The second annual forum on Energy Security for the Future: A New Vision, Strategy, Innovation will be held on June 2, 2017 in Monte Carlo, Monaco, and will address Europe’s energy security issues with focus on Ukraine’s role in the European market. The Forum is co-organized by the Adam Smith Conferences and Burisma Group with the support from the Albert II Prince of Monaco Foundation and the Alexander Kwasniewski Foundation Amicus Europae.
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PressReleasePing - April 20, 2017 -Kiev, Ukraine International energy sector is entering the era of global transformations driven by technological revolution, environmental and geopolitical challenges. For the second year in a row, the International Forum on Energy Security for the Future: A New Vision, Strategy, Innovation will bring together high-profile global leaders including politicians, opinion makers and business people that provide innovative technology and transform the energy sector worldwide. The second annual forum will be held on June 2, 2017 in Monte Carlo, Monaco, and will address Europe’s energy security issues with focus on Ukraine’s role in the European market.
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The Forum is co-organized by the Adam Smith Conferences and Burisma Group with the support from the Albert II Prince of Monaco Foundation and the Alexander Kwasniewski Foundation Amicus Europae. "Our goal is to create the environment that encourages industry leaders, technology providers and state officials to share expertise on increasing energy efficiency and sustainab ility in Europe and worldwide", noted the Head of Government Relations and Business Partnerships at the Adam Smith Conferences Eugene Andrus. This year, the Forum will be attended by HSH Albert II Prince of Monaco, the President of Poland Aleksander Kwaśniewski (1995-2005), the President of Slovenia Danilo Türk (2007-2012), the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Kistion, the Prime Minister of Belgium Guy Verhofstadt (1999-2008), the EU Commissioner for Energy Andris Piebalgs (2004 and 2009), the former Director of the CIA’s Counterterrorist Center (1999-2002) and Ambassador at Large for counter-terrorism (2002-2004) Joseph Cofer Black, the Director of the Atlantic Council Dinu Patriciu Eurasia Center and US Ambassador to Ukraine (2003-2006) Mr. John E. Herbst, Co-Chairman of the World Energy Council (WEC) Jean-Marie Dauger and others. "It’s no surprise that development of Ukrainian energy sector has contrib uted largely to European energy security. Over the last three years, we gained valuab le experience and ob tained latest technology that allows us to take part in the European energy community. The second forum has grown into a powerful European movement, where European politicians and b usiness people address energy issues. It is the largest one-of-a-kind pub lic institution of energy and environmental diplomacy in the continental Europe that supports an open and equal dialogue b etween states, governments, b usinesses and civil society on the need for immediate transition to new environmental standards and renewab le energy sources in everyday life", admitted the Head of the Forum’s Organizing Committee and Advisor to the Board of Directors at the International Energy Group Burisma Vadym Pozharskyi.
View Related News Category: Business Region: Europe Tags (meta-keywords): Energy, Security, Forum, Monaco, Burisma
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