ِArchitecture Portfolio - Minimalist design

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BANAFSHEH NAMIRANIAN | Interdisciplinary Architect Designer |

[Based In Berlin , Germany / Born in 1985]

>>> I am interdisciplinary architect designer, based in cologne, but also willing for new experiences. My super power is to develop concepts and creative strategies for complex design problems. Design has always been a favorite. Graduating from the bachelor of architecture, I continued my education by attending different workshops and master courses, exploring design in architecture. I trained and challenged myself through different architectural fields and modern design trends, such as; Interior Design, Parametric Design, Sustainable Design, Modern Design in Historical Herritages and ultimately by the master of �Integrated Design�. As the result of my education, I grew myself into a free thinker with a critical and interdisciplinary view to the design process. The approach that I take to my work is very much simplistic but also multidimensional. As a design thinker I take architecture not only as a practice of forms! but I believe it is based on strategies and typologies. I believe it is the process of design that can transform architecture into an experience of the space. I love what I do and adore the creative process, it is addictive for me to develope ideas and grow concepts.



[Sep 2018 – July 2019]

[March 2016 – Oct 2018]

// Master’s Degree in Integrated Design Hochschule Anhalt, Dessau_Roßlau, Germany

// Advanced Course in Architecture & Museum Design for Archaeology The Adrianea Academy of Architecture and Archaeology, Rome, Italy

[2004 - 2008]

// Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc.) in Architectural Engineering Shiraz University (School of Art & Architecture) Shiraz, Iran

[May 2014]

// Parametric Fashion Design (architecture & fashion) 72 hrs (9 days) workshops Institute for Strategic Studies in Iranian Architecture, Tehran, Iran

>>WORKEXPERIENCE [Jan 2014] [Dec 2014 – Apr 2016]

// Architectural Designer Design Core (4S) Architecture – Tehran, Iran Website: www.dc4s.com Email: info@shirazihim.com Tel: +98 71 36313233 [Aug 2013 – up to present]

// Teacher of Interior Design & Innovation Iranian Industry & Mining Home (training center) – Shiraz, Iran Web site: www.shirazihim.com Email: info@shirazihim.com // Internship + Architectural Designer Mehrdad Iravanian & Associates– Shiraz, Iran Web site: www.mehrdadiravanian.com Email: info@mehrdadiravanian.com Tel: +98 71 32343421

>> COMPETITION [Aug 2015] // Modern Spa Design in Roman Historical Site 14 days International Seminar & Competition for Architecture & Museum Design Villa Adriana, Tivoli (Rome), Italy [2015] // Yasubo Dukudo Museum International Competition of Museum Architecture and Design

// The Sustainable House (from basics to design) 24 hrs (3 days) workshop Institute for Strategic Studies in Iranian Architecture, Tehran, Iran [Apr 2013]

// Architecture Suisse (between tradition & modernity ) 1 day lectures & workshop University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran [Nov 2012 – Mar 2013]

// Advanced Course on Interior Architecture 300 hrs (7 months) full course University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran [Jun 2011]

// Principles of Interior Design and Furnishing 7 days lectures & workshop Science & Technology Park, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

01 03 05 07

Arta Mahd Kindergarten Professional Project

Modern Spa Design in Roman Historical Site Competition Project

Te m p o r a r y Jewellery Exhibition in Neues Museum student Project

Bauhaus Souvenior Model Design Design Project

02 04 06 CONTENTS

Dr.S. Dermatology Office Professional Project

Yasubo Dukudo Museum Competition Project

Modern Nation of Bauhausers Installation Design Project


>> Professional Projects


Arta Mahd Kindergarten Type Professional Status Interior & Exterior Location Shiraz , Iran Date 2014 Role Concept Interior & Exterior Designer Construction Supervisor

/// “When a child learns how to control his hand and starts to paint freely with his fingers, that is the moment where creativity begins!� Regio Emilia

Concept Design>>The institute’s education program follows the REGIO EMILIA School which places great emphasis on children’s self-exploration, this is also the concept utilized in the design of the façade. It is meant to be a means of both exploration and expression. A main statement of the institute is “Children can get the most of their creativity when they learn how to paint freely with their hands, the free movements of hand painting is the main inspiration for the design. We wanted to enable the children to establish a relationship and interaction with the facade, so the circular windows have opened up the wall to introduce interaction.

[2010 - 2019]



Interior Design >> This project was part of the renovation and rehabilitation of a residential building facing a popular steer into a kindergarten. The design task was the street faรงade that with a 30-meter length alongside one of the busiest streets of the city is a chance to introduce the facilities inside and to intrigue passersby to interact with it. Specifically, children who interact with the colorful and vibrant faรงade is meant to be an introduction to the kindergarten. The other parts of the project where a basic renovation of the interior facilities which was also carried out with vibrant and lively colors.

1-Pedestrian pathway 2 - I n t e g ra t i o n o f p e d e s t r i a n s w i t h t h e f a c a d e

3-Visual connection through installed windows


Photos After Built



[2010 - 2019]

Exterior Design >> Going with the design strategy, we defined the main spaces that act as the core in the building. The staircase block and the entrance hall, these are the spaces that children pass them by when they come to school every day or when they go to other classes during the day. So we decided to design this core as a story land. A place which amuses children and stimulates their creativity. In cooperation with the graphic team we illustrated characters and arranged them all around the space. The characters are designed and arranged in a way that do not give out a fixed image and provides a chance for children to make up new stories with them every time they pass them by and provoke their creativity.

# the core in the building

# Entrance Hall

# Staircase Block


Photos After Built

[2010 - 2019]




Dr.S. Dermatology Office Type Status Location Date Role

Professional Interior Design Shiraz , Iran 2012 Concept Developer Designer Construction Detailer

/// The project started with a request from a Dermatologist, Dr.Sodeifi, to renovate his office with a new interior design proposal. The Dermatology clinic brings specific needs to the design process. The interior needed to convey serenity, beauty and perfection to prepare patients in waiting for mostly cosmetic procedures for their appointments, especially since at times the clinic gets crowded.Also patients visit the clinic for a variety of procedures.

Design Concept >> The design strategy focuses on the concepts of “integration” and “light” and tries to integrate the necessary furniture into the design of the interior to achieve an integrated interior landscape of lines. In the development of the design I focus on lines of light and reflection throughout the spaces integrating furniture into architectural elements and integrating the various spaces in the clinic to each other. The design aims for serenity and simplicity and as such the furniture and lighting schemes of the clinic stays in neutral and passive tones interacting with greenery and light. # Increase visual depth Continuous parallel lines on

the walls increase the visual depth of space and emphasize the bottom window of the room.

[2010 - 2019]





[2010 - 2019]

Spatial Planning >> The interior is planned to provide a second waiting room for the preparation of patients before their appointments and help the staff in crowd control. The rest of the spaces are structured according to the different functionalities. The clinic has two procedure and consultancy rooms, two waiting areas and a reception area facing the entry point.

Status quo

[2010 - 2019]



>> The interior is lined with stone slabs and glass which are in the same color as the floor stones. The interior furniture is integrated into the wall slabs and the lighting is also integrated from the ceiling into the walls.

section B-B

section A-A Metal Screw

Metal joint

Mdf Panel

White Mat Mdf

White Frosted

[2010 - 2019]

Epoxy Liquid Glass


White frosted

< Materials


>> Competition Projects


Modern Spa Design in Roman Historical Site Type Competition Status Architectural Design Location Rome , Italy Date 2015 Role Concept Developer Interior and Exterior Architectural Co-designer 3D-Modeller

/// The project aims to use traces of ancient roman architecture from the adjacent site and the ruins of the villa, a n d t ra n s l a t e t h o s e t ra c e s i n t o a modern design language, at the same time the project aims to honor the heritage of the surrounding ruins which is among the most important archeological heritage in Rome.

Historical Site Elevation

>> The project brief asked for the design of a modern spa and pool complex functioning separate from the villa.The complex would serve both tourists and locals.The project was designed by a team and evaluated in the competition. The project is inspired by the archeological sites surrounding the project, yet to preserve the different identity of this project in contrast to that site the design language is decidedly modern, in an effort to create a modern architecture of water inspired by the architecture of ancient Rome. The ruins from the ellipsis fountain in the area have been integrated in the design and the modern language of the new designs. The topography depicts a big difference in height levels in the site and this has been utilized to create two different segments in the design. The open and outdoor water recreational spaces are placed on the upper level separated by a bearing wall integrated inthe design of the lower level indoor swimming pools and spas.

[2010 - 2019]



>> The placement of the open water features aims to create the reflection of arches in water which is a staple of roman architecture of the villas, and this concept integrates the new modern language of the design into the old ruins.The spa has different access points to the upper andlower levels. There is also a direct point of entryfromthe ancient villa so that visitors have easy access from these areas.



[2010 - 2019]

>> The project aims to use traces of ancient roman architecture from the adjacent site and the ruins of the villa, and translate those traces into a modern design language, at the same time the project aims to honor the heritage of the surrounding ruins which is among the most important archeological heritage in Rome. The rhythm of the arches from the villa are replicated in the rhythmic volumes of the project, to emphasize and continue the modularity of the arches. Another significant point of the design is that all the wet areas are interconnected so one is able to go through the spaces without going out of the wet zones. Each of these spaces are also accessible from the outside and can be entered and used individually as well. Section

Floor plan

Floor plan

[2010 - 2019]



>> As the ancient roman baths were not just for swimming but a social venue for interaction, relaxation and recreation. Stated to be a place to worship the human body the baths have been appreciated by roman artists in statues and paintings. The spa then turns into an idea of humanism meant for the exhibition of the human body. A museum like interior with flashes of light illuminating the interior baths have been designed to represent this concept, with the light/shadow contrast on the water resembling that of an art exhibit.



[2010 - 2019]

[2010 - 2019]




Yasubo Dukudo Museum Type Competition Status Architectural Design Location south korea Date 2015 Role Concept Developer Interior and Exterior Architectural Co-designer 3D-Modeller

/// The idea of designing this collection is the philosophy of Yin and Yang, which also appears on the flags of Korea. The museum’s spaces are one in between dark and bright except for the tourist information center that is separate from other spaces and is located at the entrance to the site to answer tourists.

>>CONCEPT In this design, it has been tried to respect the site’s current status and maintain its character. For this reason, the fire station, the Tempo Temple and the community center and the forest area are perfectly preserved, and the texture of the residential area, with the preservation of the limits of a high floor, is maintained in addition to responding to the needs of the people, the character of this area is maintained.

[2010 - 2019]



# Experience And play space In this space, water is a symbol of the East Sea, South Korea, and in the middle of it is a platform with a map of Ulleungdo Island, which says that the island belongs to South Korea.Visitors can also go along with the game and excite this route.

# Experience space Architecture means the distance bet ween the bodies. It’s the space to sit together and get to know each other. The earthen floor stone is the remains of the castle’s historic site and is a symbol of fertility (right and bottom of the flag). The light entered from the roof is the symbol of the sun (the left and the bottom of the flag).

# Symbolic Exhibition Hall The metal circle inside the hall is a symbol of humanity that specifically refers to General Yisabu, and a history of Yisabu is carved for the study of visitors. (The left and top flag of South Korea)

The water pond inside the roof is a symbol of vitality that appears on the metal. (The right and top flag of South Korea)



[2010 - 2019]

# Porch and waterfront Semi-open space for rest and stroll. In the shadow and brightness of this space you can see beautiful natural scenery.

# Physical Model exhibition space This space includes a glass corridor that passes through the trees. And reminds the South Korean forest (especially Dokdo). In this space, the boundary between the inside and the outside disappears. Visitors do not get out of the indoor environment but experience the forest environment.

# Tourist Information Center This building is transparent so that visual communication within the site is maintained The information center is in the closest position to the site’s entrance. Shop and cafe are tailor-made for orientated streets. Management facilities on the other side have the most access and supervision to the complex. The rest and kindergarten are located in front of the forest area to have a good view.

[2010 - 2019]



>> Student Projects


Te m p o r a r y Jewellery Exhibition in Neues Museum Type Student Status Interior Location Berlin , Germany Date 2016 Role Concept Developer Construction Detailer, Architectural Co-designer 3D-Modeller

/// Queen Amanishakheto The collection has numerous jewels and precious objects that were part of the funeral equipement of Queen Amanishakheto. Objects made of gold or rich in precoius stones, that would accompany Amanishakheto on her journey to life after death. The main pieces of the exhibition are two necklaces that symbolize its privileged sovereign status.

[2010 - 2019]



>>Life and Death of a Queen A small are of the neus museum is assigned to this exhibition and the brief of the project is the design of the interior and the displays at the exhibition. Also the communication interface of the exhibition, posters and merchandise are also part of the brief. The interior design aims to adapt the modern language of the Neus musuem renovation project. The interior is located above a courtyard and has amazing ceiling lighting. The entrance and display boxes are distiguished with a Brass finish, giving the interior spaces a unified expression regarding the exhibition.

Status quo



[2010 - 2019]

>> The collection has numerous jewels and precious objects that were part of the funeral equipement of Queen Amanishakheto. Objects made of gold or rich in precoius stones, that would accompany Amanishakheto on her journey to life after death. The main pieces of the exhibition are two necklaces that symbolize its privileged sovereign status.

[2010 - 2019]



Status quo

>> The created tunnle represents the philosophy of death in the egyption culture which is a travel from darkness toward the light, from mortal world to the eternity life of after death.



[2010 - 2019]

>> Design Projects


Modern Nation of Bauhausers Installation Type Status Location Date Role

Student Conceptuale Dessau , Germany 2019 Design Developer Concept Designer 3D-Modeller

/// Bauhaus 1933 Human is at the heart of the curriculumn. The belief in educability of everyone. Emphesize on self-acknowledgement of individuals to form a community of the future creative leaders. /// Bauhaus 2033 The Democratic concept of what it means to be human. Encourage people to keep alive their inner child‘s sincerity of emotion, truth of observation, fantasy and creativity. Recognize yourself. Experience your image of yourself and find out what is the image of you in the phenomenons of modern world.

>> By the design brief in this project, students were asked to find ideas on how they would see or bring BAUHAUS in modern world. Every designer knows BAUHAUS as an avant-garde, forward-thinking, modern movement with a huge influence on the world of design. and the society mindset! The Bauhaus building as well is an iconic symbol of modernity and functionalism. As a student in Dessau it is easy to realize that the building is just turning into and old, left aside museum with no interaction or any influence on the surrounding communities. People do not get any chance to experience the real BAUHAUS and its values. All they can get is just a tour visit of the house with some explanations but not the real spirit of bauhaus and what lays behind these walls. Therefore we decided we need to BAUHAUS (movement) into a new context and make it possible for everyone to experience. Thereby

# SEQUENCE 2 RE-CONSTRUCTION explore, experience, find your image



# SEQUENCE 1 DE-CONSTRUCTION re-look, re-figure your image

[2010 - 2019]


A shock or a pause, to make you stop and look.

// RE-CONSTRUCTION >> Installation Concept This installation is designed to experience the initial concept of Bauhausers 2033. According to the manifesto this movement is a procedure of training the individuals to look and to think differently. The term “different” has various interpretations but in an holistic view it is a procedure of redesigning. The installation is designed into two sequences of DE_CONSTRUCTION and RE_CONSTRUCTION.

#3- Find the image

[2010 - 2019]

#2- Experience


#1- Explore



There should be a stop, a pause or a shock that drags you out of the daily life and makes you stand face to face with yourself. To re-look and re-recognise the image of yourself. it is a stop that confronts you with yourself. As you look in the mirrors, as a shock, you find a scattered image of yourself, that is what makes you to question and wonder, to wonder about the real you and the image you have in mind of youself. In the whole process of installation, one searches for his image, the image that he has in mind and the image he sees when he finds himself in confrontation with the phenomenons of the modern world. The second part, RE_CONSTRUCTION, is designed in 3 steps; 1- The first step is exploration, After the experience of scattered reflection of yourself, now one searches to find his image, but he doesn‘t find it right away! when one enters the second part he doesn‘t see any image right away, he needs to walk through and search for it.




2- The columns in this part of installation are designed in a dimension by which one can not see a complete image of himself and always one part will be missing, but because of the angles of the mirrors always the other part will be filled by the reflection of other people around. Meanwhile behind the mirrors there is a big screen which projects some designed images of modern world phenomenons. This part of installation is an experience of finding yourself in a holistic reflection an it makes you think where are you standing in this modern world, how do you see yourself in this reflection?! 3- After searching and experiencing, when one turns around and comes to the other side of the mirrosrs, It is now time to take a moment, stand and look. To look from a distance to the whole experience and yet look at the reflections. In this part, because of the two raws of mirrors that are ovelapped, one can finally see his full image, but yet some parts are always filled with the reflections of others! By changing the position one can find his image in combination with different reflections, by changing the position one can find the best composition for designing his own image. And that is where you finally find and complete the broken image u experienced at the beginning. # BANAFSHEH NAMIRANIAN



[2010 - 2019]


The website‘s homepage is the image or the flag of the Bauhausers movement. What forms the basis of this image is the world map, but without any borders or stated outlines. Whoever becomes a part of this movement uploads his/her picture on this platform and picks a location to upload the picture from. So the whole image shapes according to the location where people upload their pictures from. The whole image is constantly changing through the time by each time someone changes his picture or adds to the pictures! So by this way each piece changes the big image, as it happens in real world, and as it was the most important principle of BAUHAUS that, Each person is educable and by creating more self awareness we can create a betterworld.




MAIL ADRESS ____________@bauhauserofworld.com

[2010 - 2019]

CHOOSE LOCATION Become a member.




Bauhaus Souvenior Model Design Type Status Location Date Role

Student Product Design Dessau , Germany 2018 Design Developer Concept Designer Model Constructor

/// The project brief asked for the design of a model inspired by the characters or the costumes of BAUHAUS, that can be considered or sold as a souvenir of BAUHAUS. The brief required the model to be in a cartoon form and students were asked to finally build the final model themselves. The whole duration of the course was 5 days.

>> Design Process The design process started with fast sketching of different ideas, then each person selected one of the sketches and developed it into a cartoon character. In the next step students developed their design into a real model with clay, in order to undrestand the model in 3 dimensions and fix the details. At the end students developed 3 elevations of Block. The process of construction was a challange itself and students learned how to work with specific machines and tools and handle the problems. >> Design Concept The concept of design was inspired by the geometrical forms and the combination of forms in a complex but coherence composition used in ballet costumes of ‘Oscar Schlemmer’. The designed cartoon character can be a cartoon robbot coming back from the BAUHAUS time into a modern world which brings on an irony itself!



[2010 - 2019]

[2010 - 2019]



Phone Email

| +491794397221 | namiranian.b@gmail.com

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