Stellaris Films Receives Movie Rights to a Hidden Manuscript Written by Napoleon Hill In 1938 Napoleon Hill wrote Outwitting the Devil, his sequel to the immensely popular Think and Grow Rich, and Stellaris Films recently acquired the rights to produce the film and the accompanying "making of-behind the scenes-documentary." Las Vegas, Nevada, August 20, 2014 /PressReleasePing/ - In 1938 Napoleon Hill wrote Outwitting the Devil, his sequel to the immensely popular Think and Grow Rich, and Stellaris Films recently acquired the rights to produce the film and the accompanying "making ofbehind the scenes-documentary." Outwitting the Devil was written two years after Think and Grow Rich. The book was so controversial for its time, but Hill knew that there was a time and a season for everything. So, he placed it in a vault and locked the manuscript away for 74 years. Amazingly, Outwitting the Devil was written in 1938 and wasn't published until 2011. In Outwitting the Devil, Napoleon Hill is at his best as he digs deep to reveal how fear, procrastination, anger, and jealousy prevent us from realizing our personal goals. This book is profound, powerful, resonant and rich with insight. Whether people believe Hill's conversation with the devil was real or imaginary, the take-away from this book, and the upcoming movie, is the impact Outwitting the Devil has on our ability to succeed. The screenplay, written by Jeffrey Ross, of Stellaris Films, and Victoria Claibourn, was commissioned by DM The Movie, LLC who currently owns the exclusive rights to the book title for the film. DM The Movie, LLC is comprised of four partners: Jeffrey Ross, Bob Landi, Curt/Tonia Kufner, and Scott Mckay. Prior to Bob Landi approaching Jeffrey Ross to write the screenplay, no filmmaker had ever received the rights to a Napoleon Hill book. Once Jeffrey Ross agreed to write the screenplay, Scott Mckay was brought in to secure the deal and Curt and Tonia Kufner who then financed the project. The script was then sent to Sharon Lechter who approved it and agreed to send it to the Napoleon Hill Foundation for final approval. The rights were then secured in June of 2012, one year after the book had been published. Although the feature film is not a direct adaptation of the book, the film will cover the messages of the book with great simplicity and profundity, while providing for a very entertaining story that will inspire and motivate all who see it. Covina, CA Terry Warren Warren & Associates (1) 949-743-4065 Source URL: