TEXTURE by Dedy Sufriadi (Art Solo 2022)

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and texture in the

artworks of Dedy Sufriadi


In the close to 20-year career of visual artist Dedy Sufriadi, two elements have become important aspects of his artistic practice: text and texture. Both are abundantly present in our lives, often without us realizing it.

Take text, for instance. From the moment we wake up, until it’s time to retire for the day, we are inundated by text in every conceivable shape and form. Whether it’s the labeling on the daily-use products we utilize, to advertisements in both print and electronic media, we are bombarded by text in some form or another at virtually every waking moment.

It goes without saying that texture exists in virtually every object around us. Humans being very tactile creatures by nature, the sense of touch is crucial in assisting us navigate through our daily lives. And yet, our sense of touch, important as it maybe, is often simply taken for granted.

TEXTURE is a small survey of the many visual styles that make up Dedy Sufriadi’s total body of work, both elements featuring prominently in the visual language presented in his art.

Imbued with a strong philosophical vibe, Dedy invites us to delve into how the world around him is perceived and visualized. TEXTURE reminds us of the many often-overlooked details that make up the whole of our existence, clues that provide clarity towards understanding ourselves and the world around us.

It is perhaps also a reminder that the fabric of life, smooth as it may appear, will often provide us with surprises. In uncovering Dedy’s nuanced treatment of text and texture, we may even uncover unexpected insights about our own selves. Over everything else, it is a reminder that to really “see”, it is often necessary to pause for a closer, more intimate look.




全部作品的多種視覺風格的一個小調查,這兩種元素在他的藝術中呈現的視覺 語言中都佔有突出地位。

3 介紹 在視覺藝術家 戴狄 蘇非阿迪 近 20 年的職業生涯中,有兩個元素成為他藝術實踐的重要方面: 文本和質感。兩者都大量存在於我們的生活中,而我們往往沒有意識到這一點。 以文本為例。 從我們醒來的那一刻起,直到該休息一天,我們被各種可以想像的形狀和形式的文 字所淹沒。 無論是我們使用的日常用品上的標籤,還是印刷和電子媒體中的廣告,我們幾乎在每 一個清醒的時刻都會受到某種形式的文本的轟炸。 不言而喻,質感幾乎存在於我們周圍的每個物體中。 人類天生是非常有觸覺的生物,觸覺對於幫 助我們度過日常生活至關重要。 然而,我們的觸覺,儘管它可能很重要,但往往被認為是理所當
充滿強烈的哲學氛圍,戴狄 邀請我們深入研究他周圍的世界是如何被感知和想像的。 質感讓我 們想起構成我們整個存在的許多經常被忽視的細節,這些線索為理解我們自己和我們周圍的世界 提供了清晰的線索。 這或許也提醒我們,生活的結構雖然看起來很光滑,但往往會給我們帶來驚喜。 在揭示 戴狄 對 文本和質感的細緻處理時,我們甚至可能會發現關於我們自己意想不到的見解。 最重要的是,它 提醒人們,要真正“看到”,通常需要停下來進行更近距離、更親密的觀察。
4 re-Reading #1.20 Mixed Media on Canvas 150 x 250 cm 2020
5 重讀 #1.20 綜合媒材, 帆布 150 x 250 cm 2020
6 re-Reading #2.20 Mixed Media on Canvas 150 x 250 cm 2020
7 重讀 #2.20 綜合媒材, 帆布 150 x 250 cm 2020
9 re-Burning Series Black & White #1.20 Mixed Media on Canvas 重-燃燒系列黑與白 #1.20 綜合媒材, 帆布 180 x 220 cm 2020
11 Redemption Songs #2.20 Mixed Media on Canvas 救贖之歌 #2.20 亞克力, 帆布 180 x 220 cm 2020
12 Lorem Ipsum Series: Cogito Ego Text Mixed Media on Canvas 填充文字系列 - 我認為因此文本 綜合媒材, 帆布 150 x 150 cm 2017
13 Starry, Starry Night #1 (Van Gogh Series) Mixed Media on Canvas 滿天星夜 #1 (梵高系列) 綜合媒材, 帆布 150 x 150 cm 2019
14 Tabula Rasa #6 Mixed Media on Canvas 白板#6 綜合媒材, 帆布 150 x 150 cm 2018
15 Tabula Rasa #7 Mixed Media on Canvas 白板#7 綜合媒材, 帆布 150 x 150 cm 2018
16 Tabularasa #30.20 Mixed Media on Canvas 白板#30.20 綜合媒材, 帆布 150 x 150 cm 2020
17 Tabula Rasa Series - Lukisan Baik #1 Mixed Media on Canvas 白板系列 - 好畫 #1 綜合媒材, 帆布 140 x 60 cm 2018
18 Tabula Rasa Series - Lukisan Baik #3 Mixed Media on Canvas 白板系列 - 好畫 #3 綜合媒材, 帆布 140 x 60 cm 2018
19 Tabula Rasa Series - R374 Mixed Media on Canvas 白板系列 - R374 綜合媒材, 帆布 140 x 60 cm 2018

I Love You #1

Acrylic and Marker on Canvas 我愛你 #1 亞克力, 記號筆, 帆布

70 x 60 cm


I Love You #2

Acrylic and Marker on Canvas 我愛你 #2 亞克力, 記號筆, 帆布

70 x 60 cm




Moonlight Acrylic on Canvas 月光先生 亞克力, 帆布 70 x 65 cm 2019 Monaliem Acrylic and Marker on Canvas 蒙娜 琳 亞克力, 記號筆, 帆布 73 x 53 cm 2020
22 Sister Mixed Media on Canvas 姐妹 綜合媒材, 帆布 100 x 80 cm 2017 Smiling Figure 21 Mixed Media on Canvas 微笑的身影 #21 綜合媒材, 帆布 70 x 65 cm 2018

亞克力, 記號筆, 帆布

Study Figure #2

Acrylic and Marker on Canvas 學習人像圖 #2

73 x 62 cm

亞克力, 記號筆, 帆布

Study Figure #3

Acrylic and Marker on Canvas 學習人像圖 #3

73 x 62 cm


記號筆, 帆布

Study Figure #5

Acrylic and Marker on Canvas

x 50 cm

Artemis Corporation Sdn Bhd 13 Elitis Ambal Biru, Valencia, 47000 Sungai Buloh, Selangor, Malaysia E: info@artemisartgallery.com M: +60 12-373 2188 (UC Loh) +60 19-664 7088 (S. Jamal Al-Idrus) ID: UC-ArtemisArtKLID: ucloh8 WhatsApp wa.me/60123732188

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