S.Albert Arch Portfolio 2011

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Steven Albert Selected Work 2009-2011

Steven Albert

MIT MArch Candidate 2016 Masters in Building Construction Bachelor of Design in Architecture

Selected Work

Speculative Studies 2009-2011

04Design 7 City Suscitation revitalizing the City Block Hell’s 1413th Shelter Competition Symbiotic Dwelling Folding 20Evolo 2011 Skyscraper Competition 26Sucker Punch Competition 2011 Center for Urban Farming NY Ufarm 32Design 36Design


7 New York Tower

Germinate & Generate

40Study Abroad 2010 Guadalajara Community Education Center 48Design

San Martin

Fault line Fragmentation 50Design 4 Crease Create Capture 4



Per-Form Theater


60Design 6 111 Cellar Nexus Savannah, 61Wander in Flux Residual traces of a city,



Kitchen Manhattan, NY Fall 2010


Wilderness Svartifoss Park, Iceland.............................................................................

Elastic Morphologies

rethinking Verticality............................................

Agricultural Center Brooklyn Project

SkaFolding Hotel 8th

Navy Yard..................................................

Ave and 43rd St.

fall 2010............................

FL Landscape Project Fall 2009.................................................................................... De las Ca単as Mexico........................................................................................................



Nomadic Shelter

Fall 2009


Desert Project Spring 2009.................................................................. Garage Project Spring 2009................................................................................................. Charleston Project Spring 2010.....................................................................................

Steel Pulse Tower of Music Verticality and Rhythm 56 Summer 2010 Semperian Pavilion Enveloping the

Spring 2009.................................................... Box Mexico......................................................


NY trip fall 2010...............................................................................................................

City Suscitation Revitalizing the City Block

Design 7 Fall 2010 Partner: Ali Can Atabey Critic: Prof. Bradley Walters Encouraged by recent positive interventions throughout lower Manhattan, the city block proposal is designed to encourage occupant interaction and establish a sense of community. The current amenities on the site do little to incorporate the neighborhood it serves and brings little to the area in terms of activity or revenue. The proposed programs, that include a larger school, library, bookstore, cafĂŠ, restaurant, gallery and community center, as well as multiple public spaces, become the means in which the neighborhood can thrive.

Cantilevering volumes empower the sheltered spaces below and become temporary event places.


City Suscitation

The datum of the block comes from the idea of the arcade, in which a passageway becomes an event. Formed from ideas of visually experiencing the city, the dynamic nature of the arcade also begins to direct views with in the block and towards the city.

The block revitalized with life and purpose will began to introduce a new positive energy that will improve Hell’s Kitchen and serve as precedence to future developments in the area. It used architecture to construct a fabricated environment in which education, work, dwelling and play can coexist and thrive.

Fabricated Arcade becomes a transitional passage and place of pause. Encouraging community and interaction.

Within hyper-dense artificial context the intervention reintroduces nature in the form of an urban carpet. A public plaza is elevated from the ground level, giving the both the public and residents areas of play rest and interaction that is intimate and secure.


City Suscitation

Using Ideals of Path that encouraging encounters, zones of occupant density emerge.

Formal geometry boundaries being established

Integral Urban Forms emerging

Fracturing of formal geometry. Suggestion of urban alleyways coupled with distortion of urban forms

Saturation of activity. Infiltration of city life

Programmatic volume are shifted and skewed to envelop and shelter ideals of path and community without restricting movement and possibilities.

The scale and precarious position of forms enchant and draws occupants within the intervention and feeds the urge to explore and participate.

Street Level

Rationing Space

Projected Path of occupants as the filter through the intervention

Public Plaza Level

Community Center School Auditorium Farmer’s Market Business Tower Residential Tower Affordable Residential Market/Cafe Library/Bookstore Open-air Social Space

Tower Footprint over lower levels


City Suscitation Development of Residential Forms

Solar Study

Exploring light and shadow over public gathering spaces.

Volumes begin to shift based on program.

Development of bracketed spaces and overlapping layers of interaction.

Passage on street level with ground articulation of suggested path.

Layers of Green, Public, and Private spaces optimized through circulation.


City Suscitation Maximizing Program Interaction and Use

The proposal explores efficient use of spaces through cross programming. This enables related activities to benefit from mutual resources.

Throughout the promenade people are encourage to commingle, rest, eat and observe. Commerce dialogue and movement feeds the arcade with social energy.

Layers of Public Spaces sustain activity within the community over multiple levels.

Bookstore/Library Indoor Passage School Community Center Restaurant Lounge/Bar Cafe

Conference Business Theater Urban Carpet Library Indoor Passaj Auditorium School Community Center Restaurant Lounge Cafe Parking Residential Lofts

Residential Tower

Experiential Moments delivering perspectives of the city Fenestrated East facade, reflects the sporadic nature of the city The West overlooks the Hudson river creating a vernacular experience. A juxtaposition of nature and infrastructure

Affordable Housing

A transition between public and private spaces Overlooking the fabricated passaj and urban carpet

Business Tower

Economic hubs establishes edges of the tower anchoring it to the social flux of the city

Urban Carpet

Resolves the lack of open air social spaces in a hyper-dense city

North Wing

Establishes layered thresholds between public, semi-public and private Generates East West cross-circulation

South Wing

Pierced by a void that becomes arcade revitalized by occupation

Parking & Existing Rail


Symbiotic Dwelling Folding the Wilderness

13th Shelter Competition Entry Summer 2011 Partners: Ali Atabey, Davie Mojica A set of metamorphose spaces splicing within the Skaftafell basin positioning the individual between the severity and serenity of the wilderness. The brutality of the basin's volcanic rock is tempered by the surrounding seasonal vegetation.

Folding Cliff edge to begin enveloping volumes

Green Space wraps heart of dwelling condition

Core of Vertical Circulation

An open air room isolating the fluctuating qualities of the sky and the air.

The shelter utilizes these opposing features by pushing and pulling the monolithic face of the basin to create protection from the elements while folding in the fertile green plane into the core of the shelter.

An enclosure defined by the folding fertile plane (of vegetables and fruits) overlooks the seasonally changing valley.

The opening of the natural volcanic rock highlights the elements of fire and water from which it was formed.

Establishing a spatial hierarchy by incorporating the senses of touch and sound creates a more intimate connection between the occupant, architecture, and nature. This strengthens separations and thresholds established by the architect. Considering all of the human senses in design enhances the experience of space, and conveys more complete notions of the architect’s intent and the sense of the place.


Symbiotic Dwelling Unexpected Approach. Intervention Emerging

This dwelling is an extension of the natural environment, reflecting its context on a finished volcanic stone exterior and warming its interior with indigenous birch wood. Each of rooms within focuses on specific qualities of the natural environment heightening the relationship between humanity and the essence of environment.

Introduction of programmatic spaces begin with exploring traditional primitive houses.

Mixed use volumes does not limit use based on a single activity. Use is determined on occupant needs and external conditions throughout the year.

Volumes are stacked to reflect verticality of context.

Rather than allowing program to dictate human activity, open adaptable spaces function as places of meditation, sustenance, and rest. This flexibility allows for a single individual to commune with nature, or for a group of people to reflect on their cumulative relationship with the environment. Symbiotic Dwelling provides a place for the modern-age human to rediscover the juxtapositions within nature and their symbiotic relationship within its complexity.


Symbiotic Dwelling

Relationship to Sky

Using the intervention as a way to bridge the earth and the sky, the design begins to relate to a cosmic, more sacred dimension. It transforms the dwelling to one of a more primitive and nomadic in nature. The intervention takes on a form of imago mundi, reestablishing its domains, orientation and axis yet not tying itself to a single place. Openings in the overhead conditions communicate with the sky directly, thus becoming axis mundis that harmonizes the relationship of structural systems and cosmic ones.


Elastic Morphologies Rethinking Verticality

2011 Evolo Skyscraper Competition Entry Partners: Ali Can Atabey, Justine Ala

The consequences of our invasive and destructive methods of occupation impose unprecedented stress on our planet and its resources. Finding new ways to inhabit the earth is necessary to sustain our existence as our population levels skyrocket. Even in an idealistic future, the demand of hyper-density will continue to rise. Sustainable living is not enough. Extending the limits of vertical occupation is inevitable and key to our survival. Since man has started building toward the sky, we have limited our reach to the restrictions presented by structures dependent on compression, always building from the ground up. Technology has now introduced a new concept: a tower in tension, suspended from space. Our proposed tower uses the advancements associated with space elevators to free ourselves vertically, beyond the sky, building into space, as threads structure reach down from the heavens towards earth.


Elastic Morphologies

Traditional means of vertical inhabitation

Proposed Tower Harnessing solar energy and resource output

Our planet is currently in a state of extreme change. We are approaching a state on environmental flux we are not prepared for. We have already begun to see an increase in both frequency and intensity of extreme weather conditions. With our population exponentially increasing in many areas of the world, what will happen in a worse case scenario, where mass migration or exodus off the land is the only option?

Vertical Vegetation

Vertical Structure

Facade Materiality

Closed Ecological Systems

Metal Foam Structure

Aerogel 90% Transparent Alumina 10%

High Oxygen Output Vegetation

Metal Foam 70% Aggregated Diamond Nanorods 30%

Aerogel 50% Transparent Alumina 50%

Metal Foam 50% Aggregated Diamond Nanorods 50%

Aerogel 30% Transparent Alumina 70%

Aggregated Diamond Nanorods in Amorphous Fullerene

Aerogel 10% Transparent Alumina 90%

Regular Vegetation

Underwater Algae Farm

Since 1970, New York has witnessed an incrementally increase in average temperatures at nearly twice the rate of the rest of the world. Summers have become warmer, winters now include fewer but heaver instances of snowfall, even thunderstorms are becoming more torrential. The 15 inch water level rise New York Harbor has experienced in the last 100 years has begun to demand attention.


Conceptual Sketches of Hyper-dense fluctuations and verticality

The realization of space elevators reduces the cost travel beyond earth in all respects and reestablishes how we inhabit the earth vertically. This concept enables a new vision. Our suspended tower delves into a new horizon with flexible programmatic modules, temporary and mobile. Coupled with the freedom gained from building modules in space, unrestrained by conventional sequences and gravity, leaves us with unimaginable possibilities. Our intervention calls for a reinterpretation of how towers are constructed. It openings the door for practical solutions for projected environmental extremes and the need for mass exodus and refuge. It also incorporates innovations towards energy harvesting of replenishable and solar sources. It suggests a new way of design that might become necessary for human existence.

Innovative Construction of the hub Hub latched on to space elevator Pre-manufactured Program Blocks assembled in zero gravity conditions

Elastic skin remains contracted until it naturally expands under gravity

Counterweight Geosynchronous Orbit

Center of mass

Program Blocks are released down using minimal mechanical power Structures reach down, gravity causes the building wrap to grow

Carbon Nano-tube Cable Synchronization of the construction with new scheduling of task Climber

Tension Direction

Efficient Construction process Programs are built simultaneously

Elastic/homogeneous wrap allows expansions and provides resistance from extreme weather

As the components are lowered place they are interlocked into finalized form

Elastic Morphologies

Programmatic Hierarchy Depth and Levels of Exposed and Conditioned Spaces fluctuate due to intensity and extreme elevation. Space Elevator & Circ. Core Constructed Ecology/Enclosure Permanent Inhabitation Education & Research Temp. Dwelling Hospital & Rehabilitation Air Trans. Hub/ Admin. Offices Space Trans. Hub Offices Water Trans. Hub Economic Exchange Underwater Trans. Port & Infrastructure Trading Port

Materiality Based on current research and proposed uses. Generated Morphologies of Skin


Metal Foam

Elastic Skin generated out of necessity and innovation. Enables structural integrity and flexibility for future programmatic needs.

Aggregated Diamond Nanorods Translucent Aluminum



Transforming the Traditional Suckerpunch Urban Farm Competition 2011 Partners: Ali Can Atabey, Ledia Durmishaj, Rolando Lopez, Justine Ala

In a metropolitan environment where we are enveloped by metal and concrete, the notion of traditional farming is obsolete. For agriculture to thrive within New York, the ideas we have regarding cultivation and harvesting must adapt to fit our lifestyle. Inhabitants of hyper-dense cities have become removed from traditional farming and its time consuming methods.

Types of Farming Available

Hydroponic Farming Controlled environment

Pod-Based Farming Semi-controlled

Where to Farm

Traditional Farming Minimally automated

Physically, on site. UFarm Center, Brooklyn Available methods

Automated Watering and Fertilization

Optional/minimal human interaction

Hands-on Environment

Feedback from monitoring

Varying levels Automation

Complete involvement

We recognized three profiles: Busy New-Yorker, home Grower, active Environmentalist. Three different farming techniques proposed.

From Anywhere Urban Farming Application Available methods


UFarm Monitoring Device

Hydroponic Plants

Structured Enclosure

Structural Enclosure

Blue/Red Panel Lights

Water Channel

CO2 Supply Soil Based Plants

Water Storage

Water Storage

Our proposal incorporates an evolved form of farming that is adaptive and customizable. Fueled by innovations in technology and the needs of city dwellers, we have designed a variety of spaces in which the level of control and involvement can fluctuate to cater anyone from the traditional to the virtual farmer. Empowering our urban farm through technology also allows the influence of the farm to reach beyond immediate boundaries, and encourages involvement. Its members are unrestricted by physical location from the farming center. In order to maximize the potential of the Urban Farming Center, we are utilizing the existing depressed site topology as arable land. The programs of the community center hover above at street level. A combination of 3M(R) PETG plastic and dichroic film serves as a greenhouse, channels and collect rainwater for occupant and agricultural use. This maximizes the arable land area on the site and shelters itself from external contaminants.

The center of the UFarm intervention becomes a public piazza where occupants are encouraged to gather and engage in dialogue to share ideas and strengthen a sense of community.

Layered Green Dome

Fruit Trees

Public Garden



Matrix of Agriculture and pedestrian path facilitates movement and occupant exploration.

A Series of outdoor platforms emerge out of the designed pathways establishes places of rest and invites community interaction

Lower Level Large scale farming area

Street Level Mixed use Community Programs and primary occupant interaction

Upper level Exhibition Hall

To maximize square footage available to agriculture, the intervention occurs in a series of layers. The public spaces become elevated over the initial limitations of the site , freeing the lower level for large scale farming.

Layering of Mixed use Community spaces, Urban piazza and needs of Agriculture

A pedestrian path placed above the existing depression weaves through the site and serves as an artery from the local community. An articulated metal mesh canopy serves as a visual guide and a passive shading device. It becomes an artificial canopy that invigorates public open areas within the intervention and folds into a skin system that wraps the programmatic spaces.


SkaFolding Hotel Design 5 Fall 2010 Partner: Ali Can Atabey Critic: Prof. Bradley Walters Located on the corner of 8th Ave and 43rd St., the site is located in the heart of Manhattan. In a place of such activity, diversity, and flux, the location begs for an intervention just as dramatic and expressive. Out of density and chaos a hotel emerges with expressive structure and shifted forms that celebrates the nature of what makes New York exceptional. Finding comfort in chaos.

Located in the core of dense Urban Fabric, a structure of glass steel and concrete emerges, subtly enclosing private spaces while inviting the essence of the city to filter through.



The public spaces capture the essence of the city yet provide a more intimate experience between the residents and the surrounding skyline.

Bar & Restaurant

Occupants remains visual connected to the essence of the city leading to an experiential awareness.

Open Space, Sky Lobby, Outdoor Infinity Pool & Deck, Indoor Garden


Programmatic volumes situated vertically. Structure generates enveloping circulation.

Exposed Lobby, Cafe, Shops

Fragmented Form

Shifted Volumes

Layered Skin Steel Structure Glass Envelope

Fragmented by its form and structure these spaces encourage social interaction and contextual awareness. The layered skin of steel and glass begin to weave as it envelopes the rooms, breaking the edges of enclosure allowing the presence of the city into the building. Moments occur where the fabric of the city penetrate into the hotel entirely, shifting the volumes that nest the public spaces, fragmenting a once holistic core.

Breaking the Edges Mask and Reveal Holistic Structural Core Central Circulation

Occupants of the city are encouraged to filter through the lobby keeping the hotel rooted in the dense diversity and dynamic culture that surrounds it.

Section Perspective of related public and private spaces staggered throughout hotel.


Germinate & Generate Harnessing


FL landscape for Agritourism

Design 5 Fall 2009 Critic: Prof. Bradley Walters

Here we find a special tear within the natural once untouched landscape. A place that has become a resource. It has been transformed from its raw natural state into a place of production. A place of constant growth and development sporadically littered with areas of commingling and rest. Just as you, the individual, become part of a larger group, elements and miniscule traces of an intervention also begin to congregate, forming large scale elements working together to enclose and shelter those who inhabit this place. Walls begin to filter occupants inside the intervention in very much the same manner the pine trees did before you arrived, separating areas of work, rest, and contemplation.

Conditions of Path

The manipulation of one’s path controls their experience of space. How a path leads occupants through an intervention both vertically and horizontally, as well as the placement of nodes of rest or activity suggest a hierarchy of moments as one occupies place. The path controls when and how elements are presented. It also controls the magnitude of established boundaries and thresholds. Designing a clear hierarchy with the path strengthens the language developed through all other aspects of design.


Germinate & Generate

Despite the seemingly hectic nature of this place, there is one goal that unites us all. The need to produce. This unifying objective binds us together as does the immense overhead that protects us from the sun. We become one movement as the intervention becomes one gesture. Together we become empowered and able to use the potential of the landscape that envelopes us, and as multiple edges blur the boundaries of enclosure, you are never detached from the landscape, just sheltered within it. A landscape that we are never segregated from, but instead tethered to. Visually we are always aware of its presence. Physically we are made aware of its power as we try to reap its potential.

The fluid movements introduced by the wood paneling relate to the nature moves through the site and invokes tactile connections with the site. It carries the idea of subtle fluctuations in alignment that combine to form an intense pulsating sense of activity. This wood system forms fragmented walls constructed in a fluid manner that visually bridge spaces and serve to guide the procession through the intervention.


Education Center of

San Martin de las Ca単as Stitching the Rural Community Study Abroad Guadalajara Mexico 2010 Critic: Prof. William Tilson


Education Center of San Martin de las CaĂąas

Using the central location and large public space the site offers, the two new buildings will open the site to the street and encourage commingling and learning. One serving as an adult education center with a series of classrooms and larger workspaces, a small cafĂŠ, and public restrooms, the other as a day-care that will also incorporate cultural and craft activities.

Negotiating the elevation changes between the bullring and the street (which borders the opposite edge of the site) called for intense carving into the landscape. Compressing gestures found on the site serve as a generator for the formation of platforms and channels within the context.

Light to Inform

Using the sun to serve the interior spaces enables the use of light as a temporal means of measure hourly and seasonally. The light that is allowed to pierce the shading devices form elements that are tectonic in nature, revealing the rhythm of detail louver systems and its structure.


Education Center of San Martin de las Ca単as

The steel mesh is carried on an irregular grid system and is supported by a steel diaphragm that negotiates between the fragmented mesh system and the static grid of the concrete columns. It establishes a structural dialogue between the skin and the overhead condition. It breaks down the intensity and scale established by the brick systems, serves as a passive shading device, and mimics the experience of being shaded by trees. It is a canopy that invigorates certain spaces within the intervention, encouraging activity and commingling.

The series of stepped platforms nest the interventions within the site as well as control movement through the site both horizontally and vertically. The boundaries formed by the platforms act as the edges of the context, and become a vessel to hold the program and its occupants.

These two buildings, combined with the remanipulation of the ground to connect to main areas of movement, will reestablish the bull ring as a main public space for the community. It will make use of the central location of the site, as well as the dynamic possibilities its topography offers, to facilitate cross-movement and commingling of the inhabitants of San Martin de las Ca単as, while offering the community an area of learning and cultural activity.


Nomadic Node

Establishing a Place of Pause Design 5 Fall 2009 Critic: Prof. Bradley Walters Sheltered by the reach of towering pine trees, the edge of juxtaposed ecosystems becomes a guide, channeling you towards a place of rest and reflection. And much like how the light filters itself through the canopy above, we too filter through the trees as we head toward this intervention, leaving behind the feeling of exposure as we approach a desired place of shelter.

Sectional study investigating the play between light thresholds and space

In a field of uncertainty we construct a sense of security


Fault line Fragmentation Breaking a Place out of Desolation Design 4 Spring 2009 Critic: Prof. Levent Kara

The bounded domain is essential to the beginning of architecture on a site that can hold its own language. The architecture becomes consciously bounded to the site.

Wind to Facilitate Movement Using natural ventilation for both practical and poetic purposes, the natural gestures of breezes can be utilized to facilitate internal movement and generate formal gestures within the intervention.

Skin as Designed Response

The skin serves as a filter between indoor and outdoor conditions. Through design, the architect can control the levels of light, heat and air that penetrate the building. As a shading device it provides one of the most effective ways of solar control. The use of an active skin empowers the occupant to alter the very nature of the skin to accommodate climatic changes, leading to plasticity in the form of the faรงade all together.


Crease Create Capture Tearing Topography to Envelop Space Design 4 Spring 2009 Critic: Prof. Levent Kara

Form Resulting from Topography

Using site specific factors to inform the design and structure of the intervention enables a sound relationship between the architecture and context. Reading the topography as a three dimensional matrix reveals informal gestures that can be refined and developed into concrete ideas. These ideas begin to fit the architectural systems into the site, strengthening the dialogue between indigenous and introduced.


Per-Form Theater

Encompassing Function Under a Form Design 6 Spring 2010 Charleston Project Critic: Prof. Tom Smith At the corner of Cumberland St. and a historic green space that bleeds nature into the historic city, lies a moment of culture and expression.

The theater emerges from the shore and reaches over an ordered structural matrix and monolithic walls.

Legend 5






11 1







2 8



6 7



1-Lobby/Gallery 2-Stage 3-Backstage 4-Storage 5-Service/Loading 6-Restrooms 7-Food Prep 8-Dressing Rooms 9-Cafe 10-Green Room 11-Evelvators 12-Black Box 13- Offices

Within this form, a grand space is sheltered where culture sets a stage. A programmatic core dedicated to the Arts is wrapped by interstitial spaces that invites the city and blurs the thresholds of interior and exterior, natural and designed.


Steel Pulse Tower of Music Generating Nodes in Vertical Rhythm Design 4 Spring 2009 Critic: Prof. Levent Kara

The introduction of programmatic volumes requires the establishment of structural systems and hierarchy of both elements and forms. As concrete planes fold into walls, they take on the primary role of structure. This establishes the boundary of open and enclosed spaces in the most basic sense. The module of these concrete columns mimics the measure historically present in the site by the ruins of aqueduct systems and the stone walls from colonial hacienda intervention.


Semperian Pavilion Enveloping the Box

Study Abroad Guadalajara, Mexico Summer 2010 Critic: Prof. William Tilson

Layered Edges

The intervention is essentially a negotiation between man and his environment. Blurring the boundaries between inside and outside enhances the connection between the occupant and the context. The use of apertures to highlight and frame the context ensures visual awareness of a place, liberating the occupant while he is being protected by enclosure.

Elevation Stratification of facade create a tectonic envelope.

Intervention as Climatic Invention

For a structure to become a shelter it has to filter, redirect and absorb elements of the environment that would cause its occupants to be out of their comfort zone. In addition, maintaining certain levels of comfort is essential to stimulating activities, and establishing a desire to dwell within the intervention. The intervention needs to become a climatic machine, not just an object of design.


111 Cellar Nexus Latching A Box

Savannah Project Spring 2010 Critic: Prof. Tom Smith

Perched along the Old Harbour Inn on East River Street in Savannah’s Historic district, a matrix of steel latches on to the existing building, enclosing a simple volume. An open space physically enclosed but virtually connected to the historic setting. Bridging the historic with the present, negotiating the layered elevations of occupation.

Wander in Flux Residual Traces of a City

Capturing the memory and experiences of a journey through Manhattan. Visually mapping a wandering itinerary and selected moments.


Steven Albert

Contact: s.albert85@gmail.com 857-259-2134



Military Service

2012-Present Massachusetts Institute Of Technology Masters in Architecture

2012 Architrave Magazine 19 City Suscitation Project 2011 Architrave Magazine 18 Elastic Morphologies Project Education Center Project

2002-2010 US Army Reserves Combat Engineer 689th Route Clearance Co. Team Leader

2011 -2012 University of Florida Masters in Building Construction 2008-2011 University of Florida Bachelors of Design in Architecture Honors: Magna Cum-Laude

2011 Competitions Evolo Skyscraper 13th Shelter Sucker Punch Urban Farm-(Selected top 20)

2012-USGBC LEED Green Associate

Study Abroad


2010- Summer UF Paris Research Center Architecture in Paris Design 8 Studio Guadalajara Mexico

2011-2012, Gators for Green Design 2008-2012, Alpha Rho Chi Professional Frat 2007-2012, Military Support Group of Alachua County Volunteer



Proficient Autodesk: AutoCAD,Revit Modeling Adobe: InDesign,Illustrator,Photoshop, Premiere Rhino 3D Modeling FinalCut Pro Microsoft Office: Excel,Power Point, Word

2012- Present, MIT SAP Fellowship 2011- Undergrad Honors Thesis Evolution of Design through Technology

Knowledgeable Grasshopper, Diva, Flamingo, T-splines, Sketchup, OST Takeoff, Primavera P6, GIS Mapping Software

2011- Guest Editor ETH Studio- Publication Florida: Crossing the Territory of the Sunshine State

2007-2008 Operation Iraqi Freedom IED & Route Clearance Husky & Cougar Driver Machine Gunner 2004-Summer Panama, Central America US Army New Horizons Project School Construction Formwork and Concrete

Thank You To my wife Vivian, for the endless encouragement, support, and inspiration, and for putting up with the endless hours I spent in studio. To my mother Patricia, for the unconditional love and support regardless of which path I decide to follow. To my good friends Andresa Maia, Ali Atabey, Emma Sparer, Justine Ala, Davie Mojica, for all their help and for the great memories. To the Architecture Professors at UF who have fueled my interest in architecture and have made me confident in my design skills.

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