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Travel Through The Mesozoic
1 Km=1 Million Years
The journey to Dinosaur Provincial Park starts the moment you step into your vehicle from Calgary. Using the metric that 1 km=1million years, 3 rest stops were developed at the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous intervals. Each of these rest stops have a sculpture that showcases a famous part of history from that time. The Triassic rest stop showcases the faults that broke up supercontinent Pangaea, the Jurassic showcases the evolution of dinosaur into bird and lastly the Cretaceous shows the ending of the Mesozoic period through the impact of an asteroid hitting the earth.
Once the visitors arrive at the park significant locations use augmented reality through a QR code to bring science to life. Examples of this include experiencing a hadrosaur herd, the erosion of hoodoos, river geomorphology, and a dinosaur dig.
Ylsskaana’pll A’síítahtaa
Landscape Architecture Studio III
Instructor: Mary-Ellen Tyler & Jennifer Koppe
Group Members:
Ylsskaana’pll A’síítahtaa “Calm Creek” challenges the vision of the Winston Golf Course in Calgary. This studio developed with input from Urban Indigenous Community Land Trust (UICLT), was designed to envision opportunities within Calgary to connect land, landscape, and Indigenous households.
The Winston Golf course is located in the North East of Calgary. The green space is 85 hectares allowing for a variety of programming opportunities. The new Midfield Heights development and the future Green Line LRT stop will increase connectivity to downtown and access to amenities.