RYL eZine: Summer 2O13 Issue

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When I thought about writing this piece, it was hard to believe it had been twelve months since this time last year! Is this proof that I am getting old?! This time last year I went through a life changing experiencing - I lost the sight suddenly in one of my eyes. Initially I felt like it was the end of my world and I was angry, why had this happened and how could it happen? I had a decision to make though and I was determined from that day forward that though I had lost the sight in my eye, I wasn't going to let it defeat me and I'm proud to say that twelve months on, losing my sight hasn't defeated me and I'm still here in a completely different space to where I was last June. When I lost the sight in one eye it was an incredibly scary time. It had happened suddenly and left me unsure of the world. Every time I stepped outside of the house, I was terrified. I went from being able to see perfectly to learning that I now needed to be more careful when I went out - proving this to myself the day I nearly got run over. As well as losing my vision, I was left feeling constantly sea-sick which for somebody with a severe phobia of being sick left me terrified of going out. For me, I reminded myself of two very special people in my life, my small cousins and how although somebody had taken part of my vision from me, nobody could take away my love for the girls and in order to love them and be the best I could for them, including trips to the park, I had to be able to manage with limited vision. This was no bad thing, it gave me the motivation and the kick up the butt that I needed! A year on I can reflect back and say that so much has changed over the course of a year and perhaps the biggest thing for me that changed was getting a kitten last August, and now another kitten. Having animals is a responsibility and having my kitten gave me that nudge to get up every day so that I could feed her and well, get snuggles from her! Although cats are very independent, there was that knowledge that Jasmine would not survive on her own if I were to curl up and shut myself away from the world. Getting Jasmine meant I had to go outside because I had to buy her food and I had to get up but getting Jasmine also gave me something to talk about away from my mental health. She has been a true positive for me and it's incredible how pets can change your life! I'm so glad I didn't give up. Looking back over the year there have been so wonderful moments with my cousins - opening Christmas presents with them, being able to take the girls to the park, to the Airy Fairy cupcake shop that the girls and I know and love all too well! Things might not be perfect but I know that I have come so far forward. I now have a committed partner who has been with me for five months, two kittens and as I type this, glorious sun shining through the window and cows sitting in the field! I am nearly six months free from self-harm and I will be on the 14th, with only one slip up since last year so once in a year is pretty incredible!!! This time last year I was in hospital for two weeks and they wanted to keep me longer but I fought to get out and it was the best thing I ever did because I've never looked back. I'm now nearly a year free from hospital, bar two days and so yippee!


I can honestly say that yes, somebody took a lot from me but they never managed to break that spirit and the undeniable bond between me and the beautiful cousins.

Lottie (Tig)


This year, Father's Day takes place on 16th June. While perhaps not as celebrated as Mother's Day, this is still a very important day for me, and many other people too. It can be particularly hard for those whose fathers are not around for a variety of reasons, and I hope I don't come across as insensitive. However, I felt I had to write this article. A month ago my father had a heart attack. He's on the mend now, but it made me think pretty hard about what fatherhood means. Being a teenager and far away from parenthood, I may not be fit to answer any real questions, but I thought I'd share. So, onto my own story. I'm afraid I can't do the typical story of having an amazing father who was always there for me when I was growing up. Dad worked constantly just to be able to put food on the table. By the time he came home he just wanted to go to sleep. We 3 kids tried to make it easier for him, but we were kids - we weren't perfect. I didn't have a close relationship with him simply because we didn't really see him. Fast forward to the teenage years. I feel sorry for both my parents for having to put up with me, but especially my dad. I pretty much put him through every major teenage trauma you possibly can, yet he never gave up on me. I'm 16 now, and although there's a lot of patching up to do, we seem to be developing a stronger relationship. I suppose what really made me appreciate what my father had done for me over the years was thinking about the kind of dad I would want to be, should the time come. It would be impossible for me to father biological children, so I would make sure they knew just how wanted they are, how special they are. I'd provide for them, and always have time for them. I'd try to guide them, but let them make mistakes. Thinking about this has made me realise that, while he has his faults, I wouldn't change my dad for the world. When I (finally) grow up, I want to be just like my Dad.

- DrWatson (Simon)


In the recent months we held the first of our Art competitions where we assigned a theme and asked members to get really creative and submit a piece of work based on that theme. For this issue members were asked to think about Inspiration and what inspires them. The submissions were fantastic and very original, we really enjoyed looking at them and deciding on the winners. So for the Summer Art Competition, here are the winners:

1st Place goes to Ironholly for her wonderfully uplifting art work:


2nd Place goes to Griddlebone for her unique and incredible entry: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0epVcVbc3wu

3rd Place goes to Myimmortalgirl for her heartfelt poetry: Being me Being me isn't easy Being me isn't fun But being me is what I am And what I've come to love I know now that what I am Is nothing unusual I know that I am something that Most of you have seen before I am rainbow coloured inside It's not nothing bad But I would not be who I am today if it was not for you For being you made me see That being rainbow coloured is a happy place to be Congratulations to our winners and a big thank you to everyone that entered. We will see you for future competitions in upcoming issues.

- Lavalamp.


Happy Birthday Summer Beauties! We at the eZine wish you all a lovely birthday filled with fun, love and definitely lots of laughter.

Next month also sees the first birthday of a very special little lady, Beckie's daughter, Jasmine.

Lots of love to both Mummy and Jasmine.

- Lottie (Tig)


Over the past year Laura Mvula has been making her mark on the music industry. Based in Birmingham, Laura is one of the UK's new, upcoming female solo artists. She has a refreshing, soulful voice and is extremely easy to listen to. The music industry is not crying out for a new female solo artist but Mvula brings a unique, soft and incredibly angelic feel to the soul and jazz scenes. 'Sing To The Moon' is Mvula's first studio and was released in March 2013, which reached no.9 in the UK album chart. Many of her songs are acoustic and have more of an a cappella feel to them. Her album is 'Impeccably arranged and beautifully sung, Mvula's storytelling impresses.' 1 She is certainly an artist to be aware of over the next few months as she emerges onto the British music scene. Tom Odell 22 year old Tom Odell, from Chichester (England) has been writing and performing music from the age of 13. He performed on 'Later ... with Jools Holland' in 2012, making his television debut. This acoustic, indie rock, singer songwriter has drawn comparisons to Jeff Buckley, however his performance style is similar of Chris Martin (lead singer of Coldplay). Odell's songs are very stripped back, and there is certainly room for improvement. Odell has said his lyrics are inspired by his "inability to sustain a relationship with someone for longer than six months ... I find that I write much better songs when I’m being honest, and writing about things that happen to me. It can get a little weird though, when friends or girlfriends work out that a song is about them. But it’s amazing what you can get away with it Artistic license I think they call it." 2 His first EP, 'Songs From Another Love' was released in October 2012, and Odell's debut album, 'Long Way Down' goes on sale on 24th June 2013. Both of the British artists are fresh and have something new to bring to the industry, keep an eye out for them both as they begin to emerge from the cracks over the next 12 months. 1 - http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p010...les/lauramvula 2 - http://www.hungertv.com/music/featur...now-tom-odell/



Ami (On.My.Way)



Ami (on.my.way)

The Impossible starring Naomi Watts and Ewan McGregor. The Impossible is based on the true story of a family who were holidaying in Thailand when the 2004 Tsunami hit. Following the Tsunami, The Impossible offers a glimpse of what it was like for some of the people affected. Throughout the film we follow the story of Maria and her family, but do they all survive and if they do, just how can they after literally being swept off their feet in a hotel swimming pool on Boxing Day 2004? The film has some impressive and at times scarily realistic graphics, making you at times grimace at how awful the situation was. As soon as it starts, you are gripped in to an emotional situation, finding yourself going through an array of emotions throughout the film from outright terror to joy. The acting in the film is also incredible, especially on the part of the child actors Tom Holland, Samuel Joslin and Oaklee Pendergast. I asked a few members of the board what they thought about the board and this is what they had to say :"Cloudedmind - I watched it this evening. I thought it was really, really good. Acting was incredible, story was so honest, and no idea how they achieved making the tsunami etc so 'real'. Hobbes - I watched this today and enjoyed it. I didnt cry at it but it was pretty moving towards the end. Some really good acting from the kids too! ASkatersDream - Thought it was really good but ending a bit naff. How the hell did they recreate it that realistic?" The DVD is out now and definitely worth a watch, so why not treat yourself to a night of entertainment - remembering to keep a box of tissues nearby! If you have any thoughts on the film then head over to the Reviews and Recommendations board on the RYL and share your thoughts!



Lottie (Tig)

You will need: 250g Plain Flour 1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 170g unsalted butter, melted 200g dark brown soft sugar 100g caster sugar 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 1 egg 1 egg yolk 325g chocolate chips What you need to do: - Preheat the oven to 170 C / Gas mark 3. Grease baking trays or line with parchment. - Sift together the flour, bicarb and salt; set aside. - In a medium bowl, cream together the melted butter, brown sugar and caster sugar until well blended. Beat in the vanilla, egg and egg yolk until light and creamy. Mix in the sifted ingredients until just blended. Stir in the chocolate chips by hand using a wooden spoon. Drop cookie dough onto the prepared baking trays, with each cookie around 4 tablespoons of dough (for smaller cookies, drop 1 rounded tablespoonful and adjust baking time as necessary). Do not flatten the dough. Cookies should be about 8cm apart. - Bake for 15 to 17 minutes in the preheated oven, or until the edges are lightly toasted. Cool on baking trays for a few minutes before transferring to wire racks to cool completely.


This recipe is from: http://allrecipes.co.uk/recipe/4807/...p-cookies.aspx Variations: If you’re not a big chocolate fan, or fancy something different. Then do what I did when baking and ran out of chocolate chips - experiment! - Swap the chocolate chips for raisins. - Swap the chocolate chips for crushed almonds and add 1 - 2 teaspoons of almond extract to the mixture instead of vanilla extract. - Use fudge pieces. - Cover them in melted chocolate. - Use white chocolate. - Add Marshmallows -


Amy (GlitterTrashDoll)

All This Time The rain is storming Becoming dark again. The shadows start forming All you feel is the pain. All this time, you stay When there is nothing left Nothing left to do or say, Nothing but all this mess. We are the future of today Here to build up the weak We are drenched in the rain Seen as walking freaks. All this time, you stay When there is nothing left Nothing left to do or say, Nothing but all this mess. Keep fighting the battlefield The war can be won Moving with sword and shield Never stop holding on But when all is dark, It only seems like All this time, you stay When there is nothing left Nothing left to do or say, Nothing but all this mess. And you wonder to yourself Will it ever get better?



Ami (On.My.Way)

Every month we look around the RYL forums in search of our favourite signature. This month’s Signature of the Month belongs to..


Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.

We love this signature because we see it as something very, very positive, combined with a beautiful and powerful image. Some days we all feel like a catipillar and that the world feels like it's ending, that nothing better will come a long and we feel like we want to give up all the remaining hope we have. But then out of nowhere, we we think all hope is lost, something will come along - it come be something big, or just something little that brings a little hope back in to your life, show that things are going to be okay again - or just simply make you smile again. When you think the world is over, just take a deep breath and remember tomorrow is a new day. Never lose hope. ~ If you want to be in with a chance of being next months Signature of the Month, then get creative! Remember, it doesn't need to be busy and full of colour to win. It can win because it's funny, inspiring, creative or just shows off your personality! Remember as well, when it comes to signatures, they also help other members remember who you are because they remember a phrase or a picture in your signature!

Have fun getting creative!

- Amy (GlitterTrashDoll)


One of my favourite things about RYL is the inspiration you can gain from looking at the Moving Forward forum so it's given me great delight to do the Moving Forward Article this month. It's an honour to read through all your achievements and though I can't mention everybody, I think it can be said to everybody on RYL, a massive well done to each of you for all the hard work you put in each day towards your recovery. Here are just some of the recovery highlights over the last few months :BonBon popped back to RYL to share how life went on, saying, "It (self harm) almost seems like something foreign to me now, even though its probably only been 4 months since I last SH'd. But it doesn't feel like an option anymore". Great to hear BonBon. Rowie (~Grace~) challenged her nine year fear of going to the dentist and has now gone to the dentist and agreed to head back for the treatment needed. Well done Rowie! Ames (Wonderwall) is working hard on her recovery and although she slipped up, she was able to see that beating herself up wouldn't help. Ames, despite the slip up congratulations on being two months free of OD'ing in April, it's a wonderful achievement! EmmaBob has been over four years free of self harm! tamobhuuta is a year free of self harm! Well done :) It is inspiring to read how far you have come and you are absolutely right when you said, "And if I do relapse? I know I can survive." Stellata (Katie) has double the joy to share with us, she is seventeen months free of self harm and is also on the road to recovery with her eating disorder. Go Katie! Dragonfly had some exciting news to share in the Moving Forward forum; she is thirteen weeks pregnant. We at the eZine wish you all the best with your pregnancy. Talaiporia (Sophia) is now eleven months free from self harm and is an inspiration around the site with the hard work she does for the Supporters. Insignificant_One who is far from insignificant is on track to reach two years free of self harm this month. Congratulations lovely. Flybat3 has been making wonderful progress with recovery and posted to share how she figured out she doesn't need self harm anymore. Brilliant news. Dash celebrated being one year free and is happily looking forward to being able to count next year in to.


and finally, congratulations to SoDark who graduated with a Masters in Social Work and already has a job lined up. It has been truly uplifting for me to be able to read these as I wrote this article and I hope eZine readers will also be able to take inspiration from these achievements and also feel free to share their achievements! Recovery is an incredibly difficult process and please remember that RYL is always here for you, including the Supporters as well as posting on the forums.

- Lottie (Tig)

Editor’s Note: The Supporters are a group of volunteers that respond to emails and offer support and advice for a wide range of topics that you are struggling with. They are confidential and none judgemental, and will aim to respond to your e-mail within 24 hours. When you are e-mailing, please double check your email address, if it is misspelt, we won’t be able to respond. If you would like to contact the Supporters for support or advice, you can either e-mail them at; Support@RecoverYourLife.com or use the Live Help function at the top of the website. If the Live Help function is offline, then you can still send a message using that system and it will send your message as an email to the supporters, who will then send you an email with their response. Please make sure your e-mail address is correct, otherwise they can’t respond. Take Care.


First of all, I'd like to apologise to those for whom it is not summer right now. However, whatever season it happens to be where you are, I hope you enjoy these little factoids about the season of sea, sand, and sun! June is named after the Roman goddess Juno. She was the wife of Jupiter, and in true Roman fashion, was just as argumentative as any human. The first "bathing suits" for women were introduced in the early 1800’s. At that time it was still considered improper for skin to be any color but creamy white. The first "suits" were composed of long sleeved bathing dresses with woolen bloomers underneath to weight the dress down. The only "swimming" a woman did at that time was to jump waves at the edge of the water and dip her feet, and occasionally legs, into the water. Until the early 19th century there were no summer holidays. Depending on the location of schools breaks came either quarterly (town schools) or to coincide with planting and harvest seasons (rural schools). France’s Eiffel Tower can grow by more than 6 inches in summer due to the expansion of the iron on hot days. Many people enjoy throwing Frisbees in summer, but they were originally designed as pie plates in the 1870s. Students started throwing them in the 1940s (Typical students, eh?). The biggest ice cream sundae weighed over 24 tons (or 20,000 kg) and was made in Edmonton, Canada in 1988. - DrWatson (Simon)


This edition of the eZine previews the first of our photography competitions. The contributions from members has been wonderful, lots of people have got involved and it's been great to see. The team found it really difficult to vote for winners as all the entries we received were outstanding and captured the essence of each photographers personality. For this edition, the theme was Inspiration and members were asked to focus on what inspires them. The winners for this competition are as follows:

1st Place goes to: Patch


2nd Place goes to: Wendy "The Lion is my inspiration. They are brave, couragous, show no fear. They are calm andin control. All things i aspire to be myself".

3rd Place goes to: FabulousMike "The Medals for Left to Right1939-1945 Star, Atlantic Star, France and Germany Star, Defence Medal, And the 1939-1945 British war medal".

A big congratulations to our winners and a huge thank you to everyone that contributed. You made this competition a great success. See you all next time! - Lavalamp.


The fourth studio album from Thirty Seconds To Mars was released on May 17th 2013. The title of the album 'Love Lust Faith + Dreams' describes its concept. The follow up album to Thirty's album, 'This Is War', has four segments, under the titles of the album. Each section begins with a female voice introducing it; Love includes the album's opening tracks, "Birth", and "Conquistador" Lust contains, "Up in the Air", "City of Angels", "The Race" and "End of All Days" and "Pyres of Varanasi" Faith consists of "Bright Lights" and "Do or Die", Dreams is introduced by "Convergence" and ends the album with "Northern Lights" and "Depuis Le Début" ‘This Is War’ saw the band take a new direction. Leto’s lyrics became darker and gave a more electronic and experimentive musical feel to the band which has continued into this record. Compared to their first, self titled, album the last two records have moved away from the post-grunge, emo, prog metal sound they were previously known for. ‘Love Lust Faith + Dreams’ explores personal emotions and areas of life, the lyrics are heartfelt and very personal to Leto. He wanted an album that has ebb and flow and content and structure, an album different to the bands earlier work. This album is certainly that, it is fresh and has a much more pop rock feel. The band have moved away from their dirty and dingy begins and flourished into a group who have found their feet and sound. If you have not been a fan of Thirty Seconds To Mars' previous albums I would encourage you to have a listen to this album as it is different, it is inspiring and easy to listen to. No matter what mood you may be in, this album is warm and inviting. With songs like 'Up In The Air' which talk about the lust and love for someone and wanting to be with them and songs such as 'Bright Lights' which focus on moments of choice, the future and the past, life and death. This album is a beautiful masterpiece.



Ami (On.My.Way)

Inspiration (Sometimes) Sometimes it's a flash of lightning, sudden, powerful, painful. Sometimes it's a river, washing over you until you're bathed in it. Sometimes it's a shadow, creeping up on you, visible if you'd only turn around. Sometimes it’s a hurricane, destructive and dangerous, and the best you can do is wait it out. Sometimes it’s a cloud, growing until it can no longer hold itself up, and then it bursts apart and drenches you. Sometimes it’s a desert, barren and empty if you don’t understand it, beautiful if you know what you’re looking for. Sometimes it’s a rainbow, that one moment of tranquillity that makes the storm worthwhile. Sometimes it’s a fire, all-consuming and fierce, leaving beauty in the ashes. Sometimes, but not always, it’s enough.



Frankie (Wakeful Dreamer)

Catherine Xbox 360/Ps3 I recently picked this game up when I saw it on sale as I had heard it was a story game and I have rather got into them of late. Well I had no idea what the game play of the game was until I played it for the first time and it’s a puzzle game with a story aspect. Well saying that the game is really a mix of horror/action/puzzle/story its just the creators put a good mix of aspects in there so its not certain where in genres this game fits in. In Catherine you play the character of Vincent who wakes up one night after having a nightmare (and a one night stand he happened to forget had happened) to find his world completely upside down and has to decide whether to marry his long term partner or to stray to the new girl. The interesting thing about this game is the choices you make as the player decide how the story ends up so you can be the good guy or the bad guy or somewhere in-between, its all down to you. But each night you face the nightmare world where guys who cheat end up climbing for their lives (and there is a hell of a lot of guys in there). The strange aspect is everyone in this world is a sheep so while everyone can see themselves and how they look they see everyone else as sheep. I have to admit there are three levels on how to play this – easy, medium and hard and I choose easy! Although even on easy I found it difficult but let me get to that, basically the idea of the game is to climb to the top of the tower by moving blocks around so it can basically form a staircase. Sound easy? Well its not, in the early stages it is simple so you get used to it and the other sheep give you tips on how to climb but in later levels the towers are more complicated, other sheep shove you out of the way and the blocks change to make them more hazardous (ice, bombs, broken blocks and more). Along the way you can pick up pillows that give you extra lives, coins to buy items that can help you out, and items that can help you along the way. The boss levels are my pet hates, the first time I completed one it took me about twenty tries as I kept dying. The reason for this being the boss levels take a person in the real world and they try to attack and hinder you not to mention all the blocks crumble away underneath you so you are timed to do the level as fast as you can which can be hard if you are not good at planning a route spur of the moment. I did have to use youtube videos for a few of the levels just to get that “duh that was so easy and I could not see


it” moment. The game does have multiple endings but I don’t feel its worth replaying (as least on story mode) as while the choices you make affect the game these choices mainly take place during the nightmare levels making the day levels a bit repetitive as they wont be any different. During the day levels you control Vincent at the pub talking to all the different people who visit there and who are also having nightmares (wow so many men cheat in the game), depending on what you do some of them may die during the game. Also the drunker you get Vincent the faster he in the nightmare world so its always worth having a few drinks. While the main story play might not be worth another playthrough if you like the puzzle aspect there is a mode where you can simply play the puzzle levels, which are worth a replay. Being one of the strange Japanese story games the game can be very cringe worth at times, and for the males you have the added sexy pics your new lover sends you. That said you do get around 20 hours out of the story mode so it is worth a pick up and play and seeing if you look about online you can pick up the game for under £20 new and still has a good trade in price if you prefer to play and trade. So they say if you die in your dreams you die in the real world, in this game that is certainly true….

Animal crossing – new leaf 3DS

I have to admit this game series never appealed to me as I found harvest moon to be on the tedious side and seeing as they are similar I never got the hype of this game. When I managed to get a cheap copy of the Ds version I was hooked and ran over 100 hours of play time so when I heard about this game I had to pre-order (shop-to is great if you want it a day before release). Okay so how do you describe Animal Crossing, well its game that is designed to be played everyday as there will always be something new to do. But really it’s a game where you take control and shape the town how you want it to be and do what you want


to do each day. The story in the game follows that you are moving to a new town but everyone mistakes you to be the new mayor and well you get forced to be. It will take a good ten days before you can open everything up in the game but for now you can introduce yourself and start to make some monies (which you will need to pay off your house as Tom Nook is a robbing git!!). As with the previous game you need to build a house and pay Tom Nook an extortionate amount to do so (yes being mayor does not come with a house) so there are plenty of ways to make money. This is mainly done with fishing /bug hunting and selling random objects you find. The aspect of this game I like is there are two shops you can sell to and they will both give you different amounts (though I find nook is still a robbing git as his store always offers less). Objects can be found throughout the day and night and as the time changes the environment and animals do as well so there is always something new to find, especially as some may be winter animals and others summer so its an aspect to keep you playing. As the game runs on a real time and date this reflects in the game so if you play at 1pm its 1pm in the game, and if its summer its summer in the game. It can be annoying if you are a night gamer like me as the shops tend to close by 11pm so you need to store items away until you can sell them. You can also choose to donate things to the museum as it has no exhibitions when you star the game, but if you want to unlock the café you need to donate items. Like the last game you can invite friends over to play and you can use the Internet as well for online play. I love the freedom of this game to do as please so the experience of the game is yours and no one else will have that. For some people this game will not appeal but for those on the fence I would defiantly recommend it especially if you are more of the casual gamer and have a spare moment to play it everyday. The game can be a bit boring for the first while as you have to unlock things but once you can do that the game will be a worthwhile experience. If you don’t have a 3DS and have a DS and never played the original I would recommend picking that up, the game-play is nearly the same with a few new things in the 3DS game and a new story but it is still as enjoyable. So as Tom Nook would say “give me your money”



Bleeding Angel

Hey lovely RYL'ers! Before I start, I'd like to thank everybody for all your suggestions and comments regarding this article. It has been really helpful for us on the eZine team and we are looking forward to looking at new ways to celebrate our fantastic members! However, as we had started voting already, it seemed only fair to celebrate a member for this month! Thank you to everybody that nominated, it's been fantastic to hear of all the valuable members and the wonderful things they do for others and for RYL itself. I'm very excited to reveal that this edition, our wonderful member of the month goes to the lovely...

Marie!!! (MissAnonymous) This is a message special from one of Marie's friends :This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 800x600.


And here are just some of the comments that were shared with me when people nominated Marie :'I am nominating Marie because she is always thinking of her other people and very rarely takes time out for herself' 'I am nominating Marie because she is amazing and always puts other people first.' 'I am nominating Marie because she is always supportive and wanting to help others' * Other mentions go to happywondering (Sarah), frenchhorn (Oliver), Meera and crazykat (Kat). As well as Tig (me, why thank you darlings!), Between Two Lungs who I was told "spoke to somebody when barely nobody else did' which hopefully helped to make this member feel welcomed and finally to Snow White (Aimee) who was nominated by someone who completely agreed with Aimee's own words when she said "I must be pretty ****ing strong to get this far on my own" - go Aimee! So congratulations to all those mentioned but also to everybody on the site because together we have a lovely community!

























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