Gita Publishing House Books Catalogue

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Self Help & Self Realisation

About the Author


Gita Publishing House is one of the important departments of the Sadhu Vaswani Mission. The Sadhu Vaswani Mission is a renowned humanitarian organization with its headquarters located in Pune, the cultural capital of Maharashtra and its Centres all over India as well as in the Eastern and Western hemispheres. Over 300 titles of books and booklets have been published. The books include the soul stirring writings of Sadhu Vaswani and Rev. Dada J. P. Vaswani, which are especially relevant to modern man. Rational, simple, practical and laced with wit & humour, the works have been translated into several Indian & Foreign Languages–.Sindhi, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Oriya, Urdu, Kannada, Telgu, Tamil, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, Bahasa, Letvian, Russian, French etc. Turn the pages of this catalogue & they will reveal to you a treasure of books that are filled with knowledge & direction that will appeal to your head, heart & soul.

Contents Self-Help




Specially For Children


Spiritual /Philosophical


Thoughts / Utterances For Reflection


Hinduism/ Scriptures


Monthly Jour nals


Books Translated Into Different L anguages


Happily Ever After J.P. Vaswani


Marriages may be made in heaven, but they can only be kept intact on earth. The secret? Ten simple gifts of understanding! Practice them together and watch as they transform your house into a happy home.

Price: Rs.299/$ 10.00 978-93-80743-84-4

Ego Goes: Divinity Grows J.P. Vaswani We often wonder why our relationships go sour. The stumbling block is our ego. We are lost in the ego and become blind to wisdom and wander from darkness to deeper darkness. This book presents simple steps to conquer this hidden virus which destroys us. Let this book help you to take the initial steps towards nurturing relationships.

Price: Rs.165/$ 8.00 978-93-80743-91-2


Why Do Good People Suffer?


J.P. Vaswani A challenging book which will open to you new insights on the laws of karma and reincarnation. It gives these most profound philosophies in a language all can understand. In it are given practical guidelines for a radiant, joyful, God-filled life ! Price: Rs.125/-

$ 8.00


Stop Complaining: Start Thanking! J.P. Vaswani Gratitude, according to Rev. Dada J. P. Vaswani, is "the foundation of a peaceful life, a secure and stable mind; it is also the essence of spirituality." Stop complaining and start living! Cultivate the fine art of gratitude and fill your life with joy, abundance, peace and prosperity!

Price: Rs.100/- $ 8.00 978-93-80743-20-2

Peace or Perish J.P. Vaswani In the shadows of post 9-11 world, one in which the words terror, war, and calamity are a part of our daily vocabulary - one question looms larger than life: Is peace possible? Leaning on the world's great religious, literary, and spiritual traditions for inspiration, Dada J.P. Vaswani's Peace or Perish makes the compelling argument that the building blocks of global peace are rooted in three dimensions of peace - peace within, peace between nations, and peace with nature. Price: Rs.215/- $ 10.00 978-81-87662-71-6


15 Rules of Transforming Life

J.P. Vaswani 15 rules of transforming life will guide you to a deeper, more fulfilling happiness. It will lead you from the mundane to the meaningful, from the superficial to the sublime, from the endless rat race to eternal bliss. Open any page and discover a new path to happiness.

Price: Rs.150/-

$ 8.00


The Simple Way


Face it with Love J.P. Vaswani This beautiful, concise and very focused book addresses the people of this world and exhorts us to face each other with love. If there is any famine, any dearth in the world today, it must be a famine of love and understanding, Dada asserts. He also offers to us, practical philosopher that he is, easy-to-follow and easy-toimplement suggestions on how we may grow in the spirit of love and understanding.

Price: Rs.100/-

$ 8.00




You Can Change Your Life Live- Don’t JUST Exist

J.P. Vaswani Are you living your life 100%? Or are you just in existence mode? Have you ever asked yourself why God has bestowed on us this rare and precious gift of human birth? The message that Rev. Dada J. P. Vaswani gives us in this book is: You can change your life for the better! In this volume are gathered together Rev. Dada’s profound, yet practical reflections on the meaning, the value and the purpose of this human birth.

Price: Rs.165/-

India Awake J.P. Vaswani The complete and successful transfiguration of India is Dada's dream in this slim, but powerful volume, wherein he exhorts the youth of the nation to come forward to build a new India – not as leaders, netas, masters and commanders, but as servants, soldiers and volunteers.

Price: Rs.100/-


$ 8.00


$ 8.00



Women: Where Would the World Be Without You? J.P. Vaswani Woman is a symbol of shakti. Shakti is not force: shakti is the energy which integrates peoples, communities, nations. It is woman's integrating shakti that will build a new civilization for the new age! Through the pages of this book, Rev. Dada traces the changing attitudes towards women in society and history, and explores the status of women within marriage, in the family, as single individuals and as participants in the workforce. While issues like violence against women are dealt with squarely, Rev. Dada's message is one of hope and promise: for he is certain that in the future women will have an important role to play. The woman soul shall lead us upward, on!

Price: Rs.210/-



Friends Forever J.P. Vaswani What is life without friends? Friendship is special to all of us and friends are special people in our lives. In his latest books on Friendship, Rev. Dada J.P. Vaswani who is the friend of all friends, tells us about that beautiful gift called friendship. For all friends out there – a tribute to friendship that you cannot, must not, miss!

Price: Rs.125/-

$ 8.00



Specially For Children

Hard Bound Story Books for Children

J.P. Vaswani









Price: Rs.60/- each

$ 5.00 each

‌ an inspiring story illustrated for chidren. They will simply love to read it again and again, and carry the handy book around. A gifted raconteur (anecdotist), Dada J.P. Vaswani has indeed a heart-warmimg insight into human nature. His stories talk to us of life, God's greatest gift to man.

25 Stories For Children and also for Teens

J.P. Vaswani Drawn from a wide variety of success, the stories in this book tell the children of the great and noble ones of humanity, as well as ordinary mortals who share our weakness and failings.

Price: Rs.85/-


$ 5.00


Spiritual /Philosophical

The Goal of Life and How to Attain it Spiritual Sadhanas For Everyone

J.P. Vaswani Ask anyone you know the following questions: Have you secured your investments for the future? Have you taken medical insurance ? Have you applied for your housing loan? Strange, but true, we plan for every eventuality of life, but we hardly stop to think about the ultimate purpose, the goal of human life.

Price: Rs.215/-

$ 10.00


Life after Death J.P. Vaswani This is an invaluable book that helps us to come to terms with life's most difficult yet inconvertible aspect– Death. In answering questions that have always haunted us, the book provides ample evidence of life after death!

Price: Rs.125/-

$ 8.00



Thoughts / Utterances For Reflection

T h o u g h t s / U t t e r a n c e s Fo r Re f l e c t i o n

By J. P. Vaswani 108 Pearls of Practical Wisdom

Dada J. P. Vaswani's 108 Pearls Of Practical Wisdom will help us discover that life is indeed God's greatest gift to us - a gift of joy, love and peace.

Price: Rs.60/$ 5.00 81-87662-46-8

108 Simple Prayers 0f a Simple Man

This book offers a selection of Dada J. P. Vaswani's own prayers - soulful, devout, vivid, intense. These prayers that flow directly from the heart of a saint will enable you to articulate your own deepest spiritual needs. Price: Rs.40/$ 5.00 81-87662-12-3

114 Thoughts on Love

An exquisite little book which you can carry in your pocket open any page at random and you will find a lovely thought to make you bask in the sunshine of divine love.

Price: Rs.60/$ 5.00



Thoughts / Utterances For Reflection 108 Thoughts on Success

Dada J.P. Vaswani is a practical philospher who does not merely define success for you-but actually shows you how to attain success in every walk of life in the truest sense of the term.

Price: Rs.60/$ 5.00 81-87662-27-1

Daily Inspiration

Price: Rs.75/-

The thoughts in this book are culled from the writings and utterances of Dada J.P. Vaswani, a practical mystic and philosopher. As we wake up in the morning, the first thing we must do is to read the thought for the day. Read it again and again, until it sinks into our subconscious mind. During the course of the day, let us remind ourselves of the thought, at repeated intervals. Let us do so again before slipping into sleep and we will find a new dimension added to our lives!

T h o u g h t s / U t t e r a n c e s Fo r Re f l e c t i o n

By J. P. Vaswani

$ 5.00 978-93-80743-02-8

Begin the Day With God

A day well-begun is a day almost wholly won! What better way to begin a day than with a daily appointment with God? In this beautiful, compact volume, Dada gives us 366 thoughts - one for each day of the year - to get the day going in the right spirit. Price: Rs.125/$ 8.00 81-87662-58-1


Author Sadhu Vaswani

Hinduism/ Scriptures

The Bhagavad Gita: The Song of Life This volume offers you the sacred text of the Gita in the original Sanskrit along with an English transliteration. Each sloka is followed by Sadhu Vaswani's lucid translation and brilliant commentary.

Price: Rs.100/-

$ 8.00


The Bhagavad Gita: The Song of The Supreme

Price: Rs.200/-


$ 10.00


Author Sadhu Vaswani

In this book, the message of the great worldscripture, The Bhagavad Gita is made available to us in a beautiful, simplified form. The quintessential profundity and wisdom of the Gita is explained in a simple rational commentary after each verse.

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