HOW NOT BEING HIGH SAVED MY HOME How hanging your paintings and prints at the correct height can save the romance between your walls and your art and provide you with an environment calming to the soul, while at the same time capable of spurring volcanic eruptions of energy and frenzied moments of accomplishment. Charlotte, NC, August 20, 2015 /PressReleasePing/ - How hanging your paintings and prints at the correct height can save the romance between your walls and your art and provide you with an environment calming to the soul, while at the same time capable of spurring volcanic eruptions of energy and frenzied moments of accomplishment.
We had everything. A wonderful new surrounding, complete with funky furniture and crisp newly painted walls. The view was spectacular. We should have be spending evenings enticed by flickering shadows from the crisp, dancing flame in the fireplace. All to often however, we lingered in the new space alone. Something just wasn’t right. We weren’t connecting. We seemed to be on different levels. Individually everything was beautiful. But the rooms were filled with cold, stiff air. There was no love. Where did it go? Why wasn’t everything working like they do in the movies? I just want to be treated as if I’m the one. You know… special. I just want to know I am wanted. Signed, Your beloved art work
How to Romance Your Art + Save Your Home Find the Spot. Pick a height for the midsection of ALL of your art. Make that height 57” Yes, that is most likely lower than you are used to. Currently your art work is all too high! Make His Head Snap. Choose art that fills the space and creates a a focal point for the room. It’s like lowering the neck line of your shirt. Point the viewer in the direction you want them to look.
Kiss + Make Up. Let your furniture talk to your art and work things out. Create vignettes of furniture, art and accessories. Copy staging techniques you find in furniture catalogs and on pinterest boards. Keep Regular Date Nights. Don’t let your walls get stagnant. Move things around. Give and take. Be adventurous and bring in something new. Try creating a gallery wall. The same rules apply. Hanging recipe Measure artwork and divide by 2 (this gives you the center) [ ex. 24”] Measure top of your picture to the tightened wire or saw tooth hanger [ex. 4”] Subtract “tight wire” amount from 1/2 height amount for the “to the hook” amount. (this will tell you how far above 57” your hook should go) [12” – 4” = 8”] Add amount from above to 57” and mark on wall. nail goes here. [ 57” x 8” = 65” for nail/hook]
I’m kenT and I’m an artist, but not the tortured kind. I’m on a mission to make the walls of your home, office or secret lair as spectacular as you are. As an artist selling more than 2,500 paintings in the last few years, with a background in interior design i have transformed into an expert in both the walls + the art that adorns them. I have hosted workshops and on line courses focused on setting your space that include easy like sunday morning challenges to assist in setting up environments which are calming to the soul, while at the same time capable of spurring volcanic eruptions of energy and frenzied moments of accomplishment. See the set yo’ space workshop here. Current blog posts and trend magazines are full of technical information to hang art + give instructions for creating gallery walls. Unfortunately many lack the match making skills to put the whole picture together and create a harmonious union that keeps the love flowing forever.
I create one-of-a kind-paintings. You may have seen my work in cb2, on sale sites such as, or popping up in celebrity home photos in people magazine. All from my charlotte, nc studio. I’m also a teacher. I offer work shops + caffeine laden posts to jump start your own creative process. I want your walls to work with your art and be calming to the soul while at the same time capable of spurring volcanic eruptions of energy and frenzied moments of accomplishment. Much like peanut butter + chocolate, gin + tonic (or bacon + anything), I’m inclined to believe “We are better, together.
Recent Coverage. How an untortured artist gets unstuck.
You want to be an artist? The untortured kind? Then you might want to sit + read + listen to KenT Youngstrom’s startling advice about what it takes to be . . . an artist. And then get off your duff and do it! I chatted with kenT when he was starting out and selling just a couple of paintings a year. Now, a few years later he’s shipping them out by the truck load. But it’s not just about the sale. It’s about the lifestyle. The freedom. The excitement. And how to make it all work for you - right now. - Susan Harrow, CEO of, media coach, author of Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul
Inside the whimsical universe of creativity I believe there is an unknown language that can only be successfully translated by the chosen few whom have an innate ability to take what seems to be complicated and alchemically make it simple. There needs to be the ability to understand perspective and context while undermining the complexities of the source. kenT is that guy! - Brandon Veibrock, Owner Revolution Clothier. 3324 rhett butler place charlotte, nc 28270 kent youngstrom kent youngstrom art 704-533-1831 Source URL: