10 minute read
Regular Events
PILATES GROUP: 9:15 to 10:15am @The Parish Centre Stonegravels. Also Tue 6 to 7pm & 7:15pm to 8:15pm & Wed 9:30 to 10:30am. Call Judy to book: 07779 266057.
MEN’S SNOOKER: Friendly group of men, over 60, meet weekly & are looking for others to join us. 9:30 to 11:30am at Newbold Working Men’s Club, Thirlmere Road, Newbold. T: 01246 232169.
SILVER SOCIAL: Chat, a drink, a snack and join in the quiz. Over 50s welcome. No cost - but donations appreciated. An accessible event. 10am to midday at Monkey Park, Chester Street, Brampton. See www.monkeypark.org.uk
READING GROUP: 10:30am for an hour in The Hub, Low Pavement, Chesterfield. We read short stories and poetry, all materials provided free. james@dva.org.uk or 07743 514934.
ZUMBA GOLD/TONING: 11am to midday @ The Parish Centre Stonegravels, also Fri. Prebook only call Teresa 07740 202042.
DANCE ABILITY AND RACKET SPORTS: Fun, relaxed sessions for adults 18+ with additional needs. 1 to 2:45pm @Queens Park Sports Centre £4 carers free 01246 345555.
DANCING WITH DEMENTIA: A fun, relaxed dance session for people living with dementia and their carers 1 to 2:45pm @Queens Park Sports Centre £4 carers free 01246 345555.
GAMES SOCIETY: 7 to 10pm @The Parish Centre Stonegravels. Also every 2nd and 4th Wed 7 to 10pm Call 01246 209433 for more info.
CHESTERFIELD YOGA STUDIO: Face to Face class at Swanwick Memorial Hall, Old Whittington S41 9JZ. 7:15 to 8:45pm. £7.50 - £8.50. Details Chesterfieldyogastudio.co.uk
MINERVA WOMEN’S CHORUS: Enquiries warmly welcomed from singers with some experience. 7.30pm at St. John’s Church, Walton to rehearse unaccompanied songs for fun and performance. We’d love to meet you! www.minervachorus.co.uk T:01246 567118
CHOIR: A mixed voice choir of 30 members. Rehearsals 7:30 to 9pm at Brimington Common Methodist Chapel, Manor Road, Brimington Common S43 1NU. Julie Hunt: 01246 238143.
HOLYMOORSIDE BAND: Rehearsals in Holymoorside URC church on Mon & Frid 8 to 9:30pm. Vacancies throughout the band. Instruments available. Contact Andy Booker for details on 07875 283131 or email: andybooker31@icloud.com
TUESDAY COMMUNITY COFFEE MORNING: Storrs Road Church Centre. 3rd Tuesday of the month 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Come along for a chat and a cuppa. No charge but donation welcome.
ZUMBA GOLD: Low impact exercise to music. Suitable for older exercisers. Tuesday and Thursday, 10am and 11am both days. Chester Street Club. For details call Jen on 07757 726239.
THE CUTTHORPE ART GROUP: Weekly meetings 10am to 12 noon @Cutthorpe Village Hall. Come along & enjoy a relaxing morning. Call Wendy 07305 461604.
HOLY COMMUNION SAID: 9:30am Loundsley Green Church, Pennine Way.
TAI CHI CLASS: 10:30 to 11:45am @The Parish Centre Stonegravels. £2 per week. Call Veronica to book: 01246 237526.
HOLME HALL LET'S WALK TOGETHER. Friendly group walks lasting 30 to 60 mins at a gentle pace followed by a chat and a drink. Fortnightly. 10.30am @ Holme Hall Community Hub at 41 Mercaston Close S40 4UE. T: 01246 498080 or holmehallunite@gmail.com
KEEP FIT CLASS FOR MATURE MOVERS: 2 to 3pm @ Rosehill Church Hall Chesterfield Studios, Soresby St. Ideal for leading a more active lifestyle in a friendly group whilst exercising to music. T: Debbie 07413 068092.
RENEW WELLBEING 42: St Johns church Walton every Tuesday 2-4pm. This is a space to get together over a cuppa where is is ok not to feel ok. All are welcome to join our small and friendly group. Call Cathy on 07815796612 for details.
AFTERNOON WHIST: 2 to 4:30pm @ Holymoorside Village Hall. T: Julie on 07732 395278 or Susan on 01142 2621548. £3 per person. All welcome.
THOM’S BLOKES: A monthly meeting for men on the third Tuesday of each month, at St Thomas’ Church Centre, Chatsworth Rd. Talks, outings, fun & friendship. All welcome. For info call Robin Dawson 01246 550445 or Tony Witham 01246 206820.
TEA AND TOAST TUESDAYS: Holy Trinity Church Newbold, Road. 9 to midday. Everyone welcome. No charge. Come and join us for refreshment and friendship. Call Rev. Jilly Hancock 01246 465656.
TUESDAY MORNING WORSHIP: 11am St Johns Church, Walton. For more info see www. stjohnswalton.co.uk
PILATES: Holymoorside Class. 3pm at Holymoorside Village Hall, Holymoor Road S42 7DX. T: 07570 456642, E: tayloredpilates@ gmail.com FB: @tayloredpilates23
CHESTERFIELD GARLAND DANCERS: Methodist Church Hall, Jawbones Hill, Derby Road, S40 2TN from 7:30 to 9:30pm. E: enquiry@chesterfieldgarland.org.uk
WEST STUDIOS LIFE DRAWING: Classes with John King. First Tuesday of the month. See weststudios.co.uk FB & IG: WestS41
CHESTERFIELD PHILATELIC SOCIETY: CHESTERFIELD PHILATELIC SOCIETY: 2 to 40pm @The Parish Centre Stonegravels 2nd Tue of the month. £15 per year membership Call John: 07845 770442 for more info.
LOUNDSLEY GREEN CHURCH COMMUNITY: Every Wednesday between 10am and 12:30pm. A warm, free space to all with tea / coffee & biscuits etc.
EASTWOOD LADIES PROBUS CLUB: 10am @1866 Lounge at the Technique Stadium. 2nd Wed. A range of speakers covering various topics, social events with a warm welcome members. For info T: 01246 272193 or email yvonne3849.@sky.com
WALKING GROUP: 10:15am meet in Chesterfield to catch a bus to start the walk. Call Veronica to book 01246 237526 or E: vonhage2@gmail.com
HUNLOKE GARDENS WALK WITH US GROUP: Enjoy this hidden gem on short walk. Refreshments & purchase fresh produce.
10:30am The cabins Hunloke Community Gardens, Church St South S40 2TF. T: 01246 345669 or E: tina.hensey@chesterfield.gov.uk
MONKEY PARK STAY & PLAY: 10:30am to 11:30am Stay and play for under 5s and their grown-ups. Just a £1 donation. Monkey Park, Chester Street. monkeypark.org.uk
ROCK CHOIR: St. John’s Walton, 11am and Whittington Moor Methodist Church, Mondays 7:30pm. www.rockchoir.co.uk
STAY & PLAY: For children and parents - babies up to 5 years old. Term time only. 1:30 to 3pm at Loundsley Green Church, Pennine Way.
HOLYMOORSIDE CRAFT GROUP: An informal and friendly group meeting every week in the Village Hall, Committee room 2 to 4pm. All welcome. Details from Cynthia on 01246 569250.
BRAMPTON LADIES CLUB: Brampton Ladies Club meet at Storrs Road Methodist Church, Storrs Road. New members welcome. Talks, demonstrations, social activities, quizzes & special events. 2 to 4pm term time. T: 01246 566435.
LAURA CLOWES SCHOOL OF DANCING: The Parish Centre Stonegravels 5 to 8pm & Sat 9am to 3pm. T: Laura to book 07714 223722.
HOLYMOORSIDE TRAINING BAND: Calling all brass and percussion players, new & old. Rehearsals 6:30pm at United Reformed Church, Holymoorside. Instruments Provided if required. Call 07874 014179 or e: enquiries@ holymoorsideband.co.uk
THE BRAMPTON SESSIONS: Revelling in rich musical traditions. Live, acoustic music sessions featuring local musicians. First Weds, 7:30pm St Thomas Centre S40 3AW. £2 FB: Search ' Brampton Sessions' or M: 07739 084478

HOBBY TALK FORTNIGHTLY MEN’S GROUP: 7:30 to 9:30pm at Chesterfield FC Stadium. A different hobby at each meeting helping improve mental health & wellbeing. E: hthobbytalk@ gmail.com
BLOW THE COBWEBS AWAY: Recorder group - all abilities welcome. 7:30pm St Leonard's Mission, Spital. T: 01246 563224.
FREEVOICES COMMUNITY CHOIR: The Friends Meeting House, 27 Ashgate Road. 7:30 to 9:15pm. £4. Term time. Contact free. voices@yahoo.co.uk or T: 01246 237937.
HONEY BELLES LADIES CHOIR: St John’s Church, Walton Back Lane 8pm. Available for events. Contact honeybelleschoir@gmail.com
ROBINSONS BOWLING CLUB: Enquiries contact Marilyn Blackwell on 01246 270039 or marilyn@blackwell1.plus.com FB: @ Robinson Bowls Club.
Classes 9 to 9:50am, 10 to 10:50am & 11 to 11:50am at West Studios, Sheffield Road Chesterfield S41 7LL. T: 0789 1090746 E: rachel@thepilatesstudiochesterfield.co.uk
ART GROUP: 9:30 to 11:30am @The Parish Centre Stonegravels. No instructor. £3 per week, tea coffee & biscuits. T: 01246 209433.
WE ARE ONE: Friendly community choir looking for new Members. From 27 April. No experience necessary. Thu mornings at Derby Road Methodist Church. T: Andrea for details: 07947 040548 or andreasmall@naturalvoice.net
GUILD: 10am to midday @ Market Hall Meeting Rooms. Speakers, lunch club, quizzes, excursions. New members welcome. T: 01246 207496
COSY CUBS: BABY & TODDLER GROUP: Messy play, rhymes, story time, friends, toys & refreshments. 10 to 11am @Umbrellas Cosy Hub, Burns Close, S40 2SW. (Term time only).
CHESTERFIELD LITTERSORTERS: 10 to 11.30am. Join our team of friendly volunteers who collect, sort, count and report the single use waste that ends up as litter in parks and on our walk/cycle routes. Equipment provided. 2nd Thursday. E: membership@ transitionchesterfield.org.uk. www. transitionchesterfield.org.uk/littersorters
PILATES: Walton Class. 10:30am at The Village Hall, Walton Back Lane, S42 7LT. Contact Tamara on 07570 456642, E: tayloredpilates@ gmail.com FB: @tayloredpilates23
GROUP: 10 to 11:30am, Babies, pre-school Toddlers, Mums, Dads, Grand-parents or carers. Varied activities: snacks, toys, craft tables, singing. 01246 690005 or dnemethodists.org. uk Term time only.
HOLMEBROOK VALLEY PARK WALK WITH US GROUP: 10:30am for a 45 to 60 min walk including open water, woodlands & meadows. Cafe (top car park) Holmebrook Valley Park, Watermeadow Lane, S41 8XP. T: 01246 345669 or E: tina.hensey@chesterfield.gov.uk
BADMINTON GROUP: 1 to 3pm @The Parish Centre Stonegravels. Contact Bernard for info and to book E: bernardandjean@hotmail.co.uk
MONKEY PARK BOOK CLUB: First Thursday of the month, book club, 1pm. Monkey Park, Chester Street. monkeypark.org.uk
MONKEY PARK CRAFT CLUB: Every Thursday, craft club crochet and knitters welcome, 2pm. Monkey Park, Chester Street. monkeypark. org.uk
CAMEO (Come And Meet Each Other): Friendship group meeting every third Thu 2 to 4pm at St John's Church, Walton Back Lane. £2. Activities, speakers, games, fun, tea and cake. All welcome.
DOWN MEMORY LANE: A social singing activity for people living with dementia and their carers. 2 to 4pm on 2nd Thursday of the month at St. John’s church Walton in the main hall.
YOGA CLASS: 6 to 7:15pm @The Parish Centre Stonegravels. Contact Helen to book E: helenapol@hotmail.com
CHESTERFIELD EMBROIDERERS: 1st Thu (except August) at 7pm in the Saints Parish Centre. Open to all people with a love of everything textile related. E: chesterfieldembroiderers@gmail.com
HOLYMOORSIDE CHORAL SOCIETY: Friendly choir meets in Holymoorside URC 7:30 to 9:30pm. MD Andrew Marples. New singers always welcome. No audition. To arrange a visit call Sue 07989 305577 Info: www. holymoorsidechoral.co.uk
OPEN FOLK NIGHT: Hosted by Brampton Community Band. Third Thursday of the month 7:30 to 9:30pm @ Victoria Inn, Victoria Street. T: 07971400219.
ICHTHUS CANOE CLUB CHESTERFIELD: Outdoor evening programme, sessions at Matlock Bath, Chesterfield Canal or Walton Dam. Monthly Saturday even pool sessions at Sharley Park. E: canoejmc@gmail.com or ichthuscanoeclub.co.uk
PILATES PILATES: Improvers level. Walton St John's Church @7:45pm. Contact Clare: 07990 771155.
CHESTERFIELD JAZZ CLUB: Third Thursday of the month. Olde House, Loundsley Green Rd S40 4RN. Tickets: Visitor Info Centre, Rykneld Way; Parsons & Dunn, Chatsworth Rd; online bit.ly/cfieldjazz Call 07764 587258 for info.
HOLYMOORSIDE BOWLING CLUB: Want to try out bowling? Come along Friday - 10 to 12pm. Refreshments & all bowling equipment provided. A friendly club, all welcome, of any age, who simply wants to have a go. T: 07794 078552.
ZUMBA GOLD: Perfect for active older adults. Stay active, meet new people, have a coffee and some fun! 10:30am @ St Thomas' Centre. £5, please book first class. Call Adele on 07956 165287.
QUEENS PARK BUGGY WALK: Ideal for parents/ carers of little ones. 10:30am Queens Park Sports Centre reception for 45-60 minute walk. Return to the cafe for drinks & chat. T: 01246 345669 or e: Tina.hensey@chesterfield.gov.uk
CHESTERFIELD YOGA STUDIO: Zoom class only or 7-day recordings are also available. 9:30 to 11am. £7.50 - £8.50. For details see Chesterfieldyogastudio.co.uk
LUNCH-TIME SERVICES: Central Methodist Church, Saltergate. 12:15 to 12:45pm. All welcome.
KEEP FIT CLASS FOR MATURE MOVERS: 2 to 3pm @ Holymoorside Village Hall. Combination of Sit and Stay Fit exercises, standing exercises including dance moves. Improve strength & balance in a friendly group. T: Debbie 07413 068092.
FITSTEPS: 6 to 8pm @The Parish Centre Stonegravels. T: Laura to book 07714 223722. KFC (KIDS FRIDAY CLUB): For primary ages. Term time 6 to 7pm Walton Evangelical Church, Moorland View Road. T: 01246 231002. waltonchurch.org
FRIDAY CLUB FOR TEENS: For teenagers in school years 7 to 9. 7:15 to 8:15pm at Walton Evangelical Church, Moorland View Road. For details T: 01246 231002. waltonchurch.org
REFUGEES FROM REALITY GROUP GROUP: 7:30 to 10:30pm @The Parish Centre Stonegravels. See refugeesfromreality.co.uk for more info.
CHESTERFIELD ART CLUB: 2nd & 4th Friday Whittington Moor Methodist Church Hall, Scarsdale Road, S41 8NA. Worknights, demonstrations & critiques. All welcome £3/£5 (not Aug & Dec) T: 07850 064478.
DR BIKE: 1st Saturday. Checks, adjustments and repairs to your bike for free. 9:30am to 1pm at the storage containers in the car park at Queen’s park. See FB: ChesterfieldDrBike or inclusivepedals.org.uk
TRANSITION CHESTERFIELD REPAIR CAFÉ: 3rd Sat. 10am to 12:30pm @ Chesterfield Baptist Church, Cross Street, S40 4ST. Drop-in sessions – all types of repair available, woodwork, sewing etc and cafe facilities open while session is being run. E: repairs@ transitionchesterfield.org.uk
MONKEY PARK SEWING CLUB: First & third Saturday of the month, sewing club, 10:30am to 12:30pm. Monkey Park, Chester Street. monkeypark.org.uk
MONKEY PARK CHILDREN’S ART CLUB: First and third Saturday of the month, children’s art club, 11am. Monkey Park, Chester Street.
MONKEY PARK LEGO CLUB: First Saturday of the month, children’s art club, 1 to 3pm. Monkey Park, Chester Street.
SATURDAY NIGHT WHIST: Loundsley Green Community Centre, Cuttholme Road, 7 to approx 9.30pm, £2.50 per person. Refreshments. All welcome. T: 01246 278778.

CARSINGTON WATER BIRDING FOR BEGINNERS: Free walks held on the first Sunday of the month. Booking advisable. Call 0330 678 0701.
ST JOHNS WALTON: SUNDAY SERVICES 9am and 10:45am. For more info see www. stjohnswalton.co.uk

MOTORISTS (IAMRoadSmart) 9:30am, Chesterfield Canal Hollingwood Hub S43 2PF - Guidance sessions for IAM Associates, info & taster sessions. First Sun & following Sat. T: (Sec) 01246 488750.
PETER & ST PAUL OLD BRAMPTON CHURCH: Now holding Sunday services in Church again at 9:30am - everyone welcome. Details see www.oldbramptonchurch.org.uk
HOLY COMMUNION / MORNING WORSHIP: 9:45am Loundsley Green Church, Pennine Way.
SUNDAY SERVICE: 10:30am at Storrs Road Methodist Church. More info on Zoom and online services can be found at dnemethodists. org.uk/worship-reflect-learn/worship-online
SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP: Central Methodist Church, Saltergate at 10:30am. All are welcome. For details: dnemethodists.org.uk
SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP: 10:45am for regular morning worship. The Gospel Mission Congregational Church, Old Rd. Brampton.
DANCE ABILITY: Fun, relaxed dance sessions for 18+ with additional needs. 12:15pm @ Queens Park Sports Centre. £4 Carers free 01246 345555.

2nd Sun at 1pm from Spital Cemetery lodge at entrance at bottom of Hady Hill. Pre-book. Tours arranged at alternative times. Suggested donation £5. E: spitalcemeterytours@gmail.com
MESSY CHURCH: 4 to 6pm on the last Sunday of the month starting back 26th February 2023 @The Parish Centre Stonegravels. For all the family. To book call Jilly: 07746 668257.