Ryo Ishioka Selected Works 2022

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Ryo Ishioka

Selected Works

Table of Contents Precarious Foundation(s) the 1619 project

Community Circuit

affordable housing for the people

Bubble Archive syracuse archives

01 02 03

Cellular Sanctuary


Helix Tower




data center // meditation chapel iceland cave tower portable reading room

Precarious Foundation(s) Located in the landing point of the first enslaved African People, the building serves as a beacon of hope for a new narrative of African American history and culture. Above ground, large asymmetrical concrete planes signal the space beneath, acting as a monumental form. This field condition of slanted planes is paired to taper towards and outwards each other, thereby offering moments of compression and expansion. Depending on the direction of the slabs, light becomes heavily controlled, and the user navigates through the anxieties of lightness and darkness which implies moments of reflection and release. At night, light will emit from within the project, and will be seen glowing from the distance, giving it an ethereal quality to further express the monumentality of the slabs. The precarious structure of the concrete planes represents the fragility of American history, but also symbolizes the fracture and deep-rooted impact of slavery in the US. The project aims to focus on the American history of African Americans and to provide a space to unearth lost stories and family relations . The project features pour in place concrete slabs as well as thickened slabs which are a series of precast frames lined with concrete panels. The large pour in place slabs act as thermal masses, cooling the surrounding area during the day and heating the project at night. The thickened slabs act as circulation and service spaces in which, stairs and bathrooms are inside of the hollow frame. in collaboration with Shiori Green



Scope Memorial + Museum for the Enslaved Africans Location Old Point Comfort, VA Year Spring 2021 Instructor Lawrence Davis Recognition King + King Leadership by Design Finalist

site axonometric

axonometric chunk highlighting gallery and pour in place “slabs”

axonometric chunk highlighting theater and thickened “slabs”










*site plan + kit of parts by Shiori Green

site axon

exterior render at night

interior render– memorial

interior render– 2nd floor gallery

*floor plans by Shiori Green

Community Circuit

This project responds to the systemic inequality that Mott Haven is facing by proposing a “street community”– a hybrid between tower and street. In the South Bronx, the local community has been continuously marginalized and taken advantage of by destructive external groups. Air quality has deteriorated, little has been invested in local schools and parks, and in 2020 the South Bronx was one of the communities hardest hit by coronavirus. This project, a mixed income housing co-op, aims to combat the systemic issues in the South Bronx by providing ample community space, while providing permanent housing to local families. The project is a Hybrid between tower and street, combined to form a street community. A single circulation ramps vertically through the entire building which promotes interaction and fosters strong community. There are 4 cores in the building, all of which contain stairs and 1 elevator. The Public Program is 60,000 SQFT and works to address the areas of improvement identified in the site analysis. The site is located in an R7X district, mandating 5 FAR for a total of 175,000 SF, a 125’ maximum height, 15’ setback on narrow streets, and minimum 60’ base height. The project designed around this restraint by setting back the community space to allow for a ramping “street”. The residential massing of this project is divided into four identical chunks, with two auxiliary chunks on the shorter northern and southern sides. The unit configurations follow a modular system, with the coridor floors being split into segments of 15 and the remaoning floors in segments of 20 which allows for adaptability and variability in how the units could potentially fit together. in collaboration with Shiori Green



Scope Affordable Housing Complex Location Bronx, NY Year Fall 2020 Instructor Angela Co Recognition AIA John A. Notarro Scholarship

1. zoning envelope

2. setback

3. carve

4. stagger

healthcare facilities

educational centers

fresh food markets

recreational facilities

local shelters

waterfront industries

Ground Floor meeting center library gym food market elderly care

Second Floor green walk coworking space library gym food market

Third Floor green walk community lawn residential first floor

residential circulation

public circulation


shared kitchen


laundry room

residential massing

farmer’s market elderly care day care meeting center

residential lobby fitness center


public massing

studio 300 sqft

2 br 600 sqft

3 br 900 sqft

3+ br 1100 sqft

typical unit section

*perspectives + unit drawings by Shiori Green

Bubble Archive

This project features a scheme of spherical rooms booleaned and subtracted throughout to provide unique exterior readings and playful interior typologies. The Archival and Display building for the City of Syracuse seeks to have a monumental presence on East Genesee Street. Formally, the spheres in the archival building are used to give an ornamental presence to an otherwise abandoned historical plaza. Spatially, spheres create unique spaces, which from the inside provides 180 degree views of Hanover square. The spheres intersecting the facade manipulate the surface of the building, thereby acheiving a fluidity that was not present in the orthogonal buildings of Hanover square. These spheres address the programatic needs of the archives building, whether it be the reading spaces, a cafe, or the auditorium. The contours combined with the sphere volumes allows for secondary activities to take place. contoured layers of 1/2 intervals allows for the use of the walls as stairs, bookshelves, and seating. Moreover, the bricks create a horizontal datum that conforms to those on the bricks of the buildings on the street. A 1/16th scale detailed model was used to display the project.


Scope Archival Building Location Syracuse, NY Year Spring 2018 Instructor Ryan Ball

Cellular Sanctuary

This project explores the cross-contamination of layers in architecture and how to negotiate the boundary between two territories. As a commentary on the pervasiveness of internet technology and digital screen and the effects of it on human well being, this project proposes a center of meditation from technology, powered by technology. The same blue glow that hypnotizes its viewers will be manifested into a sensory form for meditation, creating the possibility of self-awareness and self reflection. While the data center and meditation facility are closely entwined, a blurred boundary will separate them. There will be a vague awareness of each other’s presence through light and noise seeping through each space. The data center and meditation facility operates as a platform to explore the hybridization of relaxation and post-human spaces. The void space acts as the meditation chapel while the surrounding territories are designated to the data center. The cross contamination of these two contrasting spaces forces the two territories to coexist and blur the lines between the two programs. One will go into the meditation chapel, unsuspecting of the white noise emitting from the adjacent wall. Then, one will go up to the thermal baths, basking in the glowing water. Finally, they will undergo chromatherapy via the lights emitted from the data center. All of this will occur beside the busyness of the data center, where users will be immersed in the chaos of technology. As this semester took place online, there was a heavy focus on experimenting with new software. LiDAR was used to scan the site and photogrametry software was used in order to get accurate representation of the surrounding context. in collaboration with Roxanne Saraffzadeh



Scope Meditation Chapel / Data Center Location Castiglione D’orcia, Italy Year Spring 2020 Instructor Daniele Profeta

top left render by Roxanne Saraffzadeh

Helix Tower


Near the caves of Grjótagjá marks the site of collision between transnational tectonic plates. The tower entangles two paths to unite the plates. Mounted between two continents, questions of identity are met with feelings of ambivalence. Captivated but dubious, the Helix Tower attempts to draw resolution as dichotomous paths converge, headed towards one another, and gracefully dance, entangled with one another before they are merged in harmonious union at the pinnacle. The tower is composed of two spiraling paths weaved together through the relationship of interior to exterior. Climbing against one another, the paths merge at the pinnacle, subjugated only by the large skylight in the center. The large skylight acts as a vector for the sky above and the earth below to meet. It is reinforced by apertures sporadically puncture the spiraling surfaces that allow for the ephemeral lighting of the interior. They also provide framed previews for the view to come. The base of the tower accommodates a small visitor centre consisting of a one-person office and a small café. The project features local walking paths in order to better preserve the fragile natural surroundings by utilizing a path module that could be replicated throughout the terrain. in collaboration with Andrew Yu


Scope Iceland Cave Tower Competition Location Grjotagja, Iceland Year Fall 2021

























*renders in collaboration with Andrew Yu



When Stacks are coupled together, they become a unique exterior reading environment tailored to local and individual imagination.

Scope Beebreeders portable reading room competition

Stacks is a modular system for user configurated and operated reading rooms. The form taking shape of a 30-60-90 degree triangle allows for a diverse assortment of configurations for different needs. The basic unit contains 36 bookshelves, spaces for 4 bicycles, as well as 16 coated foam cushions. This gives stacks a recognizable sense of identity while being spaceefficient and adaptable.

Location Various Sites

The goal of this project is to make books more accessible, encourage readinging, and enrich sense of community wherever it is placed. During the colder months, it operates as a simple book exchange box and a more immersive and interactive reading experience during milder weather. The modular Stack unit is designed to fit within typical dimensions of delivery vehicle flatbeds to allow for ease of transport and assembly. The Stack’s construction out of lightweight sustainable plywood also lends itself to being easily transported with minimal amounts of labor and no specialized skill required. As a result, the configuration of the Stacks on the site is entirely determined by the user and their needs. *in collaboration with Daniel Hogan


Year Spring 2019


Outer Frame

Inner Panel

Tambour Sliding Door (Closed)

Tambour Sliding Door (Open)

Inner panels

Outer Frame

Elevation 12’

Shelf Dimensions 16.5” x 7.5” x 18”

36 Shelves Per Stack

6 Bike Racks Per Stack

Perspective Section 1:25

Perspective Plan 1:25

plan + section by Daniel Hogan



Syracuse University

American Institute of Architecture Students Syracuse Chapter President | jan 2018-dec 2021

Bachelor of Architecture | Spring 2022 Dean’s list

Fisher Center

Advanced Urban Studio | Spring 2020


NCARB Hours: 875

Kengo Kuma & Associates may 2021-aug 2021 | Tokyo, Japan

Architectural Intern– Developed design studies for a resort in Yakushima, Japan using Rhino and model-making. Developed studies and renders (v-ray) for a library in Tokyo, and various physical presentation models.

Gluckman Tang Architects jan 2020-may 2020 | New York, NY

Architectural Intern– Produced professional renders for museum in Charlotte, NC. Revised construction documents in Autocad. Produced facade studies for museum in Fort Worth, TX.

Chandler Pierce Architects jan 2019-aug 2019 | New York, NY

Architectural Intern– Prepared and revised construction documents using vectorworks and developed design proposals for private residences and offices in NYC and Noto, Italy.

Toyo Ito & Associates, Architects jun 2018-jul 2018 | New York, NY

Architecural Intern– Modeled various large-scale models for a large-scale civic hall poject and set up presentations for schematic designs. Designed study models for various projects using Rhino.

King Street Sounds may 2018-present | New York, NY

Graphic Designer– Designed album artwork with consistent look in regard to branding outlines. Led translation of material from Japanese to English.

SU School of Architecture jan 2019-present | New York, NY

Plot Room Monitor– Monitored printing room in Slocum Hall. Responsible for printing, replacing ink and paper, and assisting students with computers.

Led executive board of 20 members. Organized firm tours in Philadelphia, Boston, and NYC. organized panels and outreach events with the AIA.

SU First Year and Transfer Programs Teaching Assistant | july 2021-present

Guided discussions within a 18 student section of FYS 101. Discussions are anchored around issues of diversity, belonging and student success.

National Organization of Minority Architects Class Representative | july 2021-dec 2021

Elected as class representative to voice student experience and relay information for events.

SU Office of Student Living Resident Advisor | aug 2018- dec 2019

Directed 70+ students as a live-in advisor. Coordinated programs that promote campus resources and diversity.

awards SOURCE grant recipient|nov 2021 Rememberance Scholarship |may 2021 King + King Leadership by Design Finalist |may 2021 Mark & Pearle Clement’s Award |apr 2021 AIA John A. Notaro Scholarship|mar 2021 AIA Walter Hunt Jr. Scholarship|jun 2017

skills Digital

Indesign•Photoshop •Illustrator • Revit •Rhino V-ray • Vectorworks•Maya•AutoCad•Premier DIVA •Climate Consultant


Laser machine•CNC mill•Casting •3D Printing Woodwork•3D Printing•Casting Hand modeling


Fluent English & Japanese

Contact W: https://ryoishioka.com E: ryoishioka1@gmail.com P: 917-755-4564 E: 15 Broad St, New York, NY 10005

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