Munich state court's verdict on silvia stolz case validates blasphemers' criminalization and profani

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Munich State Court's Verdict on Silvia Stolz Case Validates Blasphemers? Criminalization and Profanities' FelonyDelinquency; Establishes SAARC Post-doc Academician Dr. Zaki. Dr. Zaki has profoundly synthesized the issue of Holocaust-denial and Blasphemy in the perspectives of Munich State Court's verdict of last month. Dr. Zaki has quite eloquently and amicably established that blasphemies and holocausts arise from the abuse of charter of human values given by all religions and by the United Nation? both baselines of violation are essentially going to become the 'two bombs of destruction of civilization'. Special Correspondent// News Monitoring Desk, Pakistan. Lahore, Pakistan, March 31, 2015 /PressReleasePing/ - The recent sentencing of 51-yearold former German attorney Sylvia Stolz by the Munich State Court, adds a new chapter in the implementation of universal laws against the Holocaust denial can justly and rightfully be embedded with blasphemy on fairly legitimate and impartial accounts, in keeping with the spirit of U.N charter for human rights. History has not forgotten the hanging of Thomas Aikenhead in 1697 in UK charged with blasphemy crime. Sacrilege-irreverence has become the perceived ‘priori’ base-line in Sylvia Stolz, since it is inherited in Holocaust denial, on account that the Germans considered the other ethnic entity inferior to them. Blasphemy is internationally defined as ‘any expression by word, sign, gesture, that is insulting to the religion. It impairs man reverence for religion which includes blasphemes libels, pictures, caricature, which convey a blasphemous meaning. “The ‘Old Testimonials’, for instance the Leviticus (24:13-16) prescribes a criminal charged with blasphemy to be killed. Muslim creed-scripts also prescribe the same measure of punishment for blasphemy. The Muslim artifacts of definitions, in principle agree with the definition given by union of international connotation-inferences. Blasphemies and Holocausts arise from the abuse of charter of human values given by all religions and by the United Nation”, establishes Dr. Zaki. The abuse of most human values given by philosopher Shalom Schwartz, is the root cause of holocaust including blasphemy, where, power, achievement, security, benevolence, trust and culture and conformity are

abused to humiliate prosecute and systematically destroy a group to establish technical superiority of the oppressor. Several brutal acts, such as massacre of six million humans by Nazi regime, are embedded in bloody pages of history and not accepting this fact amounts to be a part of the crime perpetrators. The German justice deserves support from all over the world. It remains to be argued, if the bombing in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, leading to the death to the tum of 200,000 innocent citizens are killing of German civilians over 4.1 million was an act of holocaust and does it deserve the same punishment. The bombing of Iraq falls in the same category and highlighting the same issue. The decision by the German court is the reminder to several countries to intact laws and implement at them to raise the level of brotherhood and understanding between nations with cultural and economical and religious diversities, maintains Dr. Zaki in his uprightly judicious synthesis. About Dr. Zaki: Professor Emeritus Dr. Zaki serves as the co-chair at United Peace Constituency (UPC). The UPC was constituted by the academicians of ‘SAARC Post-doc Academia’, in the wake of the deadliest brutal attacks at Peshawar Army Public School, last year.

Dr. Zaki’s basic expertise-area is metallurgy and nano-technology, for which he has ingeniously worked for King Fahd University of Petroleum and Metals (KFUPM), for over two decades. Lahore, Pakistan. SAARC Anti-blasphemy Commission Source URL:

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