About AThe bout The Miss Universe MOrganization iss Universe Organization
The Miss Universe Organization (MUO) is a Tglobal, he Miss Universe Organization (MUO) is a global, inclusive organization that celebrates women of iall nclusive organization that celebrates women of all cultures and backgrounds and empowers them cto ultures and backgrounds and empowers them to realize their goals through experiences that rbuild ealize their goals through experiences that build self- confidence and create opportunities sfor elf- confidence and create opportunities for ssuccess. uccess.
MISS UNIVERSE®, provide the approximately 10,000 women pwho rovide the approximately 10,000 women who participate annually an international platform pto articipate annually an international platform to affect positive change personally, professionally aand ffect positive change personally, professionally and philanthropically as inspirational leaders and prole hilanthropically as inspirational leaders and role models. models.
MUO prioritizes the importance of being involved Mand UO prioritizes the importance of being involved and giving back through a dedicated ginternational iving back through a dedicated international platform of charitable partnerships. As leaders pand latform of charitable partnerships. As leaders and role models within their communities, our rdelegates ole models within their communities, our delegates and titleholders affect positive change athrough nd titleholders affect positive change through volunteering, fundraising and vadvocacy. olunteering, fundraising and advocacy.