th October for one week only.

Tuesday 10th November 6th Form Information Evening for Year 11 and parents/carers.

SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT If parents/carers have any suggestions for school improvement that they would like the Governors’ Home School Committee to discuss, please write to Mr Clay who services this committee. Please add your name and the name of your child, so we can respond to you. P Clay, Deputy Headteacher

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