Open letter to daw aung san suu kyi

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An Eye-opening and Conscience-pricking Document that Destines towards Serving as a Plea to Shake the Collective Sense of Morality of the International Community, Standing-by Idly!.

SAIRI SAIRI Postdoctoral Multiversity for the United Nations SDGs Studies Burma (Myanmar) Contact Email

PressReleasePing - April 12, 2017 -Abu Mishkath Professor Qadhi Aurangzeb Al Hafi 4-11-2017/ Pakistan.

Visit Our Website AN OPEN LETTER TO MYANMAR’S DAW AUNG SAN SUU KYI The State Counselor of Myanmar, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi As you must be aware of the extent, severity as well as the very nature of the ‘brutal persecution-modus’, which is unfolding in Myanmar’s Rakhine region. It is amounting to an unparalleled human tragedy, resulted by the recent military offensive that essentially led to an appalling humanitarian crisis, which quite conceivably, bears the hallmarks of past tragedies like Rwanda, Darfur or Ksovo. Madam, you should be aware of what has been warned repetitively in this concern, by the un-biased international experts including, but not limited to those at the UN. Not need to mention here what UNHCR’s head of the office at the border there, John MicKissik and the UN special rapporteur Ms. Yanghee Lee have PDFmyURL - online url to pdf conversion

indicated repeatedly. Madam, you must recall and remember the instant when all of the world leaders like you, said “never again”. Time and history determine to siren very clear. And Madam, now, you are on verge of choosing one way or the other clearly. You aren’t supposed to be among the passive observers standing aside silently, wringing their hands and saying belatedly never again ‘all-over-again’. Your Eminence! You are the one who should take the baseline responsibility with a moral courage and humanistic approach, and not let the global observing eyes get frustrated, with, the international experts’ repeated appeals and voicing of the clear sirens, put to be ‘simply ignored’. Quite regretfully, after hearing your recent remarks on the usage of the word ‘ethnic cleansing’ – with the an annotational comment as: “ethnic cleansing is too strong a term to describe what is happening in Rakhine” – a rational ‘being’ has to contemplate again and again after having known the very comments that leave every sane mind simply blank – left with no option to reason anymore! Should I seek Madam, with a due guilt and repentance, the opportunity as well as the liberty to ask here, that: “How many thousands of innocent children need more to be burnt ‘alive’ – ruthlessly slaughtered – smashed and beleaguered in the streets—to be termed as ‘ethnic cleansing’….? How many villages are required more to be burnt down to earth—for ‘genocide’ to be characterized….? How many women are needed more to be mass-raped by the Burmese army officials—to be described as ‘systematic persecution’....? How many of the toddlers and the disabled are still sought after, Madam Suu Kyi, to be either put to structured arsons, or to be sold and enslaved as ‘dying-alive sex slaves’ or starved to death, if not murdered by the bullets or sold-out to ‘Thai brothels’ – how numerous the State Counsellor, it has to recur and persist——to categorize all this as ‘racial extermination’….? Just to have some instant glimpses of the least surface-sights of what is happening in Rakine region, please do refer to the following:

PDFmyURL - online url to pdf conversion Viewed academically, or put simply, Madam, – one has to think and rethink; over and over again; painfully and plentifully that: “How many kids are still awaited to be dealt with as ‘farm-animals’– being mercilessly thrusted, kicked and prodded as waste-ruggers – being treated as ‘dogs and puppies’ horrendously and dreadfully looking at their mothers’ faces, being inhumanely tortured, raped and in front of their eyes – viewing the security forces to slit their parents’ throats amidst slaughtering ruthlessly – their bodies being thrashed and ruined in the streets – their fathers’ heads being smashed and beleaguered on the roads— also, at instances, forced to drink their own urine for survival…!— And, still besides all, something ‘over-n-above’ is presumed to be happened to categorize all this as ‘ethnic cleansing’, ‘genocidal persecution’ or ‘systematic racial extermination’….? “How many instances need more to be waged and circumference behind the mask of ‘clearance operations’, Madam, where these long-deprived, ruined, and destitute insolvents would be forced again to drink their own urine to survive ——and then the usage of ‘de-humanization’ can be justified as per the very parameters acceptable before the mightyself of a ‘State Counselor, who, notably, at the same time is a celebrated iconic ‘Nobel Peace Laureate’ as well…? Finally, can I dare to ask, with utmost regrets and apology, Madam Daw Suu Kyi, by knocking at the door of your innate cores of conscience, if they exist to be there at all, that: “How many sequential chains of state backed nexus-ignited horror outbreaks consisting of the merciless forms and formats of ‘human onslaughts’ still remain necessary to fulfill the requirements to achieve a consensus ———upon the usage of such ‘strong terms’ for all what is happening in Myanmar’s Rakhine...?”. Your Eminence, “These are the thorny questions that arose from your recent statement Madam Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, which has been conveyed so blatantly in such a manner that becomes sad as well as strange – not only on your own part, but also fetching a far-extending ‘question mark’ on the entire ‘Nobel Laureateship Community’ so far…!”, states uprightly and quite conscience prickingly the SAIRI’s multi-disciplinary P.I. for the United Nations SDGs Studies, Professor PDFmyURL - online url to pdf conversion

Qadhi Aurangzeb Al Hafi of Pakistan, in an open letter to the Burmese de-facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi. The open letter, up to now, is about to reach a sum of over 500 signatures of high profiled academicians from reputed universities across the SAARC – ASEAN regions, and is set to be brought forth, throughout Asian academic ivories, in the next phase. Under the patronage of Justice (R) Dr. S. S. Paru (L. L. D) of Indonesia, SAARC-ASEAN Postdoctoral Academia’s postdocs are envisioned to bring the issue to a more considerate level. The thematic moderator for normative dominion-orbs in Asian region, Dr. M. Akram Chaudhry is expected to extend the open-letter along with the SAIRI’s supplication-plea to the regional academic hemispheres, as well as those of the Middle East. “It’s worth-noting here, that these stunning remarks of Burmese leader Aung San Suu Kyi, which have astounded, enough shockingly, the sane minds throughout the world – has just arose out – immediately amidst the juncture of the state- of-affairs, when the UN has recently adopted a resolution by consensus, and set to urgently dispatch a fact finding mission to inquire into the accounts that are plausibly amounting to ‘crimes against humanity’ – and at this point the observable rebuffing to cooperate and abide by the UN resolution coupled with the fact-twisting remarks, quite obviously means for what it could be meant for, and not needs to be further elaborated”, notes further SAIRI’s P.I. Evidence-based harrowing occurrence-indexes have been documented by the UN in a recent report referring to the satellite images, testimonies and evidential corroborations that altogether substantiate and endorse the above mentioned appalling accounts of ruthlessness and unprecedented inhumaneness, which has been evidently manifested by the Burmese army and the ‘state-structured nexus’ to carry out the sequential chains of mass riots and mob violence. The UN report speaks much more than one can imagine, and unveils the severity of the ‘nature of the violence’, which cannot be, literally thought of, otherwise. This violence of a nature of its own, then turns to the large-scale massacres based upon the ‘calculated policy of terror’ on a previously horror-struck ethnic minority that is rendered stateless everywhere – caught in a ‘can’t-live--can’tleave’ situation for decades-long time-frames – enough conceivably, rendered as the most persecuted minority upon our earth! During the previous years, SAIRI has voiced grave concerns over the appalling conditions, particularly those faced by Rohingya children.

PDFmyURL - online url to pdf conversion A shocking documentation of the horror-struck state-of-affairs, ascendingly arose a significant response in international ivories, on the issue of the Rohingya Children’s ‘Mess-predicament’. The academically upright document titled ‘SAIRI Situation Report on Rhohingya Children’s Ongoing Crisis’, was primed by SAIRI Post-doc Multiversity. The ‘investigatory document’ was formally submitted through Dr. Belinda E Huang, Executive Director at that time, at the National Postdoctoral Headquarters based in Washington DC. SAIRI, to its part, “brought forth some of the alarming and perilous ‘information-specifics’ about hundreds of thousands of Rohingya children, who are being horrendously treated, brutally enslaved and inhumanely besieged… It has not only opened the eyes and pricked the minds within the academic segments, the UN and the socio-political ivories, but also served as ‘a mirror to the blind’ at large, in humanistic and moral realms!” opines Justice(R) S.S. Paru L.L.D., Chancellor Emeritus of SAARC-ASEAN Post-doc Academia. SAIRI’s striking diction and mind-pricking phraseology became echoed at the UN floor, that quite meaningfully shaked that world’s conscience as it read: “The testimonial document of SAIRI, now calls on UN and the trans-regional hierarchies in particular, and the global community in general, to take a ‘moral stand’ by mounting an urgent rejoinder to the most ‘vulnerable hour’ of this humanitarian emergency.” “By means of the present account-testimony, I, the SAIRI’s principal investigator, hereby beg and supplicate to the global community that: Should we, the humans with a ‘humane heart’ within, the academicians with a ‘rational mind’ within, the observers with an ‘observing eye’ within, and the average people from every walk of the life having the least ‘sense of morality’ within, now stand-up together for the sake of re-echoing the screams of ‘dying-alive’ poor Rohingyas and their children, in order to prick the collective conscience of the world, as well as ours own – being physically far and scattered but sentimentally nearby and altogether – as a humanitarian assembly – jointly and equally voicing: “These longsuffering ‘stateless’ and ‘restless’ entities—the Rohingyas and their desperate children—are on their knees before the collective conscience of the world—the international community—the UN, the governments and the entire humanity.” PDFmyURL - online url to pdf conversion

“These glimmering flowers are being reduced and converted to dusky coffins, floating on the Andaman Sea, or being dumped to the land beside the squalid camps.” “The world has become a global village; we are all inhabitants of the same planet to which they belong, and—where alongside, they are being oppressed, thrashed, beleaguered and de-humanized—their homes being burned down— their heads being smashed on roads—their bodies being ruined and crumpled in streets—their small children being enslaved—their women being made sex-slaves—and, due to the inaccessibility to food and water they are forced to drink their own urine to survive…!!!” “They are like us all—their lives are as precious as our lives—their small babies are as our own small kids—the children that are now on their knees ‘begging-for-their-lives’ are not, but like ours…!!!” “And, if by now, we fail, therefore, to respond at this vulnerable hour, or if the global community continues to shy away from taking a ‘moral stand’, then, there can be no more justifiable reason for the pursuit of a humane society or for persisting and sticking to even the least realms of humaneness!” pleads Qadhi Aurangzeb Al Hafi. “We have to strive for a ‘principal resolve’ of the ‘Rohingya Children Crisis’ as a ‘Moral Imperative’—if not a legal requisite..!” urges and presages categorically SAIRI’s situation report on ‘Rohingya Children De-humanizing Crackdown’.

View Related News Category: Government Region: Asia Tags (meta-keywords): ethnic cleansing, genocidal persecution

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