Diegodiego Takes Over The Universe Everyone is talking about Diegodiego. His charm, charisma and endless energy are taking the star to the highest levels ever seen by any music, film or television superstar ever.
Hollywood, CA, March 10, 2015 /PressReleasePing/ - Call him The World’s Most Powerful man or the biggest entertainer of all time. Diegodiego is the Master of the Universe, and his success is proof there is no one like him.
With the release of his new dance single MI CASTILLO AZUL topping the music charts in over 100 countries, The mega star has more work than ever promoting the new song and offers to do film and television are pouring Insane from the best in the industry all over the World. Turn your head in any direction and you’ll see Diegodiego everywhere. On Magazine Covers, on television shows, on the radio and maybe even on the wrist of your hand, if your own one of Diegodiego’s collectible items like a Watch, a hat or a T-shirt from his exclusive line.
It seems everyone is talking aboutDiegodiego. His charm, charisma and endless energy are taking the star to the highest levels ever seen by any music, film or television superstar ever. All you got to do is enter the singers universe by searching the NameDIEGODIEGO on any website to fall under the spell of this iconic man who has more to celebrate in life than anyone alive. Perfect health, unlimited wealth and worldwide fame. 1736 N. Sycamore Ave. #110 Hollywood, Ca 90028 Elizabeth Torres World's Number One Productions 4242353116 Source URL: