The Beat Nov-Dec 2009

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November - December 2009 edition

Release your

Advice C entre tips, stude n forum outc t omes and news from around L SU


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Liverpool Town Takeover saw hundreds of students' from across Liverpool campaign to raise awareness of the Higher Education Funding debate. The Government will be starting a review of Higher Education funding in the next couple of weeks, if predictions are correct this could see tuition fees rise to around ÂŁ7,000 a year - we believe this will price many people out of Higher Education all together. This is not acceptable. The campaign is ongoing and we urge as many people as possible to get involved in helping us raise the profile of this issue by:

The following halls now have Hall Reps elected:

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Joining the campaign online at Speak to 5 members of your family and friends about the issue - it will effect brothers and sisters plus parents who often have to fund Higher Education. Write to your local MP asking them to state their parties position on the issue. When MPs and prospective MPs come door knocking in the run up to the General Election make sure you ask them about what they are doing about Higher Education - they need to know this is an important issue.

Atlantic Point Barkhill Court Victoria Hall Grand Central Marybone Northwestern Hall Great Newton Hall Apollo Court: St Andrews Gardens Prospect Point Opal Court The Railyard Unite Student Village Liberty Park Training for the reps is happening on 7-8 Nov so watch this space for what they get up to.


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Outcomes from Student Union Forums Better Union

Next Meeting 3/11/09

The first Better Union Forum was held at the Students' Union in October - a number of topics were discussed and actions taken away, some of these included... • Improving Communication with Halls • Reviewing events and entertainments at the Students' Union • Changing the opening hours of some of the services at the Students' Union To view the full minutes of the meeting go to or email for more information

Better City

Next Meeting 10/11/09

The First Better City Forum was held in the Royal Liver Building in October, a number of key issues were discussed including the following... • Anti Social behavior - particularly affecting students living in halls accommodation with either students or non students as the perpetrators • Housing - poor quality housing, and bad experiences with landlords. Most students knew of someone with a horror story to tell. • Recycling and Rubbish - this topic covered several issues ranging from stolen wheelie bins in the city centre, to a demand for more frequent recycling and what could be put in place to help students recycle items at the end of term, both in halls and the private sector • Litter and Flyers in halls - Students were concerned about excessive amounts of flyers and resulting litter in halls accommodation. Do you agree with these issues? Email and let us know!

Better University

Next Meeting 5/11/09

The following issues were raised at the October forum meeting: • Submission of coursework at the Screen School • Not being sure who their Course Reps were • Travel to and from the Screen School • Lack of tutorials • Staff not using Blackboard in a way that’s useful for students • Overpriced food and drink in LJMU canteens, with unsuitable opening hours and no healthy options • Lecturers sometimes not having great English language skills and confusing students • Nursing students have no Christmas break this year • The quality (or even lack of ) feedback on of exam and coursework • Lack of computers and printers in libraries • Tutors sometimes being unwilling to meet for one-to-one meetings with students

• Timetables not working for students with other commitments and no ability to change them • Dissemination of information from tutors about the course rep system • Inconsistent teaching quality across courses • Lack of funding for furthering education • Placements too far away from home for nursing students • Exam location changed to Aintree causing inconvenience • Organisation of lectures • Computers removed since refurbishment of Aldham Robarts Submission of coursework at the Screen School and Course Rep awareness are the 2 topics that the forum has taken away this month – go to to view the updates on the ‘You Said, We Did’ for these topics

As part of LSU’s 3 forums, Better Union, Better University and Better City we are looking to elect delegate forum members. These members will play a crucial role in shaping the activities of the forum and lead on campaigns, elected delegates also get 2 votes. We are looking to fill the following positions

Better Union

Better City

Better University

• Women’s delegate; • Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender delegate; • Disabled students’ delegate; and • Black, Asian and ethnic-minority delegate.

• Ethical and Environmental delegate

• Part time student

• Community Cohesion delegate • Anti-Fascist delegate

• International Student • Postgraduate Student • LIPA Student • Mature Student

These positions will be voted for at the November forum meetings. If you think you could take on the challenge of these roles we want to hear from you, for more information or to nominate yourself for the roles go to and select the forum information tabs or email with forum elections as the subject header.

Help! You’ve spent a lot on your deposit, make sure it’s protected. Ok, so hopefully you know that to get your deposit back at the end of your tenancy you have to make sure you do certain things, like not break things or leave the place a mess. But did you also know that your landlord has a responsibility to protect your deposit too? Tenancy Deposit Protection Scheme Tenancy deposit law was introduced on 6th April 2007 and provides protection for tenants by preventing landlords and letting agents from unfairly withholding a deposit. The scheme protects all Assured Shorthold Tenancies in England and Wales (covering most tenancies since 1997). What is it? Tenancy Deposit Protection is designed to ensure: • you get all or part of your deposit back, when you are entitled to it • any disputes between you and your landlord or agent will be easier to resolve How does it work? Within 14 days of paying your deposit, the landlord or agent is required to give you details about how your deposit is protected including: • the contact details of the tenancy deposit scheme • the contact details of the landlord or agent • how to apply for the release of the deposit • information explaining the purpose of the deposit • what to do if there is a dispute about the deposit What if I’ve not had this information? If you haven't had this information then email the Advice Centre at with your full name, address, year of study and landlord/agents name and we will email you a letter to send out to your landlord along with further information about the scheme. What if my landlord isn’t protecting my deposit? You can apply to your local county court. The court can order the landlord or agent to either repay the deposit to you or protect it in a scheme. If your landlord or agent has not protected your deposit, they will be ordered to repay three times the amount of the deposit to you. The Advice Centre can advise you through this process. The Advice Centre also run a drop in at the Haigh Building: Mon 10am-4pm Tue 10am-1pm & @ I M Marsh Wed 0am-4pm Thurs 10am-1pm Fri 10am-4pm You can also contact us on: 0151 231 4900 or email us at

Thursday 3rd December

10pm – 4am@ Mood Nightclub PRE Party : Engine Room 9 – 11pm Theme: Ice White Top Floor – Dance Anthems Middle Floor – R n B and Urban Lower – Chart Music Giant Snow Machine Ice Sculpture Dramatic ice white Christmas themeing Special Guest PA to be announced BUY TICKETS NOW! · Advance tickets just £5 - available to buy from · · LSU’s Reception in The Haigh Building, · Greenshields and the Student Shop at IM Marsh · Byrom Street Student Shop Door Admission £7

6th November 13th November 20th November 27th November 4th December 11th December

Hero’s and Villains Toga Party Cowboys and Indians Pimps and Ho’s Jocks vs Geeks Flirt! Xmas Party

Drink Offers:

Pint Carlsberg £1.20 Smirnoff & Mixer £1 Bottles VK & Stella £1.50 Bottle of Wine £5.99 Drink Offers

@ Scholars

Bulmers £2 Guinness £2 Pint Carlsberg £1.20 Smirnoff & Mixer £1 Bottles £1.50 Bottle of Wine £5.99


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