Portfolio Academic projects 2013-2018
Ricardo Zarazúa Velázquez
In this portfolio are presented some projects made during my academic training in architecture. Showing my perception through spaces of different scale and context.
Ricardo Zarazúa Velázquez
DEGREE IN ARCHITECTURE Un iv ers id ad Au t ón om a De Qu erét aro Spec i a l i za ti on i n a r c hi tec tur e a nd ur ba ni sm .
CENEVAL E GE L ARC H IT E C T URE E XAM O u t s t an d ing P er f o r mance T es t imo ny ( kno w n in S p an is h as T D S S ) .
SCHOLARSHIP IN EXECUTIVE PROJECT Un iv ers id ad Au t ón om a De Qu erét aro E lab o r at io n o f t he ex e cu t iv e p r o ject f o r t he s p o r t s cen t er in U A Q Ca m pu s J u ri qu i l l a .
SOCIAL SERVICE PROGRAM Un iv ers id ad Au t ón om a De Qu erét aro C o n s t r u ct io n o f f e r r o cemen t t an ks and s an d b io filt e r s in lo calit ies of S t at e o f Q ue r é t ar o .
PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES Un iv ers id ad Au t ón om a De Qu erét aro A r ch it e ct u r al and ex e cu t iv e p r o ject f o r t he G r ad u at e ar ea o f E ng in e e ri n g i n U A Q C amp us C U .
COURSE BIM C en t ro d e E d u cación C on t in u a UAQ C o u r s e o f A r ch iC A D w it h B I M met h o d o lo g y ( B u ild ing I n f o r mat io n M ode l i n g) .
BRIDGE OF WOODEN STICKS Un iv ers id ad Au t ón om a De Qu erét aro F ir s t p lace in aes t h et ics . S e co nd p lace in r es is t an ce .
BRIDGE OF WOODEN STICKS Un iv ers id ad Au t ón om a De Qu erét aro S e co nd p lace in r es is t an ce .
ARCHITECTURAL INTERVENTION S econ d Id eas C om p et it ion t o In t erv en e t h e UAQ Lib raries S e co nd p lace.
SOFTWARE A rchi C A D ( B I M ) A uto C A D I l l us tra to r P ho to s ho p I nd e s i g n R hi no ce ro s 3 ds M a x S ke tchu p V -R a y QGIS
OPUS M i cro s o ft O ffi ce
EnvĂŠs Shelter Amealco de Bonfil, Qro. 2014
Site plan
Rhinoceros / ArchiCAD / 3ds Max / V-Ray / Forest Pack / Photoshop
The shelter was not designed for someone else, but for me.
The roof is obtained from drawing triangles from one vertex
The main concept is the simplicity of lifting a plane and turning
to another, on a grid with rectangles of 1.22m x 2.44m, the
it into a three-dimensional element with triangles, capable of
rectangles are wooden panels that are supported on a wood
supporting itself, adapting it to the topography of the land and
the existing vegetation. The plant is free in most spaces and the only walls inside are A building that is easy to place and remove to inhabit, near
spaces for personal hygiene. On the perimeter of the shelter
abundant vegetation, is not an environmental aggression. The
there are folding doors that open to give a connection be-
roof serves as a limitation between the interior and exterior,
tween the interior and the context.
without losing the relationship with the vegetation. Between the refuge and the natural environment of the site reflects tranquility and peace.
The space with the best view is the dining room, followed by the living room and the bedrooms. The floor becomes a cantilevered terrace, where it is possible to sit and enjoy the
A cover that emerges from the floor to embrace the interior of the building and fall back on it.
great landscape.
EnvĂŠs Shelter
Ground floor
Section 5
EnvĂŠs Shelter
EnvĂŠs Shelter
Pensil House Santiago de QuerĂŠtaro, Qro. 2016
Site plan
ArchiCAD / 3ds Max / V-Ray / Photoshop
Located on a property with steeper slopes, with an inclina-
The ground floor extends to the garden, to connect the two
tion of 40% compared to the horizontal, the concept of pensil
dining rooms, one inside and one outside, with the possibility
emerged, a house suspended in the air. The slopes of the te-
of opening through windows.
rrain create spaces in different heights inside the house, double heights and floors with different level.
The bleachers near the outside dining room function as seating, potting stand and as stairs to the outdoor garden at the
On an axis that divides the house in half, there is a main
back of the house.
access on the ground floor that connects with more public spaces, such as the living room, dining room and study; on
Suspended stairs over the livingroom reach the first floor,
one side a service access that connects with laundry room,
towards spaces with greater privacy. On the first floor are the
storeroom and kitchen.
bedrooms with studios and terraces. To move from the main bedroom to the study it is necessary to go through a terrace
On the facades are terraces to go out to enjoy the landsca-
that connects these two spaces. In the background, near the
pe, in addition to providing the house with a better current of
bedrooms and on a lower level, there is an entertainment room
air and shade.
for users.
Pensil House
Ground floor
First floor
Section in perspective 9
Pensil House
Pensil House
Colinas de Balvanera Housing Subdivision Apaseo El Alto, Gto. 2016 Collaborators: David GudiĂąo
Site plan
AutoCAD / ArchiCAD / 3ds Max / V-Ray / Photoshop
The constant growth in metropolitan areas of cities causes
The main road is the axis that divides the area of equip-
the creation of new places to live. Mixed-use dwellings that
ment and housing for a better vehicular, pedestrian and cyclist
encourage social interaction between individuals, with green
fluidity. Among the houses are the free areas for recreation,
areas, facilities and nearby services.
shops and services for economic activity.
In a land of 24 hectares near the metropolitan area of the city
Four types of housing are proposed, because the needs of
of Santiago de QuerĂŠtaro a subdivision with 563 houses, free
the users are different, giving them the opportunity to decide
areas, trade area, a donation area and a country club area is
what spaces they need. The first type is the base housing with
the minimum spaces for a small family. In the second is possible to add a bedroom or study. In the next you can increase
The roads, bike lanes and transportation stops were proposed according to the vegetation and an existing road, and likewise the access from the road. It is worth mentioning that a river is on the side of the land.
the area of the room and the dining room. And in the last type stairs are added for a second floor with more spaces.
Colinas de Balvanera Housing Subdivision
Housing subdivision River Sample of type houses TS Trade and service area DA Donation area RE Recreational facility CC Country club
Zoning 13
Colinas de Balvanera Housing Subdivision
Type 1
Prototype base for the subsequent growth.
Type 2
Added space at the back of the house.
Type 3
Room and dining room wider than the previous prototype.
Type 4
House with two floors.
Prototype growth 14
Colinas de Balvanera Housing Subdivision
Eucaliptos Kindergarden Santiago de QuerĂŠtaro, Qro. 2016
Site plan
ArchiCAD / 3ds Max / V-Ray / Photoshop
Initial education in children is very important, since they de-
The buildings are arranged according to a circular and trans-
velop physical and psychological skills, in order to be creative
versal circulation that embraces a central park, which serves
and autonomous. As good explorers, their vision and curiosity
as a control to be seen from the administration area, in addi-
are very broad, examining any corner of any place. Therefore,
tion to respecting the existing vegetation.
I try to create a harmonious environment to help them with their growth.
Trees of great height are conserved in the back part of the property with the purpose that the children can live together
From urban planning, an area was chosen with few preschool education facilities and near other facilities, such as health.
and explore with the vegetation. Likewise, orchards where food is grown that can later be used.
In the access there is a square so that people can wait for
The configuration of the classrooms has the purpose of be-
the start and finish of the school hours, creating an interaction
ing connected to the outside, being more visible the interac-
space outside the kindergarten.
tion with the vegetation and the transversal circulation to give freedom to the children while they are cared for by the teachers.
Eucaliptos Kindergarden
Street 1. Square 2. Garden 3. Orchard 4. Sand 5. Flowers 6. Leaves 7. Schoolroom 8. Store 9. Bathroom 10. Reading workshop 11. Food court 12. Kitchen 13. Control 14. Reception 15. Administration 16. Educators room 17. Terrace
Ground floor 17
Eucaliptos Kindergarden
Axonometric perspective 18
Eucaliptos Kindergarden
Tejido University Hospital Santiago de QuerĂŠtaro, Qro. 2017
Site plan
ArchiCAD / 3ds Max / V-Ray / Photoshop
The function of the 60-bed university hospital is medical as-
The vegetation of the site is preserved, mainly the large
sistance, research and teaching linked to the Universidad Au-
trees. The orientation of the building and a lattice help to give
tĂłnoma de QuerĂŠtaro so that medical professionals, students,
a fresh feeling inside the spaces.
researchers and authorities can teach and learn from general medicine to a specialization.
The hospital is divided into several departments, the most crowded and the public are near the main access. On the
There are several accesses for different activities in the three
ground floor, the outpatient and emergency areas are the clo-
levels of the hospital and the underground parking. On the
sest, after the laboratories and surgery, and at the end are the
main street, there is access to a parking lot in a free area and
maintenance, the machine house and the general store. On
to the basement; pedestrians can attend external consulta-
the second floor are hospitalization, cooking, administration
tion or emergencies and administrative access by another, to
and teaching. And in the third, cubicles and residence.
the dressing room. The access to the emergency room with ambulance and the maintenance area is by a tertiary street. It is worth mentioning that the ground and upper floors are connected by means of stairs, elevator and emergency ramp.
The materials were chosen according to the specifications set by the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS).
Tejido University Hospital
Second floor
1. Car park 2. Ambulance access 3. Yard for manoeuvres 4. Outpatient 5. Emergencies 6. Mortuary 7. Labor and Delivery 8. Diagnostic imaging 9. Dressing rooms 10. Maintenance 11. Powerhouse 12. General store 13. Government 14. Hospitalization 15. Administration and teaching 16. Kitchen 17. Cubicles and residence
12 11
First floor
14 13
Ground floor
8 4
7 5 6
1 3
2 1
Basement car park
Zoning 21
Tejido University Hospital
Ground floor
First floor 22
Tejido University Hospital
Zacapoaxtlas Street Santiago de QuerĂŠtaro, Qro. 2018 Collaborators: Enrique Benitez y Natanael Mora
Site plan
QGIS / ArchiCAD / Street View / Photoshop
The city is made of public spaces that contribute to a scena-
The pedestrianisation of the street is not the optimal one
rio of social interactions, in which people spend much of their
because on one side it does not have a stool for the traffic of
time. The streets are the most extensive element of the public
people who walk it. There are events that lead to the closure of
space. When a street stops being transit with a lot of traffic
a section of the street, for example, the entry and exit of high
flow and begins to have different activities that allow people to
school students and for a market located in front of it.
socialize, it begins to be a livable street. The improvement of the street Zacapoaxtlas will allow a mix On Zacapoaxtlas Street there are several facilities, a public secondary school, a sports unit and a market, as well as hou-
of activities that will potentiate the coexistence between the people achieving a state of comfort to inhabit the street.
sing with trade. There is a wide concentration of people at certain hours that travel throughout the street. The confined
It is proposed to make changes with temporary materials
space for the vehicle is greater than the pedestrian, being that
that help people to move on the street, with the aim of seeing
it is more used. Pedestrian walkways, narrow and segregated
the behavior of these and then make another more detailed
do not give priority to pedestrians and cyclists.
and durable project with specific materials.
Zacapoaxtlas Street
Crossing A
Crossing B
Crossing C
Master plan
Crossing D
Zacapoaxtlas Street
Section A-A
Section B-B
Section C-C
Section D-D
Zacapoaxtlas Street