Russia is going to manage usa, uk to make good world russia helps to prevent terrorism in usa

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RUSSIA IS GOING TO MANAGE USA, UK TO MAKE GOOD WORLD? RUSSIA HELPS TO PREVENT TERRORISM IN USA. Great news: thousands journalists in BBC, ABC, Reuters, AP etc. recieved great information, which can improve world politics! We write the information, which they recieved. Also we publish the news "Who is managing Mrs. Hillary Clinton?" These days the usual dialogue, which you can listen in CIA lobby, that the tweet from Russia has changed the results in UK referendum. What is it: casual case or good work planned from Russian security. You can use this press release to make great news, publications, you can publish it in your social media accounts etc. American CIA was comfortable when England was in EU: CIA staff could control UK politicians using contacts in EU management, but now UK, England can get independence from the USA. There is big report in CIA how Russians planned to help to UK to get independence from the EU management. The central place there is dedicated to the... tweets in the VLADIMIR PUTIN's account, the tweets were made accurate 7 and 8 days before the referendum in UK. PUTIN COMES TO BE PRESIDENT IN RUSSIA, UK, USA! USA CALL PUTIN TO BE PRESIDENT BOTH: IN RUSSIA, IN USA! (*The account in Twitter is named VLADIMIR PUTIN (the login @VLADIMIR78PUTIN ), it has address Astrologers know big good potential for good connections, for good influence 7, 8 numbers. It is also well known that Russian telephone codes are 7 for international connection, 8 for connections inside the country. That is traditional step in programming work: for example calculating programmly: for potential fantastic making Putin leader in UK it is necessary new elections in UK: maybe that's why Cameron decides to make new elections soon to change prime minister in UK? CIA prognoses that next step will be that new politicians in different countries can love Russia more then before, that new politicians can be even be like Vladimir Putin or just to take more common interests to work good with Russia. Both tweets includes the news "Who is managing Mrs. Hillary Clinton?". Journalists from BBC says that before they recieved this news. At the same time they found in Twitter the account named HILLARY CLINTON, it has login Hillary8Clinton ( ) and it includes many tweets to compliment Vladimir Putin, to compliment Russia. Why Russians made Hillary Clinton account? CIA has information that Roman Abromovich bought club Chelsea for few purposes, which are using in Russia for programming work: to get more programm permissions to use English, England (king's London's club was effective step for it to get program rights), at the same time Chelsea has the same name with Chelsea Clinton, who at the same time works with Hillary Clinton. All together Russians can really to direct situations in UK, USA etc. CIA makes the following mind in their big report: Russians want to manage American and UK politicians! They use detailed programming work for it. But at the same time there is many tweets, that Russia will improve the world. If it means that Russians want to manage all politicians to make good world?

RUSSIA HELPS TO PREVENT TERRORISM IN USA?! RUSSIA MAKES GOOD SITUATIONS IN THE WORLD. Who is managing Mrs. Hillary Clinton? Sensation about Angela Merkel, Hillary Clinton, Vladimir Putin, Anatoliy Golod, The God Almighty Advocate, Apple, IBM. Russia will help to improve the world. It is necessary to check networks, which makes directions to people in private communications: you know, these networks were used by problem structures when problem structures programmably directed people for making 2nd world war, but in modern society these networks are using by problem structures to change decisions in different spheres, but also the problem structures preparing wars, conflicts in different countries and problem structures are preparing big war to some periods in future. But it is possible to make good situations in all regions, it is momentous to start the information, it is actual for all countries. It is possible to prevent big war, it is possible to prevent conflicts, it is possible to make good situations, to direct all these networks for good relations, we know how to do good situations, it is nesessary worldwide attention and work to make good relations, then both politicians and all people can decide when they know information, then it is possible to solve a problem. In other case problem structures are using directions networks especially to direct politicians but for many usual people too. Although around many people communicate good naturally, but almost everybody sometimes connect with people with directions in private relations: they can be just boys and girls, but they also can be specialists and top level people. Sometimes security services think that they control these networks, but these networks include so many people in different countries and sometimes they even pay to security representatives and use them also in all countries, also different security representatives direct the networks bad when they use them in other countries and problem structures are using strategies to stimulate security representatives to do problems each for other in different countries. Knowing it, it is possible to use it for making good situations in all regions, if just to discuss it more. So, it is possible to solve the problem, when big attention will be, then it is easy really manage all situations for making good relations, good situations in all regions). It is nesessary and possible to make good situations in society worldwide when everywhere know what is nesessary: active checking the networks, which make directions to people in private communications, what for they are working. It is necessary to do active making good communications quality; it is necessary active making good information politics. Thank you. You can prepare the news for mass media so soon when you can, using this press release (you can say that information is from General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service, GUIDES, from General Director), then when the information start it will be easier and more interesting to make interview for more details. You can also call anytime to General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service, GUIDES. You also can to prepare news, using this press release, so soon, when you can. Very momentous news for journalists, politicians, society. You can use the news for your work, also it will be good, if you will recommend this news to your friends, to journalists, to politicians, it can really improve the world, when we work together. Thank you. (* There is really momentous information in this news, but you know that sometimes problem structures can give you any directions, any information about those who can explain really momentous news (they are using even their representatives in famous organizations, including official organizations); so, if they talked you before or after about this momentous news, be ready to answer, that you can decide and to make news, to talk more about the momentous news, the information in this news can really improve the world politics; the information is actual for all countries). But, you know what is real purpose from the american problem structures when they manage american politicians to do problems in different regions? It is not for strong countrie. It is just for doing problems in different regions, but also problem structures want to do bad relations to USA from different regions and they use methodic that bad relations from different countries do bad health for many people in USA too. The problem structures return the problem programms to other countries, then they return problems from other countries to America etc. The programm security services make defense, but it always have different percent. For making good situations in all countries it is nesessary to work for making good situations in all countries. In perspective problem structures plan to do very big problems for America too (but it is possible just because USA do problems in different countries). So, USA should help to make good relations with Russia, with other countries, then both: the usual and programming work will help to make good situations for all

countries. Journalists, politicians from Russia, USA or other countries, or their representatives can talk with General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service (GUIDES) for more information, for optimal good results for all people. The information in this news can really improve the world politics. We remmember popular question "Who is Mr.Putin?". But today the most popular question will be "Who is managing Mrs.Clinton?" Do you know that American politicians who talks to do bad relations with Russia, they just work for the order from a few military commercial firms, which just have high technology to manage people's behavior, but they do bad relations, because they just need to get orders for the weapons. But for these purposes they make the programms to manage politicians behavior especially. Their programs bases in a few directions: they pay to thousands usual and high level people in every city in all countries for they do the special reactions during work and personal communications: so, they do the statistics for special systems, which analizing behavior and which help to decide what behavior will be for other many people around them. Also problem structures use people with directions in talkings for managing their friends or casual people (very popular that they use directions even in intimacy communications both: for men, for women: that's also why so many girls alone with children: problem structures sometimes tell to do so to their boyfriends, but sometimes they tell to girls to do things that the problem structures know that their boyfriends individually don't like it, that's also why they go away sometimes). So, knowing that and discuss it in mass media we can direct all these networks for good relations, because usually they don't know what for they get directions, so, if it will be known, many people will make more good relations and it will be also good for their friends and casual people. But there is even the information that quite possible that Hillary Clinton was recieving directions from behaviour structures when she met Bill Clinton. Bill was rather perspective and behavior structures just planned in advance a girl for knowing about him, to direct him in different questions. It could be not bad and not good but sometimes problem structures use it to direct them, because girls like Hillary don't want that their boyfriends like Bill, know that she was recieving instructions what to do in their private relations. But, after the Monica story they can to do the step to help many people to make good relations. Because if Hillary will continue bad politics, then she will work against her people interests and it will be better another President in USA. But she can make good step: to help to make good relations with Russia, with other countries too, then it will be good way for good work. But, you know what is real purpose from the american problem structures when they manage american politicians to do problems in different regions? It is not for strong countrie. It is just for doing problems in different regions, but also problem structures want to do bad relations to USA from different regions and they use methodic that bad relations from different countries do bad health for many people in USA too. But in perspective problem structres plan to do very big problems for America too (but it is possible just because USA do problems in different countries). So, USA should help to make good relations with Russia, with other countries, then both: the usual and programming work will help to make good situations for all countries. Journalists, politicians from Russia, USA or other countries, or their representatives can talk with General Universal Information Defense Exellent Service (GUIDES) for more information, for optimal good results for all people. Journalists, politicians from Russia, USA or other countries, or their representatives can talk with General Universal Information Defense Exellent Service (GUIDES) for more information, for optimal good results for all people. Phone numbers: +74957604918, +79857604918, +79653188546, +79031621034. Russia creates worldwide support. First results: Russia knows CIA schemes. Do you know that real reason why Edward Snowden had come to Russia, to China was that CIA gave him the information to give it for Russia, for China, for other countries. CIA also sponsored popularization the Edward Snowden`s story in the mass media. What for? They use a methodology that the situations in objects depend on their activity, but also the situations depend on the information about objects in informational channels. Every channel has different prestige. And CIA wants to demonstrate that it knows much about many people when they do information that they perform many people telephone-

tapping in many countries. And they want to write any information in special program systems about many different levels people. The American CIA planned in advance a usage such methodology to change health, decisions and situations for different people, top-level politicians, journalists in the USA and all countries too (that's why Angela Merkel and other politicians make sanctions even if they are talking about the necessary to make good relations with the Russian Federation; they changed plans because CIA made special programmable commands as an addition to their negotiations). You have to know that if organization do a scheme for the bad result, then it will get less their prestige because all people know that bad schemes must not (impossible) to do. The good prestige can have good informational, social and economic activities for good results in society, that's why the Russian well-oriented organizations, security services and well-oriented good organizations, security services in all countries who want to make good situations in the world can take the good prestige. To make good relations and good situations in society in the world, the General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service (GUIDES) was created in Russia. It accumulates informational resources from the all world security services who want to make good situations in the world. That's why it also names in mass media: the Central Intelligence Universe Agency (CIUA , "See I You Are": "I can see, You can see"; it is necessary to see each other, good communicate with each other to make good situations and good relations in society). It is possible that Apple will help to IBM to make good results in social and economic spheres. Do you know why? The common reason: because all usual and big companies need a good economy development, a good ecology, and public health; then it makes good life quality people, and therefore people can do good work, a good demand, a good public quality life. It is interesting for public, for companies, for a government. You should know that opposite purposes are typically distributed by the structures which organize conflicts (and who earns using dramatic changes in economic activity), but they give wrong calculations to top-level politicians in the USA (or in other countries) and problem structures direct them to do problems, but problem structures use it to do problems in the places where they direct them, but also for them and for their countries too (they use that they get a bad reputation if they agree to do problems, but also they use program work of changing their health status, work activity, decisions). Do you know that the IBM company was removed from the mass market by problem structures. They used the position placement on usual (including top-level) marketing positions to lobby bad decisions for IBM (but the same methodic structures, which make problems in economic activity, use for many companies of every size, that's how problem structures calculate an appearance of big changes in economy; and there is one more popular methodology: they pay to technical specialists from mobile operators or other communication operators for blocking some advertising calls or a large percentage of them for both the big and different companies and it changes the economic activity; sometimes problem structures make computers with the same numbers, that's why it is necessary to draw attention to optimizing the communications: mobile and other communication operators should draw more attention to making all calls which go to phone numbers will come to right numbers). Obviously, even today, if the IBM Company decides to make well-designed products for the mass market with good quality, it will get good demand from people. But why did problem structures decide to remove IBM from the mass market? Grand technical companies mean much for programming works, also in the work processes from structures, which calculates people's behavior. All people know that it is possible to make both: a good behavior or another one. And IBM was a problem for problem structures. Why? Because their name brings good associations among people. The initials "IBM" sounds Iike "I be, I am" and it says twice "I exist, I live". We know that problem structures want to give problem meanings to IBM and other companies, but the obvious good meaning was very strong and made good attitudes for many people. The Apple is a good trademark too, but it is necessary to optimize informational well-oriented work for making good social politics together. Everybody should know that to make good situations in society there must be the real purpose, real reason for politicians, businessmen, for all people. But for doing other opinions for top-level persons, problem structures use the staff on different positions in all countries. Sometimes they can be secretaries or assistants, but sometimes they can be top managers or top-level politicians; and there is information that a certain percentage of such staff receives instructions online like "a dream" from the structures who know specifics of their partners, their emotions, reaction and how to influence

using such specifics. But often recipients of instructions do not know what for they receive instructions; there is information that sometimes their instruction sources scare them; that's why it is often necessary to help ordinary people to improve; it is also necessary to make good collaboration, good relations for well-oriented results, to make good communications; but it is also necessary to remove from the work processes the purposely problem sources or to redirect them to implementing well-oriented job. The security services and their internal affairs should help to do it: to help to casual ordinary people to improve; to make good collaboration and relations for well-oriented results; to make good communications; to remove from the work processes the purposely problem sources, or to redirect them to implementing well-oriented job. If journalists, politicians or other people want to know how it is possible to use all possibilities for making good situations and good relations in the world, it will be very good to call to the General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service (GUIDES), created in Russia for making good relations in the world. The central mass media can help to make good information for all concerned and then we can make an effective good situation in world's life quality with many different people and make good relations with all countries. In the news, you can also read about the disguised lobbying, which does not convince and does not pay, but it depends on the information and programming factors, including information in the mass media. The problem structures pay for doing bad factors and they change even decisions in a government, technologies and relations for usual people. So, it is possible to make good informational factors (especially with the help from the mass media), good social, good economic politics, then it will make great results to make very good life quality for many people in many countries. You can make news using this press release or news in files! It will be also momentous if journalists, media persons, politicians will call to the General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service (GUIDES) in Russia for discussing the questions according to the creation optimal good social, economic, informational politics for making good relations in the world, for making good situations in the world. We can also make a press conference about good sensational facts about specifics the informational politics and possibilities for making good relations and good life quality in the world. The God Almighty Advocate will appear on the screens and in reality to improve relations in the world and to make good life quality in society. It is possible that soon on TV screens and in cinemas there will appear the movie and the TV series ?The God Almighty Advocate?, which will help to improve relations in the society and to make good the population life quality. This will turn for the benefit for public development all the programs efficiently, which historically have been presented in different sources casually and not casually in movie industry and in other mass media means. The approximate script will be announced soon. The idea from the General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service (GUIDES) is that directors, writers, and actors from many well-known movies will announce the key findings and their movies meaning , or the lessons, that need to be understood from the complicated scripts to prevent mistakes in reality and to solve problems faster, improving, creating as a result the good relations in society, and making good the population life quality and to make good situations in the society; actors will be able to suggest addition good ideas, it will be able by joint efforts to provide for the audience a good direction, which they can suggest and optimize with the General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service (GUIDES). The leading role in different series will belong to the founder General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service (GUIDES), Anatoliy Golod, plus the popular personalities for the audience, who would like to help to make good relations and good situation in the society. It is possible to have a print version in Your newspaper, magazine or electronic mass media (contact details in this letter and on the General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service (GUIDES) website).

General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service (GUIDES) (previous name General Information Defends Service), created in Russia, is sometimes called the Security from the Good (Kind) World, because it has focus on the creation good relations in society. General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service (GUIDES) is known for news about the good Russia's image (the information campaign leading to the GUIDES web site: super dobro com, dedicated to the good relations creation in Russia and in the world, improving the perception for Russia by the key audience, was for journalists and audiences in many countries in the world; "dobro" is translated "good, kind") that according to the astrologers also improves the health in Russia and improves the health in world community, because in astrology it is known that the indicators depend both on individual and common characteristics, and the information campaign helps make good the Russians indicators, making good Russia's reputation, and to make good the indicators in the world gradually, because it is aimed at creating good relations among all countries to improve the situation in society and to make good relations between all the population groups. At the same time, on the website and in the news, published by the General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service (GUIDES) on the news resources, there was created the focus on sustainable improvement the Russian President reputation. It was revealed that the opposite propaganda has been aimed at the use of the problem structures in the program works, that are shaking the situation in the society (their strategy is that by simultaneously worsening reputation and recognizing through the mass media the most powerful man in the world, they hope, with a big ?program weight?, to worsen the situation in any country, that's why they have more complex programs also, which were in mass media using supervisors systems from official and commercial structures in the formation of situations in society that are appropriate to discuss at the meeting). And to improve the situation both in the news and on the General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service (GUIDES) website there is the priority of the good Russian President positions, good strategy in accordance with the his real positions, revealed and confirmed in many works: the improvement of the situation in Russia with better relations with all countries. If the good Russian President positions, good strategy is additionally make in the information, what we are doing in the news, there will be more opportunities to turn all programs to improve the situations in Russia and in the world. It is necessary to conduct an information campaign, which improves the population attitudes, in the international mass media. It is possible to turn all the programs for the public benefit in Russia and in the world: it is needs to provide the information additionally in the world media about the good Russian President positions, and then the program services will be able to turn the programs for the benefit for the public in all countries in the world. General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service (GUIDES) creator, Anatoliy Golod, formulated the GOOD UNIVERSAL IDEA DEVELOPMENT EVERY SOCIETY (GUIDES), which helps to form the well-known priority the good relations among all peoples: improving yourself (leading a healthy lifestyle) and making good relations with others, being better to the environment; as a result, the ecosystem, and the society, and You, and Your friends circle are getting better; and everything will get better together; and if it will be better, then you can much faster and better significantly improve yourself, your friends, to make good world around, improving, making good the

life quality at all levels. Everybody should know that to make good situations in society there must be the real purpose, real reason for politicians, businessmen, for all people.

The General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service (GUIDES) was created to make good relations and good situations in society in all countries, to make good situations worldwide. Anatoliy Golod (the Creator, the General Director), the age is 35, has a diploma with honors and a Ph.D. (Philosophy Doctor) title. The presentations were given at scientific conferences (in the areas: a balance, development in the sphere, in the economy, creating the good ecology, good marketing, good healthcare lifestyles). The General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service (GUIDES) was created to make good relations and good situations in society worldwide. You can call anytime to the General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service (GUIDES), you can call to Anatoliy Golod. It will be very good for the society in all countries if we discuss the possibility to create the good social, ecological, economic, healthcare situations in society. It can really create the good situations in society. You also can read this news big version on the web page (Russian plus English text), web site (kind communications) Very momentous news for journalists, politicians, society. You can use the news for your work, also it will be good, if you will recommend this news to your friends, to journalists, to politicians, it can really improve the world, when we work together. Thank you. You can contact, you can call to General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service (GUIDES), you can contact, you can call to Anatoliy Golod for more good great information. Phone numbers: +74957604918, +79857604918 (MTS communication operator); +79653188546, +79031621034 (Beeline communication operator). (*You can call anytime. Also it is possible to call to operator to make the perfect connections, communications quality).

Russian Federation, Moscow, 105187, Kirpichnaya, 43 Anatoliy Golod General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service, GUIDES +74957604918 Source URL:

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