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GROUP: 10:30am for a 45 to 60 min walk which includes open water, woodlands and hay meadows. Meet by the cafe (top car park) Holmebrook Valley Park, Watermeadow Lane, S41 8XP. T: 01246 345669 or E: tina.hensey@chesterfield.gov.uk


PILATES: Walton Class. 10:30am at The Village Hall, Walton Back Lane, S42 7LT. Contact Tamara on 07570 456642, E: tayloredpilates@gmail.com

FB: @tayloredpilates23

BADMINTON GROUP: 1 to 3pm @The Parish Centre Stonegravels. Contact Bernard for info and to book E: bernardandjean@hotmail.co.uk

MONKEY PARK BOOK CLUB: First Thursday of the month, book club, 1pm. Monkey Park, Chester Street. monkeypark.org.uk

MONKEY PARK CRAFT CLUB: Every Thursday, craft club crochet and knitters welcome, 2pm. Monkey Park, Chester Street. monkeypark.org.uk

DOWN MEMORY LANE: A social singing activity for people living with dementia and their carers. 2 to 4pm on 2nd Thursday of the month at St. John’s church Walton in the main hall.

AFTERNOON WHIST: 2pm @ Holymoorside Village Hall run by Don Cooper. £2.50 per person. All welcome. T: 01246 568204

YOGA CLASS: 6 to 7:15pm @The Parish Centre Stonegravels. Contact Helen to book E: helenapol@ hotmail.com

CHESTERFIELD EMBROIDERERS: 1st Thu (except August) at 7pm in the Saints Parish Centre. Open to all people with a love of everything textile related. E: chesterfieldembroiderers@gmail.com

HOLYMOORSIDE CHORAL SOCIETY: Friendly choir meets in Holymoorside URC 7:30 to 9:30pm. MD Andrew Marples. Enquiries from new singers always welcome. No audition. To arrange a visit call Sue 07989 305577 Info: www.holymoorsidechoral. co.uk

OPEN FOLK NIGHT: OPEN FOLK NIGHT: Hosted by Brampton Community Band. Third Thursday of the month 7:30 to 9:30pm @ Victoria Inn, Victoria Street. T: 07971400219.

ICHTHUS CANOE CLUB CHESTERFIELD: Outdoor evening programme, sessions at Matlock Bath, Chesterfield Canal or Walton Dam. Monthly Saturday even pool sessions at Sharley Park. E: canoejmc@gmail.com or ichthuscanoeclub.co.uk

PILATES PILATES: Improvers level. Walton St John's Church @7:45pm. Contact Clare: 07990 771155.

CHESTERFIELD JAZZ CLUB: Third Thursday of the month. Olde House, Loundsley Green Rd S40 4RN. Tickets: Visitor Info Centre, Rykneld Way; Parsons & Dunn, Chatsworth Rd; online bit.ly/cfieldjazz Call 07764 587258 for info.


ZUMBA GOLD: Perfect for active older adults. Stay active, meet new people, have a coffee and some fun! 10:30am @ St Thomas' Centre. £5, please book first class. Call Adele on 07956 165287.

QUEENS PARK BUGGY WALK: Ideal for parents/ carers of little ones. 10:30am Queens Park Sports Centre reception for 45-60 minute walk. Return to the centre cafe for drinks & chat. T: 01246 345669 or e: Tina.hensey@chesterfield.gov.uk

CHESTERFIELD YOGA STUDIO: Zoom class only or 7-day recordings are also available. 9:30 to 11am. £7.50 - £8.50. For details see Chesterfieldyogastudio.co.uk

LUNCH-TIME SERVICES: Central Methodist Church, Saltergate. 12:15 to 12:45pm. Everyone welcome.

KEEP FIT CLASS FOR MATURE MOVERS: 2 to 3pm @ Holymoorside Village Hall. Combination of Sit and Stay Fit exercises and standing exercises including dance moves to music to improve strength and balance in a friendly group. T: Debbie 07413 068092.

FITSTEPS: 6 to 8pm @The Parish Centre Stonegravels. Call Laura to book 07714 223722. KFC (KIDS FRIDAY CLUB): For primary ages. Term time from 6 to 7pm at Walton Evangelical Church, Moorland View Road. For details T: 01246 231002. waltonchurch.org

FRIDAY CLUB FOR TEENS: For teenagers in school years 7 to 9. 7:15 to 8:15pm at Walton Evangelical Church, Moorland View Road. For details T: 01246 231002. waltonchurch.org

REFUGEES FROM REALITY GROUP GROUP: 7:30 to 10:30pm @The Parish Centre Stonegravels. See refugeesfromreality.co.uk for more info.

CHESTERFIELD ART CLUB: 2nd & 4th Friday The Hall on the Green, Ulverston Road, Newbold S41 8EQ. Work nights, demonstrations & critiques. Visitors welcome £3/£5 (not Aug or Dec). T: 01246 237291.


DR BIKE: 1st Saturday. Checks, adjustments and repairs to your bike for free. 9:30am to 1pm at the storage containers in the car park at Queen’s park. See FB: ChesterfieldDrBike or inclusivepedals. org.uk

TRANSITION CHESTERFIELD REPAIR CAFÉ: 3rd Sat. 10am to 12:30pm @ Chesterfield Baptist Church, Cross Street, S40 4ST. Drop-in sessions –all types of repair available, woodwork, sewing etc and cafe facilities open while session is being run. E: repairs@transitionchesterfield.org.uk

MONKEY PARK SEWING CLUB: First & third Saturday of the month, sewing club, 10:30am to 12:30pm. Monkey Park, Chester Street. monkeypark.org.uk

MONKEY PARK CHILDREN’S ART CLUB: First and third Saturday of the month, children’s art club, 11am. Monkey Park, Chester Street.

SATURDAY NIGHT WHIST: Loundsley Green Community Centre, Cuttholme Road, 7 to approx 9.30 pm, £2.50 per person. Refreshments. All welcome. T: 01246 278778.

SUNDAY CARSINGTON WATER BIRDING FOR BEGINNERS: Free walks held on the first Sunday of the month. Booking advisable. Call 0330 678 0701.

CHESTERFIELD INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED MOTORISTS (IAMRoadSmart) 9:30am, Chesterfield Canal Hollingwood Hub S43 2PF - Guidance sessions for IAM Associates, info & taster sessions. First Sun & following Sat. T: (Sec) 01246 488750.

PETER & ST PAUL OLD BRAMPTON CHURCH: Now holding Sunday services in Church again at 9:30am - everyone welcome. Details see www.oldbramptonchurch.org.uk

HOLY COMMUNION / MORNING WORSHIP: 9:45am Loundsley Green Church, Pennine Way.

SUNDAY SERVICE: 10:30am at Storrs Road Methodist Church. Please see web for details. More information about Zoom and other online services can be found at dnemethodists.org.uk/worshipreflect-learn/worship-online

SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP: Central Methodist Church, Saltergate at 10:30am. All are welcome. For details: dnemethodists.org.uk

SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP: Our regular time for Morning Worship is at 10:45am at The Gospel Mission Congregational Church, Old Rd. Brampton.

DANCE ABILITY: Fun, relaxed dance sessions for adults 18+ with additional needs. 12:15 to 1pm @ Queens Park Sports Centre. £4 carers free 01246 345555.

FRIENDS OF SPITAL CEMETERY: Monthly tours on second Sunday of the month at 1pm starting from Spital Cemetery lodge at entrance at bottom of Hady Hill. Ideally pre-book. Tours can be arranged at alternative times if preferred. Suggested donation: £5. E: spitalcemeterytours@gmail.com

MESSY CHURCH: 4 to 6pm on the last Sunday of the month starting back 26th February 2023 @ The Parish Centre Stonegravels. For all the family. To book call Jilly: 07746 668257.

HOLYMOORSIDE RAINBOW WHIST: 2nd & 4th Sunday Holymoorside Village Hall @7pm. Other times and venues throughout the month. Call Sue: 01246 278778.

Generic Events

AURORA A CAPPELLA: (Home of Harmony) is a female A Cappella choir. Come and join us! Experience and ability to read music is not necessary. We look forward to hearing from you. T: 01246 863175 / 07810 892978, e: aurora. chesterfield@gmail.com or aurora-chorus.org.uk

3RD BRAMPTON SCOUTS, CUBS, BEAVERS & SQUIRRELS: Monday Beavers (age 6 to 8), 5:30 to 6:30pm, Cubs (age 8 to 10.5), 5:30 to 6:30pm. Friday Squirrels (age 4 to 6), 5:15 to 6pm, Beavers (aged 6 to 8), 5:30 to 6:30pm, Cubs (aged 8 to 10.5), 6 to 7pm and Scouts (age 10.5 to 14), 7:30 to 9pm. All open to both boys & girls and taking place at St Thomas’ Centre, Chatsworth Road. T: Ben Widdowson on 01246 567409.

RAINBOWS & BROWNIES: Brownie's meetings across the county on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays (weekly). Guides and Rangers meet on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays (weekly). See girlguiding.org.uk for more info and to join up.

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